Haxe | 467 lines | 245 code | 49 blank | 173 comment | 23 complexity | 3242239be04b7dc251a93b897c045ad2 MD5 | raw file
- /*
- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Copyright the original author or authors.
- Licensed under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1.1 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- */
- package sandy.core.scenegraph;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import sandy.core.Scene3D;
- import sandy.core.data.Matrix4;
- import sandy.core.data.Vertex;
- import sandy.core.data.Polygon;
- import sandy.util.NumberUtil;
- import sandy.view.Frustum;
- import sandy.view.ViewPort;
- /**
- * The Camera3D class is used to create a camera for the Sandy world.
- *
- * <p>As of this version of Sandy, the camera is added to the object tree,
- * which means it is transformed in the same manner as any other object.</p>
- *
- * @author Thomas Pfeiffer - kiroukou
- * @author Niel Drummond - haXe port
- *
- */
- class Camera3D extends ATransformable
- {
- /**
- * <p>Inverse of the model matrix
- * This is apply at the culling phasis
- * The matrix is inverted in comparison of the real model view matrix.<br/>
- * This allows replacement of the objects in the correct camera frame before projection</p>
- */
- public var invModelMatrix:Matrix4;
- /**
- * The camera viewport
- */
- public var viewport:ViewPort;
- /**
- * The frustum of the camera.
- */
- public var frustrum:Frustum;
- /**
- * Creates a camera for projecting visible objects in the world.
- *
- * <p>By default the camera shows a perspective projection. <br />
- * The camera is at -300 in z axis and look at the world 0,0,0 point.</p>
- *
- * @param p_nWidth Width of the camera viewport in pixels
- * @param p_nHeight Height of the camera viewport in pixels
- * @param p_nFov The vertical angle of view in degrees - Default 45
- * @param p_nNear The distance from the camera to the near clipping plane - Default 50
- * @param p_nFar The distance from the camera to the far clipping plane - Default 10000
- */
- public function new( p_nWidth:Int, p_nHeight:Int, ?p_nFov:Float, ?p_nNear:Float, ?p_nFar:Float )
- {
- if (p_nFov == null) p_nFov = 45;
- if (p_nNear == null) p_nNear = 50;
- if (p_nFar == null) p_nFar = 10000;
- super( null );
- invModelMatrix = new Matrix4();
- viewport = new ViewPort(640,480);
- frustrum = new Frustum();
- _perspectiveChanged = false;
- _mp = new Matrix4();
- _mpInv = new Matrix4();
- m_aDisplayList = new Array();
- viewport.width = p_nWidth;
- viewport.height = p_nHeight;
- // --
- _nFov = p_nFov;
- _nFar = p_nFar;
- _nNear = p_nNear;
- // --
- setPerspectiveProjection( _nFov, viewport.ratio, _nNear, _nFar );
- m_nOffx = viewport.width2;
- m_nOffy = viewport.height2;
- viewport.hasChanged = false;
- // It's a non visible node
- visible = false;
- z = -300;
- lookAt( 0,0,0 );
- }
- /**
- * The angle of view of this camera in degrees.
- */
- public function __setFov( p_nFov:Float ):Float
- {
- _nFov = p_nFov;
- _perspectiveChanged = true;
- return p_nFov;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public var fov(__getFov, __setFov):Float;
- private function __getFov():Float
- {return _nFov;}
- /**
- * Focal length of camera.
- *
- * <p>This value is a function of fov angle and viewport dimensions.
- * Writing this value changes fov angle only.</p>
- */
- public function __setFocalLength( f:Float ):Float
- {
- _nFov = Math.atan2 (viewport.height2, f) * 114.591559 /* 2 * (180 / Math.PI) */;
- _perspectiveChanged = true;
- return f;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public var focalLength(__getFocalLength, __setFocalLength):Float;
- private function __getFocalLength():Float
- {
- return viewport.height2 / Math.tan (_nFov * 0.00872664626 /* 1 / 2 * (Math.PI / 180) */ );
- }
- /**
- * Near plane distance for culling/clipping.
- */
- public function __setNear( pNear:Float ):Float
- {_nNear = pNear; _perspectiveChanged = true; return pNear;}
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public var near(__getNear, __setNear):Float;
- private function __getNear():Float
- {return _nNear;}
- /**
- * Far plane distance for culling/clipping.
- */
- public function __setFar( pFar:Float ):Float
- {_nFar = pFar;_perspectiveChanged = true; return pFar;}
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public var far(__getFar, __setFar):Float;
- private function __getFar():Float
- {return _nFar;}
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * Process the rendering of the scene.
- * The camera has all the information needed about the objects to render.
- *
- * The camera stores all the visible shape/polygons into an array, and loop through it calling their display method.
- * Before the display call, the container graphics is cleared.
- */
- public function renderDisplayList( p_oScene:Scene3D ):Void
- {
- var l_oShape:IDisplayable;
- // --
- if ( m_aDisplayedList != null )
- {
- for ( l_oShape in m_aDisplayedList )
- {
- l_oShape.clear();
- }
- }
- // --
- var l_mcContainer:Sprite = p_oScene.container;
- // we go high quality for drawing part
- //l_mcContainer.stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;
- // --
- /* we need to bypass visibility - untyped does not work on getters/setters */
- #if flash
- untyped m_aDisplayList.sortOn( "m_nDepth", Array.NUMERIC | Array.DESCENDING );
- #else
- m_aDisplayList.sort(function(a,b){return (a.depth>b.depth)?1:a.depth<b.depth?-1:0;} );
- #end
- for ( l_oShape in m_aDisplayList )
- {
- l_oShape.display( p_oScene );
- l_mcContainer.addChild( l_oShape.container );
- }
- // -- back to low quality
- //l_mcContainer.stage.quality = StageQuality.LOW;
- // --
- m_aDisplayedList = m_aDisplayList.splice(0,m_aDisplayList.length);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a displayable object to the display list.
- *
- * @param p_oShape The object to add
- */
- public function addToDisplayList( p_oShape:IDisplayable ):Void
- {
- if( p_oShape != null ) m_aDisplayList[m_aDisplayList.length] = ( p_oShape );
- }
- /**
- * Adds a displayable array of object to the display list.
- *
- * @param p_oShape The object to add
- */
- public function addArrayToDisplayList( p_aShapeArray:Array<IDisplayable> ):Void
- {
- m_aDisplayList = m_aDisplayList.concat( p_aShapeArray );
- }
- /**
- * <p>Project the vertices list given in parameter.
- * The vertices are projected to the screen, as a 2D position.
- * </p>
- */
- public function projectArray( p_oList:Array<Vertex> ):Void
- {
- var l_nX:Float = viewport.offset.x + m_nOffx;
- var l_nY:Float = viewport.offset.y + m_nOffy;
- var l_nCste:Float;
- var l_mp11_offx:Float = mp11 * m_nOffx;
- var l_mp22_offy:Float = mp22 * m_nOffy;
- for ( l_oVertex in p_oList )
- {
- if( !l_oVertex.projected )
- {
- l_nCste = 1 / l_oVertex.wz;
- l_oVertex.sx = l_nCste * l_oVertex.wx * l_mp11_offx + l_nX;
- l_oVertex.sy = -l_nCste * l_oVertex.wy * l_mp22_offy + l_nY;
- //nbVertices += 1;
- l_oVertex.projected = true;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * <p>Project the vertex passed as parameter.
- * The vertices are projected to the screen, as a 2D position.
- * </p>
- */
- public function projectVertex( p_oVertex:Vertex ):Void
- {
- var l_nX:Float = (viewport.offset.x + m_nOffx);
- var l_nY:Float = (viewport.offset.y + m_nOffy);
- var l_nCste:Float = 1 / p_oVertex.wz;
- p_oVertex.sx = l_nCste * p_oVertex.wx * mp11 * m_nOffx + l_nX;
- p_oVertex.sy = -l_nCste * p_oVertex.wy * mp22 * m_nOffy + l_nY;
- }
- /**
- * Nothing is done here - the camera is not rendered
- */
- public override function render( p_oScene:Scene3D, p_oCamera:Camera3D):Void
- {
- return;/* Nothing to do here */
- }
- /**
- * Updates the state of the camera transformation.
- *
- * @param p_oScene The current scene
- * @param p_oModelMatrix The matrix which represents the parent model matrix. Basically it stores the rotation/translation/scale of all the nodes above the current one.
- * @param p_bChanged A boolean value which specify if the state has changed since the previous rendering. If false, we save some matrix multiplication process.
- */
- public override function update( p_oScene:Scene3D, p_oModelMatrix:Matrix4, p_bChanged:Bool ):Void
- {
- if( viewport.hasChanged )
- {
- _perspectiveChanged = true;
- // -- update the local values
- m_nOffx = viewport.width2;
- m_nOffy = viewport.height2;
- // -- Apply a scrollRect to the container at the viewport dimension
- if( p_oScene.rectClipping )
- p_oScene.container.scrollRect = new Rectangle( 0, 0, viewport.width, viewport.height );
- // -- we warn the the modification has been taken under account
- viewport.hasChanged = false;
- }
- // --
- if( _perspectiveChanged ) updatePerspective();
- super.update( p_oScene, p_oModelMatrix, p_bChanged );
- // -- fast camera model matrix inverssion
- invModelMatrix.n11 = modelMatrix.n11;
- invModelMatrix.n12 = modelMatrix.n21;
- invModelMatrix.n13 = modelMatrix.n31;
- invModelMatrix.n21 = modelMatrix.n12;
- invModelMatrix.n22 = modelMatrix.n22;
- invModelMatrix.n23 = modelMatrix.n32;
- invModelMatrix.n31 = modelMatrix.n13;
- invModelMatrix.n32 = modelMatrix.n23;
- invModelMatrix.n33 = modelMatrix.n33;
- invModelMatrix.n14 = -(modelMatrix.n11 * modelMatrix.n14 + modelMatrix.n21 * modelMatrix.n24 + modelMatrix.n31 * modelMatrix.n34);
- invModelMatrix.n24 = -(modelMatrix.n12 * modelMatrix.n14 + modelMatrix.n22 * modelMatrix.n24 + modelMatrix.n32 * modelMatrix.n34);
- invModelMatrix.n34 = -(modelMatrix.n13 * modelMatrix.n14 + modelMatrix.n23 * modelMatrix.n24 + modelMatrix.n33 * modelMatrix.n34);
- }
- /**
- * Nothing to do - the camera can't be culled
- */
- public override function cull( p_oScene:Scene3D, p_oFrustum:Frustum, p_oViewMatrix:Matrix4, p_bChanged:Bool ):Void
- {
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the projection matrix of this camera.
- *
- * @return The projection matrix
- */
- public var projectionMatrix(__getProjectionMatrix,null):Matrix4;
- private function __getProjectionMatrix():Matrix4
- {
- return _mp;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the inverse of the projection matrix of this camera.
- *
- * @return The inverted projection matrix
- */
- public var invProjectionMatrix(__getInvProjectionMatrix,null):Matrix4;
- private function __getInvProjectionMatrix():Matrix4
- {
- _mpInv.copy( _mp );
- _mpInv.inverse();
- return _mpInv;
- }
- /**
- * Sets a projection matrix with perspective.
- *
- * <p>This projection allows a natural visual presentation of objects, mimicking 3D perspective.</p>
- *
- * @param p_nFovY The angle of view in degrees - Default 45.
- * @param p_nAspectRatio The ratio between vertical and horizontal dimension - Default the viewport ratio (width/height)
- * @param p_nZNear The distance betweeen the camera and the near plane - Default 10.
- * @param p_nZFar The distance betweeen the camera position and the far plane. Default 10 000.
- */
- private function setPerspectiveProjection(p_nFovY:Float, p_nAspectRatio:Float, p_nZNear:Float, p_nZFar:Float):Void
- {
- var cotan:Float, Q:Float;
- // --
- frustrum.computePlanes(p_nAspectRatio, p_nZNear, p_nZFar, p_nFovY );
- // --
- p_nFovY = NumberUtil.toRadian( p_nFovY );
- cotan = 1 / Math.tan(p_nFovY / 2);
- Q = p_nZFar/(p_nZFar - p_nZNear);
- _mp.zero();
- _mp.n11 = cotan / p_nAspectRatio;
- _mp.n22 = cotan;
- _mp.n33 = Q;
- _mp.n34 = -Q*p_nZNear;
- _mp.n43 = 1;
- // to optimize later
- mp11 = _mp.n11; mp21 = _mp.n21; mp31 = _mp.n31; mp41 = _mp.n41;
- mp12 = _mp.n12; mp22 = _mp.n22; mp32 = _mp.n32; mp42 = _mp.n42;
- mp13 = _mp.n13; mp23 = _mp.n23; mp33 = _mp.n33; mp43 = _mp.n43;
- mp14 = _mp.n14; mp24 = _mp.n24; mp34 = _mp.n34; mp44 = _mp.n44;
- changed = true;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the perspective projection.
- */
- private function updatePerspective():Void
- {
- setPerspectiveProjection( _nFov, viewport.ratio, _nNear, _nFar );
- _perspectiveChanged = false;
- }
- /**
- * Delete the camera node and clear its displaylist.
- *
- */
- public override function destroy():Void
- {
- var l_oShape:IDisplayable;
- // --
- for ( l_oShape in m_aDisplayedList )
- {
- if( l_oShape != null ) l_oShape.clear();
- }
- for ( l_oShape in m_aDisplayList )
- {
- if( l_oShape != null ) l_oShape.clear();
- }
- // --
- m_aDisplayedList = null;
- m_aDisplayList = null;
- viewport = null;
- // --
- super.destroy();
- }
- public override function toString():String
- {
- return "sandy.core.scenegraph.Camera3D";
- }
- //////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////
- private var _perspectiveChanged:Bool;
- private var _mp:Matrix4;
- private var _mpInv:Matrix4;
- private var m_aDisplayList:Array<IDisplayable>;
- private var m_aDisplayedList:Array<IDisplayable>;
- private var _nFov:Float;
- private var _nFar:Float;
- private var _nNear:Float;
- private var mp11:Float;
- private var mp21:Float;
- private var mp31:Float;
- private var mp41:Float;
- private var mp12:Float;
- private var mp22:Float;
- private var mp32:Float;
- private var mp42:Float;
- private var mp13:Float;
- private var mp23:Float;
- private var mp33:Float;
- private var mp43:Float;
- private var mp14:Float;
- private var mp24:Float;
- private var mp34:Float;
- private var mp44:Float;
- private var m_nOffx:Float;
- private var m_nOffy:Float;
- }