/lib/MS Silk/Scripts/Debug/mstats.vehicle-list.js
JavaScript | 528 lines | 366 code | 82 blank | 80 comment | 28 complexity | c92bee47e279cd2de881785755ee2ff8 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause, GPL-2.0
- //===================================================================================
- // Microsoft patterns & practices
- // Silk : Web Client Guidance
- //===================================================================================
- // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
- //===================================================================================
- // The example companies, organizations, products, domain names,
- // e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted
- // herein are fictitious. No association with any real company,
- // organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person,
- // places, or events is intended or should be inferred.
- //===================================================================================
- /*jslint onevar: true, undef: true, newcap: true, regexp: true,
- plusplus: true, bitwise: true, devel: true, maxerr: 50 */
- /*global window: true, jQuery:true */
- (function (mstats, $) {
- var animationLength = 600,
- delayLength = 400,
- dataUrl;
- $.widget('mstats.vehicleList', {
- // default options
- options: {
- // Default to $.ajax when sendRequest is undefined.
- // The extra function indirection allows $.ajax substitution because
- // the widget framework is using the real $.ajax during options
- // initialization.
- sendRequest: function (ajaxOptions) { $.ajax(ajaxOptions); },
- // invalidateData allows the vehicleList to invalidate data
- // stored in the data cache.
- invalidateData: function () {
- mstats.log('no data invalidation function provided.');
- },
- // option controlling the compact state of the widget.
- layout: 'dashboard',
- // option providing the event publisher used for communicating with
- // the status widget.
- publish: function () { mstats.log('The publish option on vehicleList has not been set'); },
- // option for the selectedVehicleId
- selectedVehicleId: 0,
- visible: true,
- isCollapsed: false
- },
- // Creates the widget, taking over the UI contained in it, the links in it,
- // and adding the necessary behaviors.
- _create: function () {
- dataUrl = this.element.data('list-url');
- this._widgetizeVehicleTiles();
- this._bindEventHandlers();
- this._makeSortable();
- this._getVehicleData();
- // ensure that setOption is called with the provided options
- // since the widget framework does not do this.
- this._setOptions(this.options);
- if (this.options.layout !== 'dashboard') {
- this._setOption('isCollapsed', true);
- this._checkSelectedVehicleId();
- }
- },
- // Bind to necessary events within the vehicle list
- _bindEventHandlers: function () {
- var that = this;
- this.element.delegate('[data-action]', 'click.' + this.name, function () {
- that._setOption('selectedVehicleId', $(this).closest('.vehicle').data('vehicle-id'));
- // intentionally NOT calling preventDefault so the adjusted (bbq) links will work
- });
- },
- // add the tile widget to each tile, and the vehicle widget to each vehicle
- _widgetizeVehicleTiles: function () {
- this.element
- .find('#vehicle-list-content > div').tile() // widgetize tiles
- .find('.vehicle').vehicle(); // widgetize vehicles
- },
- // Gets the vehicle list data (via the sendRequest option) from the dataUrl
- // option endpoint. This method also applies the data to the template
- // provided in option.templateId
- _getVehicleData: function () {
- var that = this,
- $template = $(this.options.templateId);
- if (!$template.length) {
- this._showVehicles();
- mstats.log('Cannot apply templates as there is no template defined.');
- return;
- }
- this.options.sendRequest({
- url: dataUrl,
- success: function (data) {
- var vehicleTemplate = $template.tmpl(data),
- buttonTemplate = $('#mstats-add-vehicle-button-template').tmpl();
- that.element.find('#vehicle-list-content')
- .html(vehicleTemplate)
- .append(buttonTemplate);
- that._widgetizeVehicleTiles();
- // ensure that setOption is called with the provided options
- // since the widget framework does not do this.
- that._setOptions(that.options);
- // now animate them into view
- that._showVehicles();
- },
- error: function () {
- that._hideVehicles();
- that._showErrorMessage();
- }
- });
- },
- _hideVehicles: function () {
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').hide();
- },
- // Show the vehicles list
- _showVehicles: function () {
- // consider moving this to inside the tile widget
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').show();
- },
- /********************************************************
- * Status Methods
- ********************************************************/
- _publishStatus: function (status) {
- this.options.publish(mstats.events.status, status);
- },
- // hide the vehicles list and show the status widget in the error state
- _showErrorMessage: function () {
- this._publishStatus({
- type: 'loadError',
- message: 'An error occurred while loading the requested data. ' +
- 'Please try again.',
- duration: 10000
- });
- },
- // show the status widget in the saving state
- _showSaveMessage: function () {
- this._publishStatus({
- type: 'saving',
- message: 'Saving sort order ...'
- });
- },
- // show the status widget in the saved state
- _showSavedMessage: function () {
- this._publishStatus({
- type: 'saved',
- message: 'Sort order saved',
- duration: 5000
- });
- },
- // show the status widget in the error state after a failed save
- _showSaveErrorMessage: function () {
- this._publishStatus({
- type: 'saveError',
- message: 'An error occurred while saving the sort order. ' +
- 'Please reload the page and try again.',
- duration: 10000
- });
- },
- /********************************************************
- * Sorting Methods
- ********************************************************/
- // add the sortable behavior to the vehicle list
- _makeSortable: function () {
- var that = this;
- this.element.sortable({
- axis: false,
- items: ':mstats-tile:has(:mstats-vehicle)',
- containment: '#vehicles',
- handle: '.header',
- stop: function () {
- that.saveSortOrder();
- }
- });
- },
- // save the vehicle list sort order
- saveSortOrder: function () {
- var that = this,
- url = this.element.data('sort-url'),
- sortorder = [];
- this.element.find(':mstats-vehicle').each(function () {
- var id = $(this).data('vehicle-id');
- sortorder.push(id);
- });
- this._showSaveMessage();
- // Passing the sort order as a string avoids the need
- // for a custom model binder on the server side.
- this.options.sendRequest({
- url: url,
- cache: false,
- data: {
- SortOrder: sortorder.toString()
- },
- success: function () {
- that._showSavedMessage();
- },
- error: function () {
- that._showSaveErrorMessage();
- }
- });
- },
- // handle setting options
- _setOption: function (key, value) {
- $.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
- if (value <= 0) {
- return;
- }
- switch (key) {
- case 'layout':
- this._setLayoutOption(value);
- break;
- case 'selectedVehicleId':
- this._expandVehicle(value);
- this._collapseVehicles();
- break;
- }
- },
- _checkSelectedVehicleId: function () {
- var vid,
- state = $.bbq.getState() || {};
- if (state.vid) {
- vid = parseInt(state.vid, 10);
- if (vid !== this.options.selectedVehicleId) {
- this._setOption('selectedVehicleId', state.vid);
- }
- }
- },
- // adjust the size of the widget between compact and expanded mode
- _setLayoutOption: function (layout) {
- switch (layout.toLowerCase()) {
- case 'dashboard':
- // ensure any changes to styles are cleaned up before changing classes
- this.element.removeAttr('style')
- .removeClass('compact')
- .sortable('option', 'axis', false);
- break;
- case 'details':
- // intentional fall through
- case 'reminder':
- // intentional fall through
- case 'fillup':
- // ensure any changes to styles are cleaned up before adding classes
- this.element.removeAttr('style')
- .addClass('compact')
- .sortable('option', 'axis', 'y');
- this._collapseVehicles();
- break;
- }
- },
- /********************************************************
- * Animations
- ********************************************************/
- // collapse all but the selected vehicle
- _collapseVehicles: function () {
- var selected = this.options.selectedVehicleId;
- this.element.find(':mstats-vehicle').each(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- if ($this.vehicle('option', 'id') !== selected) {
- $this.vehicle('collapse');
- }
- });
- },
- // expand all the vehicles
- _expandVehicles: function () {
- this.element.find(':mstats-vehicle').each(function () {
- $(this).vehicle('expand');
- });
- },
- // expand only the specified vehicle
- _expandVehicle: function (id) {
- var selected = id;
- this.element.find(':mstats-vehicle').each(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- if (($this.vehicle('option', 'id') === selected)
- && $this.vehicle('option', 'collapsed')) {
- $this.vehicle('expand');
- }
- });
- },
- // shrink the list to the one column size
- _narrowToSingleColumn: function () {
- var $element = this.element;
- if (!this.options.isCollapsed) {
- $element.delay(delayLength).animate({
- left: 0
- }, {
- duration: animationLength,
- complete: function () {
- $element.addClass('compact');
- }
- });
- }
- },
- // grow the list to the two column size
- _expandToDoubleColumn: function () {
- if (this.options.isCollapsed) {
- this.element.removeClass('compact')
- .animate({
- left: 400
- }, {
- duration: animationLength
- });
- }
- },
- _scrollToSelectedVehicle: function () {
- var that = this;
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- var id,
- top,
- $this = $(this);
- id = $this.find('.vehicle').vehicle('option', 'id');
- top = $this.offset().top;
- if (id === that.options.selectedVehicleId) {
- if (top > 300) {
- $('html, body').delay(delayLength)
- .animate({ scrollTop: top }, 500);
- }
- }
- });
- },
- /********************************************************
- * Public Methods
- ********************************************************/
- // called externally (usually by the layoutManager widget)
- goToDetailsLayout: function () {
- var selectedVehicle,
- vid = 0,
- that = this,
- runningTop = 0,
- animationInfoArray,
- state = $.bbq.getState() || {};
- this._checkSelectedVehicleId();
- selectedVehicle = this.options.selectedVehicleId;
- if (!this.options.isCollapsed) {
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- $(this).tile('beginAnimation');
- });
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- var $this = $(this);
- vid = $this.find('.vehicle').vehicle('option', 'id');
- animationInfoArray = [{
- position: { top: runningTop },
- duration: animationLength
- }, {
- position: { left: 0 },
- duration: animationLength
- }];
- $this.tile('moveTo', animationInfoArray, function () {
- that.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- $(this).tile('endAnimation');
- });
- });
- // calculate the runningTop for next time around
- if (vid === selectedVehicle) {
- runningTop += 321;
- } else {
- runningTop += 206;
- }
- });
- this._narrowToSingleColumn();
- }
- this._scrollToSelectedVehicle();
- if (state && state.layout) {
- this.options.layout = state.layout;
- }
- this.options.isCollapsed = true;
- },
- // called externally (usually by the layoutManager widget)
- goToDashboardLayout: function () {
- var vid = 0,
- that = this,
- animationInfoArray;
- this.options.layout = 'dashboard';
- this.options.selectedVehicleId = 0;
- if (!this.options.isCollapsed) {
- return;
- }
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- $(this).tile('beginAnimation');
- });
- this._expandToDoubleColumn();
- this.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function (index) {
- var $this = $(this);
- vid = $this.find('.vehicle').vehicle('option', 'id');
- animationInfoArray = [{
- position: { left: index % 2 * 260 },
- duration: animationLength
- }, {
- position: { top: Math.floor(index / 2) * 320 },
- duration: animationLength
- }];
- that._expandVehicles();
- $this.tile('moveTo', animationInfoArray, function () {
- that.element.find(':mstats-tile').each(function () {
- $(this).tile('endAnimation');
- });
- });
- });
- this.options.isCollapsed = false;
- },
- moveOffScreen: function () {
- var that = this;
- if (!this.options.visible) { return; }
- this.element.css('position', 'absolute')
- .delay(delayLength)
- .animate({
- left: '-=600',
- opacity: 0
- }, {
- duration: animationLength,
- complete: function () {
- that.element.hide();
- }
- });
- this.options.visible = false;
- },
- moveOnScreen: function () {
- if (this.options.visible) {
- return;
- }
- this.element.css('opacity', 0)
- .animate({
- opacity: 1,
- left: '+=600'
- }, animationLength)
- .show();
- this._setOption('visible', true);
- },
- _invalidateData: function () {
- if ($.isFunction(this.options.invalidateData)) {
- this.options.invalidateData(dataUrl);
- }
- },
- refreshData: function () {
- this._getVehicleData();
- },
- requeryData: function () {
- this._invalidateData();
- this.refreshData();
- },
- // cleanup
- destroy: function () {
- this.element
- .sortable('destroy')
- .find(':mstats-tile').tile('destroy')
- .find(':mstats-vehicle').vehicle('destroy');
- $.Widget.prototype.destroy.call(this);
- }
- });
- } (this.mstats = this.mstats || {}, jQuery));