# · C++ · 477 lines · 311 code · 76 blank · 90 comment · 65 complexity · 332c77fc1b1aaa1bee7c56e5efa976f3 MD5 · raw file
- /***************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1990-2007, Condor Team, Computer Sciences Department,
- * University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
- * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may
- * obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- ***************************************************************/
- #include "condor_common.h"
- #include "condor_classad.h"
- #include "condor_config.h"
- #include "condor_debug.h"
- #include "env.h"
- #include "user_proc.h"
- #include "tool_daemon_proc.h"
- #include "starter.h"
- #include "condor_daemon_core.h"
- #include "condor_attributes.h"
- #include "condor_uid.h"
- #include "condor_distribution.h"
- #include "basename.h"
- #ifdef WIN32
- #include "perm.h"
- #endif
- extern CStarter *Starter;
- /* ToolDaemonProc class implementation */
- ToolDaemonProc::ToolDaemonProc( ClassAd *jobAd, int application_pid )
- {
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "In ToolDaemonProc::ToolDaemonProc()\n" );
- JobAd = jobAd;
- job_suspended = false;
- ApplicationPid = application_pid;
- }
- int
- ToolDaemonProc::StartJob()
- {
- int i;
- int nice_inc = 0;
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "in ToolDaemonProc::StartJob()\n" );
- if( !JobAd ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "No JobAd in ToolDaemonProc::StartJob()!\n" );
- return 0;
- }
- MyString DaemonNameStr;
- char* tmp = NULL;
- if( JobAd->LookupString( ATTR_TOOL_DAEMON_CMD, &tmp ) != 1 ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "%s not found in JobAd. Aborting "
- "ToolDaemonProc::StartJob()\n", ATTR_TOOL_DAEMON_CMD );
- return 0;
- }
- const char* job_iwd = Starter->jic->jobIWD();
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "IWD: %s\n", job_iwd );
- const char* base = NULL;
- base = condor_basename( tmp );
- if( Starter->jic->iwdIsChanged() ) {
- DaemonNameStr.sprintf( "%s%c%s", Starter->GetWorkingDir(),
- DIR_DELIM_CHAR, base );
- } else if( ! fullpath(tmp) ) {
- DaemonNameStr.sprintf( "%s%c%s", job_iwd, DIR_DELIM_CHAR, tmp );
- } else {
- DaemonNameStr = tmp;
- }
- const char* DaemonName = DaemonNameStr.Value();
- free( tmp );
- tmp = NULL;
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Daemon Name: %s \n", DaemonName );
- // This is something of an ugly hack. filetransfer doesn't
- // preserve file permissions when it moves a file. so, our
- // tool "binary" (or script, whatever it is), is sitting in
- // the starter's directory without an execute bit set. So,
- // we've got to call chmod() so that exec() doesn't fail.
- if( Starter->jic->iwdIsChanged() ) {
- priv_state old_priv = set_user_priv();
- int retval = chmod( DaemonName, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXO | S_IRWXG );
- set_priv( old_priv );
- if( retval < 0 ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to chmod %s!\n", DaemonName );
- return 0;
- }
- }
- // compute job's renice value by evaluating the machine's
- // JOB_RENICE_INCREMENT in the context of the job ad...
- char* ptmp = param( "JOB_RENICE_INCREMENT" );
- if( ptmp ) {
- // insert renice expr into our copy of the job ad
- MyString reniceAttr = "Renice = ";
- reniceAttr += ptmp;
- if( !JobAd->Insert( reniceAttr.Value() ) ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "ERROR: failed to insert JOB_RENICE_INCREMENT "
- "into job ad, Aborting ToolDaemonProc::StartJob...\n" );
- free( ptmp );
- return 0;
- }
- // evaluate
- if( JobAd->EvalInteger( "Renice", NULL, nice_inc ) ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Renice expr \"%s\" evaluated to %d\n",
- ptmp, nice_inc );
- } else {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "WARNING: job renice expr (\"%s\") doesn't "
- "eval to int! Using default of 10...\n", ptmp );
- nice_inc = 10;
- }
- // enforce valid ranges for nice_inc
- if( nice_inc < 0 ) {
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "WARNING: job renice value (%d) is too "
- "low: adjusted to 0\n", nice_inc );
- nice_inc = 0;
- }
- else if( nice_inc > 19 ) {
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "WARNING: job renice value (%d) is too "
- "high: adjusted to 19\n", nice_inc );
- nice_inc = 19;
- }
- ASSERT( ptmp );
- free( ptmp );
- ptmp = NULL;
- } else {
- // if JOB_RENICE_INCREMENT is undefined, default to 10
- nice_inc = 10;
- }
- // // // // // //
- // Arguments
- // // // // // //
- ArgList DaemonArgs;
- ASSERT( tmp == NULL );
- DaemonArgs.AppendArg(DaemonName);
- JobAd->LookupString( ATTR_TOOL_DAEMON_ARGS2, &tmp );
- bool args_success = true;
- MyString args_error;
- if( tmp ) {
- args_success = DaemonArgs.AppendArgsV2Raw(tmp,&args_error);
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Daemon Args: %s\n", tmp ) ;
- free( tmp );
- tmp = NULL;
- }
- else {
- JobAd->LookupString( ATTR_TOOL_DAEMON_ARGS1, &tmp );
- if( tmp ) {
- args_success = DaemonArgs.AppendArgsV1Raw(tmp,&args_error);
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Daemon Args: %s\n", tmp ) ;
- free( tmp );
- tmp = NULL;
- }
- }
- if(!args_success) {
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Aborting. Failed to read daemon args: %s\n",
- args_error.Value());
- return 0;
- }
- // // // // // //
- // Environment
- // // // // // //
- Env job_env;
- MyString env_errors;
- if( !job_env.MergeFrom(JobAd,&env_errors) ) {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Failed to read environment from JobAd. Aborting "
- "ToolDaemonProc::StartJob: %s\n",env_errors.Value());
- return 0;
- }
- // for now, we pass "ENV" as the address of the LASS
- // this tells the tool that the job PID will be placed
- // in the environment variable, "TDP_AP_PID"
- job_env.SetEnv("TDP_LASS_ADDRESS", "ENV");
- char pid_buf[256];
- sprintf(pid_buf, "%d", ApplicationPid);
- job_env.SetEnv("TDP_AP_PID", pid_buf);
- // Now, let the starter publish any env vars it wants to into
- // the mainjob's env...
- Starter->PublishToEnv( &job_env );
- // // // // // //
- // Standard Files
- // // // // // //
- // handle stdin, stdout, and stderr redirection
- int fds[3];
- // initialize these to -2 to mean they're not specified.
- // -1 will be treated as an error.
- fds[0] = -2; fds[1] = -2; fds[2] = -2;
- // in order to open these files we must have the user's privs:
- priv_state priv;
- priv = set_user_priv();
- fds[0] = openStdFile( SFT_IN,
- false,
- "Tool Daemon Input file");
- fds[1] = openStdFile( SFT_OUT,
- false,
- "Tool Daemon Output file");
- fds[2] = openStdFile( SFT_ERR,
- false,
- "Tool Daemon Error file");
- /* Bail out if we couldn't open the std files correctly */
- if( fds[0] == -1 || fds[1] == -1 || fds[2] == -1 ) {
- /* only close ones that had been opened correctly */
- for( int fdindex=0; fdindex<=2; fdindex++ ) {
- if( fds[fdindex] >= 0 ) {
- close(fds[fdindex]);
- }
- }
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Failed to open some/all of the std files...\n");
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "Aborting ToolDaemonProc::StartJob.\n");
- set_priv(priv); /* go back to original priv state before leaving */
- return 0;
- }
- // // // // // //
- // Misc + Exec
- // // // // // //
- // set up the FamilyInfo structure we will be using to track the tool
- // daemon's process family
- //
- FamilyInfo fi;
- fi.max_snapshot_interval = 15;
- char const *dedicated_account = NULL;
- if (job_universe != CONDOR_UNIVERSE_LOCAL) {
- dedicated_account = Starter->jic->getExecuteAccountIsDedicated();
- }
- if (dedicated_account) {
- fi.login = dedicated_account;
- dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,
- "Tracking process family by login \"%s\"\n",
- fi.login);
- }
- MyString args_string;
- DaemonArgs.GetArgsStringForDisplay(&args_string);
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "About to exec %s\n", args_string.Value() );
- set_priv( priv );
- JobPid = daemonCore->Create_Process( DaemonName,
- DaemonArgs,
- 1,
- &job_env,
- job_iwd,
- &fi,
- fds,
- nice_inc,
- //NOTE: Create_Process() saves the errno for us if it is an
- //"interesting" error.
- char const *create_process_error = NULL;
- int create_process_errno = errno;
- if(JobPid == FALSE && errno) create_process_error = strerror(errno);
- // now close the descriptors in daemon_fds array. our child has inherited
- // them already, so we should close them so we do not leak descriptors.
- for (i=0;i<=2;i++) {
- if( fds[i] >= 0 ) {
- close( fds[i] );
- }
- }
- if( JobPid == FALSE ) {
- JobPid = -1;
- if( create_process_error ) {
- MyString err_msg;
- err_msg.sprintf( "Failed to execute '%s': %s",
- args_string.Value(), create_process_error );
- Starter->jic->notifyStarterError( err_msg.Value(), true, CONDOR_HOLD_CODE_FailedToCreateProcess, create_process_errno );
- }
- EXCEPT( "Create_Process(%s, ...) failed", args_string.Value() );
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- dprintf( D_ALWAYS, "Create_Process succeeded, pid=%d\n", JobPid );
- job_start_time.getTime();
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::JobReaper(int pid, int status)
- {
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Inside ToolDaemonProc::JobReaper()\n" );
- // If the tool exited, we want to shutdown everything.
- if (JobPid == pid) {
- if (daemonCore->Kill_Family(JobPid) == FALSE) {
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS,
- "error killing process family for job cleanup\n");
- }
- }
- return UserProc::JobReaper(pid, status);
- }
- // We don't have to do anything special to notify a shadow that we've
- // really exited.
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::JobExit( void )
- {
- return true;
- }
- void
- ToolDaemonProc::Suspend()
- {
- dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,"in ToolDaemonProc::Suspend()\n");
- // suspend the tool daemon job
- if ( JobPid != -1 ) {
- if (daemonCore->Suspend_Family(JobPid) == FALSE) {
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS,
- "error suspending process family\n");
- }
- }
- // set our flag
- job_suspended = true;
- }
- void
- ToolDaemonProc::Continue()
- {
- dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,"in ToolDaemonProc::Continue()\n");
- // resume user job
- if ( JobPid != -1 && job_suspended ) {
- if (daemonCore->Continue_Family(JobPid) == FALSE) {
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "error continuing process family\n");
- }
- }
- // set our flag
- job_suspended = false;
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::ShutdownGraceful()
- {
- dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,"in ToolDaemonProc::ShutdownGraceful()\n");
- if ( JobPid == -1 ) {
- // there is no process family yet, probably because we are still
- // transferring files. just return true to say we're all done,
- // and that way the starter class will simply delete us and the
- // FileTransfer destructor will clean up.
- return true;
- }
- // WE USED TO...
- //
- // take a snapshot before we softkill the parent job process.
- // this helps ensure that if the parent exits without killing
- // the kids, our JobExit() handler will get em all.
- //
- // TODO: should we explicitly call out to the procd here to tell
- // it to take a snapshot???
- // now softkill the parent job process.
- if( job_suspended ) {
- Continue();
- }
- // requested_exit = true;
- daemonCore->Send_Signal( JobPid, soft_kill_sig );
- return false; // return false says shutdown is pending
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::ShutdownFast()
- {
- dprintf(D_FULLDEBUG,"in ToolDaemonProc::ShutdownFast()\n");
- if ( JobPid == -1 ) {
- // there is no process family yet, probably because we are still
- // transferring files. just return true to say we're all done,
- // and that way the starter class will simply delete us and the
- // FileTransfer destructor will clean up.
- return true;
- }
- // We purposely do not do a SIGCONT here, since there is no sense
- // in potentially swapping the job back into memory if our next
- // step is to hard kill it.
- // requested_exit = true;
- if (daemonCore->Kill_Family(JobPid) == FALSE) {
- dprintf(D_ALWAYS,
- "error killing process family for fast shutdown\n");
- }
- return false; // return false says shutdown is pending
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::Remove()
- {
- if ( job_suspended ) {
- Continue();
- }
- requested_exit = true;
- daemonCore->Send_Signal(JobPid, rm_kill_sig);
- return false; // return false says shutdown is pending
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::Hold()
- {
- if ( job_suspended ) {
- Continue();
- }
- requested_exit = true;
- daemonCore->Send_Signal(JobPid, hold_kill_sig);
- return false; // return false says shutdown is pending
- }
- bool
- ToolDaemonProc::PublishUpdateAd( ClassAd* /*ad*/ )
- {
- dprintf( D_FULLDEBUG, "Inside ToolDaemonProc::PublishUpdateAd()\n" );
- // Nothing special for us to do.
- return true;
- }