Go | 532 lines | 403 code | 110 blank | 19 comment | 53 complexity | 278adb9c389846a208f29c62dac71fd0 MD5 | raw file
- package main
- import (
- "fmt"
- "bytes"
- "time"
- "sort"
- "regexp"
- )
- const (
- )
- const (
- OKAY = 0
- DEBUG = 1
- INFO = 2
- WARN = 3
- ERROR = 4
- )
- type Service struct {
- Name string
- Enabled bool
- Monitor *HeartbeatMonitor
- Status int
- HeartbeatCount int
- LastHeartbeatTimestamp int64
- Log ServiceLog
- Group string
- Description string
- // filter on summary message
- NotificationFilters map[int] *regexp.Regexp
- // filter on when notification was generated
- NotificationFirstMinute int
- NotificationLastMinute int
- }
- type LogEntry struct {
- ServiceName string
- Summary string
- Severity int
- Timestamp int64
- Sequence int
- }
- type ServiceLog struct {
- entries []*LogEntry
- }
- type ServiceHub struct {
- timeline *Timeline
- services map[string] *Service
- notifier *Notifier
- logEntryCounter int
- }
- type ServiceSnapshot struct {
- Name string
- Status int
- LastHeartbeatTimestamp string
- IsUp bool
- IsDown bool
- IsUnknown bool
- Enabled bool
- Notifications []NotificationSummary
- Description string
- Group string
- FilterCount int
- }
- type NotificationSummary struct {
- Severity int
- Count int
- }
- type ApiError struct {
- error string
- }
- func (e ApiError) String() string {
- return e.error
- }
- type FilterSnapshot struct {
- Id int
- Expression string
- }
- // contract between service hub and all threads running outside of
- // timeline thread
- type ThreadSafeServiceHub interface {
- Log(serviceName string, summary string, severity int, timestamp int64) *ApiError
- Heartbeat(serviceName string) *ApiError
- GetLogEntries(serviceName string) []*LogEntry
- RemoveLogEntry(sequence int)
- GetServices() []ServiceSnapshot
- GetNotificationFilters(serviceName string) []*FilterSnapshot
- SetServiceEnabled(serviceName string, enabled bool)
- RemoveNotificationFilter(serviceName string, id int)
- AddNotificationFilter(serviceName string, expression *regexp.Regexp)
- }
- type ServiceHubAdapter struct {
- hub *ServiceHub
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) AddNotificationFilter(serviceName string, expression *regexp.Regexp) {
- c := make(chan *ApiError)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- hub.AddNotificationFilter(serviceName, expression)
- c<-nil
- })
- <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) RemoveNotificationFilter(serviceName string, id int) {
- c := make(chan *ApiError)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- hub.RemoveNotificationFilter(serviceName, id)
- c<-nil
- })
- <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) SetServiceEnabled(serviceName string, enabled bool) {
- c := make(chan *ApiError)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- c <- hub.SetServiceEnabled(serviceName, enabled)
- })
- <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) Log(serviceName string, summary string, severity int, timestamp int64) *ApiError {
- c := make(chan *ApiError)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- c <- hub.Log(serviceName, summary, severity, timestamp)
- })
- return <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) Heartbeat (serviceName string) *ApiError {
- c := make(chan *ApiError)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- service, found := hub.services[serviceName]
- if !found {
- c <- &ApiError{"No service named \""+serviceName+"\""}
- return
- }
- if service.Monitor != nil {
- service.Monitor.Heartbeat()
- }
- c <- nil
- })
- return <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) GetServices() []ServiceSnapshot {
- c := make(chan []ServiceSnapshot)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- ss := make([]ServiceSnapshot, 0, len(hub.services))
- for _, v := range(hub.services) {
- notifications := make([]NotificationSummary, 0, 10)
- // count the number of message per severity
- counts := make(map[int] int)
- for _, l := range(v.Log.entries) {
- c, exists := counts[l.Severity]
- if !exists {
- c = 0
- }
- c += 1
- counts[l.Severity] = c
- }
- // now add them to the notification list ordered by severity
- keys := make([]int, 0, len(notifications))
- for k, _ := range(counts) {
- keys = append(keys, k)
- }
- sort.SortInts(keys)
- for _, k := range(keys) {
- notifications = append(notifications, NotificationSummary{k, counts[k]})
- }
- var timestamp string
- if v.HeartbeatCount == 0 {
- timestamp = ""
- } else {
- timestamp = time.SecondsToLocalTime(v.LastHeartbeatTimestamp/1000).Format(time.Kitchen)
- }
- ss = append(ss, ServiceSnapshot{v.Name,
- v.Status,
- timestamp,
- v.Status == STATUS_UP, v.Status == STATUS_DOWN, v.Status == STATUS_UNKNOWN,
- v.Enabled, notifications, v.Description, v.Group,
- len(v.NotificationFilters) })
- }
- c <- ss
- })
- return <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) GetLogEntries(serviceName string) []*LogEntry {
- c := make(chan []*LogEntry)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- ss := make([]*LogEntry, 0, 100)
- service, found := hub.services[serviceName]
- if ! found {
- c <- ss
- return
- }
- for _, v := range(service.Log.entries) {
- ss = append(ss, v)
- }
- c <- ss
- })
- return <-c
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) GetNotificationFilters(serviceName string) []*FilterSnapshot {
- c := make(chan []*FilterSnapshot)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- fs := make([]*FilterSnapshot, 0, 100)
- service, found := hub.services[serviceName]
- if ! found {
- c <- fs
- return
- }
- for k, v := range(service.NotificationFilters) {
- fs = append(fs, &FilterSnapshot{k, v.String()})
- }
- c <- fs
- })
- return <-c
- }
- func removeLogEntriesWithId(entries []*LogEntry, sequenceToDel int) []*LogEntry {
- dest := 0
- for i, v := range(entries) {
- if v.Sequence == sequenceToDel {
- continue
- }
- entries[dest] = entries[i]
- dest++
- }
- return entries[:dest]
- }
- func (a *ServiceHubAdapter) RemoveLogEntry(sequence int) {
- c := make(chan bool)
- hub := a.hub
- hub.timeline.Execute(func() {
- for _, service := range(hub.services) {
- service.Log.entries = removeLogEntriesWithId(service.Log.entries, sequence)
- }
- c <- true
- })
- <-c
- }
- func NewHubAdapter(hub *ServiceHub) *ServiceHubAdapter {
- return &ServiceHubAdapter{hub}
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- func NewServiceHub(timeline *Timeline) *ServiceHub {
- hub := &ServiceHub{timeline: timeline, services: make(map[string] *Service)}
- hub.logEntryCounter = 1
- return hub
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) AddNotificationFilter(serviceName string, expression *regexp.Regexp) *ApiError{
- service, found := h.services[serviceName]
- if !found {
- return &ApiError{"No service named \""+serviceName+"\""}
- }
- id := h.nextSequenceId()
- service.NotificationFilters[id] = expression
- return nil
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) RemoveNotificationFilter(serviceName string, id int) *ApiError{
- service, found := h.services[serviceName]
- if !found {
- return &ApiError{"No service named \""+serviceName+"\""}
- }
- service.NotificationFilters[id] = nil, false
- return nil
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) SetServiceEnabled(serviceName string, enabled bool) *ApiError {
- service, found := h.services[serviceName]
- if !found {
- return &ApiError{"No service named \""+serviceName+"\""}
- }
- service.Enabled = enabled
- return nil
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) Log(serviceName string, summary string, severity int, timestamp int64) *ApiError {
- service, found := h.services[serviceName]
- if !found {
- return &ApiError{"No service named \""+serviceName+"\""}
- }
- seq := h.nextSequenceId()
- service.Log.entries = append(service.Log.entries, &LogEntry{serviceName, summary, severity, timestamp, seq})
- h.notifier.CheckAndSendNotifications()
- return nil
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) AddService(serviceName string, heartbeatTimeout int, group string, description string, enabled bool, nstart int, nstop int) {
- var s *Service
- s = &Service{Name: serviceName,
- Enabled: enabled,
- Description: description,
- Group: group,
- NotificationFilters: make(map[int]*regexp.Regexp),
- NotificationFirstMinute: nstart,
- NotificationLastMinute: nstop }
- heartbeatCallback := func(name string, isFailure bool) {
- if isFailure {
- h.Log(serviceName, "Heartbeat failure", WARN, h.timeline.Now())
- s.Status = STATUS_DOWN
- } else {
- s.Status = STATUS_UP
- s.HeartbeatCount += 1
- s.LastHeartbeatTimestamp = h.timeline.Now()
- }
- }
- s.Monitor = NewHeartbeatMonitor(h.timeline, serviceName, heartbeatTimeout, heartbeatCallback)
- h.services[serviceName] = s
- s.Monitor.Start()
- }
- func (h *ServiceHub) nextSequenceId() int {
- h.logEntryCounter += 1
- seq := h.logEntryCounter
- return seq
- }
- func (l *ServiceLog) FindAfter(sequence int) []*LogEntry {
- result := make([]*LogEntry, 0, len(l.entries))
- for _, v := range(l.entries) {
- if v.Sequence > sequence {
- result = append(result, v)
- }
- }
- return result
- }
- type ExecutorFn func (command string, input string)
- type Notifier struct {
- command string
- lastCheckSeq int
- lastSendTimestamp int64
- timeline *Timeline
- hub *ServiceHub
- executor ExecutorFn
- throttle int64
- }
- func NewNotifier(command string, throttle int, executor ExecutorFn, timeline *Timeline, hub *ServiceHub) *Notifier {
- return &Notifier{command: command, throttle: int64(throttle), timeline: timeline, hub: hub, executor: executor}
- }
- func (n *Notifier) CheckAndSendNotifications() {
- now := n.timeline.Now()
- if now - n.lastSendTimestamp >= n.throttle {
- // enough time has passed since the last send
- // so we can flush the event queue
- n.lastSendTimestamp = now
- n.sendNotificationSummary()
- } else {
- // too soon, so schedule a check of the queue after enough time has passed
- n.timeline.Schedule(n.lastSendTimestamp + n.throttle, func() { n.CheckAndSendNotifications() } )
- }
- }
- func isAllowingNotifications(service *Service, entry *LogEntry ) bool {
- summary := entry.Summary
- localTime := time.SecondsToLocalTime(entry.Timestamp/1000)
- minuteOfDay := localTime.Hour * 60 + localTime.Minute
- //log.Printf("minuteOfDay=%d first=%d last=%d\n", minuteOfDay, service.NotificationFirstMinute, service.NotificationLastMinute)
- if minuteOfDay < service.NotificationFirstMinute || minuteOfDay > service.NotificationLastMinute {
- return false
- }
- // check each filter
- for _, filter := range(service.NotificationFilters) {
- if filter.FindStringIndex(summary) != nil {
- return false
- }
- }
- return service.Enabled && entry.Severity >= WARN
- }
- func (n *Notifier) sendNotificationSummary() {
- // find all outstanding notifications, grouping them by service
- msgsByService := make(map[string] []string)
- maxSeq := 0
- for k, v := range(n.hub.services) {
- e := v.Log.FindAfter(n.lastCheckSeq)
- if len(e) > 0 {
- msgs := make([]string, 0, len(e))
- for _, l := range(e) {
- if l.Sequence > maxSeq {
- maxSeq = l.Sequence
- }
- // wait until the last moment to test v.Enabled so that maxSeq gets updated
- if isAllowingNotifications(v, l) {
- msgs = append(msgs, fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", k, l.Summary))
- }
- }
- if len(msgs) > 0 {
- msgsByService[k] = msgs
- }
- }
- }
- // remember where we left off so we can identify what are new notifications
- if n.lastCheckSeq < maxSeq {
- n.lastCheckSeq = maxSeq
- }
- if len(msgsByService) > 1 {
- msg := bytes.NewBufferString("Multiple services had notifications: ")
- for k, v := range(msgsByService) {
- msg.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s(%d) ", k, len(v)))
- }
- n.sendNotification(msg.String())
- } else if len(msgsByService) == 1 {
- // get the only msg list
- var serviceName string
- var msgs []string
- for tservice, tmsg := range(msgsByService) {
- serviceName = tservice
- msgs = tmsg
- }
- if len(msgs) > 1 {
- // if we have multiple messages, just send the count of messages and
- msg := fmt.Sprintf("%s had %d notifications", serviceName, len(msgs))
- n.sendNotification(msg)
- } else {
- // we must only have one message so just send that
- msg := msgs[0]
- n.sendNotification(msg)
- }
- }
- // otherwise if there were no messages pending, so do nothing
- }
- func (n *Notifier) sendNotification( msg string ) {
- n.executor(n.command, msg)
- }