C | 542 lines | 411 code | 57 blank | 74 comment | 96 complexity | b82c09d3ab7dfe2814cfc33274f9cf7a MD5 | raw file
- /* npy_arrayobject.c */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "npy_config.h"
- #include "npy_api.h"
- #include "npy_arrayobject.h"
- #include "npy_iterators.h"
- #include "npy_internal.h"
- /* TODO: Make these into interface functions */
- extern int PyArray_INCREF(void *);
- extern int PyArray_XDECREF(void *);
- /*
- * Compute the size of an array (in number of items)
- */
- NDARRAY_API npy_intp
- NpyArray_Size(NpyArray *op)
- {
- return NpyArray_SIZE(op);
- }
- NpyArray_CompareUCS4(npy_ucs4 *s1, npy_ucs4 *s2, size_t len)
- {
- npy_ucs4 c1, c2;
- while(len-- > 0) {
- c1 = *s1++;
- c2 = *s2++;
- if (c1 != c2) {
- return (c1 < c2) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- NpyArray_CompareString(char *s1, char *s2, size_t len)
- {
- const unsigned char *c1 = (unsigned char *)s1;
- const unsigned char *c2 = (unsigned char *)s2;
- size_t i;
- for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
- if (c1[i] != c2[i]) {
- return (c1[i] > c2[i]) ? 1 : -1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- NpyArray_ElementStrides(NpyArray *arr)
- {
- int itemsize = NpyArray_ITEMSIZE(arr);
- int i, N = NpyArray_NDIM(arr);
- npy_intp *strides = NpyArray_STRIDES(arr);
- for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- if ((strides[i] % itemsize) != 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * This routine checks to see if newstrides (of length nd) will not
- * ever be able to walk outside of the memory implied numbytes and offset.
- *
- * The available memory is assumed to start at -offset and proceed
- * to numbytes-offset. The strides are checked to ensure
- * that accessing memory using striding will not try to reach beyond
- * this memory for any of the axes.
- *
- * If numbytes is 0 it will be calculated using the dimensions and
- * element-size.
- *
- * This function checks for walking beyond the beginning and right-end
- * of the buffer and therefore works for any integer stride (positive
- * or negative).
- */
- NDARRAY_API npy_bool
- NpyArray_CheckStrides(int elsize, int nd, npy_intp numbytes, npy_intp offset,
- npy_intp *dims, npy_intp *newstrides)
- {
- int i;
- npy_intp byte_begin;
- npy_intp begin;
- npy_intp end;
- if (numbytes == 0) {
- numbytes = NpyArray_MultiplyList(dims, nd) * elsize;
- }
- begin = -offset;
- end = numbytes - offset - elsize;
- for (i = 0; i < nd; i++) {
- byte_begin = newstrides[i]*(dims[i] - 1);
- if ((byte_begin < begin) || (byte_begin > end)) {
- return NPY_FALSE;
- }
- }
- return NPY_TRUE;
- }
- NpyArray_ForceUpdate(NpyArray* self)
- {
- if ((self->flags&NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) && self->base_arr != NULL) {
- /*
- * UPDATEIFCOPY means that base points to an
- * array that should be updated with the contents
- * of this array upon destruction.
- * self->base->flags must have been WRITEABLE
- * (checked previously) and it was locked here
- * thus, unlock it.
- */
- if (self->flags & NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) {
- self->flags &= ~NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY;
- self->base_arr->flags |= NPY_WRITEABLE;
- Npy_INCREF(self); /* hold on to self in next call */
- if (NpyArray_CopyAnyInto(self->base_arr, self) < 0) {
- /* NpyErr_Print(); */
- NpyErr_Clear();
- }
- Npy_DECREF(self);
- Npy_DECREF(self->base_arr);
- self->base_arr = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- /* This also handles possibly mis-aligned data */
- /* Compare s1 and s2 which are not necessarily NULL-terminated.
- s1 is of length len1
- s2 is of length len2
- If they are NULL terminated, then stop comparison.
- */
- static int
- _myunincmp(NpyArray_UCS4 *s1, NpyArray_UCS4 *s2, int len1, int len2)
- {
- NpyArray_UCS4 *sptr;
- NpyArray_UCS4 *s1t=s1, *s2t=s2;
- int val;
- npy_intp size;
- int diff;
- if ((npy_intp)s1 % sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4) != 0) {
- size = len1*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4);
- s1t = malloc(size);
- memcpy(s1t, s1, size);
- }
- if ((npy_intp)s2 % sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4) != 0) {
- size = len2*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4);
- s2t = malloc(size);
- memcpy(s2t, s2, size);
- }
- val = NpyArray_CompareUCS4(s1t, s2t, NpyArray_MIN(len1,len2));
- if ((val != 0) || (len1 == len2)) {
- goto finish;
- }
- if (len2 > len1) {
- sptr = s2t+len1;
- val = -1;
- diff = len2-len1;
- }
- else {
- sptr = s1t+len2;
- val = 1;
- diff=len1-len2;
- }
- while (diff--) {
- if (*sptr != 0) {
- goto finish;
- }
- sptr++;
- }
- val = 0;
- finish:
- if (s1t != s1) {
- free(s1t);
- }
- if (s2t != s2) {
- free(s2t);
- }
- return val;
- }
- /*
- * Compare s1 and s2 which are not necessarily NULL-terminated.
- * s1 is of length len1
- * s2 is of length len2
- * If they are NULL terminated, then stop comparison.
- */
- static int
- _mystrncmp(char *s1, char *s2, int len1, int len2)
- {
- char *sptr;
- int val;
- int diff;
- val = memcmp(s1, s2, NpyArray_MIN(len1, len2));
- if ((val != 0) || (len1 == len2)) {
- return val;
- }
- if (len2 > len1) {
- sptr = s2 + len1;
- val = -1;
- diff = len2 - len1;
- }
- else {
- sptr = s1 + len2;
- val = 1;
- diff = len1 - len2;
- }
- while (diff--) {
- if (*sptr != 0) {
- return val;
- }
- sptr++;
- }
- return 0; /* Only happens if NULLs are everywhere */
- }
- /* Borrowed from Numarray */
- #define SMALL_STRING 2048
- #if defined(isspace)
- #undef isspace
- #define isspace(c) ((c==' ')||(c=='\t')||(c=='\n')||(c=='\r')||(c=='\v')||(c=='\f'))
- #endif
- static void _rstripw(char *s, int n)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) { /* Never strip to length 0. */
- int c = s[i];
- if (!c || isspace(c)) {
- s[i] = 0;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static void _unistripw(NpyArray_UCS4 *s, int n)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = n - 1; i >= 1; i--) { /* Never strip to length 0. */
- NpyArray_UCS4 c = s[i];
- if (!c || isspace(c)) {
- s[i] = 0;
- }
- else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- static char *
- _char_copy_n_strip(char *original, char *temp, int nc)
- {
- if (nc > SMALL_STRING) {
- temp = (char*)malloc(nc);
- if (!temp) {
- NpyErr_MEMORY;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- memcpy(temp, original, nc);
- _rstripw(temp, nc);
- return temp;
- }
- static void
- _char_release(char *ptr, int nc)
- {
- if (nc > SMALL_STRING) {
- free(ptr);
- }
- }
- static char *
- _uni_copy_n_strip(char *original, char *temp, int nc)
- {
- if (nc*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4) > SMALL_STRING) {
- temp = (char*)malloc(nc*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4));
- if (!temp) {
- NpyErr_MEMORY;
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- memcpy(temp, original, nc*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4));
- _unistripw((NpyArray_UCS4 *)temp, nc);
- return temp;
- }
- static void
- _uni_release(char *ptr, int nc)
- {
- if (nc*sizeof(NpyArray_UCS4) > SMALL_STRING) {
- free(ptr);
- }
- }
- /* End borrowed from numarray */
- #define _rstrip_loop(CMP) { \
- void *aptr, *bptr; \
- char atemp[SMALL_STRING], btemp[SMALL_STRING]; \
- while(size--) { \
- aptr = stripfunc(iself->dataptr, atemp, N1); \
- if (!aptr) return -1; \
- bptr = stripfunc(iother->dataptr, btemp, N2); \
- if (!bptr) { \
- relfunc(aptr, N1); \
- return -1; \
- } \
- val = cmpfunc(aptr, bptr, N1, N2); \
- *dptr = (val CMP 0); \
- NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(iself); \
- NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(iother); \
- dptr += 1; \
- relfunc(aptr, N1); \
- relfunc(bptr, N2); \
- } \
- }
- #define _reg_loop(CMP) { \
- while(size--) { \
- val = cmpfunc((void *)iself->dataptr, \
- (void *)iother->dataptr, \
- N1, N2); \
- *dptr = (val CMP 0); \
- NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(iself); \
- NpyArray_ITER_NEXT(iother); \
- dptr += 1; \
- } \
- }
- #define _loop(CMP) if (rstrip) _rstrip_loop(CMP) \
- else _reg_loop(CMP)
- static int
- _compare_strings(NpyArray *result, NpyArrayMultiIterObject *multi,
- int cmp_op, void *func, int rstrip)
- {
- NpyArrayIterObject *iself, *iother;
- npy_bool *dptr;
- npy_intp size;
- int val;
- int N1, N2;
- int (*cmpfunc)(void *, void *, int, int);
- void (*relfunc)(char *, int);
- char* (*stripfunc)(char *, char *, int);
- cmpfunc = func;
- dptr = (npy_bool *)NpyArray_DATA(result);
- iself = multi->iters[0];
- iother = multi->iters[1];
- size = multi->size;
- N1 = iself->ao->descr->elsize;
- N2 = iother->ao->descr->elsize;
- if ((void *)cmpfunc == (void *)_myunincmp) {
- N1 >>= 2;
- N2 >>= 2;
- stripfunc = _uni_copy_n_strip;
- relfunc = _uni_release;
- }
- else {
- stripfunc = _char_copy_n_strip;
- relfunc = _char_release;
- }
- switch (cmp_op) {
- case NPY_EQ:
- _loop(==)
- break;
- case NPY_NE:
- _loop(!=)
- break;
- case NPY_LT:
- _loop(<)
- break;
- case NPY_LE:
- _loop(<=)
- break;
- case NPY_GT:
- _loop(>)
- break;
- case NPY_GE:
- _loop(>=)
- break;
- default:
- NpyErr_SetString(NpyExc_RuntimeError, "bad comparison operator");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #undef _loop
- #undef _reg_loop
- #undef _rstrip_loop
- NpyArray_CompareStringArrays(NpyArray* a1, NpyArray* a2, int cmp_op, int rstrip)
- {
- NpyArray* result;
- int val;
- NpyArrayMultiIterObject* mit;
- int t1 = NpyArray_TYPE(a1);
- int t2 = NpyArray_TYPE(a2);
- if (NpyArray_TYPE(a1) != NpyArray_TYPE(a2) ||
- (t1 != NPY_UNICODE && t1 != NPY_STRING && t1 != NPY_VOID)) {
- NpyErr_SetString(NpyExc_ValueError,
- "Arrays must be of the same string type.");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Broad-cast the arrays to a common shape */
- mit = NpyArray_MultiIterFromArrays(NULL, 0, 2, a1, a2);
- if (mit == NULL) {
- return NULL;
- }
- result = NpyArray_NewFromDescr(NpyArray_DescrFromType(NPY_BOOL),
- mit->nd,
- mit->dimensions, NULL,
- if (result == NULL) {
- goto finish;
- }
- if (t1 == NPY_UNICODE) {
- val = _compare_strings(result, mit, cmp_op, _myunincmp, rstrip);
- }
- else {
- val = _compare_strings(result, mit, cmp_op, _mystrncmp, rstrip);
- }
- if (val < 0) {
- Npy_DECREF(result);
- result = NULL;
- }
- finish:
- Npy_DECREF(mit);
- return result;
- }
- /* Deallocs & destroy's the array object.
- * Returns whether or not we did an artificial incref
- * so we can keep track of the total refcount for debugging.
- */
- /* TODO: For now caller is expected to call _array_dealloc_buffer_info
- and clear weak refs. Need to revisit. */
- NpyArray_dealloc(NpyArray *self)
- {
- int result = 0;
- assert(NPY_VALID_MAGIC == self->nob_magic_number);
- assert(NULL == self->base_arr ||
- NPY_VALID_MAGIC == self->base_arr->nob_magic_number);
- if (self->base_arr) {
- /*
- * UPDATEIFCOPY means that base points to an
- * array that should be updated with the contents
- * of this array upon destruction.
- * self->base->flags must have been WRITEABLE
- * (checked previously) and it was locked here
- * thus, unlock it.
- */
- if (self->flags & NPY_UPDATEIFCOPY) {
- self->base_arr->flags |= NPY_WRITEABLE;
- Npy_INCREF(self); /* hold on to self in next call */
- if (NpyArray_CopyAnyInto(self->base_arr, self) < 0) {
- /* NpyErr_Print(); */
- NpyErr_Clear();
- }
- /*
- * Don't need to DECREF -- because we are deleting
- *self already...
- */
- result = 1;
- }
- /*
- * In any case base is pointing to something that we need
- * to DECREF -- either a view or a buffer object
- */
- Npy_DECREF(self->base_arr);
- self->base_arr = NULL;
- } else if (NULL != self->base_obj) {
- NpyInterface_DECREF(self->base_obj);
- self->base_obj = NULL;
- }
- if ((self->flags & NPY_OWNDATA) && self->data) {
- /* Free internal references if an Object array */
- if (NpyDataType_FLAGCHK(self->descr, NPY_ITEM_REFCOUNT)) {
- Npy_INCREF(self); /* hold on to self in next call */
- NpyArray_XDECREF(self);
- /*
- * Don't need to DECREF -- because we are deleting
- * self already...
- */
- if (self->nob_refcnt == 1) {
- result = 1;
- }
- }
- NpyDataMem_FREE(self->data);
- }
- NpyDimMem_FREE(self->dimensions);
- Npy_DECREF(self->descr);
- /* Flag that this object is now deallocated. */
- self->nob_magic_number = NPY_INVALID_MAGIC;
- NpyArray_free(self);
- return result;
- }
- NpyTypeObject NpyArray_Type = {
- (npy_destructor)NpyArray_dealloc,
- };