Java | 420 lines | 266 code | 76 blank | 78 comment | 0 complexity | b8277bc0d1ac48841457f46943dc3e7d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- package org.apache.maven.shared.artifact.filter;
- /*
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- */
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.DefaultArtifact;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.ArtifactHandler;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.handler.DefaultArtifactHandler;
- import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
- import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
- import junit.framework.TestCase;
- /**
- * Tests subclasses of <code>AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilter</code>.
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:markhobson@gmail.com">Mark Hobson</a>
- * @version $Id: AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilterTest.java 803321 2009-08-11 23:09:24Z aheritier $
- * @see AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilter
- */
- public abstract class AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilterTest extends TestCase
- {
- // fields -----------------------------------------------------------------
- protected Artifact artifact;
- // TestCase methods -------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp()
- */
- protected void setUp() throws Exception
- {
- artifact = createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId", "type", "version" );
- }
- // tests ------------------------------------------------------------------
- public void testExactIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "groupId:artifactId" );
- }
- public void testExactExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "differentGroupId:differentArtifactId" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "groupId" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "differentGroupId" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "*" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdImplicitWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdStartsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "groupId*" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdStartsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "group*" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdStartsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "different*" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdEndsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "*groupId" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdEndsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "*Id" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdEndsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "*different" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdContainsWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "*oup*" );
- }
- public void testGroupIdContainsWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "*different*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":artifactId" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":differentArtifactId" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdImplicitWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdStartsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":artifactId*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdStartsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":artifact*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdStartsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":different*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdEndsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":*artifactId" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdEndsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":*Id" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdEndsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":*different" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdContainsWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":*fact*" );
- }
- public void testArtifactIdContainsWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":*different*" );
- }
- public void testTypeIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::type" );
- }
- public void testTypeExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "::differentType" );
- }
- public void testTypeWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::*" );
- }
- public void testTypeImplicitWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::" );
- }
- public void testTypeStartsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::type*" );
- }
- public void testTypeStartsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::t*" );
- }
- public void testTypeStartsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "::different*" );
- }
- public void testTypeEndsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::*type" );
- }
- public void testTypeEndsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::*e" );
- }
- public void testTypeEndsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "::*different" );
- }
- public void testTypeContainsWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( "::*yp*" );
- }
- public void testTypeContainsWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( "::*different*" );
- }
- public void testVersionIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::version" );
- }
- public void testVersionExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":::differentVersion" );
- }
- public void testVersionWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::*" );
- }
- public void testVersionImplicitWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::" );
- }
- public void testVersionStartsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::version*" );
- }
- public void testVersionStartsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::ver*" );
- }
- public void testVersionStartsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":::different*" );
- }
- public void testVersionEndsWithWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::*version" );
- }
- public void testVersionEndsWithPartialWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::*ion" );
- }
- public void testVersionEndsWithWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":::*different" );
- }
- public void testVersionContainsWildcardIncluded()
- {
- assertIncluded( ":::*si*" );
- }
- public void testVersionContainsWildcardExcluded()
- {
- assertExcluded( ":::*different*" );
- }
- public void testComplex()
- {
- assertIncluded( "group*:*Id:*:version" );
- }
- public void testSnapshotVersion()
- {
- artifact = createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId", "type", "version-12345678.123456-1" );
- assertIncluded( ":::*-SNAPSHOT" );
- }
- public void testRangeVersion()
- {
- artifact = createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId", "type", "1.0.1" );
- assertIncluded( "groupId:artifactId:type:[1.0.1]");
- assertIncluded( "groupId:artifactId:type:[1.0,1.1)");
- assertExcluded( "groupId:artifactId:type:[1.5,)");
- assertExcluded( "groupId:artifactId:type:(,1.0],[1.2,)");
- assertExcluded( "groupId:artifactId:type:(,1.0],[1.2,)");
- }
- public void testWildcardsWithRangeVersion()
- {
- artifact = createArtifact( "groupId", "artifactId", "type", "1.0.1" );
- assertIncluded( ":::[1.0.1]");
- assertIncluded( ":artifact*:*:[1.0,1.1)");
- assertExcluded( "*group*:*:t*e:[1.5,)");
- artifact = createArtifact( "test", "uf", "jar", "0.2.0" );
- assertIncluded( "test:*:*:[0.0.2,)" );
- }
- // protected methods ------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Creates an artifact with the specified attributes.
- *
- * @param groupId
- * the group id for the new artifact
- * @param artifactId
- * the artifact id for the new artifact
- * @param type
- * the type for the new artifact
- * @param version
- * the version for the new artifact
- * @return the artifact
- */
- protected Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, String type, String version )
- {
- VersionRange versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersion( version );
- ArtifactHandler handler = new DefaultArtifactHandler();
- return new DefaultArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, null, type, null, handler );
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the specified pattern is included by the filter being tested.
- *
- * @param pattern
- * the pattern to test for inclusion
- * @throws AssertionFailedError
- * if the assertion fails
- */
- protected void assertIncluded( String pattern )
- {
- assertFilter( true, pattern );
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the specified pattern is excluded by the filter being tested.
- *
- * @param pattern
- * the pattern to test for exclusion
- * @throws AssertionFailedError
- * if the assertion fails
- */
- protected void assertExcluded( String pattern )
- {
- assertFilter( false, pattern );
- }
- /**
- * Asserts that the filter being tested returns the specified result for the specified pattern.
- *
- * @param expected
- * the result expected from the filter
- * @param pattern
- * the pattern to test
- * @throws AssertionFailedError
- * if the assertion fails
- */
- protected void assertFilter( boolean expected, String pattern )
- {
- List patterns = Collections.singletonList( pattern );
- AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilter filter = createFilter( patterns );
- assertEquals( expected, filter.include( artifact ) );
- }
- /**
- * Creates the strict pattern artifact filter to test for the specified patterns.
- *
- * @param patterns
- * the list of artifact patterns that the filter should match
- * @return the filter to test
- */
- protected abstract AbstractStrictPatternArtifactFilter createFilter( List patterns );
- }