ActionScript | 591 lines | 334 code | 51 blank | 206 comment | 83 complexity | d8e8d6516bfad479cd502ecadf46fbe3 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-3.0
- /*
- Copyright 2010 Zephyr Renner.
- This file is part of PanoSalado.
- PanoSalado is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- PanoSalado is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with PanoSalado. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.panosalado.core{
- import com.panosalado.controller.*;
- import com.panosalado.events.*;
- import com.panosalado.model.*;
- import com.panosalado.utils.*;
- import com.panosalado.view.*;
- import com.robertpenner.easing.*;
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash.geom.Vector3D;
- import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;
- /**
- * Dispatched when a new panorama has loaded.
- *
- * @eventType flash.events.Event.COMPLETE
- */
- [Event(name="complete", type="flash.events.Event")]
- /**
- * Dispatched after PanoSalado finishes changing view properties as a result of API calls: loadPanorama,
- * renderAt, swingTo, swingToChild, startInertialSwing/stopInertialSwing.
- * With
- *
- * @eventType com.panosalado.events.CameraEvent.INACTIVE
- */
- [Event(name="inactive", type="com.panosalado.events.CameraEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched before PanoSalado begins to change view properties as a result of API calls: loadPanorama,
- * renderAt, swingTo, swingToChild, startInertialSwing/stopInertialSwing.
- *
- * @eventType com.panosalado.events.CameraEvent.ACTIVE
- */
- [Event(name="active", type="com.panosalado.events.CameraEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched after a swingTo is complete
- *
- * @eventType com.panosalado.events.PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE
- */
- [Event(name="swingToComplete", type="com.panosalado.events.PanoSaladoEvent")]
- /**
- * Dispatched after a swingToChild is complete
- *
- * @eventType com.panosalado.events.PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE
- */
- [Event(name="swingToChildComplete", type="com.panosalado.events.PanoSaladoEvent")]
- /**
- * Displays panoramic images. Implements the Model, View, Controller paradigm.
- * The Model is the ViewData superclass, which extends Sprite. (This is done so that view data properties are
- * directly gettable / settable on an instance of PanoSalado.
- * The View is this class, along with a helper class like Panorama, which renders the panorama.
- * In the case of Panorama, the panorama is rendered as a vector to a Graphics object.
- * However, other renders could be implemented.
- * The Controllers are all optional and are passed in an array into the initialize() function.
- * Finally, this class contains a variety of public methods for modifying the ViewData model class to aid
- * in implementing "usual suspect" type functionality: loadPanorama(), renderAt(), swingTo(),
- * swingToChild(), startInertialSwing(), stopInertialSwing(), etc. The functionalities of all of these convenience
- * methods can also be had through direct manipulation of the ViewData properties.
- */
- public class PanoSalado extends ViewData implements ICamera{
- protected var _dependencyRelay :DependencyRelay;
- protected var _stageReference :StageReference;
- protected var _params :Object;
- protected var _background :Sprite;
- protected var _canvas :Sprite;
- protected var _canvasInternal :Sprite;
- protected var _children :Sprite;
- protected var _managedChildren :Sprite;
- protected var _renderFunction :Function;
- public function PanoSalado() {
- trace("PanoSalado2");
- _dependencyRelay = new DependencyRelay(false);
- _stageReference = new StageReference(true);
- _params = {};
- _background = new Sprite();
- _canvas = new Sprite();
- _canvasInternal = new Sprite();
- _children = new Sprite();
- _managedChildren = new Sprite();
- //_canvas.blendMode = BlendMode.LAYER; COREMOD: shows overlapping tiles when loading panorama but makes viewing much more fluent
- //_managedChildren.visible = false;
- $addChild(_background); //this one first so it is underneath
- $addChild(_canvas);
- _canvas.addChild(_canvasInternal);
- _canvasInternal.addChild(_managedChildren);
- $addChild(_children); // this one on top. for unmanaged children. buttons, etc.
- _dependencyRelay.addDependency(this, Characteristics.VIEW_DATA);
- //_dependencyRelay.addCallback(processDependency);
- _dependencyRelay.addCallback(_stageReference.processDependency);
- _dependencyRelay.addCallback(TilePyramid.processDependency);
- addEventListener(ViewEvent.NULL_PATH, clearGraphics, false, 0, true);
- }
- /**
- * @param reference Object
- * @param characteristics *
- */
- public function processDependency(reference:Object, characteristics:*):void{} // to satisfy ICamera
- /**
- * PanoSalado accepts an Array of Objects as dependencies for itself and for the other dependencies in the list.
- * This offers a means for any instance of a class passed in to the array to store a reference to any other
- * instance of a class passed in to the array. PanoSalado uses flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName()
- * on each dependency to create the characteristics object which provides an auxiliary means for the dependency
- * to identify itself to other dependencies looking for it. (This is in addition to the actual reference to the
- * dependency). Each dependency will be checked for a "processDependency" function, and if found the function will
- * be invoked with each dependency in the order of the dependencies Array.
- * @param dependencies Array of Objects
- * @see processDependency
- */
- public function initialize(dependencies:Array):void {
- for each (var dependency:* in dependencies) {
- if (dependency.hasOwnProperty("processDependency")) _dependencyRelay.addCallback(dependency.processDependency);
- _dependencyRelay.addDependency(dependency, flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName(dependency));
- if (dependency.hasOwnProperty("stageReference")) _stageReference.addNotification(dependency);
- }
- }
- public function get renderFunction():Function { return _renderFunction; }
- public function set renderFunction(value:Function):void {
- if (_renderFunction === value) return;
- _renderFunction = value;
- if (value != null)
- addEventListener(Event.RENDER, render, false, 0, true);
- else
- removeEventListener(Event.RENDER, render, false);
- }
- /**
- * Lowest Sprite
- */
- public function get background():Sprite { return _background; }
- /**
- * The Sprite whose x,y values can be used to move the primary panorama. Also the Sprite on which the BlendMode is set to LAYER.
- */
- public function get canvas():Sprite { return _canvas; }
- /**
- * The Sprite whose graphics object is used to draw the primary panorama. It's x,y is always at half the panorama's width, height.
- */
- public function get canvasInternal():Sprite { return _canvasInternal; }
- /**
- * The Sprite which is the container for all ManagedChild extending children of the primary panorama (hotspots usually).
- * When a child is added to PanoSalado, its class is checked for ManagedChild and if true, it will be added to this
- * Sprite and managed as part of the current panorama.
- */
- public function get managedChildren():Sprite { return _managedChildren; }
- /**
- * The Sprite which is the container for all children which do NOT extend ManagedChild.
- */
- public function get children():Sprite { return _children; };
- /**
- * function that draws the panorama. Normally it is not necessary to call this function at all; normally the function
- * is called to handle a RENDER event caused by setting a property on the ViewData instance with invalidates the stage.
- * However, this function can be called WITHOUT an event arg, and WITH a viewData arg in order to predict and start loading
- * images for the values in the viewData arg. Calling it with a null Event will not cause any drawing.
- * @param event Event non-null value will result in drawing using the superclass ViewData's properties
- * @param viewData ViewData non-null value will result in using this ViewData's properties
- */
- final public function render(event:Event = null, viewData:ViewData = null):void {
- if (viewData == null) viewData = this; //if other viewData was passed in, use it instead. useful for predicting future needed bitmaps.
- if (!viewData._tile ) return;
- if (viewData._tile && viewData.invalid) {
- _renderFunction(viewData, event ? _canvasInternal.graphics : null);
- if (viewData.invalidPerspective) {
- _managedChildren.transform.perspectiveProjection = viewData.perspectiveProjection;
- _canvasInternal.x = viewData._boundsWidth * 0.5;
- _canvasInternal.y = viewData._boundsHeight * 0.5;
- }
- viewData.invalid = viewData.invalidTransform = viewData.invalidPerspective = false;
- viewData.dispatchEvent(new ViewEvent(ViewEvent.RENDERED, event?_canvas:null));
- }
- updateChildren(viewData);
- }
- /**
- * Clears the graphics objects if path or secondaryPath are null.
- */
- protected function clearGraphics(e:Event):void {
- if (_path == null) _canvasInternal.graphics.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Updates the position of all managedChildren of PanoSalado
- * @see managedChildren
- */
- final protected function updateChildren(viewData:ViewData):void {
- for (var i:int = 0; i < _managedChildren.numChildren; i++) {
- var child:ManagedChild = _managedChildren.getChildAt(i) as ManagedChild;
- var matrix3D:Matrix3D = child._matrix3D;
- if (child.invalid) {
- matrix3D.recompose(child._decomposition);
- child.invalid = false;
- }
- matrix3D = matrix3D.clone();
- matrix3D.append(viewData.transformMatrix3D);
- matrix3D.appendTranslation(0, 0, -viewData.perspectiveProjection.focalLength);
- if (!child.flat) {
- child.transform.matrix3D = matrix3D;
- }else {
- var pos:Vector3D = matrix3D.decompose()[0];
- var t:Number = viewData.perspectiveProjection.focalLength / (viewData.perspectiveProjection.focalLength + pos.z);
- if (t > 0) {
- child.flatX = pos.x * t;
- child.flatY = pos.y * t;
- }else {
- child.flatX = 9999;
- child.flatY = 9999;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Loads a new panorama. This operation is asynchronous. The new panorama does not exist until PanoSalado
- * dispatches a COMPLETE event, at which time, all the properties of the Params arg will be copied the the
- * superclass ViewData. Any properties not specified in the Params object will be untouched. If you wish a panorama
- * to open with pan, tilt, fieldOfView of 0,0,120 create a Params object with those values, and all other values
- * will be inherited as they are. The only property of Params that must be set is the path.
- * @param Params
- */
- public function loadPanorama(params:Params):void {
- //if value is null then use the current value. i.e. new panorama inherits last panorama's values
- if (params == null || params.path == null) throw new Error("PanoSalado.loadPanorama() requires a non-null Params argument");
- var p:String = params.path;
- this.path = p;
- _params[p] = params;
- }
- //TODO: loadPanorama(params:Params,children:Vector.<DisplayObject>) and add children in commitPath AFTER PATH event.
- /**
- * Copies all the properties in the Params object received in loadPanorama to the current panorama.
- * @see loadPanorama
- */
- override protected function commitPath(e:ReadyEvent, updateFOV:Boolean = true):void {
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- var path:String = e.tilePyramid.path;
- var params:Params = _params[path];
- if (params == null) { //path was set directly, so go to super's behavior directly
- super.commitPath(e, true);
- return;
- }
- if (canvas != null && canvas.width > 0 && canvas.height > 0) { // COREMOD, entire section
- try{
- var bd:BitmapData = new BitmapData(canvas.width, canvas.height);
- bd.draw(canvas);
- var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bd);
- bmp.alpha = canvas.alpha;
- _background.addChild(bmp);
- }catch(e:Error){}
- }
- updateFOV = (params.minFov) ? true : false ;
- _params[path] = null;
- params.path = null;
- params.copyInto(this as ViewData);
- super.commitPath(e, updateFOV);
- dispatchEvent( new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.INACTIVE));
- }
- /**
- * Renders the panorama at the specified pan,tilt,fieldOfView. This is a convenience method for directly setting
- * pan,tilt,fieldOfView. Any of the values will be untouched if NaN is passed. It also dispatches CameraEvent.ACTIVE and CameraEvent.INACTIVE before and after the changes
- * to stop autorotation for the benefit of any listening objects (AutorotationCamera).
- * @param pan Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param tilt Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param fieldOfView Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- */
- public function renderAt(pan:Number = NaN, tilt:Number = NaN, fieldOfView:Number = NaN):void {
- if (isNaN(pan) && isNaN(tilt) && isNaN(fieldOfView)) return;
- //if value is null use the current value
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- if (!isNaN(pan)) this.pan = pan;
- if (!isNaN(tilt)) this.tilt = tilt;
- if (!isNaN(fieldOfView)) this.fieldOfView = fieldOfView;
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.INACTIVE));
- }
- /**
- * Swings the camera to the specified pan,tilt,fieldOfView with the specified speed, using the specified tween
- * function (with a standard Robert Penner tween function signature). NaN passed for pan, tilt, or fieldOfView will
- * not changed the current value. It also dispatches CameraEvent.ACTIVE and CameraEvent.INACTIVE before and after the changes
- * to stop autorotation for the benefit of any listening objects (AutorotationCamera).
- * @param pan Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param tilt Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param fieldOfView Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param speed Number (optional) defaults to 20
- * @param tween Function (optional) defaults to Linear.easeNone. Function must have signature: function name (t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number
- */
- public function swingTo(pan:Number = NaN, tilt:Number = NaN, fieldOfView:Number = NaN, speed:Number = 30, tween:Function = null):void {
- if (isNaN(pan) && isNaN(tilt) && isNaN(fieldOfView)) return;
- //if value is null then use current value
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- var animation:Animation;
- if (tween == null) tween = Linear.easeNone;
- var properties:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
- var values:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
- if (!isNaN(pan)) {
- if (_pan - pan > 180) pan += 360;
- else if (_pan - pan < -180) pan -= 360;
- properties.push("pan");
- values.push(pan);
- }else {
- pan = 0;
- }
- if (!isNaN(tilt)) {
- properties.push("tilt");
- values.push(tilt);
- }else {
- tilt = 0;
- }
- if (!isNaN(fieldOfView)) {
- properties.push("fieldOfView");
- values.push(fieldOfView);
- }
- var time:Number = (Math.acos((Math.sin(_tilt * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(tilt * Math.PI / 180))
- + (Math.cos(_tilt*Math.PI/180) * Math.cos(tilt*Math.PI/180) * Math.cos((Math.abs(_pan - pan))*Math.PI/180)))*(180/Math.PI)) / speed;
- animation = new Animation(this,properties,values,time,tween);
- animation.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swingToComplete, false, 0, true);
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- protected function swingToComplete(e:Event):void {
- dispatchEvent(new PanoSaladoEvent(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_COMPLETE));
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.INACTIVE));
- }
- /**
- * Swings the camera to the specified ManagedChild, fieldOfView, with the specified speed, using the
- * specified tween function (standard Robert Penner style signature). This function dispatches
- * CameraEvent.ACTIVE and CameraEvent.INACTIVE before the motion starts and after it ceases, respectively.
- * @param child ManagedChild
- * @param fieldOfView Number (optional) pass NaN to use the current value
- * @param speed Number (optional) defaults to 20
- * @param tween Function (optional) defaults to Linear.easeNone. Function must have signature: function name (t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number):Number
- */
- public function swingToChild(child:ManagedChild, fieldOfView:Number = NaN, speed:Number = 30, tween:Function = null):void {
- if (child == null) return;
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- if (tween == null) tween = Linear.easeNone;
- var childPan:Number = Math.atan2(child.x, child.z) * 180 / Math.PI;
- var childTilt:Number = -Math.atan2(child.y, Math.sqrt(child.x * child.x + child.z * child.z)) * 180 / Math.PI;
- if (_pan - childPan > 180) childPan += 360;
- else if (_pan - childPan < -180) childPan -= 360;
- var animation:Animation;
- var properties:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>();
- var values:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
- properties.push("pan","tilt");
- values.push(childPan, childTilt);
- if (!isNaN(fieldOfView)) {
- properties.push("fieldOfView");
- values.push(fieldOfView);
- }
- var time:Number = (Math.acos((Math.sin(_tilt * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(childTilt * Math.PI / 180))
- + (Math.cos(_tilt*Math.PI/180) * Math.cos(childTilt*Math.PI/180) * Math.cos((Math.abs(_pan - childPan))*Math.PI/180)))*(180/Math.PI)) / speed;
- animation = new Animation(this, properties, values, time, tween);
- animation.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swingToChildComplete, false, 0, true);
- }
- protected function swingToChildComplete(e:Event):void {
- dispatchEvent(new PanoSaladoEvent(PanoSaladoEvent.SWING_TO_CHILD_COMPLETE));
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.INACTIVE));
- }
- protected var _now:int;
- protected var _deltaPan:Number;
- protected var _deltaTilt:Number;
- protected var _panSpeed:Number;
- protected var _tiltSpeed:Number;
- protected var _sensitivity:Number;
- protected var _friction:Number;
- protected var _threshold:Number;
- /**
- * Starts inertial motion (like the InertialMouseCamera) with the specified panSpeed, tiltSpeed using
- * the specified sensitivity, friction, and threshold. For a panning motion (horizontal) pass a positive or negative non-zero
- * (positive = right) panSpeed value. For tilt, pass a non-zero tiltSpeed value (positive = up). Calling stopInertialSwing()
- * will zero out panSpeed and tiltSpeed, and slow the motion to a stop once the delta motion is under the threshold value.
- * Subsequent calls to this function, but prior to calling stopInertialSwing() will modified the values but continue the motion.
- * Calling stopInertialSwing() is identical in function to calling startInertialSwing(0,0). This function dispatches
- * CameraEvent.ACTIVE and CameraEvent.INACTIVE before the motion starts and after it ceases, respectively.
- * @param panSpeed Number (< 0 = left; > 0 right) the larger the absolute value, the faster the motion
- * @param tiltSpeed Number (< 0 = down; > 0 up) the larger the absolute value, the faster the motion
- * @param sensitivity Number (optional) defaults to 0.0003
- * @param friction Number (optional) defaults to 0.3
- * @param threshold Number (optional) defaults to 0.0001
- */
- public function startInertialSwing(panSpeed:Number,tiltSpeed:Number,sensitivity:Number = 0.0003,friction:Number = 0.3,threshold:Number = 0.0001):void {
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- _now = (isNaN(_now) || _now == 0) ? flash.utils.getTimer() : _now;
- _deltaPan = isNaN(_deltaPan) ? 0 : _deltaPan;
- _deltaTilt = isNaN(_deltaTilt) ? 0 : _deltaTilt;
- _panSpeed = panSpeed;
- _tiltSpeed = tiltSpeed;
- _sensitivity = sensitivity;
- _friction = friction;
- _threshold = threshold;
- addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, inertialSwingEnterFrameHandler, false, 0, true);
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.ACTIVE));
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- protected function inertialSwingEnterFrameHandler(e:Event):void {
- var now:int = flash.utils.getTimer();
- var elapsedTime:int = now - _now;
- _now = now;
- _deltaPan -= _panSpeed * elapsedTime * _sensitivity;
- _deltaTilt -= _tiltSpeed * elapsedTime * _sensitivity;
- if ((_deltaPan * _deltaPan + _deltaTilt * _deltaTilt) > _threshold){
- // always apply friction so that motion slows
- var inverseFriction:Number = 1 - _friction;
- _deltaPan *= inverseFriction;
- _deltaTilt *= inverseFriction;
- pan += _deltaPan;
- tilt -= _deltaTilt;
- if (_tilt < - 90) tilt -= (_tilt + 90) * _friction * 2;
- else if ( _tilt > 90 ) tilt -= (_tilt - 90) * _friction * 2;
- }else { // motion is under threshold
- _now = NaN;
- _deltaPan = NaN;
- _deltaTilt = NaN;
- _panSpeed = NaN;
- _tiltSpeed = NaN;
- _sensitivity = NaN;
- _friction = NaN;
- _threshold = NaN;
- removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, inertialSwingEnterFrameHandler);
- dispatchEvent(new CameraEvent(CameraEvent.INACTIVE));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Stops the inertial motion caused by a call to startInertialSwing(). This is identical to calling
- * startInertialSwing(0,0). Motion does not cease immediately; it slows until it is under the threshold
- * specified in startInertialSwing().
- */
- public function stopInertialSwing():void {
- _panSpeed = 0;
- _tiltSpeed = 0;
- }
- override public function addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject {
- if (child is IManagedChild) managedChildren.addChild(child)
- else children.addChild(child);
- return child;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function $addChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject { //not recommended to use this publicly
- return super.addChild(child);
- }
- override public function addChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject {
- if (child is IManagedChild) managedChildren.addChildAt(child, index)
- else children.addChildAt(child, index);
- return child;
- }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function $addChildAt(child:DisplayObject, index:int):DisplayObject { //not recommended to use this publicly
- return super.addChildAt(child, index);
- }
- override public function contains(child:DisplayObject):Boolean {
- var ret:Boolean;
- if (child is IManagedChild) ret = managedChildren.contains(child)
- else ret = children.contains(child);
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Allows access to getChildAt() to get a managed or normal child depending on the managed switch
- * @param index int
- * @param managed Boolean
- */
- public function _getChildAt(index:int, managed:Boolean):DisplayObject {
- var ret:DisplayObject;
- if (managed) ret = managedChildren.getChildAt(index)
- else ret = children.getChildAt(index);
- return ret;
- }
- /**
- * Allows access to getChildByName() to get a managed or normal child depending on the managed switch
- * @param name String
- * @param managed Boolean
- */
- public function _getChildByName(name:String, managed:Boolean):DisplayObject {
- var ret:DisplayObject;
- if (managed) ret = managedChildren.getChildByName(name)
- else ret = children.getChildByName(name);
- return ret;
- }
- override public function getChildIndex(child:DisplayObject):int {
- var ret:int;
- if (child is IManagedChild) ret = managedChildren.getChildIndex(child)
- else ret = children.getChildIndex(child);
- return ret;
- }
- override public function removeChild(child:DisplayObject):DisplayObject {
- if (child is IManagedChild) managedChildren.removeChild(child)
- else children.removeChild(child);
- return child;
- }
- /**
- * Allows access to removeChildAt() for a managed or normal child depending on the managed switch
- * @param index int
- * @param managed Boolean
- */
- public function _removeChildAt(index:int, managed:Boolean):DisplayObject {
- var ret:DisplayObject;
- if (managed) ret = managedChildren.removeChildAt(index)
- else ret = children.removeChildAt(index);
- return ret;
- }
- override public function setChildIndex(child:DisplayObject, index:int):void {
- if (child is IManagedChild) managedChildren.setChildIndex(child, index)
- else children.setChildIndex(child, index);
- }
- override public function swapChildren(child1:DisplayObject, child2:DisplayObject):void {
- if (child1 is IManagedChild && child2 is IManagedChild) managedChildren.swapChildren(child1, child2)
- else children.swapChildren(child1, child2);
- }
- /**
- * Allows access to swapChildrenAt() for managed or normal children depending on the managed switch
- * @param index1 int
- * @param index2 int
- * @param managed Boolean
- */
- public function _swapChildrenAt(index1:int, index2:int, managed:Boolean):void {
- if (managed) managedChildren.swapChildrenAt(index1, index2)
- else children.swapChildrenAt(index1, index2);
- }
- override public function get numChildren():int {
- return managedChildren.numChildren + children.numChildren;
- }
- }
- }