ActionScript | 338 lines | 171 code | 27 blank | 140 comment | 43 complexity | 853f4a6b4a31d4a32183766adecd4ded MD5 | raw file
- package org.flixel.system.input
- {
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import org.flixel.FlxCamera;
- import org.flixel.FlxG;
- import org.flixel.FlxPoint;
- import org.flixel.FlxSprite;
- import org.flixel.FlxU;
- import org.flixel.system.replay.MouseRecord;
- /**
- * This class helps contain and track the mouse pointer in your game.
- * Automatically accounts for parallax scrolling, etc.
- *
- * @author Adam Atomic
- */
- public class Mouse extends FlxPoint
- {
- [Embed(source="../../data/cursor.png")] protected var ImgDefaultCursor:Class;
- /**
- * Current "delta" value of mouse wheel. If the wheel was just scrolled up, it will have a positive value. If it was just scrolled down, it will have a negative value. If it wasn't just scroll this frame, it will be 0.
- */
- public var wheel:int;
- /**
- * Current X position of the mouse pointer on the screen.
- */
- public var screenX:int;
- /**
- * Current Y position of the mouse pointer on the screen.
- */
- public var screenY:int;
- /**
- * Helper variable for tracking whether the mouse was just pressed or just released.
- */
- protected var _current:int;
- /**
- * Helper variable for tracking whether the mouse was just pressed or just released.
- */
- protected var _last:int;
- /**
- * A display container for the mouse cursor.
- * This container is a child of FlxGame and sits at the right "height".
- */
- protected var _cursorContainer:Sprite;
- /**
- * This is just a reference to the current cursor image, if there is one.
- */
- protected var _cursor:Bitmap;
- /**
- * Helper variables for recording purposes.
- */
- protected var _lastX:int;
- protected var _lastY:int;
- protected var _lastWheel:int;
- protected var _point:FlxPoint;
- protected var _globalScreenPosition:FlxPoint;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function Mouse(CursorContainer:Sprite)
- {
- super();
- _cursorContainer = CursorContainer;
- _lastX = screenX = 0;
- _lastY = screenY = 0;
- _lastWheel = wheel = 0;
- _current = 0;
- _last = 0;
- _cursor = null;
- _point = new FlxPoint();
- _globalScreenPosition = new FlxPoint();
- }
- /**
- * Clean up memory.
- */
- public function destroy():void
- {
- _cursorContainer = null;
- _cursor = null;
- _point = null;
- _globalScreenPosition = null;
- }
- /**
- * Either show an existing cursor or load a new one.
- *
- * @param Graphic The image you want to use for the cursor.
- * @param Scale Change the size of the cursor. Default = 1, or native size. 2 = 2x as big, 0.5 = half size, etc.
- * @param XOffset The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner.
- * @param YOffset The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner.
- */
- public function show(Graphic:Class=null,Scale:Number=1,XOffset:int=0,YOffset:int=0):void
- {
- _cursorContainer.visible = true;
- if(Graphic != null)
- load(Graphic,Scale,XOffset,YOffset);
- else if(_cursor == null)
- load();
- }
- /**
- * Hides the mouse cursor
- */
- public function hide():void
- {
- _cursorContainer.visible = false;
- }
- /**
- * Read only, check visibility of mouse cursor.
- */
- public function get visible():Boolean
- {
- return _cursorContainer.visible;
- }
- /**
- * Load a new mouse cursor graphic
- *
- * @param Graphic The image you want to use for the cursor.
- * @param Scale Change the size of the cursor.
- * @param XOffset The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner.
- * @param YOffset The number of pixels between the mouse's screen position and the graphic's top left corner.
- */
- public function load(Graphic:Class=null,Scale:Number=1,XOffset:int=0,YOffset:int=0):void
- {
- if(_cursor != null)
- _cursorContainer.removeChild(_cursor);
- if(Graphic == null)
- Graphic = ImgDefaultCursor;
- _cursor = new Graphic();
- _cursor.x = XOffset;
- _cursor.y = YOffset;
- _cursor.scaleX = Scale;
- _cursor.scaleY = Scale;
- _cursorContainer.addChild(_cursor);
- }
- /**
- * Unload the current cursor graphic. If the current cursor is visible,
- * then the default system cursor is loaded up to replace the old one.
- */
- public function unload():void
- {
- if(_cursor != null)
- {
- if(_cursorContainer.visible)
- load();
- else
- {
- _cursorContainer.removeChild(_cursor)
- _cursor = null;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called by the internal game loop to update the mouse pointer's position in the game world.
- * Also updates the just pressed/just released flags.
- *
- * @param X The current X position of the mouse in the window.
- * @param Y The current Y position of the mouse in the window.
- * @param XScroll The amount the game world has scrolled horizontally.
- * @param YScroll The amount the game world has scrolled vertically.
- */
- public function update(X:int,Y:int):void
- {
- _globalScreenPosition.x = X;
- _globalScreenPosition.y = Y;
- updateCursor();
- if((_last == -1) && (_current == -1))
- _current = 0;
- else if((_last == 2) && (_current == 2))
- _current = 1;
- _last = _current;
- }
- /**
- * Internal function for helping to update the mouse cursor and world coordinates.
- */
- protected function updateCursor():void
- {
- //actually position the flixel mouse cursor graphic
- _cursorContainer.x = _globalScreenPosition.x;
- _cursorContainer.y = _globalScreenPosition.y;
- //update the x, y, screenX, and screenY variables based on the default camera.
- //This is basically a combination of getWorldPosition() and getScreenPosition()
- var camera:FlxCamera = FlxG.camera;
- screenX = (_globalScreenPosition.x - camera.x)/camera.zoom;
- screenY = (_globalScreenPosition.y - camera.y)/camera.zoom;
- x = screenX + camera.scroll.x;
- y = screenY + camera.scroll.y;
- }
- /**
- * Fetch the world position of the mouse on any given camera.
- * NOTE: Mouse.x and Mouse.y also store the world position of the mouse cursor on the main camera.
- *
- * @param Camera If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.
- * @param Point An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).
- *
- * @return The mouse's location in world space.
- */
- public function getWorldPosition(Camera:FlxCamera=null,Point:FlxPoint=null):FlxPoint
- {
- if(Camera == null)
- Camera = FlxG.camera;
- if(Point == null)
- Point = new FlxPoint();
- getScreenPosition(Camera,_point);
- Point.x = _point.x + Camera.scroll.x;
- Point.y = _point.y + Camera.scroll.y;
- return Point;
- }
- /**
- * Fetch the screen position of the mouse on any given camera.
- * NOTE: Mouse.screenX and Mouse.screenY also store the screen position of the mouse cursor on the main camera.
- *
- * @param Camera If unspecified, first/main global camera is used instead.
- * @param Point An existing point object to store the results (if you don't want a new one created).
- *
- * @return The mouse's location in screen space.
- */
- public function getScreenPosition(Camera:FlxCamera=null,Point:FlxPoint=null):FlxPoint
- {
- if(Camera == null)
- Camera = FlxG.camera;
- if(Point == null)
- Point = new FlxPoint();
- Point.x = (_globalScreenPosition.x - Camera.x)/Camera.zoom;
- Point.y = (_globalScreenPosition.y - Camera.y)/Camera.zoom;
- return Point;
- }
- /**
- * Resets the just pressed/just released flags and sets mouse to not pressed.
- */
- public function reset():void
- {
- _current = 0;
- _last = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Check to see if the mouse is pressed.
- *
- * @return Whether the mouse is pressed.
- */
- public function pressed():Boolean { return _current > 0; }
- /**
- * Check to see if the mouse was just pressed.
- *
- * @return Whether the mouse was just pressed.
- */
- public function justPressed():Boolean { return _current == 2; }
- /**
- * Check to see if the mouse was just released.
- *
- * @return Whether the mouse was just released.
- */
- public function justReleased():Boolean { return _current == -1; }
- /**
- * Event handler so FlxGame can update the mouse.
- *
- * @param FlashEvent A <code>MouseEvent</code> object.
- */
- public function handleMouseDown(FlashEvent:MouseEvent):void
- {
- if(_current > 0) _current = 1;
- else _current = 2;
- }
- /**
- * Event handler so FlxGame can update the mouse.
- *
- * @param FlashEvent A <code>MouseEvent</code> object.
- */
- public function handleMouseUp(FlashEvent:MouseEvent):void
- {
- if(_current > 0) _current = -1;
- else _current = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Event handler so FlxGame can update the mouse.
- *
- * @param FlashEvent A <code>MouseEvent</code> object.
- */
- public function handleMouseWheel(FlashEvent:MouseEvent):void
- {
- wheel = FlashEvent.delta;
- }
- /**
- * If the mouse changed state or is pressed, return that info now
- *
- * @return An array of key state data. Null if there is no data.
- */
- public function record():MouseRecord
- {
- if((_lastX == _globalScreenPosition.x) && (_lastY == _globalScreenPosition.y) && (_current == 0) && (_lastWheel == wheel))
- return null;
- _lastX = _globalScreenPosition.x;
- _lastY = _globalScreenPosition.y;
- _lastWheel = wheel;
- return new MouseRecord(_lastX,_lastY,_current,_lastWheel);
- }
- /**
- * Part of the keystroke recording system.
- * Takes data about key presses and sets it into array.
- *
- * @param KeyStates Array of data about key states.
- */
- public function playback(Record:MouseRecord):void
- {
- _current = Record.button;
- wheel = Record.wheel;
- _globalScreenPosition.x = Record.x;
- _globalScreenPosition.y = Record.y;
- updateCursor();
- }
- }
- }