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Properties File | 223 lines | 175 code | 27 blank | 21 comment | 0 complexity | fb3d927e2d7767b8c66908a2ee555feb MD5 | raw file
  1. default.doesnt.match.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not match the required pattern [{3}]
  2. default.invalid.url.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid URL
  3. default.invalid.creditCard.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid credit card number
  4. [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not a valid e-mail address
  5. default.invalid.range.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not fall within the valid range from [{3}] to [{4}]
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  7. default.invalid.max.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] exceeds maximum value [{3}]
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  9. default.invalid.max.size.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] exceeds the maximum size of [{3}]
  10. default.invalid.min.size.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is less than the minimum size of [{3}]
  11. default.invalid.validator.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] does not pass custom validation
  12. default.not.inlist.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] is not contained within the list [{3}]
  13. default.blank.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be blank
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  15. default.null.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be null
  16. default.not.unique.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] with value [{2}] must be unique
  17. default.paginate.prev=Previous
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  21. HH:mm:ss z
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  26. default.not.deleted.message={0} {1} could not be deleted
  27. default.not.found.message={0} not found with id {1}
  28. default.optimistic.locking.failure=Another user has updated this {0} while you were editing
  29. default.home.label=Home
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  38. default.button.update.label=Update
  39. default.button.delete.label=Delete
  40. default.button.delete.confirm.message=Are you sure?
  41. # Data binding errors. Use "typeMismatch.$className.$propertyName to customize (eg
  42. {0} must be a valid URL
  43. {0} must be a valid URI
  44. {0} must be a valid Date
  45. {0} must be a valid number
  46. {0} must be a valid number
  47. {0} must be a valid number
  48. {0} must be a valid number
  49. {0} must be a valid number
  50. {0} must be a valid number
  51. # Usuario
  52. usuario.label=User
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  56. usuario.enabled.label=Enabled
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  58. usuario.accountLocked.label=Account Locked
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  63. usuario.empresa.label=Company
  64. usuario.perfil.label=User's Profile
  65. usuario.perfil.updated.message=User's profile has been updated
  66. # Auth
  67. auth.login.message=Please login...
  68. auth.rememberme.label=Remember me
  69. auth.login.button=Login
  70. welcome.header.message=Welcome
  71. logout.header.message=Logout
  72. # Organizacion
  73. organizacion.label=Organisation
  74. organizacion.list.label=Organisations
  75. organizacion.nombre.label=Name
  76. organizacion.nombreCompleto.label=Full Name
  77. # Empresa
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  82. empresa.organizacion.label=Organisation
  83. # Ejercicio
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  85. ejercicio.nombre.label=Name
  86. ejercicio.empresa.label=Company
  87. ejercicio.dateCreated.label=Date Created
  88. ejercicio.lastUpdated.label=Last Updated
  89. # Libro
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  91. libro.nombre.label=Name
  92. libro.empresa.label=Company
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  94. libro.lastUpdated.label=Last Updated
  95. # Poliza
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  102. poliza.libro.label=Ledger
  103. poliza.empresa.label=Company
  104. poliza.dateCreated.label=Date Created
  105. poliza.lastUpdated.label=Last Updated
  106. # Poliza
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  114. poliza.dateCreated.label=Creation Date
  115. poliza.lastUpdated.label=Last Updated
  116. poliza.nueva.ingreso.label=New Income Journal
  117. poliza.nueva.egreso.label=New Outcome Journal
  118. poliza.nueva.diario.label=New Journal Voucher
  119. poliza.edita.ingreso.label=Edit Income Journal {0}
  120. poliza.edita.egreso.label=Edit Outcome Journal {0}
  121. poliza.edita.diario.label=Edit Journal Voucher {0}
  122. poliza.created.message=Journal {0} has been created
  123. poliza.button.nuevaTransaccion.label=New Transaction
  124. poliza.button.cierra.label=Close Journal
  125. poliza.button.cierra.confirm.message=Sure you want to close this journal?
  126. poliza.cerrada.editar.message=Journal {0} has been closed. Therefore it can't be modified.
  127. # Cuenta
  128. cuenta.label=Account
  129. cuenta.list.label=Accounts
  130. cuenta.codigo.label=Code
  131. cuenta.numero.label=Number
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  134. cuenta.organizacion.label=Organisation
  135. cuenta.hijos.label=Children
  136. cuenta.auxiliares.label=Auxiliaries
  137. cuenta.accion.ver=Show
  138. # Transaccion
  139. transaccion.label=Transaction
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  141. transaccion.cuenta.label=Account
  142. transaccion.auxiliar.label=Auxiliary
  143. transaccion.concepto.label=Concept
  144. transaccion.parcial.label=Partial
  145. transaccion.debe.label=Debit
  146. transaccion.haber.label=Credit
  147. transaccion.descripcion.label=Concept
  148. transaccion.importe.label=Amount
  149. transaccion.esDebe.label=Is debit?
  150. transaccion.esHaber.label=Is credit?
  151. transaccion.nuevoMovimiento.button=New entry
  152. transaccion.agrega.label=Add
  153. transaccion.actualiza.message=The transaction has been updated
  154. transaccion.nombre.label=Name
  155. transaccion.tags.label=Tags
  156. # Auxiliar
  157. auxiliar.label=Auxiliary
  158. auxiliar.list.label=Auxiliaries
  159. auxiliar.numero.label=Number
  160. auxiliar.descripcion.label=Description
  161. auxiliar.organizacion.label=Organization
  162. auxiliar.tags.label=Accounts
  163. # Servicio
  164. servicio.label=Service
  165. servicio.nombre.label=Name
  166. servicio.descripcion.label=Description
  167. servicio.destinos.label=Destinations
  168. servicio.origenes.label=Origins
  169. servicio.empresa.label=Company
  170. servicio.tags.label=Tags
  171. servicio.dateCreated.label=Creation Date
  172. servicio.lastUpdated.label=Last Updated
  173. # Cliente
  174. cliente.label=Client
  175. cliente.list.label=Clients
  176. # Tipo Cliente
  177. tipoCliente.label=Client Type
  178. tipoCliente.list.label=Client Types
  179. # Proveedor
  180. proveedor.label=Provider
  181. proveedor.list.label=Providers
  182. # Salida
  183. salida.label=Outgoing Inventory
  184. salida.list.label=Outgoing Inventory
  185. # Entrada
  186. entrada.label=Incoming Inventory
  187. entrada.list.label=Incoming Inventory
  188. # Producto
  189. producto.label=Product
  190. producto.list.label=Products
  191. # Tipo Producto
  192. tipoProducto.label=Product Type
  193. tipoProducto.list.label=Product Types
  194. # Almacen
  195. almacen.label=Warehouse
  196. almacen.list.label=Warehouses