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- <title>eric4.Plugins.VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.SvnRepoBrowserDialog</title>
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- <body><a NAME="top" ID="top"></a>
- <h1>eric4.Plugins.VcsPlugins.vcsSubversion.SvnRepoBrowserDialog</h1>
- <p>
- Module implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.
- </p>
- <h3>Global Attributes</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td>None</td></tr>
- </table>
- <h3>Classes</h3>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog">SvnRepoBrowserDialog</a></td>
- <td>Class implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>Functions</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td>None</td></tr>
- </table>
- <hr /><hr />
- <a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog"></a>
- <h2>SvnRepoBrowserDialog</h2>
- <p>
- Class implementing the subversion repository browser dialog.
- </p>
- <h3>Derived from</h3>
- QDialog, Ui_SvnRepoBrowserDialog
- <h3>Class Attributes</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td>None</td></tr>
- </table>
- <h3>Class Methods</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td>None</td></tr>
- </table>
- <h3>Methods</h3>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__">SvnRepoBrowserDialog</a></td>
- <td>Constructor</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish">__finish</a></td>
- <td>Private slot called when the process finished or the user pressed the button.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem">__generateItem</a></td>
- <td>Private method to generate a tree item in the repository tree.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo">__listRepo</a></td>
- <td>Private method to perform the svn list command.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl">__normalizeUrl</a></td>
- <td>Private method to normalite the url.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished">__procFinished</a></td>
- <td>Private slot connected to the finished signal.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr">__readStderr</a></td>
- <td>Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardError signal.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout">__readStdout</a></td>
- <td>Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardOutput signal.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot">__repoRoot</a></td>
- <td>Private method to get the repository root using the svn info command.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns">__resizeColumns</a></td>
- <td>Private method to resize the tree columns.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort">__resort</a></td>
- <td>Private method to resort the tree.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept">accept</a></td>
- <td>Public slot called when the dialog is accepted.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent">closeEvent</a></td>
- <td>Private slot implementing a close event handler.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl">getSelectedUrl</a></td>
- <td>Public method to retrieve the selected repository URL.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent">keyPressEvent</a></td>
- <td>Protected slot to handle a key press event.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed">on_input_returnPressed</a></td>
- <td>Private slot to handle the press of the return key in the input field.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled">on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</a></td>
- <td>Private slot to handle the password checkbox toggled.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed">on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</a></td>
- <td>Private slot called when an item is collapsed.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded">on_repoTree_itemExpanded</a></td>
- <td>Private slot called when an item is expanded.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged">on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</a></td>
- <td>Private slot called when the selection changes.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked">on_sendButton_clicked</a></td>
- <td>Private slot to send the input to the subversion process.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged">on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</a></td>
- <td>Private slot called, when a new repository URL is entered or selected.</td>
- </tr><tr>
- <td><a href="#SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start">start</a></td>
- <td>Public slot to start the svn info command.</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>Static Methods</h3>
- <table>
- <tr><td>None</td></tr>
- </table>
- <a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__init__"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog (Constructor)</h4>
- <b>SvnRepoBrowserDialog</b>(<i>vcs, mode = "browse", parent = None</i>)
- <p>
- Constructor
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>vcs</i></dt>
- <dd>
- reference to the vcs object
- </dd><dt><i>mode</i></dt>
- <dd>
- mode of the dialog (string, "browse" or "select")
- </dd><dt><i>parent</i></dt>
- <dd>
- parent widget (QWidget)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__finish</h4>
- <b>__finish</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot called when the process finished or the user pressed the button.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__generateItem</h4>
- <b>__generateItem</b>(<i>repopath, revision, author, size, date, nodekind, url</i>)
- <p>
- Private method to generate a tree item in the repository tree.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>parent</i></dt>
- <dd>
- parent of the item to be created (QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem)
- </dd><dt><i>repopath</i></dt>
- <dd>
- path of the item (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>revision</i></dt>
- <dd>
- revision info (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>author</i></dt>
- <dd>
- author info (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>size</i></dt>
- <dd>
- size info (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>date</i></dt>
- <dd>
- date info (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>nodekind</i></dt>
- <dd>
- node kind info (string, "dir" or "file")
- </dd><dt><i>url</i></dt>
- <dd>
- url of the entry (string or QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><dl>
- <dt>Returns:</dt>
- <dd>
- reference to the generated item (QTreeWidgetItem)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__listRepo</h4>
- <b>__listRepo</b>(<i>url, parent = None</i>)
- <p>
- Private method to perform the svn list command.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>url</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
- </dd><dt><i>parent</i></dt>
- <dd>
- reference to the item, the data should be appended to
- (QTreeWidget or QTreeWidgetItem)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__normalizeUrl</h4>
- <b>__normalizeUrl</b>(<i>url</i>)
- <p>
- Private method to normalite the url.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>url</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the url to normalize (string or QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><dl>
- <dt>Returns:</dt>
- <dd>
- normalized URL (QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__procFinished</h4>
- <b>__procFinished</b>(<i>exitCode, exitStatus</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot connected to the finished signal.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>exitCode</i></dt>
- <dd>
- exit code of the process (integer)
- </dd><dt><i>exitStatus</i></dt>
- <dd>
- exit status of the process (QProcess.ExitStatus)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStderr</h4>
- <b>__readStderr</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardError signal.
- </p><p>
- It reads the error output of the process and inserts it into the
- error pane.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__readStdout</h4>
- <b>__readStdout</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot to handle the readyReadStandardOutput signal.
- </p><p>
- It reads the output of the process, formats it and inserts it into
- the contents pane.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__repoRoot</h4>
- <b>__repoRoot</b>(<i>url</i>)
- <p>
- Private method to get the repository root using the svn info command.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>url</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><dl>
- <dt>Returns:</dt>
- <dd>
- repository root (string)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resizeColumns</h4>
- <b>__resizeColumns</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private method to resize the tree columns.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.__resort</h4>
- <b>__resort</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private method to resort the tree.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.accept</h4>
- <b>accept</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Public slot called when the dialog is accepted.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.closeEvent</h4>
- <b>closeEvent</b>(<i>e</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot implementing a close event handler.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>e</i></dt>
- <dd>
- close event (QCloseEvent)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.getSelectedUrl</h4>
- <b>getSelectedUrl</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Public method to retrieve the selected repository URL.
- </p><dl>
- <dt>Returns:</dt>
- <dd>
- the selected repository URL (QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.keyPressEvent</h4>
- <b>keyPressEvent</b>(<i>evt</i>)
- <p>
- Protected slot to handle a key press event.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>evt</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the key press event (QKeyEvent)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_input_returnPressed</h4>
- <b>on_input_returnPressed</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot to handle the press of the return key in the input field.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</h4>
- <b>on_passwordCheckBox_toggled</b>(<i>isOn</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot to handle the password checkbox toggled.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>isOn</i></dt>
- <dd>
- flag indicating the status of the check box (boolean)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</h4>
- <b>on_repoTree_itemCollapsed</b>(<i>item</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot called when an item is collapsed.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>item</i></dt>
- <dd>
- reference to the item to be collapsed (QTreeWidgetItem)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemExpanded</h4>
- <b>on_repoTree_itemExpanded</b>(<i>item</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot called when an item is expanded.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>item</i></dt>
- <dd>
- reference to the item to be expanded (QTreeWidgetItem)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</h4>
- <b>on_repoTree_itemSelectionChanged</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot called when the selection changes.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_sendButton_clicked</h4>
- <b>on_sendButton_clicked</b>(<i></i>)
- <p>
- Private slot to send the input to the subversion process.
- </p><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</h4>
- <b>on_urlCombo_currentIndexChanged</b>(<i>text</i>)
- <p>
- Private slot called, when a new repository URL is entered or selected.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>text</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the text of the current item (QString)
- </dd>
- </dl><a NAME="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start" ID="SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start"></a>
- <h4>SvnRepoBrowserDialog.start</h4>
- <b>start</b>(<i>url</i>)
- <p>
- Public slot to start the svn info command.
- </p><dl>
- <dt><i>url</i></dt>
- <dd>
- the repository URL to browser (string or QString)
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <div align="right"><a href="#top">Up</a></div>
- <hr />
- </body></html>