Haxe | 925 lines | 563 code | 68 blank | 294 comment | 121 complexity | c7318ce4c7aac15805997100341a1375 MD5 | raw file
- package sandy.core.scenegraph;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import sandy.bounds.BBox;
- import sandy.bounds.BSphere;
- import sandy.core.Scene3D;
- import sandy.core.data.BSPNode;
- import sandy.core.data.Matrix4;
- import sandy.core.data.Point3D;
- import sandy.core.data.Polygon;
- import sandy.core.data.UVCoord;
- import sandy.core.data.Vertex;
- import sandy.events.BubbleEvent;
- import sandy.events.Shape3DEvent;
- import sandy.materials.Appearance;
- import sandy.materials.Material;
- import sandy.materials.WireFrameMaterial;
- import sandy.math.IntersectionMath;
- import sandy.view.CullingState;
- import sandy.view.Frustum;
- import sandy.HaxeTypes;
- /**
- * The Shape3D class is the base class of all true 3D shapes.
- *
- * <p>It represents a node in the object tree of the world.<br/>
- * A Shape3D is a leaf node and can not have any child nodes.</p>
- * <p>It must be the child of a branch group or a transform group,
- * but transformations can be applied to the Shape directly.</p>
- *
- * @author Thomas Pfeiffer - kiroukou
- * @author Niel Drummond - haXe port
- * @author Russell Weir - haXe port
- *
- */
- class Shape3D extends ATransformable, implements IDisplayable
- {
- /**
- * Animated flag.
- * <p>If the geometry vertices are dynamically modified by some animation engine or mathematic function, some polygon may disapear with no reason.
- * The normal Point3D is used to compute the polygon visibility, and if you don't update the normal Point3D after the vertices modifications, there's an error.
- * To fix that problem, Sandy3D offers that new property appeared in 3.0.3 release, which once set to true, automatically update the normal Point3Ds for you.
- * As a performance warning, don't set this value to true if your model geometry isn't animated.</p>
- */
- public var animated:Bool;
- /**
- * The array of polygons building this object.
- */
- public var aPolygons:Array<Polygon>;
- /**
- * Array containing the visible polygons of that shape.
- * Contente is available after the SCENE_RENDER_DISPLAYLIST
- * event of the current scene has been dispatched
- */
- public var aVisiblePolygons(default,null) : Array<Polygon>;
- /**
- * The container for this object.
- * This container property exist if the useSingleContainer is set to true.
- * It is a direct access to the Shape3D container to, for example, apply nice effects such as filters etc.
- */
- public var container(__getContainer,null):Sprite;
- /**
- * The depth of this object.
- * In case the useSingleContainer mode is enabled (default mode), this
- * value returns the means depth of the Shape in the camera frame.
- * This value is mainly used as a z-sorting value.
- */
- public var depth(__getDepth,__setDepth):Float;
- /**
- * <p>
- * Enable the Frustum clipping on the visible polygons.
- * Enable this when you need a perfect intersection between the camera and some object shapes.
- * In case you need to make the camera look inside and outide a box, or other immerssive things.</p>
- *
- * <p>Important: Enable the clipping makes process a bit slower, especially with big scenes.</p>
- *
- * <p>Specify if this object polygons should be clipped against the camera frustum planes.</p>
- */
- public var enableClipping(__getEnableClipping,__setEnableClipping):Bool;
- /**
- * Should forced depth be enable for this object?.
- *
- * <p>If true it is possible to force this object to be drawn at a specific depth,<br/>
- * if false the normal Z-sorting algorithm is applied.</p>
- * <p>When correctly used, this feature allows you to aVoid some Z-sorting problems.</p>
- */
- public var enableForcedDepth:Bool;
- /**
- * <p>
- * Enable the Frustum near plane clipping on the visible polygons.
- * Enable this when you need a perfect intersection between the front camera plane.
- * This is mainly used when you need the camera to move on a long plane.</p>
- *
- * <p>Important: Enable the clipping makes process a bit slower, especially with big scenes.</p>
- */
- public var enableNearClipping:Bool;
- /**
- * The forced depth for this object.
- *
- * <p>To make this feature work, you must enable the ForcedDepth system too.<br/>
- * The higher the depth is, the sooner the more far the object will be represented.</p>
- */
- public var forcedDepth:Float;
- /**
- * The geometry of this object.
- */
- public var geometry(__getGeometry,__setGeometry):Geometry3D;
- /**
- * Change the geometryCenter of the Shape3D.
- * To change the geometryCenter point of a shape, simply set this geometryCenter property.
- * The geometryCenter property requires a Point3D. This Point3D is an position offset relative to the original geometry one.
- * For example, a Sphere primitive creates automatically a geometry which center is the 0,0,0 position. If you rotate this sphere as this,
- * it will rotate around its center.
- * Now if you set the geometryCenter property, this rotation center will change.
- *
- * The updateBoundingVolumes method which does update the bounding volumes to enable a correct frustum culling is automatically called.
- *
- * @example To change the geometryCenter center at runtime
- * <listing version="3.1">
- * var l_oSphere:Sphere = new Sphere("mySphere", 50, 3 );
- * // Change the rotation reference to -50 offset in Y direction from the orinal one
- * // and that corresponds to the bottom of the sphere
- * l_oSphere.geometryCenter = new Point3D( 0, -50, 0 );
- * l_oSphere.rotateZ = 45;
- * </listing>
- */
- public var geometryCenter(__getGeometryCenter,__setGeometryCenter):Point3D;
- /**
- * Returns the material currently used by the renderer
- * @return Material the material used to render
- */
- public var material(__getMaterial,__setMaterial):Material;
- /**
- * No sorting.
- * Only convex shapes are guaranteed to display correctly in this mode.
- */
- public static inline var SORT_NONE:Int = 0;
- /**
- * Average distance sorting.
- * Default sorting mode.
- * Carefully designed models will display just fine, but ordering problems are common.
- * This is also the only possible sorting mode with <code>useSingleContainer</code> set to <code>false</code>.
- */
- public static inline var SORT_AVGZ:Int = 1;
- /**
- * In this mode mesh is sorted using BSP tree, but no faces are split for you (means sorting problems are still possible).
- * Experimental.
- */
- public static inline var SORT_LAZY_BSP:Int = 2;
- /**
- * In this mode mesh is sorted using BSP tree, but no tree is built for you (you need to set <code>bsp</code> property yourself).
- * Experimental.
- */
- public static inline var SORT_CUSTOM_BSP:Int = 3;
- /**
- * Root node of BSP tree.
- */
- public var bsp:BSPNode;
- /**
- * Creates a 3D object
- *
- * <p>This creates a new 3D geometry object. That object will handle the rendering of a static Geometry3D object into a real 3D object and finally to the 2D camera representation.</p>
- *
- * @param p_sName A string identifier for this object
- * @param p_oGeometry The geometry of this object
- * @param p_oAppearance The appearance of this object. If no apperance is given, the DEFAULT_APPEARANCE will be applied.
- * @param p_bUseSingleContainer Whether tis object should use a single container to draw on
- */
- public function new( ?p_sName:String = "", ?p_oGeometry:Geometry3D, ?p_oAppearance:Appearance, ?p_bUseSingleContainer:Bool=true )
- {
- // public initializers
- aPolygons = new Array();
- enableNearClipping = false;
- enableClipping = false;
- enableForcedDepth = false;
- forcedDepth = 0;
- animated = false;
- aVisiblePolygons = new Array();
- // private initializers
- m_bEv = false;
- m_oGeomCenter = new Point3D();
- m_bBackFaceCulling = true;
- m_bWasOver = false;
- m_bUseSingleContainer = true;
- m_nDepth = 0;
- m_bMouseInteractivity = false;
- m_bForcedSingleContainer = false;
- m_nSortingMode = SORT_AVGZ;
- super( p_sName );
- // -- Add this graphical object to the World display list
- m_oContainer = new Sprite();
- m_oContainer.name = name;
- // --
- geometry = p_oGeometry;
- // -- HACK to make sure that the correct container system will be applied
- m_bUseSingleContainer = !p_bUseSingleContainer;
- useSingleContainer = p_bUseSingleContainer;
- // --
- appearance = ( p_oAppearance != null ) ? p_oAppearance : new Appearance( new WireFrameMaterial() );
- // --
- updateBoundingVolumes();
- }
- /**
- * Clears the graphics object of this object's container.
- *
- * <p>The the graphics that were drawn on the Graphics object is erased,
- * and the fill and line style settings are reset.</p>
- */
- public function clear():Void
- {
- if( m_oContainer != null )
- m_oContainer.graphics.clear();
- changed = true;
- }
- /**
- * This method returns a clone of this Shape3D.
- * The current appearance will be applied, and the geometry is cloned (not referenced to curent one).
- *
- * @param p_sName The name of the new shape you are going to create
- * @param p_bKeepTransform Boolean value which, if set to true, applies the current local transformations to the cloned shape. Default value is false.
- *
- * @return The clone
- */
- public function clone( ?p_sName:String = "", ?p_bKeepTransform:Bool=false ):Shape3D
- {
- var o = new Shape3D( p_sName, null, appearance, m_bUseSingleContainer);
- o.copy(this, p_bKeepTransform);
- return o;
- }
- /**
- * Tests this node against the camera frustum to get its visibility.
- *
- * <p>If this node and its children are not within the frustum,
- * the node is set to cull and it would not be displayed.<p/>
- * <p>The method also updates the bounding volumes to make the more accurate culling system possible.<br/>
- * First the bounding sphere is updated, and if intersecting,
- * the bounding box is updated to perform the more precise culling.</p>
- * <p><b>[MANDATORY] The update method must be called first!</b></p>
- *
- * @param p_oScene The current scene
- * @param p_oFrustum The frustum of the current camera
- * @param p_oViewMatrix The view martix of the curren camera
- * @param p_bChanged
- */
- public override function cull( p_oFrustum:Frustum, p_oViewMatrix:Matrix4, p_bChanged:Bool ):Void
- {
- super.cull( p_oFrustum, p_oViewMatrix, p_bChanged );
- if( culled == Frustum.OUTSIDE ) return;
- /////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////
- boundingSphere.transform( viewMatrix );
- culled = p_oFrustum.sphereInFrustum( boundingSphere );
- // --
- if( culled == Frustum.INTERSECT )
- {
- ////////////////////////
- //// BOUNDING BOX ////
- ////////////////////////
- culled = p_oFrustum.boxInFrustum( boundingBox.transform( viewMatrix ) );
- }
- // --
- if( culled != CullingState.OUTSIDE && m_oAppearance != null )
- {
- scene.renderer.addToDisplayList(this);
- }
- if( m_bEv || m_bMouseInteractivity )
- {
- if( m_bWasOver == true && m_oLastContainer.hitTestPoint(m_oLastContainer.mouseX, m_oLastContainer.mouseY) == false )
- {
- m_oEB.dispatchEvent( new Shape3DEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this, m_oLastEvent.polygon, m_oLastEvent.uv, m_oLastEvent.point, m_oLastEvent.event ) );
- m_bWasOver = false;
- if( m_oLastContainer != m_oContainer )
- {
- m_oLastEvent.polygon._onTextureInteraction( m_oLastEvent.event );
- m_oLastEvent.polygon._stopMouseInteraction();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Performs a z-sorting and renders the objects visible polygons.
- *
- * <p>The method is called only if the object renders on a single container<br/>
- * - ( useSingleContainer = true ).</p>
- *
- * @param p_oScene The current scene
- * @param p_oContainer The container to draw on
- */
- public function display( ?p_oContainer:Sprite ):Void
- {
- // not using static consts here for speed
- if (m_nSortingMode < SORT_LAZY_BSP ) {
- // old sorting methods
- if ((m_nSortingMode == SORT_AVGZ ) || (m_bBackFaceCulling == false))
- #if flash
- untyped aVisiblePolygons.sortOn( "m_nDepth", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING );
- #else
- aVisiblePolygons.sort( function(a,b) {return a.depth>b.depth?1:a.depth<b.depth?-1:0;} );
- #end
- for (l_oFace in aVisiblePolygons)
- l_oFace.display (m_oContainer);
- } else {
- // new experimental BSP sorting
- var camPt:Point3D = new Point3D (
- scene.camera.modelMatrix.n14,
- scene.camera.modelMatrix.n24,
- scene.camera.modelMatrix.n34
- ); // cam -> world
- invModelMatrix.transform (camPt); // world -> local
- displayBSPTree (bsp, camPt);
- }
- }
- private function displayBSPTree (tree:BSPNode, camPt:Point3D):Void {
- var face:Polygon;
- var dist:Float = tree.plane.a * camPt.x + tree.plane.b * camPt.y + tree.plane.c * camPt.z + tree.plane.d;
- if (dist > 0) {
- // display negative, this, positive
- if (tree.negative != null)
- displayBSPTree (tree.negative, camPt);
- for (face in tree.faces)
- if (face.visible) // aVisiblePolygons.indexOf?
- face.display (m_oContainer);
- if (tree.positive != null)
- displayBSPTree (tree.positive, camPt);
- } else {
- // display positive, this, negative
- if (tree.positive != null)
- displayBSPTree (tree.positive, camPt);
- for (face in tree.faces)
- if (face.visible) // aVisiblePolygons.indexOf?
- face.display (m_oContainer);
- if (tree.negative != null)
- displayBSPTree (tree.negative, camPt);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Destroy this object and all its faces
- * container object is removed, and graphics cleared. All polygons have their
- */
- public override function destroy():Void
- {
- // FIXME Fix it - it should be more like
- if( m_oGeometry != null ) m_oGeometry.dispose();
- if( m_oAppearance != null ) m_oAppearance.dispose();
- // --
- clear();
- if( m_oContainer != null )
- {
- if( m_oContainer.parent != null ) m_oContainer.parent.removeChild( m_oContainer );
- m_oContainer = null;
- }
- // --
- __destroyPolygons();
- m_oGeometry = null;
- aVisiblePolygons = null;
- aPolygons = null;
- boundingBox = null;
- boundingSphere = null;
- // --
- super.destroy();
- }
- /**
- * Sets SORT_NONE or SORT_AVGZ sorting mode. Deprecated.
- * @internal this is now here for backward compatibility only.
- */
- public function setConvexFlag (convex:Bool):Void
- {
- sortingMode = convex ? SORT_NONE : SORT_AVGZ;
- }
- /**
- * Changes the backface culling side.
- *
- * When you want to display a cube and you are outside the cube, you see its external faces.<br/>
- * The internal faces are not drawn due to back face culling
- *
- * In case you are inside the cube, by default Sandy's engine still doesn't draw the internal faces
- * (because you should not be in there).
- *
- * If you need to be only inside the cube, you can call this method to change which side is culled.
- * The faces will be visible only from the interior of the cube.
- *
- * If you want to be both on the inside and the outside, you want to make the faces visible from on both sides.
- * In that case you just have to set enableBackFaceCulling to false.
- */
- public function swapCulling():Void
- {
- for( v in aPolygons )
- {
- v.swapCulling();
- }
- changed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string representation of this object
- *
- * @return The fully qualified name of this object and its geometry
- */
- public override function toString ():String
- {
- return "sandy.core.scenegraph.Shape3D" + " " + m_oGeometry.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Updates the bounding volumes of this object.
- */
- public override function updateBoundingVolumes():Void
- {
- if( m_oGeometry != null )
- {
- boundingBox = BBox.create( m_oGeometry.aVertex );
- boundingSphere.resetFromBox(boundingBox);
- if( parent != null )
- parent.onChildBoundsChanged(this);
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///// Getters / Setters /////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // appearance
- private override function __getAppearance():Appearance
- {
- return m_oAppearance;
- }
- private override function __setAppearance( p_oApp:Appearance ):Appearance
- {
- // Now we register to the update event
- m_oAppearance = p_oApp;
- // --
- if( m_oGeometry != null )
- {
- for ( v in aPolygons )
- v.appearance = m_oAppearance;
- }
- changed = true;
- return p_oApp;
- }
- // container
- private function __getContainer():Sprite
- {
- return m_oContainer;
- }
- // depth
- private function __getDepth():Float
- {
- return m_nDepth;
- }
- private function __setDepth( p_nDepth:Float ):Float
- {
- m_nDepth = p_nDepth;
- changed = true;
- return p_nDepth;
- }
- // enableBackFaceCulling
- private override function __getEnableBackFaceCulling():Bool
- {
- return m_bBackFaceCulling;
- }
- private override function __setEnableBackFaceCulling( b:Bool ):Bool
- {
- if( b != m_bBackFaceCulling )
- {
- m_bBackFaceCulling = b;
- changed = true;
- }
- return b;
- }
- // enableClipping
- private function __getEnableClipping():Bool
- {
- return m_bClipping;
- }
- private override function __setEnableClipping( p_bClippingValue:Bool ):Bool
- {
- m_bClipping = p_bClippingValue;
- return p_bClippingValue;
- }
- // enableEvents (override from Node.hx)
- private override function __getEnableEvents():Bool
- {
- return m_bEv;
- }
- private override function __setEnableEvents( b:Bool ):Bool
- {
- // no change
- if( b == m_bEv )
- return b;
- if( b )
- subscribeEvents();
- else
- unsubscribeEvents();
- m_bEv = b;
- return b;
- }
- // enableInteractivity (from Node.hx)
- private override function __getEnableInteractivity():Bool
- {
- return m_bMouseInteractivity;
- }
- private override function __setEnableInteractivity( p_bState:Bool ):Bool
- {
- if( p_bState != m_bMouseInteractivity )
- {
- changed = true;
- // --
- if( p_bState )
- {
- if( m_bUseSingleContainer == true )
- {
- useSingleContainer = false;
- m_bForcedSingleContainer = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( m_bForcedSingleContainer == true )
- {
- useSingleContainer = true;
- m_bForcedSingleContainer = false;
- }
- }
- // --
- for ( l_oPolygon in aPolygons )
- {
- l_oPolygon.enableInteractivity = p_bState;
- }
- m_bMouseInteractivity = p_bState;
- }
- return p_bState;
- }
- // geometry
- private function __getGeometry():Geometry3D
- {
- return m_oGeometry;
- }
- private function __setGeometry( p_geometry:Geometry3D ):Geometry3D
- {
- if( p_geometry == null ) return null;
- // TODO shall we clone the geometry?
- m_oGeometry = p_geometry;
- updateBoundingVolumes();
- // -- we generate the possible missing normals
- m_oGeometry.generateFaceNormals();//Must be called first
- m_oGeometry.generateVertexNormals();//must be called second
- // --
- __destroyPolygons();
- __generatePolygons( m_oGeometry );
- changed = true;
- return p_geometry;
- }
- // geometryCenter
- private function __getGeometryCenter():Point3D
- {
- return m_oGeomCenter;
- }
- private function __setGeometryCenter( p_oGeomCenter:Point3D ):Point3D
- {
- var l_oDiff:Point3D = p_oGeomCenter.clone();
- l_oDiff.sub( m_oGeomCenter );
- // --
- if( m_oGeometry != null )
- {
- for ( l_oVertex in m_oGeometry.aVertex )
- {
- l_oVertex.x += l_oDiff.x;
- l_oVertex.y += l_oDiff.y;
- l_oVertex.z += l_oDiff.z;
- }
- }
- // --
- m_oGeomCenter.copy( p_oGeomCenter );
- // --
- updateBoundingVolumes();
- changed = true;
- return p_oGeomCenter;
- }
- // material
- public function __getMaterial():Material
- {
- return ( aPolygons[0].visible ) ? m_oAppearance.frontMaterial : m_oAppearance.backMaterial;
- }
- public function __setMaterial(v):Material
- {
- return throw "not implemented";
- }
- // scene (from Node.hx)
- private override function __setScene( p_oScene:Scene3D )
- {
- super.__setScene(p_oScene);
- if(aPolygons != null) {
- for( l_oPoly in aPolygons )
- {
- l_oPoly.scene = null;
- l_oPoly.scene = p_oScene;
- }
- }
- return p_oScene;
- }
- // useSingleContainer (from Node.hx)
- private override function __getUseSingleContainer ():Bool
- {
- return m_bUseSingleContainer;
- }
- private override function __setUseSingleContainer( p_bUseSingleContainer:Bool ):Bool
- {
- var l_oFace:Polygon;
- // No change
- if( p_bUseSingleContainer == m_bUseSingleContainer )
- return p_bUseSingleContainer;
- // update enableEvents that relies on useSingleContainer
- var useEvents = enableEvents;
- unsubscribeEvents();
- // --
- if( p_bUseSingleContainer )
- {
- for ( l_oFace in aPolygons )
- {
- if( l_oFace.container.parent != null )
- {
- l_oFace.container.graphics.clear();
- l_oFace.container.parent.removeChild( l_oFace.container );
- this.broadcaster.removeChild( l_oFace.broadcaster );
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if( m_oContainer.parent != null )
- {
- m_oContainer.graphics.clear();
- m_oContainer.parent.removeChild( m_oContainer );
- }
- // --
- for ( l_oFace in aPolygons )
- {
- this.broadcaster.addChild( l_oFace.broadcaster );
- // we reset the polygon container to the original one, and add it to the world container
- l_oFace.container.graphics.clear();
- }
- }
- m_bUseSingleContainer = p_bUseSingleContainer;
- // reapply events
- if(useEvents)
- subscribeEvents();
- //--
- changed = true;
- return p_bUseSingleContainer;
- }
- /**
- * Faces sorting method.
- * With <code>useSingleContainer</code> set to <code>false</code> only <code>SORT_AVGZ</code> is possible.
- */
- public var sortingMode(__getSortingMode,__setSortingMode):Int;
- private inline function __getSortingMode ():Int {
- return m_bUseSingleContainer ? m_nSortingMode : SORT_AVGZ;
- }
- private inline function __setSortingMode (mode:Int):Int {
- if (m_bUseSingleContainer) {
- if (mode == SORT_LAZY_BSP) {
- bsp = BSPNode.makeLazyBSP (aPolygons, 0.01 * boundingSphere.radius);
- }
- m_nSortingMode = mode;
- changed = true;
- }
- return mode;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///// PRIVATE /////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- private override function copy( src:Node, includeTransforms:Bool=false, includeGeometry:Bool=true ) : Void
- {
- if(!Std.is(src,Shape3D))
- throw "Invalid src";
- var o:Shape3D = cast src;
- var finalEvents = o.enableEvents;
- super.copy( src, includeTransforms );
- if(includeGeometry)
- geometry = o.geometry.clone();
- animated = o.animated;
- // aPolygons - set by geometry
- // aVisiblePolygons - ignore
- enableForcedDepth = o.enableForcedDepth;
- enableNearClipping = o.enableNearClipping;
- forcedDepth = o.forcedDepth;
- //m_oAppearance
- appearance = o.m_oAppearance;
- //m_bEv = o.m_bEv;
- //enableEvents (in Node.hx)
- //m_oGeomCenter
- geometryCenter = o.m_oGeomCenter.clone();
- //m_bBackFaceCulling (in Node.hx)
- m_bWasOver = false;
- m_oLastEvent = null;
- m_oLastContainer = null;
- //m_oGeometry - above
- //m_bUseSingleContainer (Node.hx)
- //m_oContainer - don't set
- //m_bMouseInteractivity (enableInteractivity) (in Node.hx)
- m_nDepth = o.m_nDepth;
- unsubscribeEvents();
- if(finalEvents)
- subscribeEvents();
- }
- private function __destroyPolygons():Void
- {
- if( aPolygons != null && aPolygons.length > 0 )
- {
- var i:Int = 0, l:Int = aPolygons.length;
- while( i<l )
- {
- if( broadcaster != null ) broadcaster.removeChild( aPolygons[i].broadcaster );
- if( aPolygons[i] != null ) aPolygons[i].destroy();
- // --
- aPolygons[i] = null;
- // --
- i ++;
- }
- }
- aPolygons.splice(0,aPolygons.length);
- }
- private function __generatePolygons( p_oGeometry:Geometry3D ):Void
- {
- var i:Int = 0, j:Int = 0, l:Int = p_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID.length;
- aPolygons = new Array();
- // --
- for( i in 0...l )
- {
- aPolygons[i] = new Polygon( this, p_oGeometry, p_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID[i], p_oGeometry.aFacesUVCoordsID[i], i, i );
- if( m_oAppearance != null ) aPolygons[i].appearance = m_oAppearance;
- this.broadcaster.addChild( aPolygons[i].broadcaster );
- }
- }
- private function _onInteraction( p_oEvt:Event ):Void
- {
- // we need to get the polygon which has been clicked.
- var l_oClick:Point = new Point( m_oContainer.mouseX, m_oContainer.mouseY );
- var l_oA:Point = new Point(), l_oB:Point = new Point(), l_oC:Point = new Point();
- var l_oPoly:Polygon;
- var l_aSId:Array<Int> = untyped aPolygons.sortOn( 'm_nDepth', Array.NUMERIC | Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY );
- var l:Int = aPolygons.length, j:Int;
- for( j in 0...l )
- {
- l_oPoly = aPolygons[ l_aSId[ j ] ];
- if( !l_oPoly.visible && m_bBackFaceCulling ) continue;
- // --
- var l_nSize:Int = l_oPoly.vertices.length;
- var l_nTriangles:Int = l_nSize - 2;
- for( i in 0...l_nTriangles )
- {
- l_oA.x = l_oPoly.vertices[i].sx; l_oA.y = l_oPoly.vertices[i].sy;
- l_oB.x = l_oPoly.vertices[i+1].sx; l_oB.y = l_oPoly.vertices[i+1].sy;
- l_oC.x = l_oPoly.vertices[(i+2)%l_nSize].sx; l_oC.y = l_oPoly.vertices[(i+2)%l_nSize].sy;
- // --
- if( IntersectionMath.isPointInTriangle2D( l_oClick, l_oA, l_oB, l_oC ) )
- {
- var l_oUV:UVCoord = l_oPoly.getUVFrom2D( l_oClick );
- var l_oPt3d:Point3D = l_oPoly.get3DFrom2D( l_oClick );
- m_oLastContainer = m_oContainer;
- m_oLastEvent = new Shape3DEvent( p_oEvt.type, this, l_oPoly, l_oUV, l_oPt3d, p_oEvt );
- m_oEB.dispatchEvent( m_oLastEvent );
- // to be able to dispatch mouse out event
- if( p_oEvt.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER )
- m_bWasOver = true;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private function subscribeEvents()
- {
- if( m_bUseSingleContainer == false )
- {
- for ( v in aPolygons )
- {
- v.enableEvents = true;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onInteraction,false,0,true);
- }
- }
- private function unsubscribeEvents()
- {
- for ( v in aPolygons )
- {
- v.enableEvents = false;
- }
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onInteraction);
- }
- /**
- * Updates polygons, face and vertex normals when geometry vertex values have changed.
- * Do not call if the geometry has been modified in any way other than
- * when the x,y,z positions of some vertices have changed. If the provided
- * geometry is not the same as the existing geometry, this will have the
- * same effect as assigning a new geometry.
- *
- * @param p_oGeometry Geometry object which must be the same size as existing geometry
- */
- private function updateForGeometryChange( p_oGeometry:Geometry3D, updateNormals:Bool=true, updateBounds:Bool=true ) : Void
- {
- if(m_oGeometry == null || m_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID.length != p_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID.length) {
- __setGeometry( p_oGeometry );
- return;
- }
- m_oGeometry = p_oGeometry;
- if(updateBounds)
- updateBoundingVolumes();
- if(updateNormals)
- m_oGeometry.updateFaceNormals(); // Must be called first
- //m_oGeometry.updateVertexNormals(); // Vertex normals already tied to face normals
- var l:Int = m_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID.length;
- // --
- for( i in 0...l )
- {
- aPolygons[i].update( m_oGeometry.aFacesVertexID[i] );
- }
- changed = true;
- }
- // ______________
- // [PRIVATE] DATA________________________________________________
- private var m_oAppearance:Appearance ; // The Appearance of this Shape3D
- private var m_bEv:Bool; // The event system state (enable or not)
- private var m_oGeomCenter:Point3D;
- private var m_bBackFaceCulling:Bool;
- private var m_bClipping:Bool;
- // interaction
- public var m_bWasOver:Bool;
- public var m_oLastEvent:Shape3DEvent;
- public var m_oLastContainer:Sprite;
- /** Geometry of this object */
- private var m_oGeometry:Geometry3D;
- private var m_bUseSingleContainer:Bool;
- public var m_nDepth:Float;
- private var m_oContainer:Sprite;
- private var m_bMouseInteractivity:Bool;
- private var m_bForcedSingleContainer:Bool;
- private var m_nSortingMode:Int;
- }