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  4. <html><head>
  5. <title>eric4.Plugins.VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.SvnRepoBrowserDialog</title>
  6. <style>
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  19. <body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
  20. <h1>eric4.Plugins.VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.SvnRepoBrowserDialog</h1>
  21. <p>
  22. Module implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.
  23. </p>
  24. <h3>Global Attributes</h3>
  25. <table>
  26. <tr><td>None</td></tr>
  27. </table>
  28. <h3>Classes</h3>
  29. <table>
  30. <tr>
  31. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog">SvnRepoBrowserDialog</a></td>
  32. <td>Class implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.</td>
  33. </tr>
  34. </table>
  35. <h3>Functions</h3>
  36. <table>
  37. <tr><td>None</td></tr>
  38. </table>
  39. <hr /><hr />
  40. <a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog"></a>
  41. <h2>SvnRepoBrowserDialog</h2>
  42. <p>
  43. Class implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.
  44. </p>
  45. <h3>Derived from</h3>
  46. QDialog, Ui_SvnRepoBrowserDialog
  47. <h3>Class Attributes</h3>
  48. <table>
  49. <tr><td>None</td></tr>
  50. </table>
  51. <h3>Class Methods</h3>
  52. <table>
  53. <tr><td>None</td></tr>
  54. </table>
  55. <h3>Methods</h3>
  56. <table>
  57. <tr>
  58. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__">SvnRepoBrowserDialog</a></td>
  59. <td>Constructor</td>
  60. </tr><tr>
  61. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish">__finish</a></td>
  62. <td>Private slot called when the process finished or the user pressed the button.</td>
  63. </tr><tr>
  64. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem">__generateItem</a></td>
  65. <td>Private method to generate a tree item in the repository tree.</td>
  66. </tr><tr>
  67. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo">__listRepo</a></td>
  68. <td>Private method to perform the svn list command.</td>
  69. </tr><tr>
  70. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl">__normalizeUrl</a></td>
  71. <td>Private method to normalite the url.</td>
  72. </tr><tr>
  73. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished">__procFinished</a></td>
  74. <td>Private slot connected to the finished signal.</td>
  75. </tr><tr>
  76. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr">__readStderr</a></td>
  77. <td>Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardError signal.</td>
  78. </tr><tr>
  79. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout">__readStdout</a></td>
  80. <td>Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardOutput signal.</td>
  81. </tr><tr>
  82. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot">__repoRoot</a></td>
  83. <td>Private method to get the repository root using the svn info command.</td>
  84. </tr><tr>
  85. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns">__resizeColumns</a></td>
  86. <td>Private method to resize the tree columns.</td>
  87. </tr><tr>
  88. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort">__resort</a></td>
  89. <td>Private method to resort the tree.</td>
  90. </tr><tr>
  91. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept">accept</a></td>
  92. <td>Public slot called when the dialog is accepted.</td>
  93. </tr><tr>
  94. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent">closeEvent</a></td>
  95. <td>Private slot implementing a close event handler.</td>
  96. </tr><tr>
  97. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl">getSelectedUrl</a></td>
  98. <td>Public method to retrieve the selected repository URL.</td>
  99. </tr><tr>
  100. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent">keyPressEvent</a></td>
  101. <td>Protected slot to handle a key press event.</td>
  102. </tr><tr>
  103. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed">on_input_returnPressed</a></td>
  104. <td>Private slot to handle the press of the return key in the input field.</td>
  105. </tr><tr>
  106. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled">on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</a></td>
  107. <td>Private slot to handle the password checkbox toggled.</td>
  108. </tr><tr>
  109. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed">on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</a></td>
  110. <td>Private slot called when an item is collapsed.</td>
  111. </tr><tr>
  112. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded">on_repoTree_itemExpanded</a></td>
  113. <td>Private slot called when an item is expanded.</td>
  114. </tr><tr>
  115. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged">on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</a></td>
  116. <td>Private slot called when the selection changes.</td>
  117. </tr><tr>
  118. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked">on_sendButton_clicked</a></td>
  119. <td>Private slot to send the input to the subversion process.</td>
  120. </tr><tr>
  121. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged">on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</a></td>
  122. <td>Private slot called, when a new repository URL is entered or selected.</td>
  123. </tr><tr>
  124. <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start">start</a></td>
  125. <td>Public slot to start the svn info command.</td>
  126. </tr>
  127. </table>
  128. <h3>Static Methods</h3>
  129. <table>
  130. <tr><td>None</td></tr>
  131. </table>
  132. <a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__"></a>
  133. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog (Constructor)</h4>
  134. <b>SvnRepoBrowserDialog</b>(<i>vcs, mode = "browse", parent = None</i>)
  135. <p>
  136. Constructor
  137. </p><dl>
  138. <dt><i>vcs</i></dt>
  139. <dd>
  140. reference to the vcs object
  141. </dd><dt><i>mode</i></dt>
  142. <dd>
  143. mode of the dialog (string, "browse" or "select")
  144. </dd><dt><i>parent</i></dt>
  145. <dd>
  146. parent widget (QWidget)
  147. </dd>
  148. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish"></a>
  149. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish</h4>
  150. <b>__finish</b>(<i></i>)
  151. <p>
  152. Private slot called when the process finished or the user pressed the button.
  153. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem"></a>
  154. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem</h4>
  155. <b>__generateItem</b>(<i>repopath, revision, author, size, date, nodekind, url</i>)
  156. <p>
  157. Private method to generate a tree item in the repository tree.
  158. </p><dl>
  159. <dt><i>parent</i></dt>
  160. <dd>
  161. parent of the item to be created (QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem)
  162. </dd><dt><i>repopath</i></dt>
  163. <dd>
  164. path of the item (string or QString)
  165. </dd><dt><i>revision</i></dt>
  166. <dd>
  167. revision info (string or QString)
  168. </dd><dt><i>author</i></dt>
  169. <dd>
  170. author info (string or QString)
  171. </dd><dt><i>size</i></dt>
  172. <dd>
  173. size info (string or QString)
  174. </dd><dt><i>date</i></dt>
  175. <dd>
  176. date info (string or QString)
  177. </dd><dt><i>nodekind</i></dt>
  178. <dd>
  179. node kind info (string, "dir" or "file")
  180. </dd><dt><i>url</i></dt>
  181. <dd>
  182. url of the entry (string or QString)
  183. </dd>
  184. </dl><dl>
  185. <dt>Returns:</dt>
  186. <dd>
  187. reference to the generated item (QTreeWidgetItem)
  188. </dd>
  189. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo"></a>
  190. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo</h4>
  191. <b>__listRepo</b>(<i>url, parent = None</i>)
  192. <p>
  193. Private method to perform the svn list command.
  194. </p><dl>
  195. <dt><i>url</i></dt>
  196. <dd>
  197. the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
  198. </dd><dt><i>parent</i></dt>
  199. <dd>
  200. reference to the item, the data should be appended to
  201. (QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem)
  202. </dd>
  203. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl"></a>
  204. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl</h4>
  205. <b>__normalizeUrl</b>(<i>url</i>)
  206. <p>
  207. Private method to normalite the url.
  208. </p><dl>
  209. <dt><i>url</i></dt>
  210. <dd>
  211. the url to normalize (string or QString)
  212. </dd>
  213. </dl><dl>
  214. <dt>Returns:</dt>
  215. <dd>
  216. normalized URL (QString)
  217. </dd>
  218. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished"></a>
  219. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished</h4>
  220. <b>__procFinished</b>(<i>exitCode, exitStatus</i>)
  221. <p>
  222. Private slot connected to the finished signal.
  223. </p><dl>
  224. <dt><i>exitCode</i></dt>
  225. <dd>
  226. exit code of the process (integer)
  227. </dd><dt><i>exitStatus</i></dt>
  228. <dd>
  229. exit status of the process (QProcess.ExitStatus)
  230. </dd>
  231. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr"></a>
  232. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr</h4>
  233. <b>__readStderr</b>(<i></i>)
  234. <p>
  235. Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardError signal.
  236. </p><p>
  237. It reads the error output of the process and inserts it into the
  238. error pane.
  239. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout"></a>
  240. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout</h4>
  241. <b>__readStdout</b>(<i></i>)
  242. <p>
  243. Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardOutput signal.
  244. </p><p>
  245. It reads the output of the process, formats it and inserts it into
  246. the contents pane.
  247. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot"></a>
  248. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot</h4>
  249. <b>__repoRoot</b>(<i>url</i>)
  250. <p>
  251. Private method to get the repository root using the svn info command.
  252. </p><dl>
  253. <dt><i>url</i></dt>
  254. <dd>
  255. the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
  256. </dd>
  257. </dl><dl>
  258. <dt>Returns:</dt>
  259. <dd>
  260. repository root (string)
  261. </dd>
  262. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns"></a>
  263. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns</h4>
  264. <b>__resizeColumns</b>(<i></i>)
  265. <p>
  266. Private method to resize the tree columns.
  267. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort"></a>
  268. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort</h4>
  269. <b>__resort</b>(<i></i>)
  270. <p>
  271. Private method to resort the tree.
  272. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept"></a>
  273. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept</h4>
  274. <b>accept</b>(<i></i>)
  275. <p>
  276. Public slot called when the dialog is accepted.
  277. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent"></a>
  278. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent</h4>
  279. <b>closeEvent</b>(<i>e</i>)
  280. <p>
  281. Private slot implementing a close event handler.
  282. </p><dl>
  283. <dt><i>e</i></dt>
  284. <dd>
  285. close event (QCloseEvent)
  286. </dd>
  287. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl"></a>
  288. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl</h4>
  289. <b>getSelectedUrl</b>(<i></i>)
  290. <p>
  291. Public method to retrieve the selected repository URL.
  292. </p><dl>
  293. <dt>Returns:</dt>
  294. <dd>
  295. the selected repository URL (QString)
  296. </dd>
  297. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent"></a>
  298. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent</h4>
  299. <b>keyPressEvent</b>(<i>evt</i>)
  300. <p>
  301. Protected slot to handle a key press event.
  302. </p><dl>
  303. <dt><i>evt</i></dt>
  304. <dd>
  305. the key press event (QKeyEvent)
  306. </dd>
  307. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed"></a>
  308. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed</h4>
  309. <b>on_input_returnPressed</b>(<i></i>)
  310. <p>
  311. Private slot to handle the press of the return key in the input field.
  312. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled"></a>
  313. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</h4>
  314. <b>on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</b>(<i>isOn</i>)
  315. <p>
  316. Private slot to handle the password checkbox toggled.
  317. </p><dl>
  318. <dt><i>isOn</i></dt>
  319. <dd>
  320. flag indicating the status of the check box (boolean)
  321. </dd>
  322. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed"></a>
  323. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</h4>
  324. <b>on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</b>(<i>item</i>)
  325. <p>
  326. Private slot called when an item is collapsed.
  327. </p><dl>
  328. <dt><i>item</i></dt>
  329. <dd>
  330. reference to the item to be collapsed (QTreeWidgetItem)
  331. </dd>
  332. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded"></a>
  333. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded</h4>
  334. <b>on_repoTree_itemExpanded</b>(<i>item</i>)
  335. <p>
  336. Private slot called when an item is expanded.
  337. </p><dl>
  338. <dt><i>item</i></dt>
  339. <dd>
  340. reference to the item to be expanded (QTreeWidgetItem)
  341. </dd>
  342. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged"></a>
  343. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</h4>
  344. <b>on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</b>(<i></i>)
  345. <p>
  346. Private slot called when the selection changes.
  347. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked"></a>
  348. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked</h4>
  349. <b>on_sendButton_clicked</b>(<i></i>)
  350. <p>
  351. Private slot to send the input to the subversion process.
  352. </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged"></a>
  353. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</h4>
  354. <b>on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</b>(<i>text</i>)
  355. <p>
  356. Private slot called, when a new repository URL is entered or selected.
  357. </p><dl>
  358. <dt><i>text</i></dt>
  359. <dd>
  360. the text of the current item (QString)
  361. </dd>
  362. </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start"></a>
  363. <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start</h4>
  364. <b>start</b>(<i>url</i>)
  365. <p>
  366. Public slot to start the svn info command.
  367. </p><dl>
  368. <dt><i>url</i></dt>
  369. <dd>
  370. the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
  371. </dd>
  372. </dl>
  373. <div align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></div>
  374. <hr />
  375. </body></html>