C | 473 lines | 305 code | 77 blank | 91 comment | 61 complexity | 0bd599055f9a41816e78f3c610a98fb4 MD5 | raw file
- /* $Id$
- Part of SWI-Prolog
- Author: Jan Wielemaker
- E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl
- WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
- Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Lesser General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
- #include "pl-incl.h"
- #undef LD
- #define LD LOCAL_LD
- static
- PRED_IMPL("is_list", 1, is_list, 0)
- { if ( lengthList(A1, FALSE) >= 0 )
- succeed;
- fail;
- }
- /** $length(-List, +Len) is semidet.
- Implements `known-length' generation path of length/2. Fails if Len < 0.
- */
- static
- PRED_IMPL("$length", 2, dlength, 0)
- intptr_t len;
- if ( PL_get_intptr(A2, &len) )
- { if ( len > 0 )
- { Word p;
- term_t list = PL_new_term_ref();
- if ( !hasGlobalSpace(len*3) )
- { int rc;
- if ( (rc=ensureGlobalSpace(len*3, ALLOW_GC)) != TRUE )
- return raiseStackOverflow(rc);
- }
- p = gTop;
- *valTermRef(list) = consPtr(p, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL);
- while(len-- > 0)
- { p[0] = FUNCTOR_dot2;
- setVar(p[1]);
- p[2] = consPtr(&p[3], TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL);
- p += 3;
- }
- p[-1] = ATOM_nil;
- gTop = p;
- return PL_unify(A1, list);
- } else if ( len == 0 )
- { return PL_unify_nil(A1);
- } else
- { return FALSE;
- }
- } else if ( PL_is_integer(A2) )
- { number i;
- Word p = valTermRef(A2);
- deRef(p);
- get_integer(*p, &i);
- if ( ar_sign_i(&i) < 0 )
- return FALSE;
- return outOfStack((Stack)&LD->stacks.global, STACK_OVERFLOW_RAISE);
- }
- return PL_error("length", 2, NULL, ERR_TYPE, ATOM_integer, A2);
- }
- static
- PRED_IMPL("memberchk", 2, memberchk, 0)
- { GET_LD
- term_t h = PL_new_term_ref();
- term_t l = PL_copy_term_ref(A2);
- fid_t fid;
- if ( !(fid=PL_open_foreign_frame()) )
- return FALSE;
- for(;;)
- { if ( !PL_unify_list(l, h, l) )
- { PL_close_foreign_frame(fid);
- fail;
- }
- if ( PL_unify(A1, h) )
- { term_t ex = 0;
- if ( foreignWakeup(&ex PASS_LD) )
- { PL_close_foreign_frame(fid);
- succeed;
- } else
- { if ( ex )
- return PL_raise_exception(ex);
- PL_rewind_foreign_frame(fid);
- }
- } else
- { PL_rewind_foreign_frame(fid);
- }
- }
- }
- /*******************************
- *******************************/
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Natural merge sort. Code contributed by Richard O'Keefe and integrated
- into SWI-Prolog by Jan Wielemaker. The nice point about this code is
- that it uses no extra space and is pretty stable in performance.
- Richards claim it that many qsort() implementations in libc are very
- slow. This isn't the case for glibc 2.2, where this performs about the
- same as the previous qsort() based implementation. However, it
- integrated keysort/2 in the set and here the difference is huge.
- Here is C code implementing a bottom-up natural merge sort on lists; it
- has remove_dups and compare_keys options. (Actually I wouldn't handle
- the compare_keys option quite like this.) The difference between this
- and sam-sort is the way runs are built:
- natural merge:
- add new node r after last node q of run if item(q) <= item(r)
- otherwise end this run.
- sam-sort:
- add new node r after last node q of run if item(q) <= item(r)
- otherwise
- add new new r before first node p of run if item(r) < item(p)
- otherwise end this run.
- The natural merge has the nice property that if the list is already
- sorted it takes O(N) time. In general if you have a list made of M
- already sorted pieces S1++S2++...++SM it will take no more than O(N.log
- M). Sam-sort (for "Smooth Applicative Merge sort") has the nice property
- that it likes the reverse order almost as much as forward order, so \ /\
- and \/ patterns are sorted (nearly) as fast as / // and // patterns
- respectively.
- I've been using a variant of this code in a sorting utility since about
- 1988. It leaves the UNIX sort(1) program in the dust. As you may know,
- sort(1) breaks the input into blocks that fit in memory, sorts the
- blocks using qsort(), and writes the blocks out to disc, then merges the
- blocks. For files that fit into memory, the variant of this code runs
- about twice as fast as sort(1). Part of that is better I/O, but part is
- just plain not using qsort().
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- /* Things in capital letters should be replaced for different applications */
- /* ITEM The type of an individual item.
- COMPARE Compares two items given their addresses (allows ITEM to be
- large and avoids pass by copy). Return <0, =0, or >0.
- COMPARE_KEY Compares the keys of two items given the addresses of the
- entire items.
- FREE Frees a List_Record including its ITEM.
- */
- typedef struct
- { Word term;
- Word key;
- } ITEM;
- /* TBD: handle CMP_ERROR */
- #ifndef COMPARE
- #define COMPARE(x,y) compareStandard((x)->term, (y)->term, FALSE PASS_LD)
- #endif
- #ifndef COMPARE_KEY
- #define COMPARE_KEY(x,y) compareStandard((x)->key, (y)->key, FALSE PASS_LD)
- #endif
- #ifndef FREE
- #define FREE(x) \
- { x->next = NULL; \
- x->item.term = NULL; \
- x->item.key = NULL; \
- }
- #endif
- typedef struct List_Record *list;
- struct List_Record {
- list next;
- ITEM item;
- };
- #define NIL (list)0
- #define compare(c, x, y) \
- int c = compare_keys ? COMPARE_KEY(&(x)->item, &(y)->item) \
- : COMPARE( &(x)->item, &(y)->item)
- static list
- nat_sort(list data, int remove_dups, int compare_keys)
- { GET_LD
- list stack[64]; /* enough for biggest machine */
- list *sp = stack;
- int runs = 0; /* total number of runs processed */
- list p, q, r, s;
- struct List_Record header;
- int k;
- remove_dups = !remove_dups; /* 0 -> do, 1 -> don't */
- while ((p = data) != NIL)
- { /* pick up a run from the front of data, setting */
- /* p = (pointer to beginning of run), data = (rest of data) */
- if ((q = p->next) != NIL)
- { compare(c, p, q);
- data = q->next;
- if (c > 0)
- { r = q, q = p, p = r;
- p->next = q;
- } else if (c == remove_dups)
- { /* c < 0 or = 0, so c = 1 impossible */
- p->next = q->next;
- FREE(q);
- q = p;
- }
- for (r = data; r != NIL; )
- { compare(c, q, r);
- if (c > 0)
- break;
- if (c == remove_dups)
- { s = r->next;
- FREE(r);
- r = s;
- } else
- { q->next = r, q = r, r = r->next;
- }
- }
- q->next = NIL;
- data = r;
- } else
- { data = NIL;
- }
- runs++;
- /* merge this run with 0 or more runs off the top of the stack */
- for (k = runs; 1 &~ k; k >>= 1)
- { q = *--sp;
- r = &header;
- while (q && p)
- { /* q precedes p */
- compare(c, q, p);
- if (c <= 0)
- { r->next = q, r = q, q = q->next;
- if (c == remove_dups)
- { s = p->next;
- FREE(p);
- p = s;
- }
- } else
- { r->next = p, r = p, p = p->next;
- }
- }
- r->next = q ? q : p;
- p = header.next;
- }
- /* push the merged run onto the stack */
- *sp++ = p;
- }
- if (sp == stack)
- return NIL;
- /* merge all the runs on the stack */
- p = *--sp;
- while (sp != stack)
- { q = *--sp;
- r = &header;
- while (q && p)
- { /* q precedes p */
- compare(c, q, p);
- if (c <= 0)
- { r->next = q, r = q, q = q->next;
- if (c == remove_dups)
- { s = p->next;
- FREE(p);
- p = s;
- }
- } else
- { r->next = p, r = p, p = p->next;
- }
- }
- r->next = q ? q : p;
- p = header.next;
- }
- return p;
- }
- /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Create a list on the global stack, just at the place the final result
- will be.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
- static int
- prolog_list_to_sort_list(term_t t, int remove_dups, int key,
- list *lp, Word *end)
- { GET_LD
- Word l, tail;
- list p;
- intptr_t len;
- int rc;
- l = valTermRef(t);
- len = skip_list(l, &tail PASS_LD);
- if ( !(isNil(*tail) || /* proper list */
- (isList(*tail) && remove_dups)) ) /* sort/2 on cyclic list */
- {
- if ( isVar(*tail) )
- return PL_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_INSTANTIATION);
- else
- return PL_error(NULL, 0, NULL, ERR_TYPE, ATOM_list, t);
- }
- if ( !hasGlobalSpace(len*3) )
- { if ( (rc=ensureGlobalSpace(len*3, ALLOW_GC)) != TRUE )
- return raiseStackOverflow(rc);
- l = valTermRef(t); /* may be shifted */
- deRef(l);
- }
- p = (list)gTop;
- *lp = p;
- while(len-- > 0)
- { p->item.term = HeadList(l);
- deRef(p->item.term);
- if ( key )
- { word w = *p->item.term;
- if ( hasFunctor(w, FUNCTOR_minus2) )
- { p->item.key = argTermP(w, 0);
- deRef(p->item.key);
- } else
- { PL_error("keysort", 2, NULL, ERR_TYPE,
- ATOM_pair, pushWordAsTermRef(p->item.term));
- popTermRef();
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- l = TailList(l);
- deRef(l);
- if ( len > 0 )
- { assert(isList(*l));
- p->next = p+1;
- p++;
- }
- }
- p->next = NULL;
- *end = (Word)(p+1);
- succeed;
- }
- static void
- put_sort_list(term_t l, list sl)
- { GET_LD
- *valTermRef(l) = consPtr(sl, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL);
- for(;;)
- { list n = sl->next;
- Word p = (Word)sl;
- n = sl->next;
- /* see also linkVal() */
- p[1] = (needsRef(*sl->item.term) ? makeRef(sl->item.term)
- : *sl->item.term);
- p[0] = FUNCTOR_dot2;
- if ( n )
- { p[2] = consPtr(n, TAG_COMPOUND|STG_GLOBAL);
- sl = n;
- } else
- { p[2] = ATOM_nil;
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- static int
- pl_nat_sort(term_t in, term_t out, int remove_dups, int compare_keys ARG_LD)
- { if ( PL_get_nil(in) )
- return PL_unify_atom(out, ATOM_nil);
- else
- { list l = 0;
- term_t tmp = PL_new_term_ref();
- Word top = NULL;
- if ( prolog_list_to_sort_list(in, remove_dups, compare_keys, &l, &top) )
- { l = nat_sort(l, remove_dups, compare_keys);
- put_sort_list(tmp, l);
- gTop = top;
- return PL_unify(out, tmp);
- }
- fail;
- }
- }
- static
- PRED_IMPL("sort", 2, sort, PL_FA_ISO)
- return pl_nat_sort(A1, A2, TRUE, FALSE PASS_LD);
- }
- static
- PRED_IMPL("msort", 2, msort, 0)
- return pl_nat_sort(A1, A2, FALSE, FALSE PASS_LD);
- }
- static
- PRED_IMPL("keysort", 2, keysort, PL_FA_ISO)
- return pl_nat_sort(A1, A2, FALSE, TRUE PASS_LD);
- }
- /*******************************
- *******************************/
- BeginPredDefs(list)
- PRED_DEF("is_list", 1, is_list, 0)
- PRED_DEF("$length", 2, dlength, 0)
- PRED_DEF("memberchk", 2, memberchk, 0)
- PRED_DEF("sort", 2, sort, PL_FA_ISO)
- PRED_DEF("msort", 2, msort, 0)
- PRED_DEF("keysort", 2, keysort, PL_FA_ISO)
- EndPredDefs