ActionScript | 196 lines | 157 code | 24 blank | 15 comment | 22 complexity | da2ee050a65060c3e459882c68d41c01 MD5 | raw file
- /**
- HTTPURLLoader is small http client for GET requests and header manipulation.
- @class HTTPURLLoader (public)
- @author Abdul Qabiz (mail at abdulqabiz dot com)
- @version 1.01 (3/5/2007)
- @availability 9.0+
- Modified by Boris Reitman
- */
- package {
- import flash.net.*;
- import flash.events.*;
- import flash.system.Security;
- import flash.errors.EOFError;
- import flash.utils.*;
- import mx.utils.StringUtil;
- dynamic public class HTTPURLLoader extends EventDispatcher
- {
- [Event(name="close", type="flash.events.Event.CLOSE")]
- [Event(name="complete", type="flash.events.Event.COMPLETE")]
- [Event(name="open", type="flash.events.Event.CONNECT")]
- [Event(name="ioError", type="flash.events.IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR")]
- [Event(name="securityError", type="flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR")]
- [Event(name="progress", type="flash.events.ProgressEvent.PROGRESS")]
- [Event(name="httpStatus", type="flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS")]
- private var socket:Socket;
- private var headerComplete:Boolean = false;
- private var headerTmp:String = "";
- private var _httpPort:uint = 80;
- private var _request:URLRequest;
- public var _httpRequest:String;
- public var _httpServer:String;
- private var _header:Object;
- private var _data:String = "";
- private var _bytesLoaded:int = 0;
- private var _bytesTotal:int = 0;
- private var _httpVersion:Number;
- private var _httpStatusCode:int;
- private var _httpStatusText:String;
- public function HTTPURLLoader(request:URLRequest = null) {
- //doesn't really need it here, as load(..) requires request
- _request = request;
- socket = new Socket();
- socket.addEventListener( "connect" , onConnectEvent , false , 0 );
- socket.addEventListener( "close" , onCloseEvent , false, 0 );
- socket.addEventListener( "ioError" , onIOErrorEvent , false, 0 );
- socket.addEventListener( "securityError" , onSecurityErrorEvent , false, 0 );
- socket.addEventListener( "socketData" , onSocketDataEvent , false , 0 );
- }
- public function load(request:URLRequest):void {
- _request = request;
- if(parseURL())
- try { socket.connect(_httpServer, _httpPort); } catch (e:Error) { }
- else
- throw new Error("Invalid URL");
- }
- public function close():void {
- if(socket.connected) {
- socket.close();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE));
- }
- }
- public function get data():String {
- return _data;
- }
- public function get header():Object {
- return _header;
- }
- public function get bytesLoaded():int {
- return _bytesLoaded;
- }
- public function get bytesTotal ():int {
- return _bytesTotal;
- }
- private function onConnectEvent(event:Event):void {
- sendHeaders();
- dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CONNECT));
- }
- private function onCloseEvent(event:Event):void {
- dispatchEvent(new Event(flash.events.Event.COMPLETE));
- }
- private function onIOErrorEvent(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
- dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- private function onSecurityErrorEvent(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
- dispatchEvent(event.clone());
- }
- private function onSocketDataEvent(event:ProgressEvent):void {
- _bytesLoaded += socket.bytesAvailable;
- dispatchEvent(new ProgressEvent(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, false, false, _bytesLoaded, _bytesTotal))
- var str:String = "";
- try { str = socket.readUTFBytes(socket.bytesAvailable); } catch(e:Error) { }
- if(!headerComplete) {
- var httpStatus:String;
- var headerEndIndex:int = str.indexOf("\r\n\r\n");
- if(headerEndIndex != -1) {
- headerTmp += str.substring(0, headerEndIndex);
- headerComplete = true;
- _data += str.substring(headerEndIndex + 4);
- var headerArr:Array = headerTmp.split("\r\n");
- var headerLine:String;
- var headerParts:Array;
- for each(headerLine in headerArr) {
- if(headerLine.indexOf("HTTP/1.") != -1) {
- headerParts = headerLine.split(" ");
- if(headerParts.length > 0)
- _httpVersion = parseFloat(StringUtil.trim(headerParts.shift().split("/")[1]));
- if(headerParts.length > 0)
- _httpStatusCode = parseInt(StringUtil.trim(headerParts.shift()));
- if(headerParts.length > 0)
- _httpStatusText = StringUtil.trim(headerParts.join(" "));
- dispatchEvent(new HTTPStatusEvent(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, false, false, _httpStatusCode));
- } else {
- var colonIndex:int = headerLine.indexOf(":");
- if(colonIndex != -1) {
- var key:String = StringUtil.trim(headerLine.substring(0, colonIndex));
- var value:String = StringUtil.trim(headerLine.substring(colonIndex + 1));
- if (!_header)
- _header = new Object ();
- _header[key] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- if(_header["Content-Length"])
- // total bytes = content-length + header size (number of characters in header)
- // not working, need to work on right logic..
- _bytesTotal = int(_header["Content-Length"]) + headerTmp.length;
- } else
- headerTmp += str;
- } else
- _data += str;
- }
- private function sendHeaders():void
- {
- var requestHeaders:Array = _request.requestHeaders;
- var h:String = "";
- _header = null;
- _bytesLoaded = 0;
- _bytesTotal = 0;
- _data = "";
- headerComplete = false;
- headerTmp = "";
- //create an HTTP 1.0 Header Request
- h+= "GET " + _httpRequest + " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
- h+= "Host:" + _httpServer + "\r\n";
- if(requestHeaders.length > 0) {
- for each(var rh:URLRequestHeader in requestHeaders)
- h+= rh.name + ":" + rh.value + "\r\n";
- }
- //set HTTP headers to socket buffer
- socket.writeUTFBytes(h + "\r\n\r\n")
- //push the data to server
- socket.flush()
- }
- private function parseURL():Boolean {
- var d:Array = _request.url.split('http://')[1].split('/');
- if(d.length > 0)
- {
- _httpServer = d.shift();
- var d2:Array = _httpServer.split(':');
- if (d2.length>0) {
- _httpServer = d2[0];
- _httpPort = d2[1];
- }
- Security.loadPolicyFile("http://"+_httpServer+':'+_httpPort+"/crossdomain.xml");
- _httpRequest = '/' + d.join('/');
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- }