PHP | 806 lines | 429 code | 98 blank | 279 comment | 88 complexity | 33064ba9ac56f02de8b9db5723b95d53 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /*
- The Relation widget is used in forms, where the User can choose
- between a selection of model elements, that this models belongs to.
- It is able to handle BELONGS_TO, HAS_ONE and MANY_MANY Relations. The Relation
- type is detected automatically from the Model 'relations()' section.
- The Widget has different styles in which it can render the possible choices.
- Use the 'style' option to set the appropriate style.
- The following example shows how to use Relation with a minimal config,
- assuming we have a Model "Post" and "User", where one User belongs
- to a Post:
- <pre>
- $this->widget('application.components.Relation', array(
- 'model' => 'Post',
- 'relation' => 'user'
- 'fields' => 'username' // show the field "username" of the parent element
- ));
- </pre>
- Results in a drop down list in which the user can choose between
- all available Users in the Database. The shown field of the
- Table "User" is "username" in this example.
- You can choose the Style of your Widget in the 'style' option.
- Note that a Many_Many Relation always gets rendered as a Listbox,
- since you can select multiple Elements.
- 'fields' can be an array or an string.
- If you pass an array to 'fields', the Widget will display every field in
- this array. If you want to show further sub-relations, separate the values
- with '.', for example: 'fields' => 'array('parent.grandparent.description')
- Optional Parameters:
- You can use 'field' => 'post_userid' if the field in the model
- that represents the foreign model is called different than in the
- relation
- Use 'relatedPk' => 'id_of_user' if the primary Key of the Foreign
- Model differs from the one given in the relation.
- Normally you shouldn´t use this fields cause the Widget get the relations
- automatically from the relation.
- Use 'allowEmpty' to let the user be able to choose no parent. If you
- set this to a string, this string will be displayed with the available
- choices.
- With 'showAddButton' => 'false' you can disable the 'create new Foreignkey'
- Button generated beside the Selectbox.
- Define the AddButtonString with 'addButtonString' => 'Add...'. This string
- is set default to '+'
- When using the '+' button you most likely want to return to where you came.
- To accomplish this, we pass a 'returnTo' parameter by $_GET.
- The Controller can send the user back to where he came from this way:
- <pre>
- if($model->save())
- if(isset($_GET['returnTo']))
- $this->redirect(array(urldecode($_GET['returnTo'])));
- </pre>
- Using the 'style' option we can configure how our Widget gets rendered.
- The following styles are available:
- Selectbox (default), Listbox, Checkbox and in MANY_MANY relations 'twopane'
- The style is case insensitive so one can use dropdownlist or dropDownList.
- Use the option 'createAction' if the action to add additional foreign Model
- options differs from 'create'.
- With 'parentObjects' you can limit the Parent Elements that are being shown.
- It takes an array of elements that could be returned from an scope or
- an SQL Query.
- The parentObjects can be grouped, for example, with
- 'groupParentsBy' => 'city'
- Use the option 'htmlOptions' to pass any html Options to the
- Selectbox/Listbox form element.
- Full Example:
- <pre>
- $this->widget('application.components.Relation', array(
- 'model' => 'Post',
- 'field' => 'Userid',
- 'style' => 'ListBox',
- 'parentObjects' => Parentmodel::model()->findAll('userid = 17'),
- 'groupParentsBy' => 'city',
- 'relation' => 'user',
- 'relatedPk' => 'id_of_user',
- 'fields' => array( 'username', 'username.group.groupid' ),
- 'delimiter' => ' -> ', // default: ' | '
- 'returnTo' => 'model/create',
- 'addButtonLink' => 'othercontroller/otheraction', // default: ''
- 'showAddButton' => 'click here to add a new User', // default: ''
- 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 100px;')
- ));
- </pre>
- @author Herbert Maschke <thyseus@gmail.com>
- @version 0.97 (after 1.0rc5)
- @since 1.1
- */
- class Relation extends CWidget
- {
- // this Variable holds an instance of the Object
- protected $_model;
- // this Variable holds an instance of the related Object
- protected $_relatedModel;
- // draw the relation of which model?
- public $model;
- // which relation should be rendered?
- public $relation;
- public $field;
- // the Primary Key of the foreign Model
- public $relatedPk;
- // a field or an array of fields that determine which field values
- // should be rendered in the selection
- public $fields;
- // if this is set, the User is able to select no related model
- // if this is set to a string, this string will be presented
- public $allowEmpty = 0;
- // Preselect which items?
- public $preselect = false;
- // disable this to hide the Add Button
- // set this to a string to set the String to be displayed
- public $showAddButton = false;
- public $addButtonLink = '';
- // Set this to false to generate a Link rather than a LinkButton
- // This is useful when Javascript is not available
- public $useLinkButton = true;
- // use this to set the link where the user should return to after
- // clicking the add Button
- public $returnLink;
- // How the label of a row should be rendered. {id} will be replaced by the
- // id of the model. You can also insert every field that is available in the
- // parent object.
- // Use {fields} to display all fields delimited by $this->delimiter
- // Use {myFuncName} to evaluate a user-contributed function specified in the
- // $functions array as 'myFuncName'=>'code to be evaluated'. The code for
- // these functions are evaluated under the context of the controller
- // rendering the current Relation widget ($this refers to the controller).
- // Old way, not encouraged anymore: Use {func0} to {funcX} to evaluate user-
- // contributed functions specified in the $functions array as a keyless
- // string entry of 'code to be evaluated'.
- // Example of code:
- //
- // 'template' => '#{id} : {fields} ({title}) Allowed other Models: {func0} {func1} {preferredWay}',
- // 'functions' => array(
- // "CHtml::checkBoxList('parent{id}', '', CHtml::listData(Othermodel::model()->findAll(), 'id', 'title'));",
- // '$this->funcThatReturnsText();'
- // 'preferredWay' => '$this->instructMe();'
- // ),
- public $template = '{fields}';
- // User-contributed functions, see comment for $template.
- public $functions = array();
- // If true, all the user-contributed functions in $functions will be
- // substituted in $htmlOptions['template'] as well.
- // If an array of function names, all the listed functions will be
- // substituted in $htmlOptions['template'] as well.
- public $functionsInHtmlOptionsTemplate = false;
- // how should multiple fields be delimited
- public $delimiter = " | ";
- // style of the selection Widget
- public $style = "dropDownList";
- public $htmlOptions = array();
- public $parentObjects = 0;
- public $orderParentsBy = 0;
- public $groupParentsBy = 0;
- // override this for complicated MANY_MANY relations:
- public $manyManyTable = '';
- public $manyManyTableLeft = '';
- public $manyManyTableRight = '';
- public $num = 1;
- public function init()
- {
- if(!is_object($this->model)) {
- if(!$this->_model = new $this->model) {
- throw new CException(
- Yii::t('yii','Relation widget is not able to instantiate the given Model'));
- }
- }
- else
- $this->_model = $this->model;
- // Instantiate Model and related Model
- foreach($this->_model->relations() as $key => $value)
- {
- if(strcmp($this->relation, $key) == 0)
- {
- // $key = Name of the Relation
- // $value[0] = Type of the Relation
- // $value[1] = Related Model
- // $value[2] = Related Field or Many_Many Table
- switch($value[0])
- {
- case 'CBelongsToRelation':
- case 'CHasOneRelation':
- $this->_relatedModel = new $value[1];
- if(!isset($this->field))
- {
- $this->field = $value[2];
- }
- break;
- case 'CManyManyRelation':
- preg_match_all('/^.*\(/', $value[2], $matches);
- $this->manyManyTable = substr($matches[0][0], 0, strlen($matches[0][0]) -1);
- preg_match_all('/\(.*,/', $value[2], $matches);
- $this->manyManyTableLeft = substr($matches[0][0], 1, strlen($matches[0][0]) - 2);
- preg_match_all('/,.*\)/', $value[2], $matches);
- $this->manyManyTableRight = substr($matches[0][0], 2, strlen($matches[0][0]) - 3);
- $this->_relatedModel = new $value[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!is_object($this->_relatedModel))
- throw new CException(
- Yii::t('yii','Relation widget cannot find the given Relation('.$this->relation.')'));
- if(!isset($this->relatedPk) || $this->relatedPk == "")
- {
- $this->relatedPk = $this->_relatedModel->tableSchema->primaryKey;
- }
- if(!isset($this->fields) || $this->fields == "" || $this->fields == array())
- throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Widget "Relation" has been run without fields Option(string or array)'));
- }
- // Check if model-value contains '.' and generate -> directives:
- public function getModelData($model, $field)
- {
- if(strstr($field, '.'))
- {
- $data = explode('.', $field);
- $value = $model->getRelated($data[0])->$data[1];
- } else
- $value = $model->$field;
- return $value;
- }
- /**
- * This function fetches all needed data of the related Object and returns
- * them in an array that is prepared for use in ListData.
- */
- public function getRelatedData()
- {
- /* At first we determine, if we want to display all parent Objects, or
- * if the User supplied an list of Objects */
- if(is_object($this->parentObjects)) // a single Element
- {
- $parentobjects = array($this->parentObjects);
- }
- else if(is_array($this->parentObjects)) // Only show this elements
- {
- $parentobjects = $this->parentObjects;
- }
- else // Show all Parent elements
- {
- $parentobjects = CActiveRecord::model(get_class($this->_relatedModel))->findAll();
- }
- if($this->allowEmpty)
- if(is_string($this->allowEmpty))
- $dataArray[0] = $this->allowEmpty;
- else
- $dataArray[0] = Yii::t('app', 'None');
- foreach($parentobjects as $obj)
- {
- if(!is_array($this->fields))
- $this->fields = array($this->fields);
- $fields = '';
- $i = 0;
- foreach($this->fields as $field)
- {
- $rule = sprintf('{%s}',$field);
- $rules[$rule] = $obj->$field;
- if($i++ > 0)
- $fields .= $this->delimiter;
- $fields .= $this->getModelData($obj, $field);
- }
- $defaultrules = array(
- '{fields}' => $fields,
- '{id}' => $obj->{$obj->tableSchema->primaryKey});
- // Look for user-contributed functions and evaluate them
- if($this->functions != array())
- {
- foreach($this->functions as $key => $function)
- {
- // If the key is of type string, it's assumed to be a named function,
- // used like {myFuncName}.
- // If the key is an integer, it's assumed to be an unnamed function used
- // the old way, {funcX} where X is its index in the functions array.
- // We keep the integer support mostly for backwards compatibility, the
- // new way is encouraged.
- if(is_string($key)) {
- $funcrules[sprintf('{%s}', $key)] = $this->controller->evaluateExpression(
- strtr($function, $defaultrules));
- } else {
- $funcrules[sprintf('{func%d}', $key)] = $this->controller->evaluateExpression(
- strtr($function, $defaultrules));
- }
- }
- }
- // Merge the evaluated rules, if exist
- if(isset($funcrules))
- $rules = array_merge($rules, $funcrules);
- // Merge the default rules into our ruleset
- $rules = array_merge($rules, $defaultrules);
- // Apply the rules to the template
- $value = strtr($this->template, $rules);
- // Apply the user contributed functions to $htmlOptions's template, if requested.
- if(isset($this->htmlOptions['template']) && $this->functionsInHtmlOptionsTemplate !== false && isset($funcrules) && is_array($funcrules)) {
- if(is_array($this->functionsInHtmlOptionsTemplate))
- {
- $funcrulesToUse = array();
- foreach($this->functionsInHtmlOptionsTemplate as $functionName) {
- $functionName = sprintf('{%s}', $functionName);
- if(isset($funcrules[$functionName])) {
- $funcrulesToUse[$functionName] = $funcrules[$functionName];
- }
- }
- $this->htmlOptions['template'] = strtr($this->htmlOptions['template'], $funcrulesToUse);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->htmlOptions['template'] = strtr($this->htmlOptions['template'], $funcrules);
- }
- }
- if($this->groupParentsBy != '')
- {
- $dataArray[$obj->{$this->groupParentsBy}][$obj->{$this->relatedPk}] = CHtml::encode($value);
- }
- else
- {
- $dataArray[$obj->{$this->relatedPk}] = CHtml::encode($value);
- }
- }
- if(!isset($dataArray) || !is_array($dataArray))
- $dataArray = array();
- return $dataArray;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the Assigned Objects of the MANY_MANY related Table
- */
- public function getAssignedObjects()
- {
- if($this->_model->{$this->_model->tableSchema->primaryKey}) {
- $sql = sprintf('select * from %s where %s = %s',
- $this->manyManyTable,
- $this->manyManyTableLeft,
- $this->_model->{$this->_model->tableSchema->primaryKey});
- $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
- foreach($result as $foreignObject) {
- $id = $foreignObject[$this->manyManyTableRight];
- $objects[$id] = $this->_relatedModel->findByPk($id);
- }
- }
- // also add assigned models that are not yet saved in the database
- foreach($this->_model->{$this->relation} as $relobj)
- if(is_object($relobj))
- $objects[$relobj->id] = $relobj;
- else if(is_numeric($relobj))
- $objects[$relobj] = $relobj;
- return isset($objects) ? $objects : array();
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the not Assigned Objects of the MANY_MANY related Table
- * This is used in the two-pane style view.
- */
- public function getNotAssignedObjects()
- {
- foreach($this->getRelatedData() as $key => $value)
- {
- if(!array_key_exists($key, $this->getAssignedObjects()))
- {
- $objects[$key] = $this->_relatedModel->findByPk($key);
- }
- }
- return $objects ? $objects : array();
- }
- /**
- * Gets the Values of the given Object or Objects depending on the
- * $this->fields the widget requests
- */
- public function getObjectValues($objects)
- {
- if(is_array($objects)) {
- foreach($objects as $object) {
- $attributeValues[$object->primaryKey] = $object->{$this->fields};
- }
- }
- else if(is_object($objects)) {
- $attributeValues[$object->primaryKey] = $objects->{$this->fields};
- }
- return isset($attributeValues) ? $attributeValues : array();
- }
- /*
- * How will the Listbox of the MANY_MANY Assignment be called?
- */
- public function getListBoxName($ajax = false)
- {
- if($ajax) {
- return sprintf('%s_%s',
- get_class($this->_model),
- get_class($this->_relatedModel)
- );
- } else {
- return sprintf('%s[%s]',
- get_class($this->_model),
- get_class($this->_relatedModel)
- );
- }
- }
- public function getListBoxId()
- {
- return sprintf('%s_%s',
- get_class($this->_model),
- get_class($this->_relatedModel)
- );
- }
- public function renderBelongsToSelection() {
- if(strcasecmp($this->style, "dropDownList") == 0)
- echo CHtml::ActiveDropDownList(
- $this->_model,
- $this->field,
- $this->getRelatedData(),
- $this->htmlOptions);
- else if(strcasecmp($this->style, "listbox") == 0)
- echo CHtml::ActiveListBox(
- $this->_model,
- $this->field,
- $this->getRelatedData(),
- $this->htmlOptions);
- else if(strcasecmp($this->style, "checkbox") == 0)
- echo CHtml::ActiveCheckBoxList(
- $this->_model,
- $this->field,
- $this->getRelatedData(),
- $this->htmlOptions);
- }
- public function renderManyManySelection() {
- if(strcasecmp($this->style, 'twopane') == 0)
- $this->renderTwoPaneSelection();
- else if(strcasecmp($this->style, 'checkbox') == 0)
- $this->renderCheckBoxListSelection();
- else if(strcasecmp($this->style, 'dropDownList') == 0)
- $this->renderManyManyDropDownListSelection();
- else
- $this->renderOnePaneSelection();
- }
- /*
- * Renders one dropDownList per selectable related Element.
- * The users can add additional entries with the + and remove entries
- * with the - Button. Once a element is selected, the same element in
- * the other dropdownlists gets removed, so the user can only choose each
- * element only once.
- */
- public function renderManyManyDropDownListSelection() {
- // Do we need do display all or only a subset of parent elements?
- if($this->parentObjects != 0)
- $relatedmodels = $this->parentObjects;
- else
- $relatedmodels = $this->_relatedModel->findAll();
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('relation', "
- function remove_selection(id) {
- option = '<option value=\"'+id+'\" class=\"option_'+id+'\">'+$('#option_'+id).html()+'</option>';
- $('#selection_'+id).remove();
- $('#option_'+id).remove();
- $('#removelink_'+id).remove();
- $('#".$this->getListBoxId()."').append(option);
- }
- ", CClientScript::POS_HEAD);
- $remove_link = CHtml::image(
- Yii::app()->getAssetManager()->publish(
- Yii::getPathOfAlias('zii.widgets.assets.gridview').'/delete.png'));
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('relation', "
- $('#".$this->getListBoxId()."').bind('change', function() {
- id = $(this).val();
- if(id != 0) {
- option = $('.option_' + id);
- selection = '<li id=\"option_'+id+'\">' + option.html() + '</li>';
- hiddeninput = '<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"selection_'+id+'\" name=\"selection_'+id+'\" />';
- remove_link = '<a id=\"removelink_'+id+'\" style=\"float:right;\" onclick=\"remove_selection('+id+')\">".$remove_link. "</a>';
- clear = '<div style=\"clear: both;\"></div>';
- $('#selected').append(remove_link);
- $('#selected').append(hiddeninput);
- $('#selected').append(selection);
- $('#selected').append(clear);
- option.remove();
- }
- });
- ");
- // before we render our dropdownlists, we need to gather <option>
- // parameters that we pass over to CHtml::dropDownList
- $options = array();
- $assigned = array();
- foreach($relatedmodels as $key => $obj) {
- if($this->isAssigned($obj->id)) {
- $assigned[$obj->id] = $obj->{$this->fields};
- unset($relatedmodels[$key]);
- }
- else
- $options[$obj->id] = array('class' => "option_{$obj->id}");
- }
- echo CHtml::dropDownList($this->getListBoxName(),
- 0,
- CHtml::listData(
- array_merge(
- array('0' => $this->allowEmpty), $relatedmodels),
- $this->relatedPk,
- $this->fields), array(
- 'options' => $options,
- )
- );
- echo '<ul id="selected">';
- if(isset($assigned) && $assigned)
- foreach($assigned as $key => $option) {
- printf('<a id="removelink_%d" style="float: right;" onclick="remove_selection(%d)"> %s </a>', $key, $key, $remove_link);
- printf('<input type="hidden" id="selection_%d" name="selection_%d">', $key, $key);
- printf('<li id="option_%d">%s</li>', $key, $option);
- }
- echo '</ul>';
- /* $uniqueid = $this->_relatedModel->tableSchema->name;
- $js_init = "
- var removed_elements = [];
- ";
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('dropdown_init', $js_init);
- $addbutton = sprintf('i'.$this->num.' = %d; maxi'.$this->num.' = %d;',
- count($this->getAssignedObjects()) + 1,
- count($relatedmodels));
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript(
- 'addbutton_'.$uniqueid.'_'.$this->num, $addbutton);
- // Javascript that handles the action when a element gets selected
- $js_dropdownlist_change = "
- // element = parseInt($(this).val());
- // $('.option_{$uniqueid}_'+element).remove();
- ";
- // before we render our dropdownlists, we need to gather <option>
- // parameters that // we pass over to CHtml::dropDownList
- $options = array();
- foreach($relatedmodels as $obj) {
- $options[$obj->id] = array('class' => "option_{$uniqueid}_{$obj->id}");
- }
- $i = 0;
- foreach($relatedmodels as $obj) {
- $isAssigned = $this->isAssigned($obj->id);
- echo CHtml::openTag('div', array(
- 'id' => sprintf('div_%s_%d', $uniqueid, $i),
- 'style' => $i != 1 && !$isAssigned ? 'display:none;' : '',
- ));
- echo CHtml::dropDownList(sprintf('%s[%d]',
- $this->getListBoxName(),
- $i),
- $isAssigned ? $obj->id : 0,
- CHtml::listData(
- array_merge(
- array('0' => $this->allowEmpty), $relatedmodels),
- $this->relatedPk,
- $this->fields), array(
- 'options' => $options,
- 'onchange' => $js_dropdownlist_change
- )
- );
- echo CHtml::button('-', array('id' => sprintf('sub_%s_%d',
- $uniqueid,
- $i)));
- echo CHtml::closeTag('div');
- $jsadd = "
- $('#add_{$uniqueid}').click(function() {
- alert($(\"select[name='{$this->getListBoxName()}[\"+i{$this->num}+\"]']\").val());
- if($(\"select[name='{$this->getListBoxName()}[\"+i{$this->num}+\"]']\").val() != '') {
- $('#div_{$uniqueid}_' + i{$this->num}).show();
- if(i{$this->num} <= maxi{$this->num}) i{$this->num}++;
- }
- });
- ";
- $jssub = "
- $('#sub_{$uniqueid}_{$i}').click(function() {
- $('#div_{$uniqueid}_{$i}').hide();
- $(\"select[name='{$this->getListBoxName()}[{$i}]]\").val('');
- if(i{$this->num} >= 1) i{$this->num}--;
- });
- ";
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('subbutton_'.$uniqueid.'_'.$i, $jssub);
- $i++;
- }
- Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('addbutton_'.$uniqueid, $jsadd);
- echo ' ';
- echo CHtml::button('+', array('id' => sprintf('add_%s', $uniqueid)));
- */
- }
- public function isAssigned($id)
- {
- return in_array($id, array_keys($this->getAssignedObjects()));
- }
- public static function retrieveValues($data)
- {
- $return_array= array();
- foreach($data as $key => $value) {
- if(substr($key, 0, 10) == 'selection_') {
- $data = explode('_', $key);
- $data = $data[1];
- $return_array[$data] = $data;
- }
- }
- return $return_array;
- }
- public function renderCheckBoxListSelection()
- {
- $keys = array_keys($this->getAssignedObjects());
- if(isset($this->preselect) && $this->preselect != false)
- $keys = $this->preselect;
- echo CHtml::CheckBoxList($this->getListBoxName(),
- $keys,
- $this->getRelatedData(),
- $this->htmlOptions);
- }
- public function renderOnePaneSelection()
- {
- $keys = array_keys($this->getAssignedObjects());
- echo CHtml::ListBox($this->getListBoxName(),
- $keys,
- $this->getRelatedData(),
- array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
- }
- public function handleAjaxRequest($_POST) {
- print_r($_POST);
- }
- public function renderTwoPaneSelection()
- {
- echo CHtml::ListBox($this->getListBoxName(),
- array(),
- $this->getObjectValues($this->getAssignedObjects()),
- array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
- $ajax =
- array(
- 'type'=>'POST',
- 'data'=>array('yeah'),
- 'update'=>'#' . $this->getListBoxName(true),
- );
- echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('<<',
- array('assign'),
- $ajax
- );
- $ajax =
- array(
- 'type'=>'POST',
- 'update'=>'#not_'.$this->getListBoxName(true)
- );
- echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('>>',
- array('assign','revoke'=>1),
- $ajax);//,
- //$data['revoke']);
- echo CHtml::ListBox('not_' . $this->getListBoxName(),
- array(),
- $this->getObjectValues($this->getNotAssignedObjects()),
- array('multiple' => 'multiple'));
- }
- public function run()
- {
- if($this->manyManyTable != '')
- $this->renderManyManySelection();
- else
- $this->renderBelongsToSelection();
- if($this->showAddButton !== false)
- {
- $this->renderAddButton();
- }
- }
- protected function renderAddButton()
- {
- if(!isset($this->returnLink) or $this->returnLink == "")
- $this->returnLink = get_class($this->model) . "/create";
- if(isset($_POST['returnUrl']))
- echo CHtml::hiddenField('returnUrl', $_POST['returnUrl']);
- else
- echo CHtml::hiddenField('returnUrl', Yii::app()->request->hostInfo . Yii::app()->request->requestUri);
- if($this->addButtonLink != '')
- $link = $this->addButtonLink;
- else
- $link = array(get_class($this->_relatedModel) . "/create");
- $string = '<br />' . Yii::t('app', 'Add new') . ' ' . Yii::t('app', get_class($this->_relatedModel));
- if(!$this->useLinkButton) {
- echo CHtml::Link(
- is_string($this->showAddButton)
- ? $this->showAddButton
- : $string, $link);
- } else {
- echo CHtml::LinkButton(
- is_string($this->showAddButton)
- ? $this->showAddButton
- : $string,
- array('submit' => $link));
- }
- }
- }