ActionScript | 454 lines | 236 code | 44 blank | 174 comment | 13 complexity | 849502f898cb9bc3cd90ad838e235d4d MD5 | raw file
- package com.custardbelly.couchdb.example.view
- {
- import com.custardbelly.as3couchdb.core.CouchDatabase;
- import com.custardbelly.as3couchdb.core.CouchServiceResult;
- import com.custardbelly.as3couchdb.enum.CouchActionType;
- import com.custardbelly.as3couchdb.event.CouchEvent;
- import com.custardbelly.couchdb.example.event.ContactEvent;
- import com.custardbelly.couchdb.example.model.ContactDatabase;
- import com.custardbelly.couchdb.example.model.ContactDocument;
- import com.custardbelly.couchdb.example.serialize.ContactDocumentReader;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
- import mx.binding.utils.BindingUtils;
- import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
- import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
- import mx.events.StateChangeEvent;
- import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
- import mx.states.State;
- import spark.components.Button;
- import spark.components.List;
- import spark.components.VGroup;
- /**
- * ContactsForm is a main view controller for working with Database and Documents of a CouchDB instance using the contact models.
- * @author toddanderson
- */
- public class ContactsForm extends VGroup
- {
- public var loadDatabaseButton:Button;
- public var deleteDatabaseButton:Button;
- public var infoDatabaseButton:Button;
- public var contactList:List;
- public var addContactButton:Button;
- protected var database:CouchDatabase;
- protected var contactReader:ContactDocumentReader;
- protected var contactPanel:ContactEditPanel;
- protected var deletePanel:ContactDeletePanel;
- [Bindable] public var contacts:ArrayCollection;
- public static const AVAILABLE_STATE:String = "availableState";
- public static const UNAVAILABLE_STATE:String = "unavailableState";
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- public function ContactsForm()
- {
- super();
- contacts = new ArrayCollection();
- contactReader = new ContactDocumentReader();
- var availableState:State = new State();
- availableState.name = ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- var unavailableState:State = new State();
- unavailableState.name = ContactsForm.UNAVAILABLE_STATE;
- states = [availableState, unavailableState];
- addEventListener( StateChangeEvent.CURRENT_STATE_CHANGE, handleStateChange, false, 0, true );
- currentState = ContactsForm.UNAVAILABLE_STATE;
- }
- /**
- * @inherit
- */
- override protected function childrenCreated():void
- {
- super.childrenCreated();
- loadDatabaseButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, loadDatabase, false, 1, true );
- deleteDatabaseButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, deleteDatabase, false, 0, true );
- infoDatabaseButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, infoDatabase, false, 0, true );
- contactList.addEventListener( ContactEvent.DELETE, handleDeleteContact );
- contactList.addEventListener( ContactEvent.EDIT, handleEditContact );
- addContactButton.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, handleAddClick, false, 0, true );
- BindingUtils.bindProperty( contactList, "dataProvider", this, "contacts" );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Loads a new database based on contact database model.
- * @param evt Event
- */
- protected function loadDatabase( evt:Event = null ):void
- {
- database = new ContactDatabase();
- database.addEventListener( CouchActionType.CREATE, handleCouchDatabaseReady, false, 0, true );
- database.addEventListener( CouchActionType.DELETE, handleCouchDatabaseDelete, false, 0, true );
- database.addEventListener( CouchEvent.RESULT, handleServiceResult, false, 0, true );
- database.addEventListener( CouchEvent.FAULT, handleServiceFault, false, 0, true );
- database.createIfNotExist();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Deletes a database.
- * @param evt Event
- */
- protected function deleteDatabase( evt:Event = null ):void
- {
- database.remove();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Queries info about a database.
- * @param evt Event
- */
- protected function infoDatabase( evt:Event = null ):void
- {
- database.info();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Loads all documents from a database and resolves them to a contact document.
- * @param evt Event
- */
- protected function loadContacts( evt:Event = null ):void
- {
- database.addEventListener( CouchActionType.READ_DOCUMENTS, handleReadAllDocuments );
- // Grab all the documents.
- database.getAllDocuments();
- // Access by design view.
- // For example, a this design doc resides in the contacts DB:
- // {
- // "_id" : "_design/contacts",
- // "views" : {
- // "all" : {
- // "map" : "function(doc){ emit(doc._id, doc) }"
- // },
- // "lastNames" : {
- // "map" : "function(doc){ emit(doc.lastName, doc) }"
- // }
- // }
- // }
- // The following request will return a list of contacts only with the lastName property equal to Anderson by hitting this url:
- //"Anderson"
- // database.getDocumentsFromView( "com.custardbelly.couchdb.model.ContactDocument", "contacts", "lastNames", "Anderson" );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Resolves a generic object returned from _all_docs to a ContactDocument instance.
- * @param value Object
- * @return ContactDocument
- */
- protected function resolveToContact( value:Object ):ContactDocument
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument;
- try
- {
- // Try and fill document from result.
- // If faulted, document returned is not related to a ContactDocument.
- contact = contactReader.createDocumentFromResult( value, getQualifiedClassName( ContactDocument ) ) as ContactDocument;
- }
- catch( e:Error )
- {
- // Could not resolve generic object returned from _all_docs as a ContactDocument.
- }
- return contact;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Adds the edit panel to the PopUpManager for editing a new or exisiting contact.
- * @param contact ContactDocument
- * @param title String
- */
- protected function showEditPanel( contact:ContactDocument, title:String ):void
- {
- if( contactPanel == null )
- {
- contactPanel = new ContactEditPanel();
- contactPanel.addEventListener( ContactEvent.SAVE, handleContactSave, false, 0, true );
- contactPanel.addEventListener( ContactEvent.CANCEL, handleCancelEditContact, false, 0, true );
- }
- contactPanel.title = title;
- contactPanel.contact = contact;
- PopUpManager.addPopUp( contactPanel, Sprite(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication), true );
- PopUpManager.centerPopUp( contactPanel );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Removes the edit panel from the PopUpManager.
- */
- protected function hideEditPanel():void
- {
- PopUpManager.removePopUp( contactPanel );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Adds the delete panel to the PopUpManager for deleting an existing contact.
- * @param contact ContactDocument
- */
- protected function showDeletePanel( contact:ContactDocument ):void
- {
- if( deletePanel == null )
- {
- deletePanel = new ContactDeletePanel();
- deletePanel.addEventListener( ContactEvent.DELETE, handleContactDelete, false, 0, true );
- deletePanel.addEventListener( ContactEvent.CANCEL, handleCancelDeleteContact, false, 0, true );
- }
- deletePanel.contact = contact;
- PopUpManager.addPopUp( deletePanel, Sprite(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication), true );
- PopUpManager.centerPopUp( deletePanel );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Removes the delete panel from the PopUpManager.
- */
- protected function hideDeletePanel():void
- {
- PopUpManager.removePopUp( deletePanel );
- }
- protected function handleStateChange( evt:StateChangeEvent ):void
- {
- addContactButton.enabled = currentState == ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- deleteDatabaseButton.enabled = currentState == ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- infoDatabaseButton.enabled = currentState == ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- loadDatabaseButton.enabled = currentState != ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- if( currentState == ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE )
- loadContacts();
- else
- contacts = new ArrayCollection();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for read in of database, whether existant or newly created.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleCouchDatabaseReady( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- currentState = ContactsForm.AVAILABLE_STATE;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handle for delete of database.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleCouchDatabaseDelete( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- currentState = ContactsForm.UNAVAILABLE_STATE;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Eevnt handler for generic service result.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleServiceResult( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- trace( evt.data );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for generic service fault.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleServiceFault( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- trace( evt.data );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for success of read in all documents related to a database.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleReadAllDocuments( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- database.removeEventListener( CouchActionType.READ_DOCUMENTS, handleReadAllDocuments, false );
- contacts = new ArrayCollection();
- var contactList:Array = ( evt.data as CouchServiceResult ).data as Array;
- var i:int = contactList.length;
- var contact:ContactDocument;
- while( --i > -1 )
- {
- contact = resolveToContact( contactList[i] );
- if( contact )
- {
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.CREATE, handleContactSaveResult, false, 0, true );
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.UPDATE, handleContactSaveResult, false, 0, true );
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.DELETE, handleContactDeleteResult, false, 0, true );
- contact.addEventListener( CouchEvent.FAULT, handleContactFault, false, 0, true );
- contacts.addItem( contact );
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for add request of a new contact.
- * @param evt MouseEvent
- */
- protected function handleAddClick( evt:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument = new ContactDocument();
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.CREATE, handleContactSaveResult, false, 0, true );
- contact.addEventListener( CouchEvent.FAULT, handleContactFault, false, 0, true );
- showEditPanel( contact, "Add Contact:" );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for delete request of contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleDeleteContact( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument = evt.contact;
- showDeletePanel( contact );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for edit request of a contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleEditContact( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument = evt.contact;
- showEditPanel( contact, "Edit Contact:" );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for save request of a contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleContactSave( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument = evt.contact;
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.CREATE, handleContactSaveResult );
- contact.addEventListener( CouchActionType.UPDATE, handleContactSaveResult );
- contact.update();
- hideEditPanel();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for cancel of edit/save of contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleCancelEditContact( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- hideEditPanel();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handle for delete request of contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleContactDelete( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- var contact:ContactDocument = evt.contact;
- contact.remove();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for cancel of delete of contact.
- * @param evt ContactEvent
- */
- protected function handleCancelDeleteContact( evt:ContactEvent ):void
- {
- hideDeletePanel();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for successful save of contact document.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleContactSaveResult( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- loadContacts();
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for successful delete of contact document.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleContactDeleteResult( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- hideDeletePanel();
- var result:CouchServiceResult = evt.data as CouchServiceResult;
- var data:ContactDocument = result.data as ContactDocument;
- var i:int = contacts.length;
- while( --i > -1 )
- {
- if( contacts.getItemAt( i ) == data )
- break;
- }
- contacts.removeItemAt( i );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- *
- * Event handler for generic fault in couch request related to a contact document.
- * @param evt CouchEvent
- */
- protected function handleContactFault( evt:CouchEvent ):void
- {
- trace( evt.type );
- }
- }
- }