ActionScript | 462 lines | 386 code | 51 blank | 25 comment | 84 complexity | 96d2aae2bf3946c642fd9c780f33f37c MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-3.0
- /*
- Copyright 2012 Marek Standio.
- This file is part of SaladoPlayer.
- SaladoPlayer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
- by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
- or (at your option) any later version.
- SaladoPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
- See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with SaladoPlayer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.panozona.player.manager {
- import com.panosalado.controller.SimpleTransition;
- import com.panosalado.core.PanoSalado;
- import com.panosalado.events.AutorotationEvent;
- import com.panosalado.events.PanoSaladoEvent;
- import com.panosalado.model.AutorotationCameraData;
- import com.panosalado.view.Hotspot;
- import com.panosalado.view.ManagedChild;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.actions.ActionData;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.actions.FunctionData;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.ManagerData;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.panoramas.HotspotData;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.panoramas.HotspotDataSwf;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.data.panoramas.PanoramaData;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.events.LoadLoadableEvent;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.events.PanoramaEvent;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.utils.loading.LoadablesLoader;
- import com.panozona.player.manager.utils.Trace;
- import com.panozona.player.module.utils.ModuleDescription;
- import com.panozona.player.SaladoPlayer;
- import flash.display.BlendMode;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash.geom.Vector3D;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- public class Manager extends PanoSalado{
- public const description:ModuleDescription = new ModuleDescription("SaladoPlayer", "1.3.5", "http://openpano.org/links/saladoplayer/");
- /**
- * Dictionary, where key is hotspotData object
- * and value is loaded hotspot (DisplayObject)
- */
- public var hotspots:Dictionary;
- protected var panoramaIsMoving:Boolean;
- protected var pendingActionId:String;
- protected var panoramaLoadingCanceled:Boolean;
- protected var _managerData:ManagerData;
- protected var _saladoPlayer:SaladoPlayer; // parent needed to access loaded modules
- protected var _currentPanoramaData:PanoramaData;
- protected var _previousPanoramaData:PanoramaData;
- protected var arrListeners:Array; // hold hotspots mouse event listeners so that they can be removed
- public function Manager() {
- description.addFunctionDescription("runAction", String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("print", String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("loadPano", String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("waitThen", Number, String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("moveToHotspot", String, Number);
- description.addFunctionDescription("moveToHotspotThen", String, Number, String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("moveToView", Number, Number, Number);
- description.addFunctionDescription("moveToViewThen", Number, Number, Number, String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("jumpToView", Number, Number, Number);
- description.addFunctionDescription("startMoving", Number, Number);
- description.addFunctionDescription("stopMoving");
- description.addFunctionDescription("advancedMoveToHotspot", String, Number, Number, Function);
- description.addFunctionDescription("advancedMoveToHotspotThen", String, Number, Number, Function, String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("advancedMoveToView", Number, Number, Number, Number, Function);
- description.addFunctionDescription("advancedMoveToViewThen", Number, Number, Number, Number, Function, String);
- description.addFunctionDescription("advancedStartMoving", Number, Number, Number, Number, Number);
- if (stage) stageReady();
- else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageReady);
- }
- private function stageReady(e:Event = null):void {
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, stageReady);
- _saladoPlayer = SaladoPlayer(this.parent);
- _managerData = _saladoPlayer.managerData;
- }
- public override function initialize(dependencies:Array):void {
- super.initialize(dependencies);
- for (var i:int = 0; i < dependencies.length; i++ ) {
- if (dependencies[i] is SimpleTransition){
- dependencies[i].addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, transitionComplete, false, 0, true);
- }else if (dependencies[i] is AutorotationCameraData) {
- dependencies[i].addEventListener( AutorotationEvent.AUTOROTATION_CHANGE, onAutorotationChange, false, 0, true);
- }
- }
- addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, panoramaLoaded, false, 0, true);
- }
- public function get currentPanoramaData():PanoramaData {
- return _currentPanoramaData
- }
- public function loadFirstPanorama():void {
- if (_managerData.allPanoramasData.firstPanorama != null) {
- loadPanoramaById(_managerData.allPanoramasData.firstPanorama);
- }else {
- if (_managerData.panoramasData != null && _managerData.panoramasData.length > 0) {
- loadPanoramaById(_managerData.panoramasData[0].id);
- }
- }
- }
- public function loadPanoramaById(panoramaId:String):void {
- var panoramaData:PanoramaData = _managerData.getPanoramaDataById(panoramaId);
- if (panoramaData == null || panoramaData === _currentPanoramaData) return;
- if (!panoramaLoadingCanceled && _currentPanoramaData != null && _currentPanoramaData.onLeaveToAttempt[panoramaData.id] != null) {
- panoramaLoadingCanceled = true;
- runAction(_currentPanoramaData.onLeaveToAttempt[panoramaData.id]);
- return;
- }
- panoramaLoadingCanceled = false;
- _previousPanoramaData = _currentPanoramaData;
- _currentPanoramaData = panoramaData;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- if(_previousPanoramaData != null){
- runAction(_previousPanoramaData.onLeave);
- runAction(_previousPanoramaData.onLeaveTo[currentPanoramaData.id]);
- }
- dispatchEvent(new PanoramaEvent(PanoramaEvent.PANORAMA_STARTED_LOADING));
- Trace.instance.printInfo("Loading panorama: " + panoramaData.id);
- if (arrListeners != null){
- for (var i:int = 0; i < _managedChildren.numChildren; i++ ) {
- for(var j:Number = 0; j < arrListeners.length; j++){
- if (_managedChildren.getChildAt(i).hasEventListener(arrListeners[j].type)) {
- if(arrListeners[j].type != MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT && arrListeners[j].type != MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP){
- _managedChildren.getChildAt(i).removeEventListener(arrListeners[j].type, arrListeners[j].listener);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- arrListeners = new Array();
- _canvas.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER;
- super.loadPanorama(panoramaData.params.clone());
- }
- protected function panoramaLoaded(e:Event):void {
- dispatchEvent(new PanoramaEvent(PanoramaEvent.PANORAMA_LOADED));
- if (_previousPanoramaData != null && isNaN(currentPanoramaData.params.pan)) {
- pan += (_previousPanoramaData.direction - currentPanoramaData.direction);
- }
- loadHotspots(currentPanoramaData);
- panoramaIsMoving = false;
- runAction(currentPanoramaData.onEnter);
- if (_previousPanoramaData != null ){
- runAction(currentPanoramaData.onEnterFrom[_previousPanoramaData.id]);
- }else {
- runAction(_managerData.allPanoramasData.firstOnEnter);
- onAutorotationChange();
- }
- }
- protected function loadHotspots(panoramaData:PanoramaData):void {
- hotspots = new Dictionary(true);
- var hotspotsLoader:LoadablesLoader = new LoadablesLoader();
- hotspotsLoader.addEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.LOST, hotspotLost);
- hotspotsLoader.addEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.LOADED, hotspotLoaded);
- hotspotsLoader.addEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.FINISHED, hotspotsFinished);
- hotspotsLoader.load(panoramaData.getHotspotsLoadable());
- }
- protected function hotspotLost(event:LoadLoadableEvent):void {
- _saladoPlayer.traceWindow.printError("Could not load hotspot: " + event.loadable.path);
- }
- protected function hotspotLoaded(event:LoadLoadableEvent):void {
- var hotspot:Sprite;
- var hotspotData:HotspotData = (event.loadable as HotspotData);
- if (hotspotData is HotspotDataSwf) {
- if ("references" in (event.content as Object)) {
- try {(event.content as Object).references(_saladoPlayer, (hotspotData as HotspotDataSwf))} catch (e:Error){}
- }
- }
- hotspot = new Hotspot(event.content);
- insertHotspot(hotspot as ManagedChild, hotspotData);
- }
- protected function insertHotspot(managedChild:ManagedChild, hotspotData:HotspotData):void {
- managedChild.buttonMode = hotspotData.handCursor;
- var tmpFunction:Function;
- if (hotspotData.target != null) {
- tmpFunction = getTargetHandler(hotspotData.target);
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tmpFunction);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.CLICK, listener:tmpFunction});
- }
- if (hotspotData.mouse.onClick != null) {
- tmpFunction = getMouseEventHandler(hotspotData.mouse.onClick);
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tmpFunction);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.CLICK, listener:tmpFunction} );
- }
- if (hotspotData.mouse.onPress != null) {
- tmpFunction = getMouseEventHandler(hotspotData.mouse.onPress)
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, tmpFunction);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, listener:tmpFunction});
- }
- if (hotspotData.mouse.onRelease != null) {
- tmpFunction = getMouseEventHandler(hotspotData.mouse.onRelease)
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, tmpFunction, false, 0, true);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, listener:tmpFunction});
- }
- if (hotspotData.mouse.onOver != null) {
- tmpFunction = getMouseEventHandler(hotspotData.mouse.onOver)
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, tmpFunction);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, listener:tmpFunction});
- }
- if (hotspotData.mouse.onOut != null) {
- tmpFunction = getMouseEventHandler(hotspotData.mouse.onOut)
- managedChild.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, tmpFunction, false, 0, true);
- arrListeners.push({type:MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, listener:tmpFunction});
- }
- var matrix3D:Matrix3D = new Matrix3D();
- matrix3D.appendScale(hotspotData.transform.scaleX, hotspotData.transform.scaleY, hotspotData.transform.scaleZ);
- if(!hotspotData.transform.flat){
- matrix3D.appendRotation(hotspotData.location.tilt, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
- matrix3D.appendRotation(hotspotData.location.pan, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
- }else {
- managedChild.flat = true;
- }
- var piOver180:Number = Math.PI / 180;
- var pr:Number = -1 * (hotspotData.location.pan - 90) * piOver180;
- var tr:Number = -1 * hotspotData.location.tilt * piOver180;
- var xc:Number = hotspotData.location.distance * Math.cos(pr) * Math.cos(tr);
- var yc:Number = hotspotData.location.distance * Math.sin(tr);
- var zc:Number = hotspotData.location.distance * Math.sin(pr) * Math.cos(tr);
- matrix3D.appendTranslation(xc, yc, zc);
- matrix3D.prependRotation(hotspotData.transform.rotationX, Vector3D.X_AXIS);
- matrix3D.prependRotation(hotspotData.transform.rotationY, Vector3D.Y_AXIS);
- matrix3D.prependRotation(hotspotData.transform.rotationZ, Vector3D.Z_AXIS);
- var decomposition:Vector.<Vector3D> = matrix3D.decompose();
- managedChild.x = decomposition[0].x;
- managedChild.y = decomposition[0].y;
- managedChild.z = decomposition[0].z;
- managedChild.rotationX = decomposition[1].x;
- managedChild.rotationY = decomposition[1].y;
- managedChild.rotationZ = decomposition[1].z;
- managedChild.scaleX = decomposition[2].x;
- managedChild.scaleY = decomposition[2].y;
- managedChild.scaleZ = decomposition[2].z;
- var precedingHotspotData:HotspotData = null;
- for (var addedHotspotData:Object in hotspots) {
- if (!isNaN(addedHotspotData.location.distance) && !isNaN(hotspotData.location.distance)
- && addedHotspotData.location.distance < hotspotData.location.distance) {
- if (precedingHotspotData == null || precedingHotspotData.location.distance < addedHotspotData.location.distance){
- precedingHotspotData = addedHotspotData as HotspotData;
- }
- }
- }
- hotspots[hotspotData] = managedChild;
- if (precedingHotspotData == null) {
- addChild(managedChild);
- } else {
- addChildAt(managedChild, _managedChildren.getChildIndex(hotspots[precedingHotspotData]));
- }
- updateChildren(this);
- }
- private function getMouseEventHandler(id:String):Function{
- return function(e:MouseEvent):void {
- runAction(id);
- }
- }
- private function getTargetHandler(panoramaId:String):Function{
- return function(e:MouseEvent):void {
- loadPanoramaById(panoramaId);
- }
- }
- protected function hotspotsFinished(event:LoadLoadableEvent):void {
- event.target.removeEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.LOST, hotspotLost);
- event.target.removeEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.LOADED, hotspotLoaded);
- event.target.removeEventListener(LoadLoadableEvent.FINISHED, hotspotsFinished);
- dispatchEvent(new PanoramaEvent(PanoramaEvent.HOTSPOTS_LOADED));
- }
- protected function transitionComplete(e:Event):void {
- _canvas.blendMode = BlendMode.NORMAL;
- if (_previousPanoramaData == null) {
- runAction(_managerData.allPanoramasData.firstOnTransitionEnd);
- }else {
- runAction(currentPanoramaData.onTransitionEndFrom[_previousPanoramaData.id]);
- }
- runAction(currentPanoramaData.onTransitionEnd);
- dispatchEvent(new PanoramaEvent(PanoramaEvent.TRANSITION_ENDED));
- }
- protected function onAutorotationChange(e:Event = null):void {
- if (_managerData.controlData.autorotationCameraData.isAutorotating) {
- runAction(_managerData.allPanoramasData.onAutorotationStart);
- }else {
- runAction(_managerData.allPanoramasData.onAutorotationStop);
- }
- }
- protected function swingComplete(e:PanoSaladoEvent):void {
- removeEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- removeEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- panoramaIsMoving = false;
- if (pendingActionId != null) {
- runAction(pendingActionId);
- }
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Exposed functions
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- public function runAction(actionId:String):void {
- var actionData:ActionData = _managerData.getActionDataById(actionId);
- if (actionData == null) {
- if (actionId != null) Trace.instance.printWarning("Action not found: " + actionId);
- return;
- }
- for each(var functionData:FunctionData in actionData.functions) {
- try{
- if (functionData.owner == description.name) {
- if (description.functionsDescription[functionData.name] != undefined){
- (this[functionData.name] as Function).apply(this, functionData.args);
- }else {
- _saladoPlayer.traceWindow.printError("Unknown function: " + functionData.owner + "." + functionData.name);
- }
- }else{
- (_saladoPlayer.getModuleByName(functionData.owner) as Object).execute(functionData);
- }
- }catch (error:Error) {
- _saladoPlayer.traceWindow.printError("Could not execute " + functionData.owner + "." + functionData.name + ": " + error.message);
- }
- }
- }
- public function waitThen(time:Number, actionId:String):void {
- var timer:Timer = new Timer(time*1000,1);
- timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, function():void { runAction(actionId) }, false, 0, true);
- timer.start();
- }
- public function print(value:String):void {
- _saladoPlayer.traceWindow.printInfo(value);
- }
- public function loadPano(panramaId:String):void {
- loadPanoramaById(panramaId);
- }
- public function moveToHotspot(hotspotId:String, fieldOfView:Number):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = null;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingToChild(hotspots[currentPanoramaData.hotspotDataById(hotspotId)], fieldOfView);
- }
- public function moveToHotspotThen(hotspotId:String, fieldOfView:Number, actionId:String):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = actionId;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingToChild(hotspots[currentPanoramaData.hotspotDataById(hotspotId)], fieldOfView);
- }
- public function moveToView(pan:Number, tilt:Number, fieldOfView:Number):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = null;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingTo(pan, tilt, fieldOfView);
- }
- public function moveToViewThen(pan:Number, tilt:Number, fieldOfView:Number, actionId:String):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = actionId;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingTo(pan, tilt, fieldOfView);
- }
- public function jumpToView(pan:Number, tilt:Number, fieldOfView:Number):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- renderAt(pan, tilt, fieldOfView);
- }
- public function startMoving(panSpeed:Number, tiltSpeed:Number):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- startInertialSwing(panSpeed, tiltSpeed);
- }
- public function stopMoving():void {
- panoramaIsMoving = false;
- stopInertialSwing();
- }
- public function advancedMoveToHotspot(hotspotId:String, fieldOfView:Number, speed:Number, tween:Function):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = null;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingToChild(hotspots[currentPanoramaData.hotspotDataById(hotspotId)], fieldOfView, speed, tween);
- }
- public function advancedMoveToHotspotThen(hotspotId:String, fieldOfView:Number, speed:Number, tween:Function, actionId:String):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = actionId;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingToChild(hotspots[currentPanoramaData.hotspotDataById(hotspotId)], fieldOfView, speed, tween);
- }
- public function advancedMoveToView(pan:Number, tilt:Number, fieldOfView:Number, speed:Number, tween:Function):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = null;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingTo(pan, tilt, fieldOfView, speed, tween);
- }
- public function advancedMoveToViewThen(pan:Number, tilt:Number, fieldOfView:Number, speed:Number, tween:Function, actionId:String):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- pendingActionId = actionId;
- addEventListener(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE, swingComplete);
- swingTo(pan, tilt, fieldOfView, speed, tween);
- }
- public function advancedStartMoving(panSpeed:Number, tiltSpeed:Number, sensitivity:Number, friction:Number, threshold:Number):void {
- if (panoramaIsMoving) return;
- panoramaIsMoving = true;
- startInertialSwing(panSpeed, tiltSpeed, sensitivity, friction, threshold);
- }
- }
- }