Haxe | 533 lines | 355 code | 55 blank | 123 comment | 60 complexity | caa50c34b819857772ed4d57f61e64bb MD5 | raw file
- /*
- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Copyright the original author or authors.
- Licensed under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1.1 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- */
- package sandy.materials;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.Graphics;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- #if flash9
- import flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter;
- #end
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import sandy.core.Scene3D;
- import sandy.core.data.Polygon;
- import sandy.core.data.Vertex;
- import sandy.core.data.UVCoord;
- import sandy.materials.attributes.MaterialAttributes;
- import sandy.util.NumberUtil;
- /**
- * Displays a bitmap on the faces of a 3D shape.
- *
- * @author Thomas Pfeiffer - kiroukou
- * @author Xavier Martin - zeflasher - transparency managment
- * @author Makc for first renderRect implementation
- * @author James Dahl - optimization in renderRec method
- * @author Niel Drummond - haXe port
- *
- */
- class BitmapMaterial extends Material, implements IAlphaMaterial
- {
- /**
- * This property enables smooth bitmap rendering when set to true.
- * The default value is set to false to have the best performance first.
- * Enable this property have a performance impact, use it warefully
- */
- public var smooth:Bool;
- /**
- * Precision of the bitmap mapping.
- * This material uses an affine linear mapping. It results in a lack of accuracy at rendering time when the surface to draw is too big.
- * One usual solution is to augment the number of polygon, but the performance cost can be quite big.
- * Another solution is to change the precision property value. The lower the value, the more accurate the perspective correction is.
- * To disable the perspective correction, set this property to zero, which is also the default value
- * If you use the precision to solve the distortion issue, you can reduce the primitives quality (except if you are experiencing some sorting issues)
- */
- public var precision:Int;
- /**
- * Maximum recurssion depth when using precision > 1 (which enables the perspective correction).
- * The bigger the number is, the more accurate the result will be.
- * Try to change this value to fits your needs to obtain the best performance.
- */
- public var maxRecurssionDepth:Int;
- /**
- * Creates a new BitmapMaterial.
- * <p>Please note that we use internally a copy of the constructor bitmapdata. That means in case you need to access this bitmapdata, you can't just use the same reference
- * but you shall use the BitmapMaterial#texture getter property to make it work.</p>
- *
- * @param p_oTexture The bitmapdata for this material.
- * @param p_oAttr The attributes for this material.
- * @param p_nPrecision The precision of this material. Using a precision with 0 makes the material behave as before. Then 1 as precision is very high and requires a lot of computation but proceed a the best perpective mapping correction. Bigger values are less CPU intensive but also less accurate. Usually a value of 5 is enough.
- *
- * @see sandy.materials.attributes.MaterialAttributes
- */
- public function new( ?p_oTexture:BitmapData, ?p_oAttr:MaterialAttributes, p_nPrecision:Int = 0)
- {
- smooth = false;
- precision = 0;
- maxRecurssionDepth = 5;
- map = new Matrix();
- m_nRecLevel = 0;
- m_oPoint = new Point();
- matrix = new Matrix();
- m_oTiling = new Point( 1, 1 );
- m_oOffset = new Point( 0, 0 );
- forceUpdate = false;
- m_nAlpha = 1.0;
- super(p_oAttr);
- // --
- m_oType = MaterialType.BITMAP;
- // --
- var temp:BitmapData = new BitmapData( p_oTexture.width, p_oTexture.height, true, 0 );
- temp.draw( p_oTexture );
- texture = temp;
- // --
- #if flash9
- m_oCmf = new ColorMatrixFilter();
- #end
- m_oPolygonMatrixMap = new Array();
- precision = p_nPrecision;
- }
- /**
- * Renders this material on the face it dresses
- *
- * @param p_oScene The current scene
- * @param p_oPolygon The face to be rendered
- * @param p_mcContainer The container to draw on
- */
- public override function renderPolygon( p_oScene:Scene3D, p_oPolygon:Polygon, p_mcContainer:Sprite ):Void
- {
- if( m_oTexture == null ) return;
- // --
- var l_points:Array<Vertex>, l_uv:Array<UVCoord>;
- // --
- polygon = p_oPolygon;
- graphics = p_mcContainer.graphics;
- // --
- m_nRecLevel = 0;
- // --
- if( polygon.isClipped )
- {
- l_points = p_oPolygon.cvertices.slice(0);
- l_uv = p_oPolygon.caUVCoord.slice(0);
- _tesselatePolygon( l_points, l_uv );
- }
- else if( polygon.vertices.length > 3 )
- {
- l_points = p_oPolygon.vertices.slice(0);
- l_uv = p_oPolygon.aUVCoord.slice(0);
- _tesselatePolygon( l_points, l_uv );
- }
- else
- {
- l_points = p_oPolygon.vertices;
- l_uv = p_oPolygon.aUVCoord;
- // --
- map = m_oPolygonMatrixMap[polygon.id];
- var v0:Vertex = l_points[0];
- var v1:Vertex = l_points[1];
- var v2:Vertex = l_points[2];
- if( precision == 0 )
- {
- renderTriangle(map.a, map.b, map.c, map.d, map.tx, map.ty, v0.sx, v0.sy, v1.sx, v1.sy, v2.sx, v2.sy );
- }
- else
- {
- renderRec( map.a, map.b, map.c, map.d, map.tx, map.ty,
- v0.sx, v0.sy, v0.wz,
- v1.sx, v1.sy, v1.wz,
- v2.sx, v2.sy, v2.wz);
- }
- }
- // --
- if( attributes != null ) attributes.draw( graphics, polygon, this, p_oScene ) ;
- // --
- l_points = null;
- l_uv = null;
- }
- private function _tesselatePolygon ( p_aPoints:Array<Vertex>, p_aUv:Array<UVCoord> ):Void
- {
- var l_points: Array<Vertex> = p_aPoints.slice(0);
- var l_uv: Array<UVCoord> = p_aUv.slice(0);
- // --
- if( l_points.length > 3 )
- {
- l_points = l_points.slice( 0, 3 );
- l_uv = l_uv.slice( 0, 3 );
- // --
- p_aPoints.splice( 1, 1 );
- p_aUv.splice( 1, 1 );
- // --
- _tesselatePolygon( p_aPoints, p_aUv );
- }
- // --
- map = _createTextureMatrix( l_uv );
- // --
- var v0:Vertex = l_points[0];
- var v1:Vertex = l_points[1];
- var v2:Vertex = l_points[2];
- if( precision == 0 )
- {
- renderTriangle(map.a, map.b, map.c, map.d, map.tx, map.ty, v0.sx, v0.sy, v1.sx, v1.sy, v2.sx, v2.sy );
- }
- else
- {
- renderRec( map.a, map.b, map.c, map.d, map.tx, map.ty,
- v0.sx, v0.sy, v0.wz,
- v1.sx, v1.sy, v1.wz,
- v2.sx, v2.sy, v2.wz);
- }
- // --
- l_points = null;
- l_uv = null;
- }
- private function renderRec( ta:Float, tb:Float, tc:Float, td:Float, tx:Float, ty:Float,
- ax:Float, ay:Float, az:Float, bx:Float, by:Float, bz:Float, cx:Float, cy:Float, cz:Float):Void
- {
- m_nRecLevel++;
- var ta2:Float = ta+ta;
- var tb2:Float = tb+tb;
- var tc2:Float = tc+tc;
- var td2:Float = td+td;
- var tx2:Float = tx+tx;
- var ty2:Float = ty+ty;
- var mabz:Float = 2 / (az + bz);
- var mbcz:Float = 2 / (bz + cz);
- var mcaz:Float = 2 / (cz + az);
- var mabx:Float = (ax*az + bx*bz)*mabz;
- var maby:Float = (ay*az + by*bz)*mabz;
- var mbcx:Float = (bx*bz + cx*cz)*mbcz;
- var mbcy:Float = (by*bz + cy*cz)*mbcz;
- var mcax:Float = (cx*cz + ax*az)*mcaz;
- var mcay:Float = (cy*cz + ay*az)*mcaz;
- var dabx:Float = ax + bx - mabx;
- var daby:Float = ay + by - maby;
- var dbcx:Float = bx + cx - mbcx;
- var dbcy:Float = by + cy - mbcy;
- var dcax:Float = cx + ax - mcax;
- var dcay:Float = cy + ay - mcay;
- var dsab:Float = (dabx*dabx + daby*daby);
- var dsbc:Float = (dbcx*dbcx + dbcy*dbcy);
- var dsca:Float = (dcax*dcax + dcay*dcay);
- var mabxHalf:Float = mabx*0.5;
- var mabyHalf:Float = maby*0.5;
- var azbzHalf:Float = (az+bz)*0.5;
- var mcaxHalf:Float = mcax*0.5;
- var mcayHalf:Float = mcay*0.5;
- var czazHalf:Float = (cz+az)*0.5;
- var mbcxHalf:Float = mbcx*0.5;
- var mbcyHalf:Float = mbcy*0.5;
- var bzczHalf:Float = (bz+cz)*0.5;
- if (( m_nRecLevel > maxRecurssionDepth ) || ((dsab <= precision) && (dsca <= precision) && (dsbc <= precision)))
- {
- renderTriangle(ta, tb, tc, td, tx, ty, ax, ay, bx, by, cx, cy);
- m_nRecLevel--; return;
- }
- if ((dsab > precision) && (dsca > precision) && (dsbc > precision) )
- {
- renderRec(ta2, tb2, tc2, td2, tx2, ty2,
- ax, ay, az, mabxHalf, mabyHalf, azbzHalf, mcaxHalf, mcayHalf, czazHalf);
- renderRec(ta2, tb2, tc2, td2, tx2-1, ty2,
- mabxHalf, mabyHalf, azbzHalf, bx, by, bz, mbcxHalf, mbcyHalf, bzczHalf);
- renderRec(ta2, tb2, tc2, td2, tx2, ty2-1,
- mcaxHalf, mcayHalf, czazHalf, mbcxHalf, mbcyHalf, bzczHalf, cx, cy, cz);
- renderRec(-ta2, -tb2, -tc2, -td2, -tx2+1, -ty2+1,
- mbcxHalf, mbcyHalf, bzczHalf, mcaxHalf, mcayHalf, czazHalf, mabxHalf, mabyHalf, azbzHalf);
- m_nRecLevel--; return;
- }
- var dmax:Float = Math.max(dsab, Math.max(dsca, dsbc));
- if (dsab == dmax)
- {
- renderRec(ta2, tb, tc2, td, tx2, ty,
- ax, ay, az, mabxHalf, mabyHalf, azbzHalf, cx, cy, cz);
- renderRec(ta2+tb, tb, tc2+td, td, tx2+ty-1, ty,
- mabxHalf, mabyHalf, azbzHalf, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz);
- m_nRecLevel--; return;
- }
- if (dsca == dmax)
- {
- renderRec(ta, tb2, tc, td2, tx, ty2,
- ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, mcaxHalf, mcayHalf, czazHalf);
- renderRec(ta, tb2 + ta, tc, td2 + tc, tx, ty2+tx-1,
- mcaxHalf, mcayHalf, czazHalf, bx, by, bz, cx, cy, cz);
- m_nRecLevel--; return;
- }
- renderRec(ta-tb, tb2, tc-td, td2, tx-ty, ty2,
- ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, mbcxHalf, mbcyHalf, bzczHalf);
- renderRec(ta2, tb-ta, tc2, td-tc, tx2, ty-tx,
- ax, ay, az, mbcxHalf, mbcyHalf, bzczHalf, cx, cy, cz);
- m_nRecLevel--;
- }
- private function renderTriangle(a:Float, b:Float, c:Float, d:Float, tx:Float, ty:Float,
- v0x:Float, v0y:Float, v1x:Float, v1y:Float, v2x:Float, v2y:Float):Void
- {
- var a2:Float = v1x - v0x;
- var b2:Float = v1y - v0y;
- var c2:Float = v2x - v0x;
- var d2:Float = v2y - v0y;
- matrix.a = a*a2 + b*c2;
- matrix.b = a*b2 + b*d2;
- matrix.c = c*a2 + d*c2;
- matrix.d = c*b2 + d*d2;
- matrix.tx = tx*a2 + ty*c2 + v0x;
- matrix.ty = tx*b2 + ty*d2 + v0y;
- graphics.lineStyle();
- graphics.beginBitmapFill(m_oTexture, matrix, repeat, smooth);
- graphics.moveTo(v0x, v0y);
- graphics.lineTo(v1x, v1y);
- graphics.lineTo(v2x, v2y);
- graphics.endFill();
- }
- private function _createTextureMatrix( p_aUv:Array<UVCoord> ):Matrix
- {
- var u0: Float = (p_aUv[0].u * m_oTiling.x + m_oOffset.x) * m_nWidth,
- v0: Float = (p_aUv[0].v * m_oTiling.y + m_oOffset.y) * m_nHeight,
- u1: Float = (p_aUv[1].u * m_oTiling.x + m_oOffset.x) * m_nWidth,
- v1: Float = (p_aUv[1].v * m_oTiling.y + m_oOffset.y) * m_nHeight,
- u2: Float = (p_aUv[2].u * m_oTiling.x + m_oOffset.x) * m_nWidth,
- v2: Float = (p_aUv[2].v * m_oTiling.y + m_oOffset.y) * m_nHeight;
- // -- Fix perpendicular projections. Not sure it is really useful here since there's no texture prjection. This will certainly solve the freeze problem tho
- if( (u0 == u1 && v0 == v1) || (u0 == u2 && v0 == v2) )
- {
- u0 -= (u0 > 0.05)? 0.05 : -0.05;
- v0 -= (v0 > 0.07)? 0.07 : -0.07;
- }
- if( u2 == u1 && v2 == v1 )
- {
- u2 -= (u2 > 0.05)? 0.04 : -0.04;
- v2 -= (v2 > 0.06)? 0.06 : -0.06;
- }
- // --
- var m:Matrix = new Matrix( (u1 - u0), (v1 - v0), (u2 - u0), (v2 - v0), u0, v0 );
- m.invert();
- return m;
- }
- /**
- * The texture ( bitmap ) of this material.
- */
- public var texture(__getTexture,__setTexture):BitmapData;
- private function __getTexture():BitmapData
- {
- return m_oTexture;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- private function __setTexture( p_oTexture:BitmapData ):BitmapData
- {
- if( p_oTexture == m_oTexture )
- {
- return null;
- }
- else
- {
- if( m_oTexture != null ) m_oTexture.dispose();
- if( m_orgTexture != null ) m_orgTexture.dispose();
- }
- // --
- var l_bReWrap:Bool = false;
- if( m_nHeight != p_oTexture.height) l_bReWrap = true;
- else if( m_nWidth != p_oTexture.width) l_bReWrap = true;
- // --
- m_oTexture = p_oTexture;
- m_orgTexture = p_oTexture.clone();
- m_nHeight = m_oTexture.height;
- m_nWidth = m_oTexture.width;
- m_nInvHeight = 1/m_nHeight;
- m_nInvWidth = 1/m_nWidth;
- // -- We reinitialize the precomputed matrix
- if( l_bReWrap && m_oPolygonMatrixMap != null )
- {
- for( l_sID in m_oPolygonMatrixMap )
- {
- //throw "Bad Transformation";
- //var l_oPoly:Polygon = Polygon.POLYGON_MAP.get( Std.int(l_sID) ) ;
- //init( l_oPoly );
- }
- }
- return p_oTexture;
- }
- /**
- * Sets texture tiling and optional offset. Tiling is applied first.
- */
- public function setTiling( p_nW:Float, p_nH:Float, p_nU:Float = 0.0, p_nV:Float = 0.0 ):Void
- {
- m_oTiling.x = p_nW;
- m_oTiling.y = p_nH;
- // --
- m_oOffset.x = p_nU - Math.floor (p_nU);
- m_oOffset.y = p_nV - Math.floor (p_nV);
- // --
- for( l_sID in m_oPolygonMatrixMap )
- {
- // FIXME: m_oPolygonMatrixMap cannot contain matrices and an integers at the same time.
- //var l_oPoly:Polygon = Polygon.POLYGON_MAP.get( Std.parseInt( l_sID ) );
- //init( l_oPoly );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Changes the transparency of the texture.
- *
- * <p>The passed value is the percentage of opacity.</p>
- *
- * @param p_nValue A value between 0 and 1. (automatically constrained)
- */
- public function setTransparency( p_nValue:Float ):Void
- {
- p_nValue = NumberUtil.constrain( p_nValue, 0, 1 );
- if( m_oCmf != null ) m_oCmf = null;
- var matrix:Array<Float> = [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, p_nValue, 0];
- #if flash9
- m_oCmf = new ColorMatrixFilter( matrix );
- texture.applyFilter( m_orgTexture, texture.rect, m_oPoint, m_oCmf );
- #end
- }
- /**
- * Indicates the alpha transparency value of the material. Valid values are 0 (fully transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).
- *
- * @default 1.0
- */
- public var alpha(__getAlpha,__setAlpha):Float;
- private function __getAlpha():Float
- {
- return m_nAlpha;
- }
- private function __setAlpha(p_nValue:Float):Float
- {
- setTransparency(p_nValue);
- m_nAlpha = p_nValue;
- m_bModified = true;
- return p_nValue;
- }
- public override function unlink( p_oPolygon:Polygon ):Void
- {
- if( m_oPolygonMatrixMap[p_oPolygon.id] != null )
- m_oPolygonMatrixMap[p_oPolygon.id] = null;
- // --
- super.unlink( p_oPolygon );
- }
- /**
- * @param p_oPolygon The face dressed by this material
- */
- public override function init( p_oPolygon:Polygon ):Void
- {
- if( p_oPolygon.vertices.length >= 3 )
- {
- var m:Matrix = null;
- // --
- if( m_nWidth > 0 && m_nHeight > 0 )
- {
- var l_aUV:Array<UVCoord> = p_oPolygon.aUVCoord;
- if( l_aUV != null )
- {
- m = _createTextureMatrix( l_aUV );
- }
- }
- // --
- m_oPolygonMatrixMap[p_oPolygon.id] = m;
- }
- // --
- super.init( p_oPolygon );
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string representation of this object.
- *
- * @return The fully qualified name of this object.
- */
- public function toString():String
- {
- return 'sandy.materials.BitmapMaterial' ;
- }
- var polygon:Polygon;
- var graphics:Graphics;
- var map:Matrix;
- private var m_oTexture:BitmapData;
- private var m_orgTexture:BitmapData;
- private var m_nHeight:Float;
- private var m_nWidth:Float;
- private var m_nInvHeight:Float;
- private var m_nInvWidth:Float;
- private var m_nAlpha:Float;
- private var m_nRecLevel:Int;
- private var m_oPolygonMatrixMap:Array<Matrix>;
- private var m_oPoint:Point;
- #if flash9
- private var m_oCmf:ColorMatrixFilter;
- #else
- private var m_oCmf:Dynamic;
- #end
- private var matrix:Matrix;
- private var m_oTiling:Point;
- private var m_oOffset:Point;
- public var forceUpdate:Bool;
- }