ActionScript | 1055 lines | 784 code | 99 blank | 172 comment | 136 complexity | 323849475a821f43f2f6a37c34ca2adc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-3.0
- /*
- Copyright 2010 Zephyr Renner.
- This file is part of PanoSalado.
- PanoSalado is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- PanoSalado is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with PanoSalado. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.panosalado.view
- {
- //import performance.profiler.*;
- import com.panosalado.model.QuadTreeCube;
- //import com.panosalado.controller.ICamera;
- //import com.panosalado.controller.IResizer;
- import com.panosalado.model.Characteristics;
- import com.panosalado.model.Tile;
- import com.panosalado.model.TilePyramid;
- import com.panosalado.model.Capicua;
- import com.panosalado.model.ViewData;
- //import com.panosalado.events.ReadyEvent;
- //import com.panosalado.events.ViewEvent;
- import com.panosalado.loading.LoadingStatistics;
- import com.panosalado.loading.TileLoader;
- import com.panosalado.loading.IOErrorEventHandler;
- import com.panosalado.core.PanoSalado;
- import flash.display.BlendMode;
- import flash.display.Bitmap;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Graphics;
- import flash.display.GraphicsBitmapFill;
- import flash.display.IGraphicsData;
- import flash.display.Loader;
- import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.geom.Utils3D;
- import flash.geom.Vector3D;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- import flash.text.TextSnapshot;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import flash.utils.getTimer;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.GraphicsStroke;
- import flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill;
- //import performance.profiler.*;
- final public class Panorama
- {
- protected var _graphicsData:Vector.<IGraphicsData>;
- protected var _tiltAroundAxis:Vector3D;
- protected var _displayingTile:Tile;
- protected var _panRawData:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _tiltRawData:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _transformRawData:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _tempClippedVertices:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _tempClippedUvtData:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _tempPoint:Vector3D;
- protected var _referenceTransformedVertices:Vector.<Number>;
- protected var _capicua:Capicua;
- protected var _loadingStatistics:LoadingStatistics;
- public var dispatchEvents:Boolean;
- private var __loaders:Vector.<TileLoader> = new Vector.<TileLoader>();
- private var __urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest();
- private var __toRadians:Number = Math.PI / 180;
- private var __toDegrees:Number = 180 / Math.PI;
- private var __pi1_2:Number = Math.PI / 2;
- private static const INSIDE:uint = 0;
- private static const OUTSIDE:uint = 1;
- private static const OUT_IN:uint = 2;
- private static const IN_OUT:uint = 3;
- private static var __instance:Panorama;
- public function Panorama() {
- if (__instance != null) throw new Error("Panorama is a singleton class; please access the single instance with Panorama.instance.");
- _graphicsData = new Vector.<IGraphicsData>();
- _tiltAroundAxis = new Vector3D(0,0,0);
- _panRawData = new Vector.<Number>(16,true);
- _tiltRawData = new Vector.<Number>(16,true);
- _transformRawData = new Vector.<Number>(16,true);
- _tempClippedVertices = new Vector.<Number>();
- _tempClippedUvtData = new Vector.<Number>();
- _tempPoint = new Vector3D();
- _referenceTransformedVertices = new Vector.<Number>();
- _capicua = new Capicua();
- _loadingStatistics = LoadingStatistics.instance;
- dispatchEvents = true;
- }
- public static function get instance():Panorama {
- if (__instance == null) __instance = new Panorama();
- return __instance;
- }
- public function processDependency(reference:Object,characteristics:*):void {
- if (characteristics == Characteristics.VIEW_DATA) {
- if (reference.hasOwnProperty("renderFunction"))
- (reference as PanoSalado).renderFunction = render;
- }
- }
- final public function render( viewData:ViewData, targetGraphics:Graphics = null):Boolean
- {
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.beginProfiling();
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.begin("render");
- //viewData vars. fetch them once since they are getter functions
- var pan:Number = -viewData._pan;
- var tilt:Number = viewData._tilt;
- var fieldOfView:Number = viewData._fieldOfView;
- var boundsWidth:Number = viewData._boundsWidth;
- var boundsHeight:Number = viewData._boundsHeight;
- var tierThreshold:Number = viewData._tierThreshold;
- var perspective:Matrix3D = viewData.perspectiveMatrix3D;
- var transform:Matrix3D = viewData.transformMatrix3D;
- var perspectiveProjection:PerspectiveProjection = viewData.perspectiveProjection;
- var frustumLeft:Vector3D = viewData.frustumLeft;
- var frustumRight:Vector3D = viewData.frustumRight;
- var frustumTop:Vector3D = viewData.frustumTop;
- var frustumBottom:Vector3D = viewData.frustumBottom;
- var pixelsPerDegree:Number = viewData.pixelsPerDegree;
- var tile:Tile = viewData._tile as Tile;
- var rootTile:QuadTreeCube = viewData._tile as QuadTreeCube;
- var displayingTile:Tile = rootTile.displayingTile;
- //variables used across blocks. no need to have multiple vars for the same functions in different blocks.
- var referenceUvtData:Vector.<Number>;
- var workingUvtData:Vector.<Number>;
- var workingIndices:Vector.<int>;
- var i:int;
- var len:int;
- var transformedVertices:Vector.<Number>;
- var referenceTransformedVertices:Vector.<Number>;
- /* clear list of displaying tiles, IF being called with a render event (result of Stage.invalidate() */
- if (targetGraphics)
- { //function is being called as a result of Stage.invalidate();
- // loop linked list of displaying tiles setting displaying to false.
- while (displayingTile != null){
- var nextDisplayingTile:Tile = displayingTile.nextDisplayingTile;
- displayingTile.displaying = false;
- displayingTile.nextDisplayingTile = null;
- displayingTile = nextDisplayingTile;
- }
- _graphicsData.length = 0;
- var graphicsDataIndex:int = 0;
- }
- /* update transform matrix because pan or tilt is invalid. API standard functions have been inlined */
- if (viewData.invalidTransform){
- var panRadians:Number = pan * __toRadians;
- var panPlus90Radians:Number = panRadians + __pi1_2;
- _tiltAroundAxis.x = Math.sin( -panPlus90Radians );
- _tiltAroundAxis.z = Math.cos( -panPlus90Radians );
- var vTilt:Vector.<Number>,
- vPan:Vector.<Number>,
- vTransform:Vector.<Number>,
- sinW2:Number,
- x:Number,
- y:Number,
- z:Number,
- w:Number,
- tiltRadians:Number;
- tiltRadians = tilt * __toRadians;
- /* inlined: tilt.rawData = prependRotation( _tiltAroundAxis, viewData._tilt * __toRadians );
- nota bene: Matrix3D.prependRotation is relative, while prependRotation is ABSOLUTE, which is important
- because we know that this function can be called multiple times in a frame to predict and load future needed tiles.
- */
- vTilt=_tiltRawData;
- sinW2 = Math.sin(tiltRadians*0.5);
- x = _tiltAroundAxis.x * sinW2;
- y = _tiltAroundAxis.y * sinW2;
- z = _tiltAroundAxis.z * sinW2;
- w = Math.cos(tiltRadians*0.5);
- vTilt[0] = (1-2*y*y-2*z*z);
- vTilt[1] = (2*x*y+2*w*z);
- vTilt[2] = (2*x*z-2*w*y);
- vTilt[3]=0;
- vTilt[4] = (2*x*y-2*w*z);
- vTilt[5] = (1-2*x*x-2*z*z);
- vTilt[6] = (2*y*z+2*w*x);
- vTilt[7]=0;
- vTilt[8] = (2*x*z+2*w*y);
- vTilt[9] = (2*y*z-2*w*x);
- vTilt[10] = (1-2*x*x-2*y*y);
- vTilt[11]=0;
- vTilt[12]=0; //translation X
- vTilt[13]=0; //translation Y
- vTilt[14]=0; //translation Z
- vTilt[15]=1;
- //inlined pan.rawData = prependRotation( Vector3D.Y_AXIS, viewData._pan * __toRadians ); see above note
- vPan=_panRawData;
- sinW2 = Math.sin(panRadians*0.5);
- x = 0;
- y = sinW2;
- z = 0;
- w = Math.cos(panRadians*0.5);
- vPan[0] = (1-2*y*y-2*z*z);
- vPan[1] = (2*x*y+2*w*z);
- vPan[2] = (2*x*z-2*w*y);
- vPan[3]=0;
- vPan[4] = (2*x*y-2*w*z);
- vPan[5] = (1-2*x*x-2*z*z);
- vPan[6] = (2*y*z+2*w*x);
- vPan[7]=0;
- vPan[8] = (2*x*z+2*w*y);
- vPan[9] = (2*y*z-2*w*x);
- vPan[10] = (1-2*x*x-2*y*y);
- vPan[11]=0;
- vPan[12]=0; //translation X
- vPan[13]=0; //translation Y
- vPan[14]=0; //translation Z
- vPan[15]=1;
- //pan = matrix3DMultiply(tilt, pan);
- vTransform = _transformRawData;
- vTransform[0] = vTilt[0] * vPan[0] + vTilt[1] * vPan[4] + vTilt[2] * vPan[8];
- vTransform[1] = vTilt[0] * vPan[1] + vTilt[1] * vPan[5] + vTilt[2] * vPan[9];
- vTransform[2] = vTilt[0] * vPan[2] + vTilt[1] * vPan[6] + vTilt[2] * vPan[10];
- vTransform[3] = vTilt[0] * vPan[3] + vTilt[1] * vPan[7] + vTilt[2] * vPan[11] + vTilt[3];
- vTransform[4] = vTilt[4] * vPan[0] + vTilt[5] * vPan[4] + vTilt[6] * vPan[8];
- vTransform[5] = vTilt[4] * vPan[1] + vTilt[5] * vPan[5] + vTilt[6] * vPan[9];
- vTransform[6] = vTilt[4] * vPan[2] + vTilt[5] * vPan[6] + vTilt[6] * vPan[10];
- vTransform[7] = vTilt[4] * vPan[3] + vTilt[5] * vPan[7] + vTilt[6] * vPan[11] + vTilt[7];
- vTransform[8] = vTilt[8] * vPan[0] + vTilt[9] * vPan[4] + vTilt[10] * vPan[8];
- vTransform[9] = vTilt[8] * vPan[1] + vTilt[9] * vPan[5] + vTilt[10] * vPan[9];
- vTransform[10] = vTilt[8] * vPan[2] + vTilt[9] * vPan[6] + vTilt[10] * vPan[10];
- vTransform[11] = vTilt[8] * vPan[3] + vTilt[9] * vPan[7] + vTilt[10] * vPan[11] + vTilt[11];
- vTransform[12] = 0
- vTransform[13] = 0
- vTransform[14] = 0
- vTransform[15] = 1
- transform.rawData = vTransform;
- }
- /* field of view or view bounds have changed and need to update frustum, as well as pixels per degree of the view area. */
- if (viewData.invalidPerspective
- ){
- //TODO: modify this to use the projectionCenter.
- var hFOV1_2:Number = fieldOfView * 0.5 * __toRadians;
- var boundsDiagonal:Number = Math.sqrt(boundsWidth * boundsWidth + boundsHeight * boundsHeight);
- var adjacent:Number = (boundsWidth * 0.5) / Math.tan( hFOV1_2 );
- var vFOV1_2:Number = Math.atan( (boundsHeight * 0.5) / adjacent );
- var dFOV:Number = Math.atan( (boundsDiagonal * 0.5) / adjacent ) * 2 * __toDegrees;
- pixelsPerDegree = viewData.pixelsPerDegree = (boundsDiagonal / dFOV) / tierThreshold;
- //init frustum
- var sinH:Number = Math.sin( hFOV1_2 );
- var cosH:Number = Math.cos( hFOV1_2 );
- var sinV:Number = Math.sin( vFOV1_2 );
- var cosV:Number = Math.cos( vFOV1_2 );
- //frustum planes are stored as normal (x,y,z) and distance from origin (w)
- // x y z w
- frustumLeft.x = cosH; /*0*/ frustumLeft.z = sinH; /*0*/ //left plane
- frustumRight.x = -cosH; /*0*/ frustumRight.z = sinH; /*0*/ //right plane
- /*0*/ frustumTop.y = cosV; frustumTop.z = sinV; /*0*/ //top plane
- /*0*/ frustumBottom.y = -cosV; frustumBottom.z = sinV; /*0*/ //bottom plane
- perspectiveProjection.focalLength = isNaN(adjacent) ? 0.000001 : adjacent; // COREMOD
- perspective = viewData.perspectiveMatrix3D = perspectiveProjection.toMatrix3D(); // NB: toMatrix3D returns a NEW object so must copy it back to _perspective too.
- /* Flash bug: with stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_RESIZE setting
- perspectiveProjection.fieldOfView does not update focalLength, BUT setting focalLength
- does update fieldOfView. One workaround is to scale the resulting matrix from
- perspectiveProjection.toMatrix3D(), but the projection then will not correctly project
- native DisplayObjects. Setting perspectiveProjection.focalLength solves the problem.
- _projection.fieldOfView = fieldOfView;
- perspective = _perspective = _projection.toMatrix3D();
- // scale / 1 = boundsWidth / 500 NB: 500 is the default stage width
- var scale:Number = boundsWidth/500;
- perspective.appendScale( scale, scale, scale );
- */
- }
- // determine which tiles to render (loop through quadtree)
- var capicua:Capicua = _capicua;
- // re-initialize capicua
- capicua.cap = tile;
- capicua.cua = null;
- selectTiles: while(tile = capicua.cap)
- {
- capicua.cap = capicua.cap.next;
- //Profiler.instance.begin("clip");
- clipVerticesBlock: {
- transformedVertices = tile.transformedVertices;
- transformedVertices.length = 0;
- transform.transformVectors(tile.vertices, // in
- transformedVertices); // out
- //unclipped vertices will be needed for generating preview uvtData, so store them here.
- if (!tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData) {
- referenceTransformedVertices = _referenceTransformedVertices
- len = transformedVertices.length;
- referenceTransformedVertices.length = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++){ referenceTransformedVertices[i] = transformedVertices[i]; }
- }
- var tileInView:Boolean = true;
- referenceUvtData = (tile.previewUvtData.length == 0) ? tile.uvtData : tile.previewUvtData;
- workingUvtData = tile.clippedUvtData;
- workingIndices = tile.clippedIndices;
- // copy referenceUvtData
- len = referenceUvtData.length;
- workingUvtData.length = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++){ workingUvtData[i] = referenceUvtData[i] }
- //clip to each of the "side" planes, if there are no output transformedVertices, tile is out
- var dist1:Number;
- var vertexIndex:int;
- var uvtIndex:int;
- var pt0X:Number;
- var pt0Y:Number;
- var pt0Z:Number;
- var uv0U:Number;
- var uv0V:Number;
- var ii:int;
- var pt1X:Number;
- var pt1Y:Number;
- var pt1Z:Number;
- var uv1U:Number;
- var uv1V:Number;
- var dist2:Number;
- var d:Number;
- var status:uint;
- //clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumTop );
- clipToFrustumTop: {
- dist1 = transformedVertices[0] * frustumTop.x + transformedVertices[1] * frustumTop.y + transformedVertices[2] * frustumTop.z;
- vertexIndex = 0;
- uvtIndex = 0;
- _tempClippedVertices.length = 0;
- _tempClippedUvtData.length = 0;
- len = int(transformedVertices.length / 3);
- i = 0;
- clipLoopTop: while(i < len)
- {
- pt0X = transformedVertices[int(i*3)];
- pt0Y = transformedVertices[int(i*3+1)];
- pt0Z = transformedVertices[int(i*3+2)];
- uv0U = workingUvtData[int(i*3)];
- uv0V = workingUvtData[int(i*3+1)];
- ii = (i+1 < len) ? i+1 : 0;
- pt1X = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3)];
- pt1Y = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+1)];
- pt1Z = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+2)];
- uv1U = workingUvtData[int(ii*3)];
- uv1V = workingUvtData[int(ii*3+1)];
- dist2 = pt1X * frustumTop.x + pt1Y * frustumTop.y + pt1Z * frustumTop.z;
- d = dist1 / (dist1-dist2);
- if (isNaN(d)) d = 1; // !important, above can give divide by 0 errors.
- if( dist1 < 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = OUTSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 > 0 ) status = INSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = IN_OUT;
- else status = OUT_IN;
- switch( status )
- {
- case INSIDE:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case IN_OUT:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_IN:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- dist1 = dist2;
- i++;
- }
- transformedVertices.length = workingUvtData.length = 0;
- len = _tempClippedVertices.length;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) transformedVertices[i] = _tempClippedVertices[i];
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) workingUvtData[i] = _tempClippedUvtData[i];
- }
- if (transformedVertices.length == 0) {
- tileInView = false; break clipVerticesBlock;
- }
- //clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumRight );
- clipToFrustumRight: {
- dist1 = transformedVertices[0] * frustumRight.x + transformedVertices[1] * frustumRight.y + transformedVertices[2] * frustumRight.z;
- vertexIndex = 0;
- uvtIndex = 0;
- _tempClippedVertices.length = 0;
- _tempClippedUvtData.length = 0;
- len = int(transformedVertices.length / 3);
- i = 0;
- clipLoopRight: while(i < len)
- {
- pt0X = transformedVertices[int(i*3)];
- pt0Y = transformedVertices[int(i*3+1)];
- pt0Z = transformedVertices[int(i*3+2)];
- uv0U = workingUvtData[int(i*3)];
- uv0V = workingUvtData[int(i*3+1)];
- ii = (i+1 < len) ? i+1 : 0;
- pt1X = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3)];
- pt1Y = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+1)];
- pt1Z = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+2)];
- uv1U = workingUvtData[int(ii*3)];
- uv1V = workingUvtData[int(ii*3+1)];
- dist2 = pt1X * frustumRight.x + pt1Y * frustumRight.y + pt1Z * frustumRight.z;
- d = dist1 / (dist1-dist2);
- if (isNaN(d)) d = 1; // !important, above can give divide by 0 errors.
- if( dist1 < 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = OUTSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 > 0 ) status = INSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = IN_OUT;
- else status = OUT_IN;
- switch( status )
- {
- case INSIDE:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case IN_OUT:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_IN:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- dist1 = dist2;
- i++;
- }
- transformedVertices.length = workingUvtData.length = 0;
- len = _tempClippedVertices.length;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) transformedVertices[i] = _tempClippedVertices[i];
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) workingUvtData[i] = _tempClippedUvtData[i];
- }
- if (transformedVertices.length == 0) {
- tileInView = false; break clipVerticesBlock;
- }
- //clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumBottom);
- clipToFrustumBottom: {
- dist1 = transformedVertices[0] * frustumBottom.x + transformedVertices[1] * frustumBottom.y + transformedVertices[2] * frustumBottom.z;
- vertexIndex = 0;
- uvtIndex = 0;
- _tempClippedVertices.length = 0;
- _tempClippedUvtData.length = 0;
- len = int(transformedVertices.length / 3);
- i = 0;
- clipLoopBottom: while(i < len)
- {
- pt0X = transformedVertices[int(i*3)];
- pt0Y = transformedVertices[int(i*3+1)];
- pt0Z = transformedVertices[int(i*3+2)];
- uv0U = workingUvtData[int(i*3)];
- uv0V = workingUvtData[int(i*3+1)];
- ii = (i+1 < len) ? i+1 : 0;
- pt1X = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3)];
- pt1Y = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+1)];
- pt1Z = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+2)];
- uv1U = workingUvtData[int(ii*3)];
- uv1V = workingUvtData[int(ii*3+1)];
- dist2 = pt1X * frustumBottom.x + pt1Y * frustumBottom.y + pt1Z * frustumBottom.z;
- d = dist1 / (dist1-dist2);
- if (isNaN(d)) d = 1; // !important, above can give divide by 0 errors.
- if( dist1 < 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = OUTSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 > 0 ) status = INSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = IN_OUT;
- else status = OUT_IN;
- switch( status )
- {
- case INSIDE:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case IN_OUT:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_IN:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- dist1 = dist2;
- i++;
- }
- transformedVertices.length = workingUvtData.length = 0;
- len = _tempClippedVertices.length;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) transformedVertices[i] = _tempClippedVertices[i];
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) workingUvtData[i] = _tempClippedUvtData[i];
- }
- if (transformedVertices.length == 0) {
- tileInView = false; break clipVerticesBlock;
- }
- //clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumLeft);
- clipToFrustumLeft: {
- dist1 = transformedVertices[0] * frustumLeft.x + transformedVertices[1] * frustumLeft.y + transformedVertices[2] * frustumLeft.z;
- vertexIndex = 0;
- uvtIndex = 0;
- _tempClippedVertices.length = 0;
- _tempClippedUvtData.length = 0;
- len = int(transformedVertices.length / 3);
- i = 0;
- clipLoopLeft: while(i < len)
- {
- pt0X = transformedVertices[int(i*3)];
- pt0Y = transformedVertices[int(i*3+1)];
- pt0Z = transformedVertices[int(i*3+2)];
- uv0U = workingUvtData[int(i*3)];
- uv0V = workingUvtData[int(i*3+1)];
- ii = (i+1 < len) ? i+1 : 0;
- pt1X = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3)];
- pt1Y = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+1)];
- pt1Z = transformedVertices[int((ii)*3+2)];
- uv1U = workingUvtData[int(ii*3)];
- uv1V = workingUvtData[int(ii*3+1)];
- dist2 = pt1X * frustumLeft.x + pt1Y * frustumLeft.y + pt1Z * frustumLeft.z;
- d = dist1 / (dist1-dist2);
- if (isNaN(d)) d = 1; // !important, above can give divide by 0 errors.
- if( dist1 < 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = OUTSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 > 0 ) status = INSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0 ) status = IN_OUT;
- else status = OUT_IN;
- switch( status )
- {
- case INSIDE:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case IN_OUT:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_IN:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- dist1 = dist2;
- i++;
- }
- transformedVertices.length = workingUvtData.length = 0;
- len = _tempClippedVertices.length;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) transformedVertices[i] = _tempClippedVertices[i];
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) workingUvtData[i] = _tempClippedUvtData[i];
- }
- if (transformedVertices.length == 0) {
- tileInView = false; break clipVerticesBlock;
- }
- /* write new indices: e.g. triangle FAB, FBC, FCD, FDE where BC and DE have been clipped to frustum.
- A _______ B
- | \
- | \ C
- | |
- |________/ D
- F E
- */
- tile.clippedIndices.length = 0;
- var currIndex_cvb:int = 1;
- len = int((transformedVertices.length / 3 - 2) * 3);
- for (i = 0; i < len; i+=3) {
- workingIndices[i] = 0;
- workingIndices[int(i+1)] = currIndex_cvb++;
- workingIndices[int(i+2)] = currIndex_cvb;
- }
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.indices = workingIndices;
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.uvtData = workingUvtData;
- break clipVerticesBlock;
- }
- //Profiler.instance.end("clip");
- if (!tileInView)
- { // put tl child tile at head of capicua -> continue with NEXT tile.
- if (tile.n != null) {tile.n.next = capicua.cap; if (capicua.cap) capicua.cap.prev = tile.n; capicua.cap = tile.n;}
- else {if (capicua.cua != null) capicua.cua.next = null;}
- continue selectTiles;
- }
- if(tile.ppd < pixelsPerDegree && tile.tl != null){
- //put tl child tile at head of capicua -> go down quadTree looking for higher res tiles
- if (tile.tl != null) {tile.tl.next = capicua.cap; if (capicua.cap) capicua.cap.prev = tile.tl; capicua.cap = tile.tl;}
- else {if (capicua.cua != null) capicua.cua.next = null;}
- // put tl child tile at head of capicua -> go to next tile as well
- if (tile.n != null) {tile.n.next = capicua.cap; if (capicua.cap) capicua.cap.prev = tile.n; capicua.cap = tile.n;}
- else {if (capicua.cua != null) capicua.cua.next = null;}
- continue selectTiles;
- }
- // put next tile at head of capicua.
- if (tile.n != null) {tile.n.next = capicua.cap; if (capicua.cap) capicua.cap.prev = tile.n; capicua.cap = tile.n;}
- else {if (capicua.cua != null) capicua.cua.next = null;}
- /* tile has been selected. ***************************/
- // check if tile needs loading and temporary uvtData and bitmapData
- // check tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData instead of bitmapData so that this won't execute next frame.
- if ( !tile.bitmapLoading && !tile.bitmapLoaded )
- {
- var tileLoader:TileLoader;
- if (__loaders.length > 0) { tileLoader = __loaders[__loaders.length-1]; __loaders.length--; }
- else
- tileLoader = new TileLoader();
- __urlRequest.url = tile.url; //trace("tilw "+tile.url);
- //loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, tile.bitmapLoadedHandler, false, 1, true);
- tileLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, bitmapLoadedHandler, false, 0, true);
- tileLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, IOErrorEventHandler, false, 0, true);
- tileLoader.tile = tile;
- tileLoader.timeStamp = flash.utils.getTimer();
- tileLoader.viewData = viewData;
- tileLoader.load(__urlRequest);
- tile.bitmapLoading = true;
- }
- if (!tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData){
- // walk UP the quadtree looking for the first tile with bitmapData and use that as a preview tile.
- var parentTile:Tile = tile.p;
- findValidParentTile: while(parentTile != null)
- {
- if (parentTile.bitmapData != null){
- /* found valid parent tile, adjust uvtData so that it will be appropriate for the parent tile */
- var tp:TilePyramid = tile.tilePyramid;
- var mult:int = 1 << (tile.t - parentTile.t);
- var upt1:Number = (parentTile.c+1) * mult * tp.tileSize;
- var vpt1:Number = (parentTile.r+1) * mult * tp.tileSize;
- if ( upt1 > tp.widths[tile.t]) upt1 = tp.widths[tile.t];
- if ( vpt1 > tp.heights[tile.t]) vpt1 = tp.heights[tile.t];
- var uBegin:Number = (tile.c - (parentTile.c * mult)) * tp.tileSize / (upt1 - parentTile.c * mult * tp.tileSize);
- var vBegin:Number = (tile.r - (parentTile.r * mult)) * tp.tileSize / (vpt1 - parentTile.r * mult * tp.tileSize);
- var uEnd:Number = ((tile.c+1) - (parentTile.c * mult)) * tp.tileSize / (upt1 - parentTile.c * mult * tp.tileSize);
- var vEnd:Number = ((tile.r+1) - (parentTile.r * mult)) * tp.tileSize / (vpt1 - parentTile.r * mult * tp.tileSize);
- if ( uEnd > 1 ) uEnd = 1;
- if ( vEnd > 1 ) vEnd = 1;
- var uRange:Number = uEnd - uBegin;
- var vRange:Number = vEnd - vBegin;
- workingUvtData = tile.previewUvtData;
- referenceUvtData = tile.uvtData;
- i = 0; len = referenceUvtData.length;
- // calculate uvtData for preview tile.
- while (i<len) {
- workingUvtData[i] = uBegin + referenceUvtData[i] * uRange; i++;
- workingUvtData[i] = vBegin + referenceUvtData[i] * vRange; i++;
- workingUvtData[i] = -1; i++;
- }
- // copy uvtData and bitmapData over to graphicsData
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.uvtData = tile.previewUvtData = workingUvtData;
- tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData = parentTile.bitmapData;
- // add tile to displaying tile list and set displaying
- if (displayingTile) { displayingTile.nextDisplayingTile = tile; displayingTile = tile; }
- else { _displayingTile = displayingTile = tile; }
- displayingTile.displaying = true;
- clipReferenceVerticesBlock: {
- //transformedVertices.length = 0;
- //transform.transformVectors(tile.vertices, // in
- // transformedVertices); // out
- transformedVertices = referenceTransformedVertices;
- referenceUvtData = tile.previewUvtData;
- workingUvtData = tile.clippedUvtData;
- len = referenceUvtData.length;
- workingUvtData.length = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++){ workingUvtData[i] = referenceUvtData[i] }
- clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumTop );
- clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumRight );
- clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumBottom);
- clipToFrustumPlane( transformedVertices, workingUvtData, frustumLeft);
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.uvtData = workingUvtData;
- break clipReferenceVerticesBlock;
- }
- break findValidParentTile; // done creating adjusted uvtData.
- }
- parentTile = parentTile.p; // continue with next parent tile up the list.
- }
- }
- // final check to make sure fill has bitmapData and to check that function was called by Stage.invalidate(): (if (event) );
- if (tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData && (targetGraphics))
- {
- // update displaying tile list and mark current tile.
- if (displayingTile) { // the displayingTile list already contains at least one tile.
- displayingTile.nextDisplayingTile = tile; //write link from displayingTile to this tile.
- displayingTile = tile; //switch displayingTile reference to this tile.
- }
- else {
- rootTile.displayingTile = displayingTile = tile; //start off the displayingTile list and save reference to first tile in QuadTreeCube.
- }
- displayingTile.displaying = true; // set displaying.
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.vertices.length = 0;
- Utils3D.projectVectors(perspective, transformedVertices, // in
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.vertices, tile.graphicsTrianglePath.uvtData); // out
- _graphicsData[graphicsDataIndex++] = tile.graphicsBitmapFill;
- _graphicsData[graphicsDataIndex++] = tile.graphicsTrianglePath;
- }
- }
- // end quadtree loop
- // check that stage was checked by Stage.invalidate() and render scene.
- if ( targetGraphics && _graphicsData.length > 0) {
- targetGraphics.clear();
- targetGraphics.drawGraphicsData(_graphicsData);
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.end("render");
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.endProfiling();
- return (_graphicsData.length > 0);
- }
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.end("render");
- //if (targetGraphics) Profiler.instance.endProfiling();
- return false;
- }
- //private var stroke : GraphicsStroke = new GraphicsStroke(0.001, false, "normal", "none", "round", 3, new GraphicsSolidFill(0xFF0000));
- protected function clipToFrustumPlane( vertices:Vector.<Number>, uvtData:Vector.<Number>, plane:Vector3D):void
- {
- var dist1:Number = vertices[0] * plane.x + vertices[1] * plane.y + vertices[2] * plane.z;
- var vertexIndex:int = 0;
- var uvtIndex:int = 0;
- _tempClippedVertices.length = 0;
- _tempClippedUvtData.length = 0;
- var len:int, i:int;
- len = int(vertices.length / 3);
- i = 0;
- clipLoop: while(i < len)
- {
- var pt0X:Number = vertices[int(i*3)];
- var pt0Y:Number = vertices[int(i*3+1)];
- var pt0Z:Number = vertices[int(i*3+2)];
- var uv0U:Number = uvtData[int(i*3)];
- var uv0V:Number = uvtData[int(i*3+1)];
- var ii:int = (i+1 < len) ? i+1 : 0;
- var pt1X:Number = vertices[int((ii)*3)];
- var pt1Y:Number = vertices[int((ii)*3+1)];
- var pt1Z:Number = vertices[int((ii)*3+2)];
- var uv1U:Number = uvtData[int(ii*3)];
- var uv1V:Number = uvtData[int(ii*3+1)];
- //_tempPoint.x = pt1X; _tempPoint.y = pt1Y; _tempPoint.z = pt1Z;
- //var dist2:Number = plane.dotProduct(_tempPoint);
- var dist2:Number = pt1X * plane.x + pt1Y * plane.y + pt1Z * plane.z;
- var d:Number = dist1 / (dist1-dist2);
- if (isNaN(d)) d = 1; // !important, above can give divide by 0 errors.
- var status:uint;
- if( dist1 < 0 && dist2 < 0 )
- status = OUTSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 > 0 )
- status = INSIDE;
- else if( dist1 > 0 && dist2 < 0 )
- status = IN_OUT;
- else
- status = OUT_IN;
- switch( status )
- {
- case INSIDE:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case IN_OUT:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- case OUT_IN:
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0X + (pt1X - pt0X) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Y + (pt1Y - pt0Y) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt0Z + (pt1Z - pt0Z) * d;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1X;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Y;
- _tempClippedVertices[vertexIndex++] = pt1Z;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0U + (uv1U - uv0U) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv0V + (uv1V - uv0V) * d;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1U;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = uv1V;
- _tempClippedUvtData[uvtIndex++] = 1;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- dist1 = dist2;
- i++;
- }
- vertices.length = uvtData.length = 0;
- len = _tempClippedVertices.length;
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) vertices[i] = _tempClippedVertices[i];
- for (i=0; i<len; i++) uvtData[i] = _tempClippedUvtData[i];
- }
- //TODO: make this static? function so that Tile.rootParentLoadComplete handler is the same...
- final public function bitmapLoadedHandler(event:Event):void
- {
- var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = LoaderInfo(event.target);
- var tileLoader:TileLoader = loaderInfo.loader as TileLoader;
- var tile:Tile = tileLoader.tile
- tile.bitmapLoading = false;
- tile.bitmapLoaded = true;
- tile.previewUvtData.length = 0;
- tile.bitmapData = tile.graphicsBitmapFill.bitmapData = (loaderInfo.content as Bitmap).bitmapData;
- tile.graphicsTrianglePath.uvtData = tile.uvtData;
- if ( tile.t > 0 ){
- var expirationTimer:Timer;
- if (tile.expirationTimer != null) expirationTimer = tile.expirationTimer;
- //else expirationTimer = tile.expirationTimer = new Timer( 180000/(1<<tile.t) );
- else expirationTimer = tile.expirationTimer = new Timer( 90000 );
- expirationTimer.addEventListener( TimerEvent.TIMER, tile.expirationHandler, false, 0, true);
- expirationTimer.start();
- }
- var viewData:ViewData = tileLoader.viewData;
- viewData.invalid = viewData.invalidPerspective = true;
- if (viewData.stage != null) viewData.stage.invalidate();
- _loadingStatistics.reportLatency( getTimer() - tileLoader.timeStamp)
- loaderInfo.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, bitmapLoadedHandler );
- loaderInfo.removeEventListener( IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, IOErrorEventHandler );
- tileLoader.tile = null;
- tileLoader.timeStamp = NaN;
- tileLoader.viewData = null;
- __loaders[ __loaders.length ] = tileLoader;
- }
- // public function get canvas():Sprite { return _canvas; }
- // public function get secondaryCanvas():Sprite { return _secondaryCanvas; }
- // public function get canvasInternal():Sprite { return canvasInternal; }
- // public function get secondaryCanvasInternal():Sprite { return _secondaryCanvasInternal; }
- // public function get managedChildren():Sprite { return _managedChildren; }
- // public function get secondaryManagedChildren():Sprite { return _secondaryManagedChildren; }
- // public function get children():Sprite { return _children; };
- // protected function clearGraphics(e:Event):void {
- // if (_viewData._path == null) _canvasInternal.graphics.clear();
- // if (_viewData.secondaryViewData._path == null) _secondaryCanvasInternal.graphics.clear();
- // }
- }
- }
- // protected function prependRotation(axis:Vector3D, angle:Number):Vector.<Number> {
- // var v:Vector.<Number>=new Vector.<Number>(16,true);
- // var sinW2:Number = Math.sin(angle*0.5);
- // var x:Number = axis.x * sinW2;
- // var y:Number = axis.y * sinW2;
- // var z:Number = axis.z * sinW2;
- // var w:Number = Math.cos(angle*0.5);
- // v[0] = (1-2*y*y-2*z*z);
- // v[1] = (2*x*y+2*w*z);
- // v[2] = (2*x*z-2*w*y);
- // v[3]=0;
- // v[4] = (2*x*y-2*w*z);
- // v[5] = (1-2*x*x-2*z*z);
- // v[6] = (2*y*z+2*w*x);
- // v[7]=0;
- // v[8] = (2*x*z+2*w*y);
- // v[9] = (2*y*z-2*w*x);
- // v[10] = (1-2*x*x-2*y*y);
- // v[11]=0;
- // v[12]=0; //translation X
- // v[13]=0; //translation Y
- // v[14]=0; //translation Z
- // v[15]=1;
- // return v;
- // }
- //
- // protected function matrix3DMultiply(lhs:Matrix3D, rhs:Matrix3D):Matrix3D
- // {
- // var v:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
- // var l:Vector.<Number> = lhs.rawData;
- // var r:Vector.<Number> = rhs.rawData;
- //
- // v[0] = l[0] * r[0] + l[1] * r[4] + l[2] * r[8];
- // v[1] = l[0] * r[1] + l[1] * r[5] + l[2] * r[9];
- // v[2] = l[0] * r[2] + l[1] * r[6] + l[2] * r[10];
- // v[3] = l[0] * r[3] + l[1] * r[7] + l[2] * r[11] + l[3];
- //
- // v[4] = l[4] * r[0] + l[5] * r[4] + l[6] * r[8];
- // v[5] = l[4] * r[1] + l[5] * r[5] + l[6] * r[9];
- // v[6] = l[4] * r[2] + l[5] * r[6] + l[6] * r[10];
- // v[7] = l[4] * r[3] + l[5] * r[7] + l[6] * r[11] + l[7];
- //
- // v[8] = l[8] * r[0] + l[9] * r[4] + l[10] * r[8];
- // v[9] = l[8] * r[1] + l[9] * r[5] + l[10] * r[9];
- // v[10] = l[8] * r[2] + l[9] * r[6] + l[10] * r[10];
- // v[11] = l[8] * r[3] + l[9] * r[7] + l[10] * r[11] + l[11];
- //
- // v[12] = 0
- // v[13] = 0
- // v[14] = 0
- // v[15] = 1
- // lhs.rawData = v;
- // return lhs;
- // }
- // var rotationX:Number = -gimbal.rotationX * Math.PI/180;
- // var rotationY:Number = -pano.rotationY * Math.PI/180;
- // var facing:Vector3D = new Vector3D(
- // Math.sin( rotationY ) * Math.cos( rotationX ),
- // -Math.sin( rotationX ),
- // Math.cos( rotationY ) * Math.cos( rotationX )
- // );