C++ | 350 lines | 244 code | 64 blank | 42 comment | 34 complexity | 3743fd908c1f820ce537fe918e51c7a3 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- // Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Sugar, Tycho Softworks
- //
- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- // (at your option) any later version.
- //
- // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- // GNU General Public License for more details.
- //
- // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- //
- // As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
- // library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate
- // templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
- // this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
- // file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
- // the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
- // invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
- // the GNU General Public License.
- //
- // This exception applies only to the code released under the name GNU
- // Common C++. If you copy code from other releases into a copy of GNU
- // Common C++, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
- // not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
- // anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
- // this exception notice from them.
- //
- // If you write modifications of your own for GNU Common C++, it is your choice
- // whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
- // If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
- //
- #include <cc++/config.h>
- #include <cc++/export.h>
- #include <cc++/address.h>
- #include "private.h"
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <cstdio>
- namespace ost {
- #endif
- typedef unsigned char bit_t;
- static void bitmask(bit_t *bits, bit_t *mask, unsigned len)
- {
- while(len--)
- *(bits++) &= *(mask++);
- }
- static void bitimask(bit_t *bits, bit_t *mask, unsigned len)
- {
- while(len--)
- *(bits++) |= ~(*(mask++));
- }
- static void bitset(bit_t *bits, unsigned blen)
- {
- bit_t mask;
- while(blen) {
- mask = (bit_t)(1 << 7);
- while(mask && blen) {
- *bits |= mask;
- mask >>= 1;
- --blen;
- }
- ++bits;
- }
- }
- static unsigned bitcount(bit_t *bits, unsigned len)
- {
- unsigned count = 0;
- bit_t mask, test;
- while(len--) {
- mask = (bit_t)(1<<7);
- test = *bits++;
- while(mask) {
- if(!(mask & test))
- return count;
- ++count;
- mask >>= 1;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- IPV4Cidr::IPV4Cidr()
- {
- memset(&network, 0, sizeof(network));
- memset(&netmask, 0, sizeof(netmask));
- }
- IPV4Cidr::IPV4Cidr(const char *cp)
- {
- set(cp);
- }
- IPV4Cidr::IPV4Cidr(IPV4Cidr &cidr)
- {
- memcpy(&network, &cidr.network, sizeof(network));
- memcpy(&netmask, &cidr.netmask, sizeof(netmask));
- }
- bool IPV4Cidr::isMember(const struct in_addr &addr) const
- {
- struct in_addr host = addr;
- bitmask((bit_t *)&host, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(host));
- if(!memcmp(&host, &network, sizeof(host)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool IPV4Cidr::isMember(const struct sockaddr *saddr) const
- {
- struct sockaddr_in *addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)saddr;
- struct in_addr host;
- if(saddr->sa_family != AF_INET)
- return false;
- memcpy(&host, &addr->sin_addr.s_addr, sizeof(host));
- bitmask((bit_t *)&host, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(host));
- if(!memcmp(&host, &network, sizeof(host)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- struct in_addr IPV4Cidr::getBroadcast(void) const
- {
- struct in_addr bcast;
- memcpy(&bcast, &network, sizeof(network));
- bitimask((bit_t *)&bcast, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(bcast));
- return bcast;
- }
- unsigned IPV4Cidr::getMask(const char *cp) const
- {
- unsigned dcount = 0;
- const char *gp = cp;
- const char *mp = strchr(cp, '/');
- unsigned char dots[4];
- #ifdef WIN32
- DWORD mask;
- #else
- uint32 mask;
- #endif
- if(mp) {
- if(!strchr(++mp, '.'))
- return atoi(mp);
- mask = inet_addr(mp);
- return bitcount((bit_t *)&mask, sizeof(mask));
- }
- memset(dots, 0, sizeof(dots));
- dots[0] = atoi(cp);
- while(*gp && dcount < 3) {
- if(*(gp++) == '.')
- dots[++dcount] = atoi(gp);
- }
- if(dots[3])
- return 32;
- if(dots[2])
- return 24;
- if(dots[1])
- return 16;
- return 8;
- }
- void IPV4Cidr::set(const char *cp)
- {
- char cbuf[INET_IPV4_ADDRESS_SIZE];
- char *ep;
- unsigned dots = 0;
- #ifdef WIN32
- DWORD addr;
- #endif
- memset(&netmask, 0, sizeof(netmask));
- bitset((bit_t *)&netmask, getMask(cp));
- setString(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), cp);
- ep = (char *)strchr(cp, '/');
- if(ep)
- *ep = 0;
- cp = cbuf;
- while(NULL != (cp = strchr(cp, '.'))) {
- ++dots;
- ++cp;
- }
- while(dots++ < 3)
- addString(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), ".0");
- #ifdef WIN32
- addr = inet_addr(cbuf);
- memcpy(&network, &addr, sizeof(network));
- #else
- inet_aton(cbuf, &network);
- #endif
- bitmask((bit_t *)&network, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(network));
- }
- #ifdef CCXX_IPV6
- IPV6Cidr::IPV6Cidr()
- {
- memset(&network, 0, sizeof(network));
- memset(&netmask, 0, sizeof(netmask));
- }
- IPV6Cidr::IPV6Cidr(const char *cp)
- {
- set(cp);
- }
- IPV6Cidr::IPV6Cidr(IPV6Cidr &cidr)
- {
- memcpy(&network, &cidr.network, sizeof(network));
- memcpy(&netmask, &cidr.netmask, sizeof(netmask));
- }
- bool IPV6Cidr::isMember(const struct in6_addr &addr) const
- {
- struct in6_addr host = addr;
- bitmask((bit_t *)&host, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(host));
- if(!memcmp(&host, &network, sizeof(host)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- bool IPV6Cidr::isMember(const struct sockaddr *saddr) const
- {
- struct sockaddr_in6 *addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)saddr;
- struct in6_addr host;
- if(saddr->sa_family != AF_INET6)
- return false;
- memcpy(&host, &addr->sin6_addr, sizeof(host));
- bitmask((bit_t *)&host, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(host));
- if(!memcmp(&host, &network, sizeof(host)))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- struct in6_addr IPV6Cidr::getBroadcast(void) const
- {
- struct in6_addr bcast;
- memcpy(&bcast, &network, sizeof(network));
- bitimask((bit_t *)&bcast, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(bcast));
- return bcast;
- }
- unsigned IPV6Cidr::getMask(const char *cp) const
- {
- unsigned count = 0, rcount = 0;
- const char *sp = strchr(cp, '/');
- int flag = 0;
- if(sp)
- return atoi(++sp);
- if(!strncmp(cp, "ff00:", 5))
- return 8;
- if(!strncmp(cp, "fe80:", 5))
- return 10;
- if(!strncmp(cp, "2002:", 5))
- return 16;
- sp = strrchr(cp, ':');
- while(*(++sp) == '0')
- ++sp;
- if(*sp)
- return 128;
- while(*cp && count < 128) {
- if(*(cp++) == ':') {
- count+= 16;
- while(*cp == '0')
- ++cp;
- if(*cp == ':') {
- if(!flag)
- rcount = count;
- flag = 1;
- }
- else
- flag = 0;
- }
- }
- return rcount;
- }
- void IPV6Cidr::set(const char *cp)
- {
- char cbuf[INET_IPV6_ADDRESS_SIZE];
- char *ep;
- memset(&netmask, 0, sizeof(netmask));
- bitset((bit_t *)&netmask, getMask(cp));
- setString(cbuf, sizeof(cbuf), cp);
- ep = (char *)strchr(cp, '/');
- if(ep)
- *ep = 0;
- inet_pton(AF_INET6, cbuf, &network);
- bitmask((bit_t *)&network, (bit_t *)&netmask, sizeof(network));
- }
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- /** EMACS **
- * Local variables:
- * mode: c++
- * c-basic-offset: 4
- * End:
- */