C | 531 lines | 353 code | 93 blank | 85 comment | 41 complexity | a531a9e978de050f32e1beae66b9469d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, BSD-3-Clause
- /**********************************************************************
- * $Id: lwgeom_rtree.c 7140 2011-05-13 01:01:26Z chodgson $
- *
- * PostGIS - Spatial Types for PostgreSQL
- * http://postgis.refractions.net
- * Copyright 2001-2005 Refractions Research Inc.
- *
- * This is free software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public Licence. See the COPYING file.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #include "lwgeom_pg.h"
- #include "liblwgeom.h"
- #include "lwgeom_rtree.h"
- Datum LWGEOM_polygon_index(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
- /**
- * Creates an rtree given a pointer to the point array.
- * Must copy the point array.
- */
- RTREE_NODE *createTree(POINTARRAY *pointArray)
- {
- RTREE_NODE *root;
- RTREE_NODE** nodes = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_NODE*) * pointArray->npoints);
- int i, nodeCount;
- int childNodes, parentNodes;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "createTree called with pointarray %p", pointArray);
- nodeCount = pointArray->npoints - 1;
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Total leaf nodes: %d", nodeCount);
- /*
- * Create a leaf node for every line segment.
- */
- for (i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++)
- {
- nodes[i] = createLeafNode(pointArray, i);
- }
- /*
- * Next we group nodes by pairs. If there's an odd number of nodes,
- * we bring the last node up a level as is. Continue until we have
- * a single top node.
- */
- childNodes = nodeCount;
- parentNodes = nodeCount / 2;
- while (parentNodes > 0)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Merging %d children into %d parents.", childNodes, parentNodes);
- i = 0;
- while (i < parentNodes)
- {
- nodes[i] = createInteriorNode(nodes[i*2], nodes[i*2+1]);
- i++;
- }
- /*
- * Check for an odd numbered final node.
- */
- if (parentNodes * 2 < childNodes)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Shuffling child %d to parent %d", childNodes - 1, i);
- nodes[i] = nodes[childNodes - 1];
- parentNodes++;
- }
- childNodes = parentNodes;
- parentNodes = parentNodes / 2;
- }
- root = nodes[0];
- lwfree(nodes);
- LWDEBUGF(3, "createTree returning %p", root);
- return root;
- }
- /**
- * Creates an interior node given the children.
- */
- RTREE_NODE *createInteriorNode(RTREE_NODE *left, RTREE_NODE *right)
- {
- RTREE_NODE *parent;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "createInteriorNode called for children %p, %p", left, right);
- parent = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_NODE));
- parent->leftNode = left;
- parent->rightNode = right;
- parent->interval = mergeIntervals(left->interval, right->interval);
- parent->segment = NULL;
- LWDEBUGF(3, "createInteriorNode returning %p", parent);
- return parent;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a leaf node given the pointer to the start point of the segment.
- */
- RTREE_NODE *createLeafNode(POINTARRAY *pa, int startPoint)
- {
- RTREE_NODE *parent;
- LWLINE *line;
- double value1;
- double value2;
- POINT4D tmp;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "createLeafNode called for point %d of %p", startPoint, pa);
- if (pa->npoints < startPoint + 2)
- {
- lwerror("createLeafNode: npoints = %d, startPoint = %d", pa->npoints, startPoint);
- }
- /*
- * The given point array will be part of a geometry that will be freed
- * independently of the index. Since we may want to cache the index,
- * we must create independent arrays.
- */
- npa = lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY));
- npa->dims = 0;
- npa->npoints = 2;
- TYPE_SETZM(npa->dims, 0, 0);
- npa->serialized_pointlist = lwalloc(pointArray_ptsize(pa) * 2);
- getPoint4d_p(pa, startPoint, &tmp);
- setPoint4d(npa, 0, &tmp);
- value1 = tmp.y;
- getPoint4d_p(pa, startPoint + 1, &tmp);
- setPoint4d(npa, 1, &tmp);
- value2 = tmp.y;
- line = lwline_construct(-1, NULL, npa);
- parent = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_NODE));
- parent->interval = createInterval(value1, value2);
- parent->segment = line;
- parent->leftNode = NULL;
- parent->rightNode = NULL;
- LWDEBUGF(3, "createLeafNode returning %p", parent);
- return parent;
- }
- /**
- * Creates an interval with the total extents of the two given intervals.
- */
- INTERVAL *mergeIntervals(INTERVAL *inter1, INTERVAL *inter2)
- {
- INTERVAL *interval;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "mergeIntervals called with %p, %p", inter1, inter2);
- interval = lwalloc(sizeof(INTERVAL));
- interval->max = FP_MAX(inter1->max, inter2->max);
- interval->min = FP_MIN(inter1->min, inter2->min);
- LWDEBUGF(3, "interval min = %8.3f, max = %8.3f", interval->min, interval->max);
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * Creates an interval given the min and max values, in arbitrary order.
- */
- INTERVAL *createInterval(double value1, double value2)
- {
- INTERVAL *interval;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "createInterval called with %8.3f, %8.3f", value1, value2);
- interval = lwalloc(sizeof(INTERVAL));
- interval->max = FP_MAX(value1, value2);
- interval->min = FP_MIN(value1, value2);
- LWDEBUGF(3, "interval min = %8.3f, max = %8.3f", interval->min, interval->max);
- return interval;
- }
- /**
- * Recursively frees the child nodes, the interval and the line before
- * freeing the root node.
- */
- void freeTree(RTREE_NODE *root)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(2, "freeTree called for %p", root);
- if (root->leftNode)
- freeTree(root->leftNode);
- if (root->rightNode)
- freeTree(root->rightNode);
- lwfree(root->interval);
- if (root->segment)
- {
- lwfree(root->segment->points->serialized_pointlist);
- lwfree(root->segment->points);
- lwgeom_release((LWGEOM *)root->segment);
- }
- lwfree(root);
- }
- /**
- * Free the cache object and all the sub-objects properly.
- */
- void clearCache(RTREE_POLY_CACHE *cache)
- {
- int g, r, i;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "clearCache called for %p", cache);
- i = 0;
- for (g = 0; g < cache->polyCount; g++)
- {
- for (r = 0; r < cache->ringCounts[g]; r++)
- {
- freeTree(cache->ringIndices[i]);
- i++;
- }
- }
- lwfree(cache->ringIndices);
- lwfree(cache->ringCounts);
- lwfree(cache->poly);
- cache->poly = 0;
- cache->ringIndices = 0;
- cache->ringCounts = 0;
- cache->polyCount = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a collection of line segments given the root and crossing value.
- * The collection is a multilinestring consisting of two point lines
- * representing the segments of the ring that may be crossed by the
- * horizontal projection line at the given y value.
- */
- LWMLINE *findLineSegments(RTREE_NODE *root, double value)
- {
- LWMLINE *tmp, *result;
- LWGEOM **lwgeoms;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "findLineSegments called for tree %p and value %8.3f", root, value);
- result = NULL;
- if (!isContained(root->interval, value))
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "findLineSegments %p: not contained.", root);
- return NULL;
- }
- /* If there is a segment defined for this node, include it. */
- if (root->segment)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "findLineSegments %p: adding segment %p %d.", root, root->segment, TYPE_GETTYPE(root->segment->type));
- lwgeoms = lwalloc(sizeof(LWGEOM *));
- lwgeoms[0] = (LWGEOM *)root->segment;
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Found geom %p, type %d, dim %d", root->segment, TYPE_GETTYPE(root->segment->type), TYPE_GETZM(root->segment->type));
- result = (LWMLINE *)lwcollection_construct(lwgeom_makeType_full(0, 0, 0, MULTILINETYPE, 0), -1, NULL, 1, lwgeoms);
- }
- /* If there is a left child node, recursively include its results. */
- if (root->leftNode)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "findLineSegments %p: recursing left.", root);
- tmp = findLineSegments(root->leftNode, value);
- if (tmp)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Found geom %p, type %d, dim %d", tmp, TYPE_GETTYPE(tmp->type), TYPE_GETZM(tmp->type));
- if (result)
- result = mergeMultiLines(result, tmp);
- else
- result = tmp;
- }
- }
- /* Same for any right child. */
- if (root->rightNode)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "findLineSegments %p: recursing right.", root);
- tmp = findLineSegments(root->rightNode, value);
- if (tmp)
- {
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Found geom %p, type %d, dim %d", tmp, TYPE_GETTYPE(tmp->type), TYPE_GETZM(tmp->type));
- if (result)
- result = mergeMultiLines(result, tmp);
- else
- result = tmp;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- /** Merges two multilinestrings into a single multilinestring. */
- LWMLINE *mergeMultiLines(LWMLINE *line1, LWMLINE *line2)
- {
- LWGEOM **geoms;
- int i, j, ngeoms;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "mergeMultiLines called on %p, %d, %d; %p, %d, %d", line1, line1->ngeoms, TYPE_GETTYPE(line1->type), line2, line2->ngeoms, TYPE_GETTYPE(line2->type));
- ngeoms = line1->ngeoms + line2->ngeoms;
- geoms = lwalloc(sizeof(LWGEOM *) * ngeoms);
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < line1->ngeoms; i++, j++)
- {
- geoms[j] = lwgeom_clone((LWGEOM *)line1->geoms[i]);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < line2->ngeoms; i++, j++)
- {
- geoms[j] = lwgeom_clone((LWGEOM *)line2->geoms[i]);
- }
- col = lwcollection_construct(MULTILINETYPE, -1, NULL, ngeoms, geoms);
- LWDEBUGF(3, "mergeMultiLines returning %p, %d, %d", col, col->ngeoms, TYPE_GETTYPE(col->type));
- return (LWMLINE *)col;
- }
- /**
- * Returns 1 if min < value <= max, 0 otherwise. */
- uint32 isContained(INTERVAL *interval, double value)
- {
- return FP_CONTAINS_INCL(interval->min, value, interval->max) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- PG_FUNCTION_INFO_V1(LWGEOM_polygon_index);
- Datum LWGEOM_polygon_index(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
- {
- PG_LWGEOM *igeom, *result;
- LWGEOM *geom;
- LWPOLY *poly;
- LWMLINE *mline;
- RTREE_NODE *root;
- double yval;
- int i = 0;
- #endif
- POSTGIS_DEBUG(2, "polygon_index called.");
- result = NULL;
- yval = PG_GETARG_FLOAT8(1);
- geom = lwgeom_deserialize(SERIALIZED_FORM(igeom));
- if (TYPE_GETTYPE(geom->type) != POLYGONTYPE)
- {
- lwgeom_release(geom);
- PG_FREE_IF_COPY(igeom, 0);
- }
- poly = (LWPOLY *)geom;
- root = createTree(poly->rings[0]);
- mline = findLineSegments(root, yval);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "mline returned %p %d", mline, TYPE_GETTYPE(mline->type));
- for (i = 0; i < mline->ngeoms; i++)
- {
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "geom[%d] %p %d", i, mline->geoms[i], TYPE_GETTYPE(mline->geoms[i]->type));
- }
- #endif
- if (mline)
- result = pglwgeom_serialize((LWGEOM *)mline);
- POSTGIS_DEBUGF(3, "returning result %p", result);
- lwfree(root);
- PG_FREE_IF_COPY(igeom, 0);
- lwgeom_release((LWGEOM *)poly);
- lwgeom_release((LWGEOM *)mline);
- }
- RTREE_POLY_CACHE * createCache()
- {
- result = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_POLY_CACHE));
- result->polyCount = 0;
- result->ringCounts = 0;
- result->ringIndices = 0;
- result->poly = 0;
- result->type = 1;
- return result;
- }
- void populateCache(RTREE_POLY_CACHE *currentCache, LWGEOM *lwgeom, uchar *serializedPoly)
- {
- int i, p, r, length;
- LWMPOLY *mpoly;
- LWPOLY *poly;
- int nrings;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "populateCache called with cache %p geom %p", currentCache, lwgeom);
- {
- LWDEBUG(2, "populateCache MULTIPOLYGON");
- mpoly = (LWMPOLY *)lwgeom;
- nrings = 0;
- /*
- ** Count the total number of rings.
- */
- currentCache->polyCount = mpoly->ngeoms;
- currentCache->ringCounts = lwalloc(sizeof(int) * mpoly->ngeoms);
- for ( i = 0; i < mpoly->ngeoms; i++ )
- {
- currentCache->ringCounts[i] = mpoly->geoms[i]->nrings;
- nrings += mpoly->geoms[i]->nrings;
- }
- currentCache->ringIndices = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_NODE *) * nrings);
- /*
- ** Load the array in geometry order, each outer ring followed by the inner rings
- ** associated with that outer ring
- */
- i = 0;
- for ( p = 0; p < mpoly->ngeoms; p++ )
- {
- for ( r = 0; r < mpoly->geoms[p]->nrings; r++ )
- {
- currentCache->ringIndices[i] = createTree(mpoly->geoms[p]->rings[r]);
- i++;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ( TYPE_GETTYPE(lwgeom->type) == POLYGONTYPE )
- {
- LWDEBUG(2, "populateCache POLYGON");
- poly = (LWPOLY *)lwgeom;
- currentCache->polyCount = 1;
- currentCache->ringCounts = lwalloc(sizeof(int));
- currentCache->ringCounts[0] = poly->nrings;
- /*
- ** Just load the rings on in order
- */
- currentCache->ringIndices = lwalloc(sizeof(RTREE_NODE *) * poly->nrings);
- for ( i = 0; i < poly->nrings; i++ )
- {
- currentCache->ringIndices[i] = createTree(poly->rings[i]);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Uh oh, shouldn't be here. */
- return;
- }
- /*
- ** Copy the serialized form of the polygon into the cache so
- ** we can test for equality against subsequent polygons.
- */
- length = lwgeom_size(serializedPoly);
- currentCache->poly = lwalloc(length);
- memcpy(currentCache->poly, serializedPoly, length);
- LWDEBUGF(3, "populateCache returning %p", currentCache);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new cachable index if needed, or returns the current cache if
- * it is applicable to the current polygon.
- * The memory context must be changed to function scope before calling this
- * method. The method will allocate memory for the cache it creates,
- * as well as freeing the memory of any cache that is no longer applicable.
- */
- RTREE_POLY_CACHE *retrieveCache(LWGEOM *lwgeom, uchar *serializedPoly, RTREE_POLY_CACHE *currentCache)
- {
- int length;
- LWDEBUGF(2, "retrieveCache called with %p %p %p", lwgeom, serializedPoly, currentCache);
- /* Make sure this isn't someone else's cache object. */
- if ( currentCache && currentCache->type != 1 ) currentCache = NULL;
- if (!currentCache)
- {
- LWDEBUG(3, "No existing cache, create one.");
- return createCache();
- }
- if (!(currentCache->poly))
- {
- LWDEBUG(3, "Cache contains no polygon, populating it.");
- populateCache(currentCache, lwgeom, serializedPoly);
- return currentCache;
- }
- length = lwgeom_size(serializedPoly);
- if (lwgeom_size(currentCache->poly) != length)
- {
- LWDEBUG(3, "Polygon size mismatch, creating new cache.");
- clearCache(currentCache);
- return currentCache;
- }
- if ( memcmp(serializedPoly, currentCache->poly, length) )
- {
- LWDEBUG(3, "Polygon mismatch, creating new cache.");
- clearCache(currentCache);
- return currentCache;
- }
- LWDEBUGF(3, "Polygon match, retaining current cache, %p.", currentCache);
- return currentCache;
- }