ActionScript | 764 lines | 396 code | 81 blank | 287 comment | 42 complexity | 55a8d93bf658a97137d0b71bbb60574c MD5 | raw file
- /*
- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Copyright the original author Thomas PFEIFFER
- Licensed under the MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 1.1 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- */
- package sandy.core.data
- {
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import sandy.core.Scene3D;
- import sandy.core.interaction.VirtualMouse;
- import sandy.core.scenegraph.Geometry3D;
- import sandy.core.scenegraph.IDisplayable;
- import sandy.core.scenegraph.Shape3D;
- import sandy.events.BubbleEvent;
- import sandy.events.BubbleEventBroadcaster;
- import sandy.materials.Appearance;
- import sandy.math.IntersectionMath;
- import sandy.math.Matrix4Math;
- import sandy.math.VectorMath;
- import sandy.util.NumberUtil;
- import sandy.view.Frustum;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- /**
- * Polygon's are the building blocks of visible 3D shapes.
- *
- * @author Thomas Pfeiffer - kiroukou
- * @author Mirek Mencel
- * @since 1.0
- * @version 3.0
- * @date 24.08.2007
- */
- public final class Polygon implements IDisplayable
- {
- // _______
- // STATICS_______________________________________________________
- private static var _ID_:uint = 0;
- /**
- * This property lists all the polygons.
- * This is an helping property since it allows to retrieve a polygon instance from its unique ID.
- * Polygon objects have an unique ID with myPolygon.id.
- * Using : Polygon.POLYGON_MAP[myPolygon.id] returns myPolygon (for sure this example has no interesst except showing the use of the property.
- */
- public static var POLYGON_MAP:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
- // ______
- // PUBLIC________________________________________________________
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property
- * Unique polygon ID Number.
- */
- public const id:uint = _ID_++;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Link to the Shape3D instance this polygon is related too.
- */
- public var shape:Shape3D;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Refers to the Scene3D the shape is linked to.
- */
- public var scene:Scene3D;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Specify if the polygon has been clipped
- */
- public var isClipped:Boolean = false;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Array of clipped vertices. Check isClipped property first to see if this array shall be containing the useful data or not.
- */
- public var cvertices:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Array of original vertices.
- */
- public var vertices:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- */
- public var vertexNormals:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- */
- public var normal:Vertex;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- */
- public var aUVCoord:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- */
- public var aEdges:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- */
- public var caUVCoord:Array;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * This property contains the texture bounds as a Rectangle.
- */
- public var uvBounds:Rectangle;
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property
- * Array of polygons that share an edge with the current polygon.
- */
- public var aNeighboors:Array = new Array();
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Min values of this polygon
- */
- public var minBounds:Vector = new Vector();
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Max values of this polygon
- */
- public var maxBounds:Vector = new Vector();
- /**
- * [READ-ONLY] property.
- * Mean values of this polygon
- */
- public var meanBounds:Vector = new Vector();
- /**
- * Creates a new polygon.
- *
- * @param p_oShape The shape this polygon belongs to
- * @param p_geometry The geometry this polygon is part of
- * @param p_aVertexID The vertexID array of this polygon
- * @param p_aUVCoordsID The UVCoordsID array of this polygon
- * @param p_nFaceNormalID The faceNormalID of this polygon
- * @param p_nEdgesID The edgesID of this polygon
- */
- public function Polygon( p_oOwner:Shape3D, p_geometry:Geometry3D, p_aVertexID:Array, p_aUVCoordsID:Array=null, p_nFaceNormalID:Number=0, p_nEdgesID:uint=0 )
- {
- shape = p_oOwner;
- m_oGeometry = p_geometry;
- // --
- __update( p_aVertexID, p_aUVCoordsID, p_nFaceNormalID, p_nEdgesID );
- m_oContainer = new Sprite();
- // --
- POLYGON_MAP[id] = this;
- }
- /**
- * The broadcaster property.
- *
- * <p>The broadcaster is the property used to send events to listeners.</p>
- */
- public function get broadcaster():BubbleEventBroadcaster
- {
- return m_oEB;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a listener for specifical event.
- *
- * @param p_sEvent Name of the Event.
- * @param oL Listener object.
- */
- public function addEventListener(p_sEvent:String, oL:*) : void
- {
- m_oEB.addEventListener.apply(m_oEB, arguments);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a listener for specifical event.
- *
- * @param p_sEvent Name of the Event.
- * @param oL Listener object.
- */
- public function removeEventListener(p_sEvent:String, oL:*) : void
- {
- m_oEB.removeEventListener(p_sEvent, oL);
- }
- /**
- * Pre-compute several properties of the polygon in the same time.
- * List of the computed properties :
- * - visibility : if the polygon is visible
- */
- public function computeVisibility():void
- {
- // all normals are refreshed every loop. Face is visible is normal face to the camera
- var l_nDot:Number = ( m_oVisibilityRef.wx * normal.wx + m_oVisibilityRef.wy * normal.wy + m_oVisibilityRef.wz * normal.wz );
- m_bVisible = ( l_nDot < 0 );
- }
- /**
- * Pre-compute several properties of the polygon in the same time.
- * List of the computed properties :
- * <ul>
- * <li>mean z depth : the mean z depth used for basic sorting</li>
- * <li>max bounds : the maximum bounds of the polygon</li>
- * <li>min bounds : the minimum bounds of the polygon</li>
- * <li>mean bounds : the mean of each components of the polygon. It is center actually.</li>
- * </ul>
- */
- public function precomputeBounds():void
- {
- const l_aVert:Array = vertices;
- // --
- meanBounds.reset();
- minBounds.resetToPositiveInfinity();
- maxBounds.resetToNegativeInfinity();
- // --
- for each ( var v:Vertex in l_aVert )
- {
- if( v.wx < minBounds.x ) minBounds.x = v.wx;
- else if( v.wx > maxBounds.x ) maxBounds.x = v.wx;
- // --
- if( v.wy < minBounds.y ) minBounds.y = v.wy;
- else if( v.wy > maxBounds.y ) maxBounds.y = v.wy;
- // --
- if( v.wz < minBounds.z ) minBounds.z = v.wz;
- else if( v.wz > maxBounds.z ) maxBounds.z = v.wz;
- // --
- meanBounds.x += v.wx;
- meanBounds.y += v.wy;
- meanBounds.z += v.wz;
- }
- // -- We normalize the sum and return it
- meanBounds.scale( 1 / l_aVert.length );
- }
- /**
- * Is this face visible?.
- * The method returns the visibility value pre computed after precompute method call. This getter shall be called afer the precompute call.
- * @return true if this face is visible, false otherwise.
- */
- public function get visible(): Boolean
- {return m_bVisible;}
- /**
- * Returns the real 3D position of the 2D screen position.
- * The 2D position is usually coming from :
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * var l_nClicX:Number = m_oScene.container.mouseX;
- * var l_nClicY:Number = m_oScene.container.mouseY;
- * </listing>
- *
- * @return the real 3D position which correspond to the intersection onto that polygone
- */
- public function get3DFrom2D( p_oScreenPoint:Point ):Vector
- {
- var l_nX:Number = (p_oScreenPoint.x - scene.camera.viewport.width2)/ scene.camera.viewport.width2;
- var l_nY:Number = -(p_oScreenPoint.y - scene.camera.viewport.height2)/scene.camera.viewport.height2;
- var l_oPoint:Vector = new Vector( l_nX, l_nY, 0 );
- // -- on prend la matrice de projection inverse
- var l_oMatrix:Matrix4 = scene.camera.invProjectionMatrix;
- l_oMatrix.vectorMult( l_oPoint );
- l_oMatrix = scene.camera.matrix;
- l_oMatrix.vectorMult( l_oPoint );
- // -- maintenant nous avons la direction du rayon logiquement.
- // -- reste a calculer son intersection avec le polygone
- var l_oNormale:Vector = normal.getVector();
- var l_oOrigineRayon:Vector = scene.camera.getPosition();
- l_oPoint.sub( l_oOrigineRayon );
- //on normalise le vecteur car c'est lui qui sert de vecteur directeur du rayon qui part
- l_oPoint.normalize();
- // on chope la constante du plan
- var l_nPlaneConst:Number = VectorMath.dot( (vertices[0] as Vertex).getVector(), l_oNormale );
- // Calcul le produit scalaire Normale du plan avec le vecteur directeur du rayon
- var l_nDotNormalePlanRayon:Number = l_oNormale.dot( l_oPoint );
- // In case the ray is parallel to the plane
- if( l_nDotNormalePlanRayon >= -NumberUtil.TOL && l_nDotNormalePlanRayon <= NumberUtil.TOL )
- return null;
- // distance from ray to plane
- var l_nDistRayonPlan:Number = (l_oOrigineRayon.dot( l_oNormale ))/(l_oNormale.getNorm());
- // lpane distance
- var t:Number = - l_nDistRayonPlan / l_nDotNormalePlanRayon
- // No collision
- if( t < NumberUtil.TOL )
- return null;
- // -- intersection point
- return new Vector( l_oOrigineRayon.x + t * l_oPoint.x,
- l_oOrigineRayon.y + t * l_oPoint.y,
- l_oOrigineRayon.z + t * l_oPoint.z );;
- }
- /**
- * Get the UVCoord under the 2D screen position after a mouse click or something
- * The 2D position is usually coming from :
- * <listing version="3.0">
- * var l_nClicX:Number = m_oScene.container.mouseX;
- * var l_nClicY:Number = m_oScene.container.mouseY;
- * </listing>
- *
- * @return the UVCoord under the 2D screen point
- */
- public function getUVFrom2D( p_oScreenPoint:Point ):UVCoord
- {
- var p0:Point = new Point(vertices[0].sx, vertices[0].sy);
- var p1:Point = new Point(vertices[1].sx, vertices[1].sy);
- var p2:Point = new Point(vertices[2].sx, vertices[2].sy);
- var u0:UVCoord = aUVCoord[0];
- var u1:UVCoord = aUVCoord[1];
- var u2:UVCoord = aUVCoord[2];
- var v01:Point = new Point(p1.x - p0.x, p1.y - p0.y );
- var vn01:Point = v01.clone();
- vn01.normalize(1);
- var v02:Point = new Point(p2.x - p0.x, p2.y - p0.y );
- var vn02:Point = v02.clone(); vn02.normalize(1);
- // sub that from click point
- var v4:Point = new Point( p_oScreenPoint.x - v01.x, p_oScreenPoint.y - v01.y );
- // we now have everything to find 1 intersection
- var l_oInter:Point = IntersectionMath.intersectionLine2D( p0, p2, p_oScreenPoint, v4 );
- // find vectors to intersection
- var vi02:Point = new Point( l_oInter.x - p0.x, l_oInter.y - p0.y );
- var vi01:Point = new Point( p_oScreenPoint.x - l_oInter.x , p_oScreenPoint.y - l_oInter.y );
- // interpolation coeffs
- var d1:Number = vi01.length / v01.length ;
- var d2:Number = vi02.length / v02.length;
- // -- on interpole linéairement pour trouver la position du point dans repere de la texture (normalisé)
- return new UVCoord( u0.u + d1*(u1.u - u0.u) + d2*(u2.u - u0.u),
- u0.v + d1*(u1.v - u0.v) + d2*(u2.v - u0.v));
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array containing the vertices, clipped by the camera frustum.
- *
- * @return The array of clipped vertices
- */
- public function clip( p_oFrustum:Frustum ):Array
- {
- isClipped = true;
- // For lines we only apply front plane clipping
- if( vertices.length < 3 )
- {
- clipFrontPlane( p_oFrustum );
- }
- else
- {
- cvertices = null;
- caUVCoord = null;
- // --
- cvertices = vertices.concat();
- caUVCoord = aUVCoord.concat();
- // --
- p_oFrustum.clipFrustum( cvertices, caUVCoord );
- }
- return cvertices;
- }
- /**
- * Perform a clipping against the near frustum plane.
- *
- * @return The array of clipped vertices
- */
- public function clipFrontPlane( p_oFrustum:Frustum ):Array
- {
- isClipped = true;
- cvertices = null;
- cvertices = vertices.concat();
- // If line
- if( vertices.length < 3 )
- {
- p_oFrustum.clipLineFrontPlane( cvertices );
- }
- else
- {
- caUVCoord = null;
- caUVCoord = aUVCoord.concat();
- p_oFrustum.clipFrontPlane( cvertices, caUVCoord );
- }
- return cvertices;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the vertices and normals for this polygon.
- *
- * <p>Calling this method make the polygon gets its vertice and normals by reference
- * instead of accessing them by their ID.<br/>
- * This method shall be called once the geometry created.</p>
- *
- * @param p_aVertexID The vertexID array of this polygon
- * @param p_aUVCoordsID The UVCoordsID array of this polygon
- * @param p_nFaceNormalID The faceNormalID of this polygon
- * @param p_nEdgesID The edgesID of this polygon
- */
- private function __update( p_aVertexID:Array, p_aUVCoordsID:Array, p_nFaceNormalID:uint, p_nEdgeListID:uint ):void
- {
- var i:int=0, l:int;
- // --
- vertexNormals = new Array();
- vertices = new Array();
- for each( var o:* in p_aVertexID )
- {
- vertices[i] = Vertex( m_oGeometry.aVertex[ p_aVertexID[i] ] );
- vertexNormals[i] = m_oGeometry.aVertexNormals[ p_aVertexID[i] ];
- i++;
- }
- // --
- m_oVisibilityRef = vertices[0];
- // -- every polygon does not have some texture coordinates
- if( p_aUVCoordsID )
- {
- var l_nMinU:Number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, l_nMinV:Number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
- l_nMaxU:Number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, l_nMaxV:Number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- // --
- aUVCoord = new Array();
- i = 0;
- for each( var p:* in p_aUVCoordsID )
- {
- var l_oUV:UVCoord = UVCoord( m_oGeometry.aUVCoords[ p_aUVCoordsID[i] ] );
- aUVCoord[i] = l_oUV;
- if( l_oUV.u < l_nMinU ) l_nMinU = l_oUV.u;
- else if( l_oUV.u > l_nMaxU ) l_nMaxU = l_oUV.u;
- // --
- if( l_oUV.v < l_nMinV ) l_nMinV = l_oUV.v;
- else if( l_oUV.v > l_nMaxV ) l_nMaxV = l_oUV.v;
- // --
- i++;
- }
- // --
- uvBounds = new Rectangle( l_nMinU, l_nMinV, l_nMaxU-l_nMinU, l_nMaxV-l_nMinV );
- }
- // --
- normal = Vertex( m_oGeometry.aFacesNormals[ p_nFaceNormalID ] );
- // If no normal has been given, we create it ourself.
- if( normal == null )
- {
- var l_oNormal:Vector = createNormal();
- var l_nID:Number = m_oGeometry.setFaceNormal( m_oGeometry.getNextFaceNormalID(), l_oNormal.x, l_oNormal.y, l_oNormal.z );
- normal = Vertex( m_oGeometry.aFacesNormals[ l_nID ] );
- }
- // --
- aEdges = new Array();
- for each( var l_nEdgeId:uint in m_oGeometry.aFaceEdges[p_nEdgeListID] )
- {
- var l_oEdge:Edge3D = m_oGeometry.aEdges[ l_nEdgeId ];
- l_oEdge.vertex1 = m_oGeometry.aVertex[ l_oEdge.vertexId1 ];
- l_oEdge.vertex2 = m_oGeometry.aVertex[ l_oEdge.vertexId2 ];
- aEdges.push( l_oEdge );
- }
- }
- /**
- * Clears the container of this polygon from graphics.
- */
- public function clear():void
- {
- m_oContainer.graphics.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Displays this polygon on its container if visible.
- *
- * @param p_oScene The current scene this polygon is rendered into
- * @param p_oContainer The container to draw on
- */
- public function display( p_oScene:Scene3D, p_oContainer:Sprite = null ):void
- {
- scene = p_oScene;
- // --
- const lCont:Sprite = (p_oContainer)?p_oContainer:m_oContainer;
- if( m_bVisible )
- {
- m_oAppearance.frontMaterial.renderPolygon( p_oScene, this, lCont );
- }
- else
- {
- m_oAppearance.backMaterial.renderPolygon( p_oScene, this, lCont );
- }
- }
- /**
- * The container for this polygon.
- */
- public function get container():Sprite
- {
- return m_oContainer;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function get depth():Number
- {
- return meanBounds.z;
- }
- /**
- * The z depth of this polygon.
- */
- public function set depth( p_nDepth:Number ):void
- {
- meanBounds.z = p_nDepth;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string representing of this polygon.
- *
- * @return The string representation.
- */
- public function toString():String
- {
- return "sandy.core.data.Polygon::id=" +id+ " [Points: " + vertices.length + "]";
- }
- /**
- * Enables or disables object events for this polygon.
- *
- * <p>If a value of true is passed, the object events onPress, onRollOver and onRollOut are enabled.<br />.
- * To use them, you have to add listeners for the events.</p>
- *
- * @param b Pass true to enable the events, false to disable.
- */
- public function set enableEvents( b:Boolean ):void
- {
- if( b && !mouseEvents )
- {
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onInteraction);
- }
- else if( !b && mouseEvents )
- {
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onInteraction);
- }
- mouseEvents = b;
- }
- public function get enableEvents():Boolean
- { return mouseEvents; }
- protected function _onInteraction( p_oEvt:Event ):void
- {m_oEB.broadcastEvent( new BubbleEvent( p_oEvt.type, this, p_oEvt ) );}
- protected function _startMouseInteraction( e : MouseEvent = null ) : void
- {
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, _onTextureInteraction);
- m_oContainer.addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onTextureInteraction );
- }
- protected function _stopMouseInteraction( e : MouseEvent = null ) : void
- {
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, _onTextureInteraction);
- m_oContainer.removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, _onTextureInteraction );
- container.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, _onTextureInteraction);
- container.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, _onTextureInteraction);
- }
- public function set enableInteractivity( p_bState:Boolean ):void
- {
- if( p_bState != mouseInteractivity )
- {
- if( p_bState )
- {
- container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _startMouseInteraction, false );
- container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, _stopMouseInteraction, false );
- }
- else
- {
- _stopMouseInteraction();
- }
- // --
- mouseInteractivity = p_bState;
- }
- }
- public function get enableInteractivity():Boolean
- { return mouseInteractivity; }
- protected function _onTextureInteraction( p_oEvt:Event = null ) : void
- {
- if ( p_oEvt == null || !(p_oEvt is MouseEvent) ) p_oEvt = new MouseEvent( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, true, false, 0, 0, null, false, false, false, false, 0);
- // get the position of the mouse on the poly
- var pt2D : Point = new Point( scene.container.mouseX, scene.container.mouseY );
- var uv : UVCoord = getUVFrom2D( pt2D );
- VirtualMouse.getInstance().interactWithTexture( this, uv, p_oEvt as MouseEvent );
- _onInteraction( p_oEvt );
- }
- /**
- * Calculates and returns the normal vector of the polygon.
- *
- * @return The normal vector
- */
- public function createNormal():Vector
- {
- if( vertices.length > 2 )
- {
- var v:Vector, w:Vector;
- var a:Vertex = vertices[0], b:Vertex = vertices[1], c:Vertex = vertices[2];
- v = new Vector( b.wx - a.wx, b.wy - a.wy, b.wz - a.wz );
- w = new Vector( b.wx - c.wx, b.wy - c.wy, b.wz - c.wz );
- // we compute de cross product
- var l_normal:Vector = VectorMath.cross( v, w );
- // we normalize the resulting vector
- VectorMath.normalize( l_normal ) ;
- // we return the resulting vertex
- return l_normal;
- }
- else
- {
- return new Vector();
- }
- }
- /**
- * The appearance of this polygon.
- */
- public function set appearance( p_oApp:Appearance ):void
- {
- m_oAppearance = p_oApp;
- // --
- p_oApp.frontMaterial.init( this );
- p_oApp.backMaterial.init( this );
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function get appearance():Appearance
- {
- return m_oAppearance;
- }
- /**
- * Changes which side is the "normal" culling side.
- *
- * <p>The method also swaps the front and back skins.</p>
- */
- public function swapCulling():void
- {
- //TODO Check the acuracy of this method
- // reverse the normal
- var v:Vector = normal.getVector();
- var m:Matrix4 = Matrix4Math.axisRotation( vertices[0].x - vertices[1].x, vertices[0].y - vertices[1].y, vertices[0].z - vertices[1].z, 180 );
- m.vectorMult3x3( v );
- v.normalize();
- normal.x = v.x;
- normal.y = v.y;
- normal.z = v.z;
- v = null;
- m = null;
- }
- /**
- * Destroys the sprite attache to this polygon.
- */
- public function destroy():void
- {
- clear();
- // --
- if( m_oContainer.parent ) m_oContainer.parent.removeChild( m_oContainer );
- if( m_oContainer ) m_oContainer = null;
- // --
- cvertices = null;
- vertices = null;
- m_oEB = null;
- }
- // _______
- // PRIVATE_______________________________________________________
- /** Reference to its owner geometry */
- private var m_oGeometry:Geometry3D;
- private var m_oAppearance:Appearance;
- /** array of ID of uv coordinates in geometry object */
- private var m_aUVCoords:Array;
- private var m_bVisible:Boolean = false;
- protected var m_oContainer:Sprite;
- protected var m_oVisibilityRef:Vertex;
- protected var m_oEB:BubbleEventBroadcaster = new BubbleEventBroadcaster();
- /** Boolean representing the state of the event activation */
- private var mouseEvents:Boolean = false;
- private var mouseInteractivity:Boolean = false;
- }
- }