C# | 267 lines | 175 code | 76 blank | 16 comment | 8 complexity | 62f2ba21db1dd6e40ece58207a66bd57 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Data.SqlClient;
- using System.Data;
- namespace Blizzard.DAL
- {
- public class SqlClientPlugin : IDAO
- {
- SqlConnection _cnn = new SqlConnection();
- public SqlClientPlugin(string connectionString)
- {
- _cnn.ConnectionString = connectionString;
- }
- public DataTable GetDataTable(string table,string whereClause)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "Select * from " + table + " " + whereClause);
- return getDataTable(cmd);
- }
- public DataTable GetDataTable(string table, string identityFieldName ,int id)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select * From " + table + " where " + identityFieldName + " = " + id);
- return getDataTable(cmd);
- }
- public DataTable GetManyToManyAssociates(string associateTable, string joinTable, string associatedId, string joinTableAssociateId, string joinTableMainId, int mainObjectId)
- {
- string sql = "Select A.* From " + associateTable + " A inner join " + joinTable +
- " J on A." + associatedId + " = J." + joinTableAssociateId +
- " where " + joinTableMainId + " = " + mainObjectId;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- return getDataTable(cmd);
- }
- public DataTable GetParent(string associateTable, string mainTable, string associateTableIdField, string associateIdFieldInMainTable, string mainTableIdField, int mainObjectId)
- {
- string sql = "select A.* from " + associateTable + " A inner join " +
- mainTable + " M on A." + associateTableIdField + " = M." + associateIdFieldInMainTable +
- " where M." + mainTableIdField + " = " + mainObjectId;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- return getDataTable(cmd);
- }
- public DataTable GetChilderen(string associateTable, string mainTable, string mainTableIdFieldInAssociateTable, string mainTableIdField, int mainObjectId)
- {
- string sql = "select A.* from " + associateTable + " A inner join " +
- mainTable + " M on A." + mainTableIdFieldInAssociateTable + " = M." + mainTableIdField +
- " where M." + mainTableIdField + " = " + mainObjectId;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- return getDataTable(cmd);
- }
- public void JoinTableDeleter(string joinTable, string fieldNameOne, string fieldNameTwo, int filedOneValue, int fieldTwoValue)
- {
- string sql = " Delete from " + joinTable + " where " +
- fieldNameOne + " = " + filedOneValue + " and " +
- fieldNameTwo + " = " + fieldTwoValue;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- public void DeleteRecord(string tableName, string identityFieldName, int identityFieldValue)
- {
- string sql = " delete from " + tableName + " where " + identityFieldName + " = " + identityFieldValue;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- public void Insert(string tableName, Dictionary<string, object> fieldValuePairs)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
- string sql = "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " ( ";
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string,object> fieldValue in fieldValuePairs)
- {
- string field = fieldValue.Key;
- //A field can eventualy contain '[' or ']' characters
- //(for example if the field name is a reserved word or
- //the filed name contains spaces), thats why for the name
- //of a parameter we should delete them
- string parameterName = field.Replace("[", "");
- parameterName = parameterName.Replace("]", "");
- parameterName = parameterName.Replace(" ", "");
- parameterName = "@" + parameterName;
- object propertyValue = fieldValue.Value;
- if (propertyValue == null)
- {
- cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(parameterName, DBNull.Value));
- }
- else
- {
- cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(parameterName, propertyValue));
- }
- sql = sql + field + ",";
- }
- sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
- sql = sql + ") VALUES (";
- foreach (SqlParameter parameter in cmd.Parameters)
- {
- sql = sql + parameter + ",";
- }
- sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
- sql = sql + ")";
- cmd.CommandText = sql;
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- public int GetTheLastInsertedId(string tableName , string identityFieldName)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select MAX(" + identityFieldName + ") From " + tableName);
- return (int)executeScalar(cmd);
- }
- public void Update(string tableName, string identityFieldName, int identityFieldValue, Dictionary<string, object> fieldValuePairs)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
- string sql = "Update " + tableName + " set ";
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> fieldValue in fieldValuePairs)
- {
- string field = fieldValue.Key;
- //A field can eventualy contain '[' or ']' characters
- //(for example if the field name is a reserved word or
- //the filed name contains spaces), thats why for the name
- //of a parameter we should delete them
- string parameterName = field.Replace("[", "");
- parameterName = parameterName.Replace("]", "");
- parameterName = parameterName.Replace(" ", "");
- parameterName = "@" + parameterName;
- object propertyValue = fieldValue.Value;
- SqlParameter parameter = new SqlParameter(parameterName, propertyValue);
- cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter);
- sql = sql + field + " = " + parameter + ",";
- }
- sql = sql.TrimEnd(',');
- sql = sql + " where " + identityFieldName + " = " + identityFieldValue;
- cmd.CommandText = sql;
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- public void JoinTableInserter(string joinTable, string fieldNameOne, string fieldNameTwo, int filedValueOne, int fieldValueTwo)
- {
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
- //A field can eventualy contain '[' or ']' characters
- //(for example if the field name is a reserved word or
- //the filed name contains spaces), thats why for the name
- //of a parameter we should delete them
- string parameterName1 = fieldNameOne.Replace("[", "");
- parameterName1 = parameterName1.Replace("]", "");
- parameterName1 = parameterName1.Replace(" ", "");
- parameterName1 = "@" + parameterName1;
- string parameterName2 = fieldNameTwo.Replace("[", "");
- parameterName2 = parameterName2.Replace("]", "");
- parameterName2 = parameterName2.Replace(" ", "");
- parameterName2 = "@" + parameterName2;
- SqlParameter parameter1 = new SqlParameter(parameterName1, filedValueOne);
- SqlParameter parameter2 = new SqlParameter(parameterName2, fieldValueTwo);
- cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter1);
- cmd.Parameters.Add(parameter2);
- string sql = "Insert into " + joinTable + " ( " + fieldNameOne +
- " , " + fieldNameTwo + " ) Values ( " + parameter1 + " , " + parameter2 + " ) ";
- cmd.CommandText = sql;
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- public void SetParentId(string childTable, string childIdField, int childId, string parentIdFieldInChildTable, int parentIdValue)
- {
- string sql = " Update " + childTable + " set " + parentIdFieldInChildTable + " = " + parentIdValue + " where " +
- childIdField + " = " + childId;
- SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql);
- executeNonQuery(cmd);
- }
- //===============================================private methods==================================================
- //===============================================private methods==================================================
- //===============================================private methods==================================================
- //===============================================private methods==================================================
- private void executeNonQuery(SqlCommand cmd)
- {
- cmd.Connection = _cnn;
- if (_cnn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
- _cnn.Open();
- cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
- }
- private object executeScalar(SqlCommand cmd)
- {
- cmd.Connection = _cnn;
- if (_cnn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
- _cnn.Open();
- return cmd.ExecuteScalar();
- }
- private DataTable getDataTable(SqlCommand cmd)
- {
- DataTable dt = new DataTable();
- if (_cnn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
- _cnn.Open();
- cmd.Connection = _cnn;
- SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
- da.Fill(dt);
- return dt;
- }
- }
- }