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C++ | 21 lines | 6 code | 9 blank | 6 comment | 0 complexity | 56c9fb886b8fc9bec6a9482765d3549c MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
  1. // Debugging stream.
  2. // General includes.
  3. #include "base/cl_sysdep.h"
  4. // Specification.
  5. #include "cln/io.h"
  6. // Implementation.
  7. // Just assume that the debugger runs on /dev/tty, independently of
  8. // cin, cout, cerr.
  9. #include <fstream>
  10. namespace cln {
  11. std::ostream * cl_debugout_stream = new std::ofstream ("/dev/tty");
  12. } // namespace cln