Perl | 469 lines | 393 code | 76 blank | 0 comment | 14 complexity | a862008bbcdb26d9e0c8212bc5ac728f MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0, LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
- /* $Id$
- Part of SWI-Prolog
- Author: Jan Wielemaker
- E-mail: wielemak@science.uva.nl
- WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
- Copyright (C): 1985-2006, University of Amsterdam
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
- compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
- library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
- by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
- invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
- the GNU General Public License.
- */
- :- module(pldoc_modes,
- [ process_modes/6, % +Lines, +M, +FP, -Modes, -Av, -RLines
- store_modes/2, % +Modes, +SourcePos
- mode/2, % ?:Head, -Det
- is_mode/1, % @Mode
- mode_indicator/1, % ?Atom
- modes_to_predicate_indicators/2, % +Modes, -PIs
- compile_clause/2 % +Term, +File:Line
- ]).
- :- use_module(library(lists)).
- :- use_module(library(memfile)).
- :- use_module(library(operators)).
- :- use_module(library(error)).
- /** <module> Analyse PlDoc mode declarations
- This module analyzes the formal part of the documentation of a
- predicate. The formal part is processed by read_term/3 using the
- operator declarations in this module.
- @author Jan Wielemaker
- @license GPL
- */
- :- op(750, xf, ...). % Repeated argument: Arg...
- :- op(650, fx, +). % allow +Arg
- :- op(650, fx, -). % allow -Arg
- :- op(650, fx, ?). % allow ?Arg
- :- op(650, fx, :). % allow :Arg
- :- op(650, fx, @). % allow @Arg
- :- op(650, fx, !). % allow !Arg
- :- op(200, xf, //). % allow for Head// is det.
- /*******************************
- * MODES *
- *******************************/
- %% process_modes(+Lines:lines, +Module, +FilePos,
- %% -Modes:list, -Args:list(atom),
- %% -RestLines:lines) is det.
- %
- % Process the formal header lines (upto the first blank line),
- % returning the remaining lines and the names of the arguments
- % used in the various header lines.
- %
- % @param FilePos Term File:Line with the position of comment
- % @param Modes List if mode(Head, Bindings) terms
- % @param Args List of argument-names appearing in modes
- process_modes(Lines, Module, FilePos, ModeDecls, Vars, RestLines) :-
- mode_lines(Lines, ModeText, [], RestLines),
- modes(ModeText, Module, FilePos, ModeDecls),
- extract_varnames(ModeDecls, Vars0, []),
- sort(Vars0, Vars).
- %% mode_lines(+Lines, -ModeText:codes, ?ModeTail:codes, -Lines) is det.
- %
- % Extract the formal header. For %% comments these are all lines
- % starting with %%. For /** comments, first skip empty lines and
- % then take all lines upto the first blank line. Skipping empty
- % lines allows for comments using this style:
- %
- % ==
- % /**
- % * predicate(+arg1:type1, ?arg2:type2) is det
- % ...
- % ==
- mode_lines(Lines0, ModeText, ModeTail, Lines) :-
- percent_mode_line(Lines0, ModeText, ModeTail0, Lines1), !,
- percent_mode_lines(Lines1, ModeTail0, ModeTail, Lines).
- mode_lines(Lines0, ModeText, ModeTail, Lines) :-
- empty_lines(Lines0, Lines1),
- non_empty_lines(Lines1, ModeText, ModeTail, Lines).
- percent_mode_line([1-[0'%|L]|Lines], ModeText, ModeTail, Lines) :- %'
- append(L, [10|ModeTail], ModeText).
- percent_mode_lines(Lines0, ModeText, ModeTail, Lines) :-
- percent_mode_line(Lines0, ModeText, ModeTail1, Lines1), !,
- percent_mode_lines(Lines1, ModeTail1, ModeTail, Lines).
- percent_mode_lines(Lines, Mode, Mode, Lines).
- empty_lines([_-[]|Lines0], Lines) :- !,
- empty_lines(Lines0, Lines).
- empty_lines(Lines, Lines).
- non_empty_lines([], ModeTail, ModeTail, []).
- non_empty_lines([_-[]|Lines], ModeTail, ModeTail, Lines) :- !.
- non_empty_lines([_-L|Lines0], ModeText, ModeTail, Lines) :-
- append(L, [10|ModeTail0], ModeText),
- non_empty_lines(Lines0, ModeTail0, ModeTail, Lines).
- %% modes(+Text:codes, +Module, +FilePos, -ModeDecls) is det.
- %
- % Read mode declaration. This consists of a number of Prolog terms
- % which may or may not be closed by a Prolog full-stop.
- %
- % @param Text Input text as list of codes.
- % @param Module Module the comment comes from
- % @param ModeDecls List of mode(Term, Bindings)
- modes(Text, Module, FilePos, Decls) :-
- prepare_module_operators(Module),
- modes(Text, FilePos, Decls).
- modes(Text, FilePos, Decls) :-
- catch(read_mode_terms(Text, FilePos, '', Decls), E, true),
- ( var(E)
- -> !
- ; E = error(syntax_error(end_of_file), _)
- -> fail
- ; !, mode_syntax_error(E),
- Decls = []
- ).
- modes(Text, FilePos, Decls) :-
- catch(read_mode_terms(Text, FilePos, ' . ', Decls), E, true),
- ( var(E)
- -> !
- ; mode_syntax_error(E),
- fail
- ).
- modes(_, _, []).
- %% mode_syntax_error(+ErrorTerm) is det.
- %
- % Print syntax errors in mode declarations. Currently, this is
- % suppressed unless the flag =pldoc_errors= is specified.
- mode_syntax_error(E) :-
- current_prolog_flag(pldoc_errors, true), !,
- print_message(warning, E).
- mode_syntax_error(_).
- read_mode_terms(Text, File:Line, End, Terms) :-
- new_memory_file(MemFile),
- open_memory_file(MemFile, write, Out),
- format(Out, '~s~w', [Text, End]),
- close(Out),
- open_memory_file(MemFile, read, In),
- set_stream(In, file_name(File)),
- stream_property(In, position(Pos0)),
- set_line(Pos0, Line, Pos),
- set_stream_position(In, Pos),
- call_cleanup(read_modes(In, Terms),
- ( close(In),
- free_memory_file(MemFile))).
- set_line('$stream_position'(CharC, _, LinePos, ByteC),
- Line,
- '$stream_position'(CharC, Line, LinePos, ByteC)).
- read_modes(In, Terms) :-
- read_mode_term(In, Term0),
- read_modes(Term0, In, Terms).
- read_modes(mode(end_of_file,[]), _, []) :- !.
- read_modes(T0, In, [T0|Rest]) :-
- read_mode_term(In, T1),
- read_modes(T1, In, Rest).
- read_mode_term(In, mode(Term, Bindings)) :-
- read_term(In, Term,
- [ variable_names(Bindings),
- module(pldoc_modes)
- ]).
- %% prepare_module_operators is det.
- %
- % Import operators from current source module.
- :- dynamic
- prepared_module/2.
- prepare_module_operators(Module) :-
- ( prepared_module(Module, _)
- -> true
- ; unprepare_module_operators,
- public_operators(Module, Ops),
- ( Ops \== []
- -> push_operators(Ops, Undo),
- asserta(prepared_module(Module, Undo))
- ; true
- )
- ).
- unprepare_module_operators :-
- forall(retract(prepared_module(_, Undo)),
- pop_operators(Undo)).
- %% public_operators(+Module, -List:list(op(Pri,Assoc,Name))) is det.
- %
- % List is the list of operators exported from Module through its
- % module header.
- public_operators(Module, List) :-
- module_property(Module, exported_operators(List)), !.
- public_operators(_, []).
- %% extract_varnames(+Bindings, -VarNames, ?VarTail) is det.
- %
- % Extract the variables names.
- %
- % @param Bindings Nested list of Name=Var
- % @param VarNames List of variable names
- % @param VarTail Tail of VarNames
- extract_varnames([], VN, VN) :- !.
- extract_varnames([H|T], VN0, VN) :- !,
- extract_varnames(H, VN0, VN1),
- extract_varnames(T, VN1, VN).
- extract_varnames(mode(_, Bindings), VN0, VN) :- !,
- extract_varnames(Bindings, VN0, VN).
- extract_varnames(Name=_, [Name|VN], VN).
- %% store_modes(+Modes, +SourcePos) is det.
- %
- % Assert modes into the database with the given position.
- %
- % @param Modes List if mode-terms. See process_modes/6.
- % @param SourcePos Term File:Line
- store_modes([], _).
- store_modes([mode(Mode, _Bindings)|T], Pos) :-
- store_mode(Mode, Pos),
- store_modes(T, Pos).
- store_mode(Var, _) :-
- var(Var), !,
- throw(error(instantiation_error,
- context(_, 'PlDoc: Mode declaration expected'))).
- store_mode(Head0 is Det, Pos) :- !,
- dcg_expand(Head0, Head),
- compile_clause('$mode'(Head, Det), Pos).
- store_mode(Head0, Pos) :-
- dcg_expand(Head0, Head),
- compile_clause('$mode'(Head, unknown), Pos).
- dcg_expand(M:Head0, M:Head) :-
- atom(M), !,
- dcg_expand(Head0, Head).
- dcg_expand(//(Head0), Head) :- !,
- Head0 =.. [Name|List0],
- maplist(remove_argname, List0, List1),
- append(List1, [?list, ?list], List2),
- Head =.. [Name|List2].
- dcg_expand(Head0, Head) :-
- remove_argnames(Head0, Head).
- remove_argnames(Var, _) :-
- var(Var), !,
- instantiation_error(Var).
- remove_argnames(M:Head0, M:Head) :- !,
- must_be(atom, M),
- remove_argnames(Head0, Head).
- remove_argnames(Head0, Head) :-
- functor(Head0, Name, Arity),
- functor(Head, Name, Arity),
- remove_argnames(0, Arity, Head0, Head).
- remove_argnames(Arity, Arity, _, _) :- !.
- remove_argnames(I0, Arity, H0, H) :-
- I is I0 + 1,
- arg(I, H0, A0),
- remove_argname(A0, A),
- arg(I, H, A),
- remove_argnames(I, Arity, H0, H).
- remove_argname(T, ?(any)) :-
- var(T), !.
- remove_argname(T0..., T...) :- !,
- remove_argname(T0, T).
- remove_argname(A0, A) :-
- mode_ind(A0, M, A1), !,
- remove_aname(A1, A2),
- mode_ind(A, M, A2).
- remove_argname(A0, ?A) :-
- remove_aname(A0, A).
- remove_aname(Var, any) :-
- var(Var), !.
- remove_aname(_:Type, Type) :- !.
- %% mode(:Head, ?Det) is nondet.
- %
- % True if there is a mode-declaration for Head with Det.
- %
- % @param Head Callable term. Arguments are a mode-indicator
- % followed by a type.
- % @param Det One of =unknown=, =det=, =semidet=, or =nondet=.
- :- module_transparent
- mode/2.
- mode(Head, Det) :-
- var(Head), !,
- current_module(M),
- '$c_current_predicate'(_, M:'$mode'(_,_)),
- M:'$mode'(H,Det),
- qualify(M,H,Head).
- mode(M:Head, Det) :-
- current_module(M),
- '$c_current_predicate'(_, M:'$mode'(_,_)),
- M:'$mode'(Head,Det).
- qualify(system, H, H) :- !.
- qualify(user, H, H) :- !.
- qualify(M, H, M:H).
- %% is_mode(@Head) is semidet.
- %
- % True if Head is a valid mode-term.
- is_mode(Var) :-
- var(Var), !, fail.
- is_mode(Head is Det) :-
- is_det(Det),
- is_head(Head).
- is_det(Var) :-
- var(Var), !, fail.
- is_det(det).
- is_det(semidet).
- is_det(nondet).
- is_det(multi).
- is_head(Var) :-
- var(Var), !, fail.
- is_head(Head//) :- !,
- is_head(Head).
- is_head(Head) :-
- callable(Head),
- functor(Head, _Name, Arity),
- is_head_args(0, Arity, Head).
- is_head_args(A, A, _) :- !.
- is_head_args(I0, Arity, Head) :-
- I is I0 + 1,
- arg(I, Head, Arg),
- is_head_arg(Arg),
- is_head_args(I, Arity, Head).
- is_head_arg(Arg) :-
- var(Arg), !.
- is_head_arg(Arg) :-
- Arg =.. [Ind,Arg1],
- mode_indicator(Ind),
- is_head_arg(Arg1).
- is_head_arg(Arg:Type) :-
- var(Arg),
- is_type(Type).
- is_type(Type) :-
- callable(Type).
- %% mode_indicator(?Ind:atom) is nondet.
- %
- % Our defined argument-mode indicators
- mode_indicator(+). % Instantiated to type
- mode_indicator(-). % Unbound
- mode_indicator(?). % Partially instantiated to type
- mode_indicator(:). % Meta-argument (implies +)
- mode_indicator(@). % Not instantiated by pred
- mode_indicator(!). % Mutable term
- mode_ind(+(X), +, X).
- mode_ind(-(X), -, X).
- mode_ind(?(X), ?, X).
- mode_ind(:(X), :, X).
- mode_ind(@(X), @, X).
- mode_ind(!(X), !, X).
- %% modes_to_predicate_indicators(+Modes:list, -PI:list) is det.
- %
- % Create a list of predicate indicators represented by Modes. Each
- % predicate indicator is of the form atom/integer for normal
- % predicates or atom//integer for DCG rules.
- %
- % @param Modes Mode-list as produced by process_modes/5
- % @param PI List of Name/Arity or Name//Arity without duplicates
- modes_to_predicate_indicators(Modes, PIs) :-
- modes_to_predicate_indicators2(Modes, PIs0),
- list_to_set(PIs0, PIs).
- modes_to_predicate_indicators2([], []).
- modes_to_predicate_indicators2([mode(H,_B)|T0], [PI|T]) :-
- mode_to_pi(H, PI),
- modes_to_predicate_indicators2(T0, T).
- mode_to_pi(Head is _Det, PI) :- !,
- head_to_pi(Head, PI).
- mode_to_pi(Head, PI) :-
- head_to_pi(Head, PI).
- head_to_pi(M:Head, M:PI) :-
- atom(M), !,
- head_to_pi(Head, PI).
- head_to_pi(//(Head), Name//Arity) :- !,
- functor(Head, Name, Arity).
- head_to_pi(Head, Name/Arity) :-
- functor(Head, Name, Arity).
- %% compile_clause(:Term, +FilePos) is det.
- %
- % Add a clause to the compiled program. Unlike assert/1, this
- % associates the clause with the given source-location, makes it
- % static code and removes the clause if the file is reloaded.
- % Finally, as we create clauses one-by-one, we define our
- % predicates as discontiguous.
- %
- % @param Term Clause-term
- % @param FilePos Term of the form File:Line, where File is a
- % canonical filename.
- compile_clause(Term, File:Line) :-
- '$set_source_module'(SM, SM),
- strip_module(SM:Term, M, Plain),
- clause_head(Plain, Head),
- functor(Head, Name, Arity),
- multifile(M:(Name/Arity)),
- ( M == SM
- -> Clause = Term
- ; Clause = M:Term
- ),
- '$store_clause'('$source_location'(File, Line):Clause, File).
- clause_head((Head :- _Body), Head) :- !.
- clause_head(Head, Head).