ActionScript | 640 lines | 377 code | 77 blank | 186 comment | 37 complexity | 0562529c0c344db2e89b73972ccb44ec MD5 | raw file
- package org.tuio.debug
- {
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.geom.Matrix;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.text.Font;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import org.tuio.*;
- /**
- *
- * <p>implements the interface <code>ITuioListener</code> to show debug information about all tuio cursors and objects
- * that are prevailing in the application.</p>
- *
- * <p>The appearance of the cursors and objects is controlled by the classes <code>TuioDebugCursor</code> and
- * <code>TuioDebugObject</code>. Their appearance can be tweaked with multiple settings. Additionally, custom debug cursor
- * and object implementations can be set via the functions <code>customCursorSprite</code> and <code>customObjectClass</code>.</p>
- *
- * @see org.tuio.ITuioListener
- * @see TuioDebugCursor
- * @see ITuioDebugCursor
- * @see TuioDebugObject
- * @see ITuioDebugObject
- *
- * @author Johannes Luderschmidt
- *
- */
- public class TuioDebug implements ITuioListener{
- [Embed(source="/org/tuio/assets/fonts.swf", fontName="Arial")]
- private var Arial:Class;
- private var arialFont:Font;
- private var stage:Stage;
- private var tuioClient:TuioClient;
- private var fseq:uint;
- private var cursors:Array;
- private var objects:Array;
- private var blobs:Array;
- private var _showCursors:Boolean = true;
- private var _showObjects:Boolean = true;
- private var _showBlobs:Boolean = true;
- private var _showDebugText:Boolean = true;
- private var _debugTextColor:Number = 0x0;
- private var _cursorRadius:Number = 13;
- private var _cursorColor:Number = 0x0;
- private var _cursorAlpha:Number = 0;
- private var _cursorLineThickness:Number = 3;
- private var _cursorLineColor:Number = 0x0;
- private var _cursorLineAlpha:Number = 0.5;
- private var _customCursorSprite:Class;
- private var _objectWidth:Number = 80;
- private var _objectHeight:Number = 80;
- private var _objectColor:Number = 0x0;
- private var _objectAlpha:Number = 0.5;
- private var _objectLineThickness:Number = 0;
- private var _objectLineColor:Number = 0x0;
- private var _objectLineAlpha:Number = 0;
- private var _customObjectClass:Class;
- private static var allowInst:Boolean;
- private static var inst:TuioDebug;
- public function TuioDebug(stage:Stage){
- if (!allowInst) {
- throw new Error("Error: Instantiation failed: Use TuioDebug.getInstance() instead of new.");
- }else{
- this.stage = stage;
- fseq = 0;
- cursors = [];
- objects = [];
- blobs = [];
- _customObjectClass = TuioDebugObject;
- _customCursorSprite = TuioDebugCursor;
- this.arialFont = new Arial();
- }
- }
- /**
- * initializes Singleton instance of TuioDebug. Must be called before <code>getInstance()</code>
- * can be called.
- *
- * @param stage
- * @return Singleton instance of TuioDebug.
- *
- */
- public static function init(stage:Stage):TuioDebug{
- if(inst == null){
- allowInst = true;
- inst = new TuioDebug(stage);
- allowInst = false;
- }
- return inst;
- }
- /**
- * Singleton instance of TuioDebug.
- *
- * @return Singleton instance of TuioDebug.
- *
- */
- public static function getInstance():TuioDebug{
- if(inst == null){
- throw new Error("Please initialize with method init(...) first!");
- }
- return inst;
- }
- /**
- * Called if a new object was tracked.
- * @param tuioObject the received /tuio/2Dobj.
- */
- public function addTuioObject(tuioObject:TuioObject):void{
- addTuioObjectWithDebugOption(tuioObject, false);
- }
- /**
- * creates actual debug representation of TUIO object and shows it on screen
- *
- * @param tuioObject the current TUIO object
- * @param debugMode sets whether the TUIO id should be shown (debugMode == false) or
- * whether only the hint 'Debug' should be shown (debugMode == true) as the debug TUIO session id
- * starts
- * with the highest possible unsigned integer value and decrements for each other TUIO debug
- * element in order to not interfere with regular TUIO session ids from a tracker or from
- * the TUIO debug application. Thus, the high session ids would be looking awkwardly and only
- * the 'Debug' string is being shown.
- *
- */
- public function addTuioObjectWithDebugOption(tuioObject:TuioObject, debugMode:Boolean):void{
- var objectSprite:Sprite;
- if(_customObjectClass == TuioDebugObject){
- objectSprite = new TuioDebugObject(tuioObject.classID, tuioObject.sessionID, tuioObject.a, _objectWidth, _objectHeight, _objectColor, _objectAlpha,_objectLineThickness, _objectLineColor, _objectLineAlpha, tuioObject.source);
- }else{
- objectSprite = new _customObjectClass(tuioObject);
- if(!(objectSprite is ITuioDebugObject)){
- throw new Error("Custom Tuio Object class must implement ITuioDebugObject.");
- }
- }
- var objectObject:Object = new Object();
- if(_showObjects){
- objectSprite.x = tuioObject.x*stage.stageWidth;
- objectSprite.y = tuioObject.y*stage.stageHeight;
- objectSprite.rotation = tuioObject.a/Math.PI*180;
- objectObject.object = objectSprite;
- objectObject.sessionID = tuioObject.sessionID;
- objectObject.source = tuioObject.source;
- objects.push(objectObject);
- stage.addChild(objectSprite);
- if(this.showDebugText){
- var label:TextField = new TextField();
- label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
- label.selectable = false;
- label.background = false;
- label.border = false;
- label.text = generateObjectLabelText(objectSprite.x, objectSprite.y, tuioObject.classID, tuioObject.sessionID, debugMode);
- label.defaultTextFormat = debugTextFormat();
- label.setTextFormat(debugTextFormat());
- label.embedFonts = true;
- objectSprite.addChild(label);
- label.x = Math.round(_objectWidth/2);
- label.y = -Math.round(label.height/2);
- objectObject.label = label;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * updates the display of the TUIO debug object
- *
- * @param tuioObject The received /tuio/2Dobj.
- */
- public function updateTuioObject(tuioObject:TuioObject):void{
- updateTuioObjectWithDebugOption(tuioObject, false);
- }
- /**
- * updates the display of the TUIO debug object.
- *
- * @param tuioObject The received /tuio/2Dobj.
- * @param debugMode sets whether the TUIO id should be shown (debugMode == false) or
- * whether only the hint 'Debug' should be shown (debugMode == true) as the debug TUIO session id
- * starts
- * with the highest possible unsigned integer value and decrements for each other TUIO debug
- * element in order to not interfere with regular TUIO session ids from a tracker or from
- * the TUIO debug application. Thus, the high session ids would be looking awkwardly and only
- * the 'Debug' string is being shown.
- *
- */
- public function updateTuioObjectWithDebugOption(tuioObject:TuioObject, debugMode:Boolean):void{
- for each(var object:Object in objects){
- if(object.sessionID == tuioObject.sessionID){
- var debugObject:DisplayObjectContainer = object.object as DisplayObjectContainer;
- debugObject.x = tuioObject.x*stage.stageWidth;
- debugObject.y = tuioObject.y*stage.stageHeight;
- debugObject.rotation = tuioObject.a/Math.PI*180;
- if(_showDebugText){
- object.label.text = generateObjectLabelText(object.object.x, object.object.y, tuioObject.classID, tuioObject.sessionID, debugMode);
- object.label.setTextFormat(debugTextFormat());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called if a tracked object was removed.
- *
- * @param tuioObject The values of the received /tuio/2Dobj.
- */
- public function removeTuioObject(tuioObject:TuioObject):void{
- var i:Number = 0;
- for each(var object:Object in objects){
- if(object.sessionID == tuioObject.sessionID){
- stage.removeChild(object.object);
- objects.splice(i,1);
- break;
- }
- i=i+1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * width of debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectWidth():Number{
- return _objectWidth;
- }
- public function set objectWidth(objectWidth:Number):void{
- _objectWidth = objectWidth;
- }
- /**
- * height of debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectHeight():Number{
- return _objectHeight;
- }
- public function set objectHeight(objectHeight:Number):void{
- _objectHeight = objectHeight;
- }
- /**
- * color of the filling of debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectColor():Number{
- return _objectColor;
- }
- public function set objectColor(objectColor:Number):void{
- _objectColor = objectColor;
- }
- /**
- * alpha of the filling of debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectAlpha():Number{
- return _objectAlpha;
- }
- public function set objectAlpha(objectAlpha:Number):void{
- _objectAlpha = objectAlpha;
- }
- /**
- * thickness of the line around a debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectLineThickness():Number{
- return _objectLineThickness;
- }
- public function set objectLineThickness(objectLineThickness:Number):void{
- _objectLineThickness = objectLineThickness;
- }
- /**
- * color of the line around a debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectLineColor():Number{
- return _objectLineColor;
- }
- public function set objectLineColor(objectLineColor:Number):void{
- _objectLineColor = objectLineColor;
- }
- /**
- * alpha of the line around a debug object rectangle.
- *
- */
- public function get objectLineAlpha():Number{
- return _objectLineAlpha;
- }
- public function set objectLineAlpha(objectLineAlpha:Number):void{
- _objectLineAlpha = objectLineAlpha;
- }
- /**
- * sets base class for the Sprite that should be drawn on screen when a new
- * object is added via a Tuio message.
- *
- */
- public function get customObjectClass():Class{
- return _customObjectClass;
- }
- public function set customObjectClass (customObjectClass:Class):void{
- _customObjectClass = customObjectClass;
- }
- /**
- * Called if a new cursor was tracked.
- * @param tuioObject The values of the received /tuio/**Dcur.
- */
- public function addTuioCursor(tuioCursor:TuioCursor):void{
- var cursorSprite:Sprite;
- if(_customCursorSprite == TuioDebugCursor){
- cursorSprite = new TuioDebugCursor(_cursorRadius,_cursorColor, _cursorAlpha, _cursorLineThickness, _cursorLineColor, _cursorLineAlpha);
- }else{
- try{
- cursorSprite = new _customCursorSprite(tuioCursor);
- }catch(error:Error){
- cursorSprite = new _customCursorSprite();
- }
- if(!(cursorSprite is ITuioDebugCursor)){
- throw new Error("Custom Tuio Debug Cursor class must implement ITuioDebugCursor.");
- }
- }
- (cursorSprite as ITuioDebugCursor).sessionId = tuioCursor.sessionID;
- (cursorSprite as ITuioDebugCursor).source = tuioCursor.source;
- var cursorObject:Object = new Object();
- if(_showCursors){
- cursorSprite.x = tuioCursor.x*stage.stageWidth;
- cursorSprite.y = tuioCursor.y*stage.stageHeight;
- cursorObject.cursor = cursorSprite;
- cursorObject.sessionID = tuioCursor.sessionID;
- cursorObject.source = tuioCursor.source;
- cursors.push(cursorObject);
- stage.addChild(cursorSprite);
- if(_showDebugText){
- var label:TextField = new TextField();
- label.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
- label.selectable = false;
- label.background = false;
- label.border = false;
- label.text = generateCursorLabelText(cursorSprite.x, cursorSprite.y, tuioCursor.sessionID, tuioCursor.source);
- label.defaultTextFormat = debugTextFormat();
- label.setTextFormat(debugTextFormat());
- label.embedFonts = true;
- cursorSprite.addChild(label);
- label.x = _cursorRadius+3;
- label.y = -Math.round(label.height/2);
- cursorObject.label = label;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called if a tracked cursor was updated.
- * @param tuioCursor The values of the received /tuio/2Dcur.
- */
- public function updateTuioCursor(tuioCursor:TuioCursor):void{
- for each(var cursor:Object in cursors){
- if(cursor.sessionID == tuioCursor.sessionID && cursor.source == tuioCursor.source){
- cursor.cursor.x = tuioCursor.x*stage.stageWidth;
- cursor.cursor.y = tuioCursor.y*stage.stageHeight;
- if(_showDebugText){
- cursor.label.text = generateCursorLabelText(cursor.cursor.x, cursor.cursor.y, tuioCursor.sessionID, tuioCursor.source);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called if a tracked cursor was removed.
- * @param tuioCursor The values of the received /tuio/2Dcur.
- */
- public function removeTuioCursor(tuioCursor:TuioCursor):void{
- var i:Number = 0;
- for each(var cursor:Object in cursors){
- if(cursor.sessionID == tuioCursor.sessionID && cursor.source == tuioCursor.source){
- stage.removeChild(cursor.cursor);
- cursors.splice(i,1);
- break;
- }
- i=i+1;
- }
- }
- private function generateCursorLabelText(xVal:Number, yVal:Number, id:Number, source:String):String{
- var cursorLabel:String;
- cursorLabel = "x: " + xVal + "\ny: " + yVal + "\nsessionId: " + id+ "\nsource: " + source;
- return cursorLabel;
- }
- private function debugTextFormat():TextFormat{
- var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
- format.font = this.arialFont.fontName;
- format.color = this.debugTextColor;
- format.size = 11;
- format.underline = false;
- return format;
- }
- /**
- * Called if a new blob was tracked.
- * @param tuioBlob The values of the received /tuio/**Dblb.
- */
- public function addTuioBlob(tuioBlob:TuioBlob):void{
- if(this.showBlobs){
- this.showCursors = true;
- addTuioCursor(new TuioCursor("2dcur", tuioBlob.sessionID, tuioBlob.x, tuioBlob.y, tuioBlob.z,tuioBlob.X, tuioBlob.Y, tuioBlob.Z, tuioBlob.m, tuioBlob.frameID, "TuioDebug"));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called if a tracked blob was updated.
- * @param tuioBlob The values of the received /tuio/**Dblb.
- */
- public function updateTuioBlob(tuioBlob:TuioBlob):void{
- if(_showBlobs){
- _showCursors = true;
- updateTuioCursor(new TuioCursor("2dcur", tuioBlob.sessionID, tuioBlob.x, tuioBlob.y, tuioBlob.z,tuioBlob.X, tuioBlob.Y, tuioBlob.Z, tuioBlob.m, tuioBlob.frameID, "TuioDebug"));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Called if a tracked blob was removed.
- * @param tuioBlob The values of the received /tuio/**Dblb.
- */
- public function removeTuioBlob(tuioBlob:TuioBlob):void{
- if(_showBlobs){
- _showCursors = true;
- removeTuioCursor(new TuioCursor("2dcur", tuioBlob.sessionID, tuioBlob.x, tuioBlob.y, tuioBlob.z,tuioBlob.X, tuioBlob.Y, tuioBlob.Z, tuioBlob.m, tuioBlob.frameID, "TuioDebug"));
- }
- }
- public function newFrame(id:uint):void {
- this.fseq = id;
- }
- private function generateObjectLabelText(xVal:Number, yVal:Number, objectId:Number, sessionId:Number, debugMode:Boolean=false):String{
- var objectLabel:String;
- if(!debugMode){
- objectLabel = "x: " + xVal + "\ny: " + yVal + "\nfiducialId: " + objectId+ "\nsessionId: " + sessionId;
- }else{
- objectLabel = "x: " + xVal + "\ny: " + yVal + "\nfiducialId: " + objectId+ "\nsessionId: Debug";
- }
- return objectLabel;
- }
- /**
- * radius of the debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorRadius():Number{
- return _cursorRadius;
- }
- public function set cursorRadius(cursorRadius:Number):void{
- _cursorRadius = cursorRadius;
- }
- /**
- * color of the filling of the debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorColor():Number{
- return _cursorColor;
- }
- public function set cursorColor(cursorColor:Number):void{
- _cursorColor = cursorColor;
- }
- /**
- * alpha of the filling of the debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorAlpha():Number{
- return _cursorAlpha;
- }
- public function set cursorAlpha(cursorAlpha:Number):void{
- _cursorAlpha = cursorAlpha;
- }
- /**
- * thickness of the line around a debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorLineThickness():Number{
- return _cursorLineThickness;
- }
- public function set cursorLineThickness(cursorLineThickness:Number):void{
- _cursorLineThickness = cursorLineThickness;
- }
- /**
- * color of the line around a debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorLineColor():Number{
- return _cursorLineColor;
- }
- public function set cursorLineColor(cursorLineColor:Number):void{
- _cursorLineColor = cursorLineColor;
- }
- /**
- * alpha of the line around a debug cursor circle.
- *
- */
- public function get cursorLineAlpha():Number{
- return _cursorLineAlpha;
- }
- public function set cursorLineAlpha(cursorLineAlpha:Number):void{
- _cursorLineAlpha = cursorLineAlpha;
- }
- /**
- * controls whether debug text (session id, x position, y position and fiducial id) should be shown next to
- * a debug cursor or debug object.
- *
- * @param showDebugText
- *
- */
- public function set showDebugText(showDebugText:Boolean):void{
- _showDebugText = showDebugText;
- }
- public function get showDebugText():Boolean{
- return _showDebugText;
- }
- /**
- * sets base class for the Sprite that should be drawn on screen when a new
- * cursor is added via a Tuio message.
- *
- * @param customCursorSprite class name of class that should be used as debug cursor information.
- *
- */
- public function set customCursorSprite (customCursorSprite:Class):void{
- _customCursorSprite = customCursorSprite;
- }
- /**
- * returns base class of the Sprite that is being drawn on screen when a new
- * cursor is added via a Tuio message.
- *
- * @return class of debug cursor sprite.
- *
- */
- public function get customCursorSprite():Class{
- return _customCursorSprite;
- }
- /**
- * controls whether debug information for objects is shown.
- *
- * @param showCursors
- *
- */
- public function set showCursors(showCursors:Boolean):void{
- _showCursors = showCursors;
- }
- public function get showCursors():Boolean{
- return _showCursors;
- }
- /**
- * controls whether debug information for objects is shown.
- *
- * @param showCursors
- *
- */
- public function set showObjects(showObjects:Boolean):void{
- _showObjects = showObjects;
- }
- public function get showObjects():Boolean{
- return _showObjects;
- }
- public function get debugTextColor():Number
- {
- return _debugTextColor;
- }
- public function set debugTextColor(value:Number):void
- {
- _debugTextColor = value;
- }
- public function get showBlobs():Boolean
- {
- return _showBlobs;
- }
- public function set showBlobs(value:Boolean):void
- {
- _showBlobs = value;
- }
- }
- }