PHP | 503 lines | 386 code | 56 blank | 61 comment | 105 complexity | 1446edd7a387a1810db1cf653760623b MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-1.0, Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0, MIT, BSD-3-Clause, ISC, LGPL-2.1
- <?php
- if(extension_loaded('newrelic')) {
- newrelic_add_custom_tracer('GetUpdate');
- newrelic_add_custom_tracer('GetVideoJob');
- newrelic_add_custom_tracer('GetJobFile');
- }
- chdir('..');
- $debug = false;
- include 'common.inc';
- set_time_limit(600);
- $is_json = isset($_GET['f']) && $_GET['f'] == 'json';
- $location = $_GET['location'];
- $key = @$_GET['key'];
- $recover = @$_GET['recover'];
- $pc = @$_GET['pc'];
- $ec2 = @$_GET['ec2'];
- $tester = null;
- if (@strlen($ec2)) {
- $tester = $ec2;
- } elseif (@strlen($pc)) {
- $tester = $pc . '-' . trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- } else {
- $tester = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
- }
- $supports_sharding = false;
- if (array_key_exists('shards', $_REQUEST) && $_REQUEST['shards'])
- $supports_sharding = true;
- logMsg("getwork.php location:$location tester:$tester ex2:$ec2 recover:$recover");
- $is_done = false;
- if (!array_key_exists('freedisk', $_GET) || (float)$_GET['freedisk'] > 0.1) {
- // See if there is an update.
- if (!$is_done && $_GET['ver']) {
- $is_done = GetUpdate();
- }
- // see if there is a video job
- if (!$is_done && @$_GET['video']) {
- $is_done = GetVideoJob();
- }
- if (!$is_done) {
- $is_done = GetJob();
- }
- }
- // kick off any cron work we need to do asynchronously
- CheckCron();
- // Send back a blank result if we didn't have anything.
- if (!$is_done) {
- header('Content-type: text/plain');
- header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- }
- /**
- * Get an actual task to complete
- *
- */
- function GetJob() {
- $is_done = false;
- global $location;
- global $key;
- global $pc;
- global $ec2;
- global $tester;
- global $recover;
- global $is_json;
- // load all of the locations
- $locations = parse_ini_file('./settings/locations.ini', true);
- BuildLocations($locations);
- $workDir = $locations[$location]['localDir'];
- $locKey = @$locations[$location]['key'];
- if (strlen($workDir) && (!strlen($locKey) || !strcmp($key, $locKey))) {
- // see if the tester is marked as being offline
- $offline = false;
- if( strlen($ec2) && strlen($locations[$location]['ec2']) && is_file('./ec2/ec2.inc.php') )
- {
- logMsg("Checking $ec2 to see if it is offline");
- require_once('./ec2/ec2.inc.php');
- if( !EC2_CheckInstance($location, $locations[$location]['ec2'], $ec2) )
- {
- logMsg("$ec2 is offline");
- $offline = true;
- }
- }
- if( $lock = LockLocation($location) )
- {
- // make sure the work directory actually exists
- if( !is_dir($workDir) )
- mkdir($workDir, 0777, true);
- $now = time();
- $testers = GetTesters($location);
- // make sure the tester isn't marked as offline (usually when shutting down EC2 instances)
- if(!@$testers[$tester]['offline']) {
- $fileName = GetJobFile($workDir, $priority);
- if( isset($fileName) && strlen($fileName) )
- {
- $is_done = true;
- $delete = true;
- if ($is_json)
- header ("Content-type: application/json");
- else
- header('Content-type: text/plain');
- header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- // send the test info to the test agent
- $testInfo = file_get_contents("$workDir/$fileName");
- // extract the test ID from the job file
- if( preg_match('/Test ID=([^\r\n]+)\r/i', $testInfo, $matches) )
- $testId = trim($matches[1]);
- if( isset($testId) ) {
- // figure out the path to the results
- $testPath = './' . GetTestPath($testId);
- // flag the test with the start time
- $ini = file_get_contents("$testPath/testinfo.ini");
- if (stripos($ini, 'startTime=') === false) {
- $time = time();
- $start = "[test]\r\nstartTime=" . gmdate("m/d/y G:i:s", $time);
- $out = str_replace('[test]', $start, $ini);
- file_put_contents("$testPath/testinfo.ini", $out);
- }
- if( gz_is_file("$testPath/testinfo.json") ) {
- $testInfoJson = json_decode(gz_file_get_contents("$testPath/testinfo.json"), true);
- if (!array_key_exists('tester', $testInfoJson) || !strlen($testInfoJson['tester']))
- $testInfoJson['tester'] = $tester;
- if (!array_key_exists('started', $testInfoJson) || !strlen($testInfoJson['started']))
- $testInfoJson['started'] = $time;
- $testInfoJson['id'] = $testId;
- ProcessTestShard($testInfoJson, $testInfo, $delete);
- gz_file_put_contents("$testPath/testinfo.json", json_encode($testInfoJson));
- }
- }
- if ($delete) {
- unlink("$workDir/$fileName");
- } else {
- AddJobFileHead($workDir, $fileName, $priority, true);
- }
- if ($is_json) {
- $testJson = array();
- $script = '';
- $isScript = false;
- $lines = explode("\r\n", $testInfo);
- foreach($lines as $line) {
- if( strlen(trim($line)) ) {
- if( $isScript ) {
- if( strlen($script) )
- $script .= "\r\n";
- $script .= $line;
- } elseif( !strcasecmp($line, '[Script]') )
- $isScript = true;
- else {
- $pos = strpos($line, '=');
- if( $pos > -1 ) {
- $key = trim(substr($line, 0, $pos));
- $value = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1));
- if( strlen($key) && strlen($value) ) {
- if( is_numeric($value) )
- $testJson[$key] = (int)$value;
- else
- $testJson[$key] = $value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if( strlen($script) )
- $testJson['script'] = $script;
- echo json_encode($testJson);
- }
- else
- echo $testInfo;
- $ok = true;
- }
- // zero out the tracked page loads in case some got lost
- if( !$is_done ) {
- $tests = json_decode(file_get_contents("./tmp/$location.tests"), true);
- if( $tests ) {
- $tests['tests'] = 0;
- file_put_contents("./tmp/$location.tests", json_encode($tests));
- }
- }
- }
- UnlockLocation($lock);
- // keep track of the last time this location reported in
- $testerInfo = array();
- $testerInfo['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
- $testerInfo['pc'] = $pc;
- $testerInfo['ec2'] = $ec2;
- $testerInfo['ver'] = $_GET['ver'];
- $testerInfo['freedisk'] = @$_GET['freedisk'];
- $testerInfo['ie'] = @$_GET['ie'];
- $testerInfo['video'] = @$_GET['video'];
- $testerInfo['test'] = '';
- if (isset($testId)) {
- $testerInfo['test'] = $testId;
- }
- UpdateTester($location, $tester, $testerInfo);
- }
- }
- return $is_done;
- }
- /**
- * Get the next job from the work queue
- *
- * @param mixed $workDir
- */
- function GetNextJobFile($workDir)
- {
- $fileName = null;
- // get a list of all of the files in the directory and store them indexed by filetime
- $files = array();
- $f = scandir($workDir);
- foreach( $f as $file )
- {
- $fileTime = filemtime("$workDir/$file");
- if( $fileTime && !isset($files[$fileTime]) )
- $files[$fileTime] = $file;
- else
- $files[] = $file;
- }
- // sort it by time
- ksort($files);
- // loop through all of the possible extension types in priority order
- $priority = array( "url", "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4", "p5", "p6", "p7", "p8", "p9" );
- foreach( $priority as $ext )
- {
- foreach( $files as $file )
- {
- if(is_file("$workDir/$file"))
- {
- $parts = pathinfo($file);
- if( !strcasecmp( $parts['extension'], $ext) )
- {
- $fileName = "$workDir/$file";
- break 2;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $fileName;
- }
- /**
- * See if there is a video rendering job that needs to be done
- *
- */
- function GetVideoJob()
- {
- global $debug;
- global $location;
- global $tester;
- $ret = false;
- $videoDir = './work/video';
- if( is_dir($videoDir) )
- {
- // lock the directory
- $lockFile = fopen( './tmp/video.lock', 'w', false);
- if( $lockFile )
- {
- if( flock($lockFile, LOCK_EX) )
- {
- // look for the first zip file
- $dir = opendir($videoDir);
- if( $dir )
- {
- $testFile = null;
- while(!$testFile && $file = readdir($dir))
- {
- $path = $videoDir . "/$file";
- if( is_file($path) && stripos($file, '.zip') )
- $testFile = $path;
- }
- if( $testFile )
- {
- header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- logMsg("Video job $testFile sent to $tester from $location");
- readfile_chunked($testFile);
- $ret = true;
- // delete the test file
- unlink($testFile);
- }
- closedir($dir);
- }
- }
- fclose($lockFile);
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * See if there is a software update
- *
- */
- function GetUpdate()
- {
- global $location;
- $ret = false;
- // see if the client sent a version number
- if( $_GET['ver'] )
- {
- $fileBase = '';
- if( isset($_GET['software']) && strlen($_GET['software']) )
- $fileBase = trim($_GET['software']);
- $updateDir = './work/update';
- if( is_dir("$updateDir/$location") )
- $updateDir = "$updateDir/$location";
- // see if we have any software updates
- if( is_file("$updateDir/{$fileBase}update.ini") && is_file("$updateDir/{$fileBase}update.zip") )
- {
- $update = parse_ini_file("$updateDir/{$fileBase}update.ini");
- if( $update['ver'] && (int)$update['ver'] != (int)$_GET['ver'] )
- {
- header('Content-Type: application/zip');
- header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- readfile_chunked("$updateDir/{$fileBase}update.zip");
- $ret = true;
- }
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- /**
- * Send a quick http request locally if we need to process cron events (to each of the cron entry points)
- *
- * This only runs events on 15-minute intervals and tries to keep it close to the clock increments (00, 15, 30, 45)
- *
- */
- function CheckCron() {
- // open and lock the cron job file - abandon quickly if we can't get a lock
- $should_run = false;
- $cron_lock = fopen('./tmp/wpt_cron.lock', 'w+');
- if ($cron_lock !== false) {
- if (flock($cron_lock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
- $last_run = 0;
- if (is_file('./tmp/wpt_cron.dat'))
- $last_run = file_get_contents('./tmp/wpt_cron.dat');
- $now = time();
- $elapsed = $now - $last_run;
- if (!$last_run || $elapsed > 120) {
- if ($elapsed > 1200) {
- // if it has been over 20 minutes, run regardless of the wall-clock time
- $should_run = true;
- } else {
- $minute = gmdate('i', $now) % 5;
- if ($minute < 2)
- $should_run = true;
- }
- }
- if ($should_run) {
- file_put_contents('./tmp/wpt_cron.dat', $now);
- }
- }
- fclose($cron_lock);
- }
- // send the crone requests
- if ($should_run) {
- if (is_file('./settings/benchmarks/benchmarks.txt') &&
- is_file('./benchmarks/cron.php')) {
- SendCronRequest('/benchmarks/cron.php');
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Send a request with a really short timeout to fire an async cron event
- *
- * @param mixed $relative_url
- */
- function SendCronRequest($relative_url) {
- $url = "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}$relative_url";
- $c = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
- curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
- curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
- curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1);
- curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1);
- curl_exec($c);
- curl_close($c);
- }
- /**
- * Process a sharded test
- *
- * @param mixed $testInfo
- */
- function ProcessTestShard(&$testInfo, &$test, &$delete) {
- global $supports_sharding;
- global $tester;
- if (isset($testInfo) && array_key_exists('shard_test', $testInfo) && $testInfo['shard_test']) {
- if ($supports_sharding) {
- if( $testLock = fopen( "$testPath/test.lock", 'w', false) )
- flock($testLock, LOCK_EX);
- $done = true;
- $assigned_run = 0;
- if (!array_key_exists('test_runs', $testInfo)) {
- $testInfo['test_runs'] = array();
- for ($run = 1; $run <= $testInfo['runs']; $run++) {
- $testInfo['test_runs'][$run] = array();
- }
- }
- // find a run to assign to a tester
- for ($run = 1; $run <= $testInfo['runs']; $run++) {
- if (!array_key_exists('tester', $testInfo['test_runs'][$run])) {
- $testInfo['test_runs'][$run]['tester'] = $tester;
- $testInfo['test_runs'][$run]['started'] = time();
- $testInfo['test_runs'][$run]['done'] = false;
- $assigned_run = $run;
- break;
- }
- }
- // go through again and see if all tests have been assigned
- for ($run = 1; $run <= $testInfo['runs']; $run++) {
- if (!array_key_exists('tester', $testInfo['test_runs'][$run])) {
- $done = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($assigned_run) {
- $append = "run=$assigned_run\r\n";
- // Figure out if this test needs to be discarded
- $index = $assigned_run;
- if (array_key_exists('discard', $testInfo)) {
- if ($index <= $testInfo['discard']) {
- $append .= "discardTest=1\r\n";
- $index = 1;
- $done = true;
- $testInfo['test_runs'][$assigned_run]['discarded'] = true;
- } else {
- $index -= $testInfo['discard'];
- }
- }
- $append .= "index=$index\r\n";
- $insert = strpos($test, "\nurl");
- if ($insert !== false) {
- $test = substr($test, 0, $insert + 1) .
- $append .
- substr($test, $insert + 1);
- } else {
- $test = "run=$assigned_run\r\n" + $test;
- }
- }
- if (!$done)
- $delete = false;
- if ($testLock)
- fclose($testLock);
- } else {
- $testInfo['shard_test'] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- ?>