Rust | 1854 lines | 1284 code | 140 blank | 430 comment | 245 complexity | 6711208dec69baf102a25eb43b9d65b6 MD5 | raw file
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- use std::cmp;
- use std::env;
- use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
- use std::fs;
- use std::io::{self, Write};
- use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
- use std::process;
- use std::sync::Arc;
- use std::time::SystemTime;
- use clap;
- use grep::cli;
- use grep::matcher::LineTerminator;
- #[cfg(feature = "pcre2")]
- use grep::pcre2::{
- RegexMatcher as PCRE2RegexMatcher,
- RegexMatcherBuilder as PCRE2RegexMatcherBuilder,
- };
- use grep::printer::{
- default_color_specs, ColorSpecs, JSONBuilder, Standard, StandardBuilder,
- Stats, Summary, SummaryBuilder, SummaryKind, JSON,
- };
- use grep::regex::{
- RegexMatcher as RustRegexMatcher,
- RegexMatcherBuilder as RustRegexMatcherBuilder,
- };
- use grep::searcher::{
- BinaryDetection, Encoding, MmapChoice, Searcher, SearcherBuilder,
- };
- use ignore::overrides::{Override, OverrideBuilder};
- use ignore::types::{FileTypeDef, Types, TypesBuilder};
- use ignore::{Walk, WalkBuilder, WalkParallel};
- use log;
- use num_cpus;
- use regex;
- use termcolor::{BufferWriter, ColorChoice, WriteColor};
- use crate::app;
- use crate::config;
- use crate::logger::Logger;
- use crate::messages::{set_ignore_messages, set_messages};
- use crate::path_printer::{PathPrinter, PathPrinterBuilder};
- use crate::search::{
- PatternMatcher, Printer, SearchWorker, SearchWorkerBuilder,
- };
- use crate::subject::SubjectBuilder;
- use crate::Result;
- /// The command that ripgrep should execute based on the command line
- /// configuration.
- #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
- pub enum Command {
- /// Search using exactly one thread.
- Search,
- /// Search using possibly many threads.
- SearchParallel,
- /// The command line parameters suggest that a search should occur, but
- /// ripgrep knows that a match can never be found (e.g., no given patterns
- /// or --max-count=0).
- SearchNever,
- /// Show the files that would be searched, but don't actually search them,
- /// and use exactly one thread.
- Files,
- /// Show the files that would be searched, but don't actually search them,
- /// and perform directory traversal using possibly many threads.
- FilesParallel,
- /// List all file type definitions configured, including the default file
- /// types and any additional file types added to the command line.
- Types,
- /// Print the version of PCRE2 in use.
- PCRE2Version,
- }
- impl Command {
- /// Returns true if and only if this command requires executing a search.
- fn is_search(&self) -> bool {
- use self::Command::*;
- match *self {
- Search | SearchParallel => true,
- SearchNever | Files | FilesParallel | Types | PCRE2Version => {
- false
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// The primary configuration object used throughout ripgrep. It provides a
- /// high-level convenient interface to the provided command line arguments.
- ///
- /// An `Args` object is cheap to clone and can be used from multiple threads
- /// simultaneously.
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- pub struct Args(Arc<ArgsImp>);
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- struct ArgsImp {
- /// Mid-to-low level routines for extracting CLI arguments.
- matches: ArgMatches,
- /// The patterns provided at the command line and/or via the -f/--file
- /// flag. This may be empty.
- patterns: Vec<String>,
- /// A matcher built from the patterns.
- ///
- /// It's important that this is only built once, since building this goes
- /// through regex compilation and various types of analyses. That is, if
- /// you need many of theses (one per thread, for example), it is better to
- /// build it once and then clone it.
- matcher: PatternMatcher,
- /// The paths provided at the command line. This is guaranteed to be
- /// non-empty. (If no paths are provided, then a default path is created.)
- paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
- /// Returns true if and only if `paths` had to be populated with a single
- /// default path.
- using_default_path: bool,
- }
- impl Args {
- /// Parse the command line arguments for this process.
- ///
- /// If a CLI usage error occurred, then exit the process and print a usage
- /// or error message. Similarly, if the user requested the version of
- /// ripgrep, then print the version and exit.
- ///
- /// Also, initialize a global logger.
- pub fn parse() -> Result<Args> {
- // We parse the args given on CLI. This does not include args from
- // the config. We use the CLI args as an initial configuration while
- // trying to parse config files. If a config file exists and has
- // arguments, then we re-parse argv, otherwise we just use the matches
- // we have here.
- let early_matches = ArgMatches::new(clap_matches(env::args_os())?);
- set_messages(!early_matches.is_present("no-messages"));
- set_ignore_messages(!early_matches.is_present("no-ignore-messages"));
- if let Err(err) = Logger::init() {
- return Err(format!("failed to initialize logger: {}", err).into());
- }
- if early_matches.is_present("trace") {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Trace);
- } else if early_matches.is_present("debug") {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Debug);
- } else {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Warn);
- }
- let matches = early_matches.reconfigure()?;
- // The logging level may have changed if we brought in additional
- // arguments from a configuration file, so recheck it and set the log
- // level as appropriate.
- if matches.is_present("trace") {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Trace);
- } else if matches.is_present("debug") {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Debug);
- } else {
- log::set_max_level(log::LevelFilter::Warn);
- }
- set_messages(!matches.is_present("no-messages"));
- set_ignore_messages(!matches.is_present("no-ignore-messages"));
- matches.to_args()
- }
- /// Return direct access to command line arguments.
- fn matches(&self) -> &ArgMatches {
- &self.0.matches
- }
- /// Return the patterns found in the command line arguments. This includes
- /// patterns read via the -f/--file flags.
- fn patterns(&self) -> &[String] {
- &self.0.patterns
- }
- /// Return the matcher builder from the patterns.
- fn matcher(&self) -> &PatternMatcher {
- &self.0.matcher
- }
- /// Return the paths found in the command line arguments. This is
- /// guaranteed to be non-empty. In the case where no explicit arguments are
- /// provided, a single default path is provided automatically.
- fn paths(&self) -> &[PathBuf] {
- &self.0.paths
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if `paths` had to be populated with a default
- /// path, which occurs only when no paths were given as command line
- /// arguments.
- fn using_default_path(&self) -> bool {
- self.0.using_default_path
- }
- /// Return the printer that should be used for formatting the output of
- /// search results.
- ///
- /// The returned printer will write results to the given writer.
- fn printer<W: WriteColor>(&self, wtr: W) -> Result<Printer<W>> {
- match self.matches().output_kind() {
- OutputKind::Standard => {
- let separator_search = self.command()? == Command::Search;
- self.matches()
- .printer_standard(self.paths(), wtr, separator_search)
- .map(Printer::Standard)
- }
- OutputKind::Summary => self
- .matches()
- .printer_summary(self.paths(), wtr)
- .map(Printer::Summary),
- OutputKind::JSON => {
- self.matches().printer_json(wtr).map(Printer::JSON)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /// High level public routines for building data structures used by ripgrep
- /// from command line arguments.
- impl Args {
- /// Create a new buffer writer for multi-threaded printing with color
- /// support.
- pub fn buffer_writer(&self) -> Result<BufferWriter> {
- let mut wtr = BufferWriter::stdout(self.matches().color_choice());
- wtr.separator(self.matches().file_separator()?);
- Ok(wtr)
- }
- /// Return the high-level command that ripgrep should run.
- pub fn command(&self) -> Result<Command> {
- let is_one_search = self.matches().is_one_search(self.paths());
- let threads = self.matches().threads()?;
- let one_thread = is_one_search || threads == 1;
- Ok(if self.matches().is_present("pcre2-version") {
- Command::PCRE2Version
- } else if self.matches().is_present("type-list") {
- Command::Types
- } else if self.matches().is_present("files") {
- if one_thread {
- Command::Files
- } else {
- Command::FilesParallel
- }
- } else if self.matches().can_never_match(self.patterns()) {
- Command::SearchNever
- } else if one_thread {
- Command::Search
- } else {
- Command::SearchParallel
- })
- }
- /// Builder a path printer that can be used for printing just file paths,
- /// with optional color support.
- ///
- /// The printer will print paths to the given writer.
- pub fn path_printer<W: WriteColor>(
- &self,
- wtr: W,
- ) -> Result<PathPrinter<W>> {
- let mut builder = PathPrinterBuilder::new();
- builder
- .color_specs(self.matches().color_specs()?)
- .separator(self.matches().path_separator()?)
- .terminator(self.matches().path_terminator().unwrap_or(b'\n'));
- Ok(builder.build(wtr))
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if ripgrep should be "quiet."
- pub fn quiet(&self) -> bool {
- self.matches().is_present("quiet")
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if the search should quit after finding the
- /// first match.
- pub fn quit_after_match(&self) -> Result<bool> {
- Ok(self.matches().is_present("quiet") && self.stats()?.is_none())
- }
- /// Build a worker for executing searches.
- ///
- /// Search results are written to the given writer.
- pub fn search_worker<W: WriteColor>(
- &self,
- wtr: W,
- ) -> Result<SearchWorker<W>> {
- let matches = self.matches();
- let matcher = self.matcher().clone();
- let printer = self.printer(wtr)?;
- let searcher = matches.searcher(self.paths())?;
- let mut builder = SearchWorkerBuilder::new();
- builder
- .json_stats(matches.is_present("json"))
- .preprocessor(matches.preprocessor())
- .preprocessor_globs(matches.preprocessor_globs()?)
- .search_zip(matches.is_present("search-zip"))
- .binary_detection_implicit(matches.binary_detection_implicit())
- .binary_detection_explicit(matches.binary_detection_explicit());
- Ok(builder.build(matcher, searcher, printer))
- }
- /// Returns a zero value for tracking statistics if and only if it has been
- /// requested.
- ///
- /// When this returns a `Stats` value, then it is guaranteed that the
- /// search worker will be configured to track statistics as well.
- pub fn stats(&self) -> Result<Option<Stats>> {
- Ok(if self.command()?.is_search() && self.matches().stats() {
- Some(Stats::new())
- } else {
- None
- })
- }
- /// Return a builder for constructing subjects. A subject represents a
- /// single unit of something to search. Typically, this corresponds to a
- /// file or a stream such as stdin.
- pub fn subject_builder(&self) -> SubjectBuilder {
- let mut builder = SubjectBuilder::new();
- builder.strip_dot_prefix(self.using_default_path());
- builder
- }
- /// Execute the given function with a writer to stdout that enables color
- /// support based on the command line configuration.
- pub fn stdout(&self) -> cli::StandardStream {
- let color = self.matches().color_choice();
- if self.matches().is_present("line-buffered") {
- cli::stdout_buffered_line(color)
- } else if self.matches().is_present("block-buffered") {
- cli::stdout_buffered_block(color)
- } else {
- cli::stdout(color)
- }
- }
- /// Return the type definitions compiled into ripgrep.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem reading and parsing the type definitions, then
- /// this returns an error.
- pub fn type_defs(&self) -> Result<Vec<FileTypeDef>> {
- Ok(self.matches().types()?.definitions().to_vec())
- }
- /// Return a walker that never uses additional threads.
- pub fn walker(&self) -> Result<Walk> {
- Ok(self.matches().walker_builder(self.paths())?.build())
- }
- /// Return a walker that never uses additional threads.
- pub fn walker_parallel(&self) -> Result<WalkParallel> {
- Ok(self.matches().walker_builder(self.paths())?.build_parallel())
- }
- }
- /// `ArgMatches` wraps `clap::ArgMatches` and provides semantic meaning to
- /// the parsed arguments.
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- struct ArgMatches(clap::ArgMatches<'static>);
- /// The output format. Generally, this corresponds to the printer that ripgrep
- /// uses to show search results.
- #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
- enum OutputKind {
- /// Classic grep-like or ack-like format.
- Standard,
- /// Show matching files and possibly the number of matches in each file.
- Summary,
- /// Emit match information in the JSON Lines format.
- }
- /// The sort criteria, if present.
- #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
- struct SortBy {
- /// Whether to reverse the sort criteria (i.e., descending order).
- reverse: bool,
- /// The actual sorting criteria.
- kind: SortByKind,
- }
- #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
- enum SortByKind {
- /// No sorting at all.
- None,
- /// Sort by path.
- Path,
- /// Sort by last modified time.
- LastModified,
- /// Sort by last accessed time.
- LastAccessed,
- /// Sort by creation time.
- Created,
- }
- impl SortBy {
- fn asc(kind: SortByKind) -> SortBy {
- SortBy { reverse: false, kind }
- }
- fn desc(kind: SortByKind) -> SortBy {
- SortBy { reverse: true, kind }
- }
- fn none() -> SortBy {
- SortBy::asc(SortByKind::None)
- }
- /// Try to check that the sorting criteria selected is actually supported.
- /// If it isn't, then an error is returned.
- fn check(&self) -> Result<()> {
- match self.kind {
- SortByKind::None | SortByKind::Path => {}
- SortByKind::LastModified => {
- env::current_exe()?.metadata()?.modified()?;
- }
- SortByKind::LastAccessed => {
- env::current_exe()?.metadata()?.accessed()?;
- }
- SortByKind::Created => {
- env::current_exe()?.metadata()?.created()?;
- }
- }
- Ok(())
- }
- fn configure_walk_builder(self, builder: &mut WalkBuilder) {
- // This isn't entirely optimal. In particular, we will wind up issuing
- // a stat for many files redundantly. Aside from having potentially
- // inconsistent results with respect to sorting, this is also slow.
- // We could fix this here at the expense of memory by caching stat
- // calls. A better fix would be to find a way to push this down into
- // directory traversal itself, but that's a somewhat nasty change.
- match self.kind {
- SortByKind::None => {}
- SortByKind::Path => {
- if self.reverse {
- builder.sort_by_file_name(|a, b| a.cmp(b).reverse());
- } else {
- builder.sort_by_file_name(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
- }
- }
- SortByKind::LastModified => {
- builder.sort_by_file_path(move |a, b| {
- sort_by_metadata_time(a, b, self.reverse, |md| {
- md.modified()
- })
- });
- }
- SortByKind::LastAccessed => {
- builder.sort_by_file_path(move |a, b| {
- sort_by_metadata_time(a, b, self.reverse, |md| {
- md.accessed()
- })
- });
- }
- SortByKind::Created => {
- builder.sort_by_file_path(move |a, b| {
- sort_by_metadata_time(a, b, self.reverse, |md| {
- md.created()
- })
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- impl SortByKind {
- fn new(kind: &str) -> SortByKind {
- match kind {
- "none" => SortByKind::None,
- "path" => SortByKind::Path,
- "modified" => SortByKind::LastModified,
- "accessed" => SortByKind::LastAccessed,
- "created" => SortByKind::Created,
- _ => SortByKind::None,
- }
- }
- }
- /// Encoding mode the searcher will use.
- #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
- enum EncodingMode {
- /// Use an explicit encoding forcefully, but let BOM sniffing override it.
- Some(Encoding),
- /// Use only BOM sniffing to auto-detect an encoding.
- Auto,
- /// Use no explicit encoding and disable all BOM sniffing. This will
- /// always result in searching the raw bytes, regardless of their
- /// true encoding.
- Disabled,
- }
- impl EncodingMode {
- /// Checks if an explicit encoding has been set. Returns false for
- /// automatic BOM sniffing and no sniffing.
- ///
- /// This is only used to determine whether PCRE2 needs to have its own
- /// UTF-8 checking enabled. If we have an explicit encoding set, then
- /// we're always guaranteed to get UTF-8, so we can disable PCRE2's check.
- /// Otherwise, we have no such guarantee, and must enable PCRE2' UTF-8
- /// check.
- #[cfg(feature = "pcre2")]
- fn has_explicit_encoding(&self) -> bool {
- match self {
- EncodingMode::Some(_) => true,
- _ => false,
- }
- }
- }
- impl ArgMatches {
- /// Create an ArgMatches from clap's parse result.
- fn new(clap_matches: clap::ArgMatches<'static>) -> ArgMatches {
- ArgMatches(clap_matches)
- }
- /// Run clap and return the matches using a config file if present. If clap
- /// determines a problem with the user provided arguments (or if --help or
- /// --version are given), then an error/usage/version will be printed and
- /// the process will exit.
- ///
- /// If there are no additional arguments from the environment (e.g., a
- /// config file), then the given matches are returned as is.
- fn reconfigure(self) -> Result<ArgMatches> {
- // If the end user says no config, then respect it.
- if self.is_present("no-config") {
- log::debug!(
- "not reading config files because --no-config is present"
- );
- return Ok(self);
- }
- // If the user wants ripgrep to use a config file, then parse args
- // from that first.
- let mut args = config::args();
- if args.is_empty() {
- return Ok(self);
- }
- let mut cliargs = env::args_os();
- if let Some(bin) = cliargs.next() {
- args.insert(0, bin);
- }
- args.extend(cliargs);
- log::debug!("final argv: {:?}", args);
- Ok(ArgMatches(clap_matches(args)?))
- }
- /// Convert the result of parsing CLI arguments into ripgrep's higher level
- /// configuration structure.
- fn to_args(self) -> Result<Args> {
- // We compute these once since they could be large.
- let patterns = self.patterns()?;
- let matcher = self.matcher(&patterns)?;
- let mut paths = self.paths();
- let using_default_path = if paths.is_empty() {
- paths.push(self.path_default());
- true
- } else {
- false
- };
- Ok(Args(Arc::new(ArgsImp {
- matches: self,
- patterns,
- matcher,
- paths,
- using_default_path,
- })))
- }
- }
- /// High level routines for converting command line arguments into various
- /// data structures used by ripgrep.
- ///
- /// Methods are sorted alphabetically.
- impl ArgMatches {
- /// Return the matcher that should be used for searching.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem building the matcher (e.g., a syntax error),
- /// then this returns an error.
- fn matcher(&self, patterns: &[String]) -> Result<PatternMatcher> {
- if self.is_present("pcre2") {
- self.matcher_engine("pcre2", patterns)
- } else if self.is_present("auto-hybrid-regex") {
- self.matcher_engine("auto", patterns)
- } else {
- let engine = self.value_of_lossy("engine").unwrap();
- self.matcher_engine(&engine, patterns)
- }
- }
- /// Return the matcher that should be used for searching using engine
- /// as the engine for the patterns.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem building the matcher (e.g., a syntax error),
- /// then this returns an error.
- fn matcher_engine(
- &self,
- engine: &str,
- patterns: &[String],
- ) -> Result<PatternMatcher> {
- match engine {
- "default" => {
- let matcher = match self.matcher_rust(patterns) {
- Ok(matcher) => matcher,
- Err(err) => {
- return Err(From::from(suggest(err.to_string())));
- }
- };
- Ok(PatternMatcher::RustRegex(matcher))
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "pcre2")]
- "pcre2" => {
- let matcher = self.matcher_pcre2(patterns)?;
- Ok(PatternMatcher::PCRE2(matcher))
- }
- #[cfg(not(feature = "pcre2"))]
- "pcre2" => Err(From::from(
- "PCRE2 is not available in this build of ripgrep",
- )),
- "auto" => {
- let rust_err = match self.matcher_rust(patterns) {
- Ok(matcher) => {
- return Ok(PatternMatcher::RustRegex(matcher));
- }
- Err(err) => err,
- };
- log::debug!(
- "error building Rust regex in hybrid mode:\n{}",
- rust_err,
- );
- let pcre_err = match self.matcher_engine("pcre2", patterns) {
- Ok(matcher) => return Ok(matcher),
- Err(err) => err,
- };
- Err(From::from(format!(
- "regex could not be compiled with either the default \
- regex engine or with PCRE2.\n\n\
- default regex engine error:\n{}\n{}\n{}\n\n\
- PCRE2 regex engine error:\n{}",
- "~".repeat(79),
- rust_err,
- "~".repeat(79),
- pcre_err,
- )))
- }
- _ => Err(From::from(format!(
- "unrecognized regex engine '{}'",
- engine
- ))),
- }
- }
- /// Build a matcher using Rust's regex engine.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem building the matcher (such as a regex syntax
- /// error), then an error is returned.
- fn matcher_rust(&self, patterns: &[String]) -> Result<RustRegexMatcher> {
- let mut builder = RustRegexMatcherBuilder::new();
- builder
- .case_smart(self.case_smart())
- .case_insensitive(self.case_insensitive())
- .multi_line(true)
- .unicode(self.unicode())
- .octal(false)
- .word(self.is_present("word-regexp"));
- if self.is_present("multiline") {
- builder.dot_matches_new_line(self.is_present("multiline-dotall"));
- if self.is_present("crlf") {
- builder.crlf(true).line_terminator(None);
- }
- } else {
- builder.line_terminator(Some(b'\n')).dot_matches_new_line(false);
- if self.is_present("crlf") {
- builder.crlf(true);
- }
- // We don't need to set this in multiline mode since mulitline
- // matchers don't use optimizations related to line terminators.
- // Moreover, a mulitline regex used with --null-data should
- // be allowed to match NUL bytes explicitly, which this would
- // otherwise forbid.
- if self.is_present("null-data") {
- builder.line_terminator(Some(b'\x00'));
- }
- }
- if let Some(limit) = self.regex_size_limit()? {
- builder.size_limit(limit);
- }
- if let Some(limit) = self.dfa_size_limit()? {
- builder.dfa_size_limit(limit);
- }
- let res = if self.is_present("fixed-strings") {
- builder.build_literals(patterns)
- } else {
- builder.build(&patterns.join("|"))
- };
- match res {
- Ok(m) => Ok(m),
- Err(err) => Err(From::from(suggest_multiline(err.to_string()))),
- }
- }
- /// Build a matcher using PCRE2.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem building the matcher (such as a regex syntax
- /// error), then an error is returned.
- #[cfg(feature = "pcre2")]
- fn matcher_pcre2(&self, patterns: &[String]) -> Result<PCRE2RegexMatcher> {
- let mut builder = PCRE2RegexMatcherBuilder::new();
- builder
- .case_smart(self.case_smart())
- .caseless(self.case_insensitive())
- .multi_line(true)
- .word(self.is_present("word-regexp"));
- // For whatever reason, the JIT craps out during regex compilation with
- // a "no more memory" error on 32 bit systems. So don't use it there.
- if cfg!(target_pointer_width = "64") {
- builder
- .jit_if_available(true)
- // The PCRE2 docs say that 32KB is the default, and that 1MB
- // should be big enough for anything. But let's crank it to
- // 10MB.
- .max_jit_stack_size(Some(10 * (1 << 20)));
- }
- if self.unicode() {
- builder.utf(true).ucp(true);
- if self.encoding()?.has_explicit_encoding() {
- // SAFETY: If an encoding was specified, then we're guaranteed
- // to get valid UTF-8, so we can disable PCRE2's UTF checking.
- // (Feeding invalid UTF-8 to PCRE2 is undefined behavior.)
- unsafe {
- builder.disable_utf_check();
- }
- }
- }
- if self.is_present("multiline") {
- builder.dotall(self.is_present("multiline-dotall"));
- }
- if self.is_present("crlf") {
- builder.crlf(true);
- }
- Ok(builder.build(&patterns.join("|"))?)
- }
- /// Build a JSON printer that writes results to the given writer.
- fn printer_json<W: io::Write>(&self, wtr: W) -> Result<JSON<W>> {
- let mut builder = JSONBuilder::new();
- builder
- .pretty(false)
- .max_matches(self.max_count()?)
- .always_begin_end(false);
- Ok(builder.build(wtr))
- }
- /// Build a Standard printer that writes results to the given writer.
- ///
- /// The given paths are used to configure aspects of the printer.
- ///
- /// If `separator_search` is true, then the returned printer will assume
- /// the responsibility of printing a separator between each set of
- /// search results, when appropriate (e.g., when contexts are enabled).
- /// When it's set to false, the caller is responsible for handling
- /// separators.
- ///
- /// In practice, we want the printer to handle it in the single threaded
- /// case but not in the multi-threaded case.
- fn printer_standard<W: WriteColor>(
- &self,
- paths: &[PathBuf],
- wtr: W,
- separator_search: bool,
- ) -> Result<Standard<W>> {
- let mut builder = StandardBuilder::new();
- builder
- .color_specs(self.color_specs()?)
- .stats(self.stats())
- .heading(self.heading())
- .path(self.with_filename(paths))
- .only_matching(self.is_present("only-matching"))
- .per_match(self.is_present("vimgrep"))
- .replacement(self.replacement())
- .max_columns(self.max_columns()?)
- .max_columns_preview(self.max_columns_preview())
- .max_matches(self.max_count()?)
- .column(self.column())
- .byte_offset(self.is_present("byte-offset"))
- .trim_ascii(self.is_present("trim"))
- .separator_search(None)
- .separator_context(self.context_separator())
- .separator_field_match(b":".to_vec())
- .separator_field_context(b"-".to_vec())
- .separator_path(self.path_separator()?)
- .path_terminator(self.path_terminator());
- if separator_search {
- builder.separator_search(self.file_separator()?);
- }
- Ok(builder.build(wtr))
- }
- /// Build a Summary printer that writes results to the given writer.
- ///
- /// The given paths are used to configure aspects of the printer.
- ///
- /// This panics if the output format is not `OutputKind::Summary`.
- fn printer_summary<W: WriteColor>(
- &self,
- paths: &[PathBuf],
- wtr: W,
- ) -> Result<Summary<W>> {
- let mut builder = SummaryBuilder::new();
- builder
- .kind(self.summary_kind().expect("summary format"))
- .color_specs(self.color_specs()?)
- .stats(self.stats())
- .path(self.with_filename(paths))
- .max_matches(self.max_count()?)
- .exclude_zero(!self.is_present("include-zero"))
- .separator_field(b":".to_vec())
- .separator_path(self.path_separator()?)
- .path_terminator(self.path_terminator());
- Ok(builder.build(wtr))
- }
- /// Build a searcher from the command line parameters.
- fn searcher(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Result<Searcher> {
- let (ctx_before, ctx_after) = self.contexts()?;
- let line_term = if self.is_present("crlf") {
- LineTerminator::crlf()
- } else if self.is_present("null-data") {
- LineTerminator::byte(b'\x00')
- } else {
- LineTerminator::byte(b'\n')
- };
- let mut builder = SearcherBuilder::new();
- builder
- .line_terminator(line_term)
- .invert_match(self.is_present("invert-match"))
- .line_number(self.line_number(paths))
- .multi_line(self.is_present("multiline"))
- .before_context(ctx_before)
- .after_context(ctx_after)
- .passthru(self.is_present("passthru"))
- .memory_map(self.mmap_choice(paths));
- match self.encoding()? {
- EncodingMode::Some(enc) => {
- builder.encoding(Some(enc));
- }
- EncodingMode::Auto => {} // default for the searcher
- EncodingMode::Disabled => {
- builder.bom_sniffing(false);
- }
- }
- Ok(builder.build())
- }
- /// Return a builder for recursively traversing a directory while
- /// respecting ignore rules.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem parsing the CLI arguments necessary for
- /// constructing the builder, then this returns an error.
- fn walker_builder(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> Result<WalkBuilder> {
- let mut builder = WalkBuilder::new(&paths[0]);
- for path in &paths[1..] {
- builder.add(path);
- }
- if !self.no_ignore_files() {
- for path in self.ignore_paths() {
- if let Some(err) = builder.add_ignore(path) {
- ignore_message!("{}", err);
- }
- }
- }
- builder
- .max_depth(self.usize_of("max-depth")?)
- .follow_links(self.is_present("follow"))
- .max_filesize(self.max_file_size()?)
- .threads(self.threads()?)
- .same_file_system(self.is_present("one-file-system"))
- .skip_stdout(!self.is_present("files"))
- .overrides(self.overrides()?)
- .types(self.types()?)
- .hidden(!self.hidden())
- .parents(!self.no_ignore_parent())
- .ignore(!self.no_ignore_dot())
- .git_global(!self.no_ignore_vcs() && !self.no_ignore_global())
- .git_ignore(!self.no_ignore_vcs())
- .git_exclude(!self.no_ignore_vcs() && !self.no_ignore_exclude())
- .require_git(!self.is_present("no-require-git"))
- .ignore_case_insensitive(self.ignore_file_case_insensitive());
- if !self.no_ignore() {
- builder.add_custom_ignore_filename(".rgignore");
- }
- let sortby = self.sort_by()?;
- sortby.check()?;
- sortby.configure_walk_builder(&mut builder);
- Ok(builder)
- }
- }
- /// Mid level routines for converting command line arguments into various types
- /// of data structures.
- ///
- /// Methods are sorted alphabetically.
- impl ArgMatches {
- /// Returns the form of binary detection to perform on files that are
- /// implicitly searched via recursive directory traversal.
- fn binary_detection_implicit(&self) -> BinaryDetection {
- let none = self.is_present("text") || self.is_present("null-data");
- let convert =
- self.is_present("binary") || self.unrestricted_count() >= 3;
- if none {
- BinaryDetection::none()
- } else if convert {
- BinaryDetection::convert(b'\x00')
- } else {
- BinaryDetection::quit(b'\x00')
- }
- }
- /// Returns the form of binary detection to perform on files that are
- /// explicitly searched via the user invoking ripgrep on a particular
- /// file or files or stdin.
- ///
- /// In general, this should never be BinaryDetection::quit, since that acts
- /// as a filter (but quitting immediately once a NUL byte is seen), and we
- /// should never filter out files that the user wants to explicitly search.
- fn binary_detection_explicit(&self) -> BinaryDetection {
- let none = self.is_present("text") || self.is_present("null-data");
- if none {
- BinaryDetection::none()
- } else {
- BinaryDetection::convert(b'\x00')
- }
- }
- /// Returns true if the command line configuration implies that a match
- /// can never be shown.
- fn can_never_match(&self, patterns: &[String]) -> bool {
- patterns.is_empty() || self.max_count().ok() == Some(Some(0))
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if case should be ignore.
- ///
- /// If --case-sensitive is present, then case is never ignored, even if
- /// --ignore-case is present.
- fn case_insensitive(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("ignore-case") && !self.is_present("case-sensitive")
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if smart case has been enabled.
- ///
- /// If either --ignore-case of --case-sensitive are present, then smart
- /// case is disabled.
- fn case_smart(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("smart-case")
- && !self.is_present("ignore-case")
- && !self.is_present("case-sensitive")
- }
- /// Returns the user's color choice based on command line parameters and
- /// environment.
- fn color_choice(&self) -> ColorChoice {
- let preference = match self.value_of_lossy("color") {
- None => "auto".to_string(),
- Some(v) => v,
- };
- if preference == "always" {
- ColorChoice::Always
- } else if preference == "ansi" {
- ColorChoice::AlwaysAnsi
- } else if preference == "auto" {
- if cli::is_tty_stdout() || self.is_present("pretty") {
- ColorChoice::Auto
- } else {
- ColorChoice::Never
- }
- } else {
- ColorChoice::Never
- }
- }
- /// Returns the color specifications given by the user on the CLI.
- ///
- /// If the was a problem parsing any of the provided specs, then an error
- /// is returned.
- fn color_specs(&self) -> Result<ColorSpecs> {
- // Start with a default set of color specs.
- let mut specs = default_color_specs();
- for spec_str in self.values_of_lossy_vec("colors") {
- specs.push(spec_str.parse()?);
- }
- Ok(ColorSpecs::new(&specs))
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if column numbers should be shown.
- fn column(&self) -> bool {
- if self.is_present("no-column") {
- return false;
- }
- self.is_present("column") || self.is_present("vimgrep")
- }
- /// Returns the before and after contexts from the command line.
- ///
- /// If a context setting was absent, then `0` is returned.
- ///
- /// If there was a problem parsing the values from the user as an integer,
- /// then an error is returned.
- fn contexts(&self) -> Result<(usize, usize)> {
- let after = self.usize_of("after-context")?.unwrap_or(0);
- let before = self.usize_of("before-context")?.unwrap_or(0);
- let both = self.usize_of("context")?.unwrap_or(0);
- Ok(if both > 0 { (both, both) } else { (before, after) })
- }
- /// Returns the unescaped context separator in UTF-8 bytes.
- ///
- /// If one was not provided, the default `--` is returned.
- /// If --no-context-separator is passed, None is returned.
- fn context_separator(&self) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
- let nosep = self.is_present("no-context-separator");
- let sep = self.value_of_os("context-separator");
- match (nosep, sep) {
- (true, _) => None,
- (false, None) => Some(b"--".to_vec()),
- (false, Some(sep)) => Some(cli::unescape_os(&sep)),
- }
- }
- /// Returns whether the -c/--count or the --count-matches flags were
- /// passed from the command line.
- ///
- /// If --count-matches and --invert-match were passed in, behave
- /// as if --count and --invert-match were passed in (i.e. rg will
- /// count inverted matches as per existing behavior).
- fn counts(&self) -> (bool, bool) {
- let count = self.is_present("count");
- let count_matches = self.is_present("count-matches");
- let invert_matches = self.is_present("invert-match");
- let only_matching = self.is_present("only-matching");
- if count_matches && invert_matches {
- // Treat `-v --count-matches` as `-v -c`.
- (true, false)
- } else if count && only_matching {
- // Treat `-c --only-matching` as `--count-matches`.
- (false, true)
- } else {
- (count, count_matches)
- }
- }
- /// Parse the dfa-size-limit argument option into a byte count.
- fn dfa_size_limit(&self) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
- let r = self.parse_human_readable_size("dfa-size-limit")?;
- u64_to_usize("dfa-size-limit", r)
- }
- /// Returns the encoding mode to use.
- ///
- /// This only returns an encoding if one is explicitly specified. Otherwise
- /// if set to automatic, the Searcher will do BOM sniffing for UTF-16
- /// and transcode seamlessly. If disabled, no BOM sniffing nor transcoding
- /// will occur.
- fn encoding(&self) -> Result<EncodingMode> {
- if self.is_present("no-encoding") {
- return Ok(EncodingMode::Auto);
- }
- let label = match self.value_of_lossy("encoding") {
- None if self.pcre2_unicode() => "utf-8".to_string(),
- None => return Ok(EncodingMode::Auto),
- Some(label) => label,
- };
- if label == "auto" {
- return Ok(EncodingMode::Auto);
- } else if label == "none" {
- return Ok(EncodingMode::Disabled);
- }
- Ok(EncodingMode::Some(Encoding::new(&label)?))
- }
- /// Return the file separator to use based on the CLI configuration.
- fn file_separator(&self) -> Result<Option<Vec<u8>>> {
- // File separators are only used for the standard grep-line format.
- if self.output_kind() != OutputKind::Standard {
- return Ok(None);
- }
- let (ctx_before, ctx_after) = self.contexts()?;
- Ok(if self.heading() {
- Some(b"".to_vec())
- } else if ctx_before > 0 || ctx_after > 0 {
- self.context_separator()
- } else {
- None
- })
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if matches should be grouped with file name
- /// headings.
- fn heading(&self) -> bool {
- if self.is_present("no-heading") || self.is_present("vimgrep") {
- false
- } else {
- cli::is_tty_stdout()
- || self.is_present("heading")
- || self.is_present("pretty")
- }
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if hidden files/directories should be
- /// searched.
- fn hidden(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("hidden") || self.unrestricted_count() >= 2
- }
- /// Returns true if ignore files should be processed case insensitively.
- fn ignore_file_case_insensitive(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("ignore-file-case-insensitive")
- }
- /// Return all of the ignore file paths given on the command line.
- fn ignore_paths(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
- let paths = match self.values_of_os("ignore-file") {
- None => return vec![],
- Some(paths) => paths,
- };
- paths.map(|p| Path::new(p).to_path_buf()).collect()
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if ripgrep is invoked in a way where it knows
- /// it search exactly one thing.
- fn is_one_search(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> bool {
- if paths.len() != 1 {
- return false;
- }
- self.is_only_stdin(paths) || paths[0].is_file()
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if we're only searching a single thing and
- /// that thing is stdin.
- fn is_only_stdin(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> bool {
- paths == [Path::new("-")]
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if we should show line numbers.
- fn line_number(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> bool {
- if self.output_kind() == OutputKind::Summary {
- return false;
- }
- if self.is_present("no-line-number") {
- return false;
- }
- if self.output_kind() == OutputKind::JSON {
- return true;
- }
- // A few things can imply counting line numbers. In particular, we
- // generally want to show line numbers by default when printing to a
- // tty for human consumption, except for one interesting case: when
- // we're only searching stdin. This makes pipelines work as expected.
- (cli::is_tty_stdout() && !self.is_only_stdin(paths))
- || self.is_present("line-number")
- || self.is_present("column")
- || self.is_present("pretty")
- || self.is_present("vimgrep")
- }
- /// The maximum number of columns allowed on each line.
- ///
- /// If `0` is provided, then this returns `None`.
- fn max_columns(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
- Ok(self.usize_of_nonzero("max-columns")?.map(|n| n as u64))
- }
- /// Returns true if and only if a preview should be shown for lines that
- /// exceed the maximum column limit.
- fn max_columns_preview(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("max-columns-preview")
- }
- /// The maximum number of matches permitted.
- fn max_count(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
- Ok(self.usize_of("max-count")?.map(|n| n as u64))
- }
- /// Parses the max-filesize argument option into a byte count.
- fn max_file_size(&self) -> Result<Option<u64>> {
- self.parse_human_readable_size("max-filesize")
- }
- /// Returns whether we should attempt to use memory maps or not.
- fn mmap_choice(&self, paths: &[PathBuf]) -> MmapChoice {
- // SAFETY: Memory maps are difficult to impossible to encapsulate
- // safely in a portable way that doesn't simultaneously negate some of
- // the benfits of using memory maps. For ripgrep's use, we never mutate
- // a memory map and generally never store the contents of memory map
- // in a data structure that depends on immutability. Generally
- // speaking, the worst thing that can happen is a SIGBUS (if the
- // underlying file is truncated while reading it), which will cause
- // ripgrep to abort. This reasoning should be treated as suspect.
- let maybe = unsafe { MmapChoice::auto() };
- let never = MmapChoice::never();
- if self.is_present("no-mmap") {
- never
- } else if self.is_present("mmap") {
- maybe
- } else if paths.len() <= 10 && paths.iter().all(|p| p.is_file()) {
- // If we're only searching a few paths and all of them are
- // files, then memory maps are probably faster.
- maybe
- } else {
- never
- }
- }
- /// Returns true if ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore") || self.unrestricted_count() >= 1
- }
- /// Returns true if .ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_dot(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore-dot") || self.no_ignore()
- }
- /// Returns true if local exclude (ignore) files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_exclude(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore-exclude") || self.no_ignore()
- }
- /// Returns true if explicitly given ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_files(&self) -> bool {
- // We don't look at no-ignore here because --no-ignore is explicitly
- // documented to not override --ignore-file. We could change this, but
- // it would be a fairly severe breaking change.
- self.is_present("no-ignore-files")
- }
- /// Returns true if global ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_global(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore-global") || self.no_ignore()
- }
- /// Returns true if parent ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_parent(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore-parent") || self.no_ignore()
- }
- /// Returns true if VCS ignore files should be ignored.
- fn no_ignore_vcs(&self) -> bool {
- self.is_present("no-ignore-vcs") || self.no_ignore()
- }
- /// Determine the type of output we should produce.
- fn output_kind(&self) -> OutputKind {
- if self.is_present("quiet") {
- // While we don't technically print results (or aggregate results)
- // in quiet mode, we still support the --stats flag, and those
- // stats are computed by the Summary printer for now.
- return OutputKind::Summary;
- } else if self.is_present("json") {
- return OutputKind::JSON;
- }
- let (count, count_matches) = self.counts();
- let summary = count
- || count_matches
- || self.is_present("files-with-matches")
- || self.is_present("files-without-match");
- if summary {
- OutputKind::Summary
- } else {
- OutputKind::Standard
- }
- }
- /// Builds the set of glob overrides from the command line flags.
- fn overrides(&self) -> Result<Override> {
- let globs = self.values_of_lossy_vec("glob");
- let iglobs = self.values_of_lossy_vec("iglob");
- if globs.is_empty() && iglobs.is_empty() {
- return Ok(Override::empty());
- }
- let mut builder = OverrideBuilder::new(current_dir()?);
- // Make all globs case insensitive with --glob-case-insensitive.
- if self.is_present("glob-case-insensitive") {
- builder.case_insensitive(true).unwrap();
- }
- for glob in globs {
- builder.add(&glob)?;
- }
- // This only enables case insensitivity for subsequent globs.
- builder.case_insensitive(true).unwrap();
- for glob in iglobs {
- builder.add(&glob)?;
- }
- Ok(builder.build()?)
- }
- /// Return all file paths that ripgrep should search.
- ///
- /// If no paths were given, then this returns an empty list.
- fn paths(&self) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
- let mut paths: Vec<PathBuf> = match self.values_of_os("path") {
- None => vec![],
- Some(paths) => paths.map(|p| Path::new(p).to_path_buf()).collect(),
- };
- // If --file, --files or --regexp is given, then the first path is
- // always in `pattern`.
- if self.is_present("file")
- || self.is_present("files")
- || self.is_present("regexp")
- {
- if let Some(path) = self.value_of_os("pattern") {
- paths.insert(0, Path::new(path).to_path_buf());
- }
- }
- paths
- }
- /// Return the default path that ripgrep should search. This should only
- /// be used when ripgrep is not otherwise given at least one file path
- /// as a positional argument.
- fn path_default(&self) -> PathBuf {
- let file_is_stdin = self
- .values_of_os("file")
- .map_or(false, |mut files| files.any(|f| f == "-"));
- let search_cwd = !cli::is_readable_stdin()
- || (self.is_present("file") && file_is_stdin)
- || self.is_present("files")
- || self.is_present("type-list")
- || self.is_present("pcre2-version");
- if search_cwd {
- Path::new("./").to_path_buf()
- } else {
- Path::new("-").to_path_buf()
- }
- }
- /// Returns the unescaped path separator as a single byte, if one exists.
- ///
- /// If the provided path separator is more than a single byte, then an
- /// error is returned.
- fn path_separator(&self) -> Res…
Large files files are truncated, but you can click here to view the full file