ActionScript | 733 lines | 321 code | 89 blank | 323 comment | 112 complexity | 7c7aa729c2a83e587064e6744e9d69d5 MD5 | raw file
✨ Summary
- /*
- Copyright 2010 Zephyr Renner.
- This file is part of PanoSalado.
- PanoSalado is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- PanoSalado is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with PanoSalado. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package com.panosalado.model{
- import com.panosalado.events.ReadyEvent;
- import com.panosalado.events.ViewEvent;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.geom.Matrix3D;
- import flash.geom.PerspectiveProjection;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Vector3D;
- /**
- * Model class. Uses a getter/setter + public underlying property style implementation to allow fast access to properties.
- * The properties should NEVER be set directly using the "_" prefixed property. The setters for all of the properties
- * invalidate the stage, (which causes a RENDER dispatch to redraw the panorama), in addition to setting the invalid properties
- * of this class itself (invalid, invalidTransform, invalidPerspective), and setting of properties must happen via the setter
- * function for the change to be reflected in the rendered panorama.
- */
- public class ViewData extends Sprite {
- /**
- * Minimum renderable field of view
- * @default 0.1
- */
- public static const MINIMUM_FOV:Number = 0.1;
- /**
- * Maximum renderable field of view
- * @default 179.9
- */
- public static const MAXIMUM_FOV:Number = 179.9;
- /**
- * Matrix3D recomposed from pan and tilt angles. For internal use.
- */
- public var transformMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
- /**
- * PerspectiveProjection set from field of view, boundsWidth and boundsHeight. For internal use.
- */
- public var perspectiveProjection:PerspectiveProjection;
- /**
- * Matrix3D from perspectiveProjection.toMatrix3d(). For internal use.
- */
- public var perspectiveMatrix3D:Matrix3D;
- /**
- * Left frustum plane as determined by field of view. For internal use.
- */
- public var frustumLeft:Vector3D;
- /**
- * Right frustum plane as determined by field of view. For internal use.
- */
- public var frustumRight:Vector3D;
- /**
- * Top frustum plane as determined by field of view. For internal use.
- */
- public var frustumTop:Vector3D;
- /**
- * Bottom frustum plane as determined by field of view. For internal use.
- */
- public var frustumBottom:Vector3D;
- /**
- * Pixels per degree as determined from field of view, boundsWidth and boundsHeight. For internal use.
- */
- public var pixelsPerDegree:Number;
- /**
- * Pan angle. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see pan
- */
- public var _pan:Number;
- /**
- * Tilt angle. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see tilt
- */
- public var _tilt:Number;
- /**
- * Field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see fieldOfView
- */
- public var _fieldOfView:Number;
- /**
- * Tier threshold. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see tierThreshold
- */
- public var _tierThreshold:Number;
- /**
- * Width of panorama. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see boundsWidth
- */
- public var _boundsWidth:Number;
- /**
- * Height of panorama. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see boundsHeight
- */
- public var _boundsHeight:Number;
- /**
- * Path for panorama. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see path
- */
- public var _path:String;
- /**
- * Tile. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see tile
- */
- public var _tile:Tile;
- /**
- * Minimum field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see minimumFieldOfView
- */
- public var _minimumFieldOfView:Number;
- public var _minimumFieldOfViewDefault:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumFieldOfView
- */
- public var _maximumFieldOfView:Number;
- public var _maximumFieldOfViewDefault:Number;
- /**
- * Minimum pan. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see minimumPan
- */
- public var _minimumPan:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum pan. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumPan
- */
- public var _maximumPan:Number;
- /**
- * Minimum tilt. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see minimumTilt
- */
- public var _minimumTilt:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum tilt. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumTilt
- */
- public var _maximumTilt:Number;
- /**
- * Minimum horizontal field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see minimumHorizontalFieldOfView
- */
- public var _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum horizontal field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumHorizontalFieldOfView
- */
- public var _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView:Number;
- /**
- * Minimum vertical field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see minimumVerticalFieldOfView
- */
- public var _minimumVerticalFieldOfView:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum vertical field of view. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumVerticalFieldOfView
- */
- public var _maximumVerticalFieldOfView:Number;
- /**
- * Maximum pixel zoom. Can be used in place of getter for faster access. Do NOT use in place of setter.
- * @see maximumVerticalFieldOfView
- */
- public var _maximumPixelZoom:Number;
- /**
- * Invalidation flag for all properties. i.e. if one of them is invalid, this must be invalid as well.
- */
- public var invalid:Boolean;
- /**
- * Invalidation flag for pan and tilt, which determine the transformMatrix3D
- */
- public var invalidTransform:Boolean;
- /**
- * Invalidation flag for field of view, boundsWidth and boundsHeight, which determine perspectiveProjection and perspectiveMatrix3D
- */
- public var invalidPerspective:Boolean;
- /**
- * Secondary ViewData, which is used for the secondary (outgoing) panorama.
- * @see DependentViewData
- */
- public var secondaryViewData:DependentViewData;
- protected var constructed:Boolean;
- /**
- * Constructor.
- * @param constructSecondaryViewData Boolean true. When a DependentViewData object is constructed it will pass
- * false so that the DendentViewData object does not create its own DependentViewData into an infinite loop.
- */
- public function ViewData(constructSecondaryViewData:Boolean = true) {
- super();
- transformMatrix3D = new Matrix3D();
- perspectiveProjection = new PerspectiveProjection();
- perspectiveMatrix3D = new Matrix3D();
- perspectiveProjection.projectionCenter = new Point(0,0);
- frustumLeft = new Vector3D(0,0,0,0);
- frustumRight = new Vector3D(0,0,0,0);
- frustumTop = new Vector3D(0,0,0,0);
- frustumBottom = new Vector3D(0,0,0,0);
- // initialize all vars with "default" values
- invalid = false;
- invalidTransform = false;
- invalidPerspective = false;
- if (constructSecondaryViewData) secondaryViewData = new DependentViewData(this);
- pan = 0;
- tilt = 0;
- fieldOfView = 90;
- boundsWidth = 500; // Must be default stage size (500) to calculate FOV correctly.
- boundsHeight = 375;
- path = null;
- minimumFieldOfView = MINIMUM_FOV;
- maximumFieldOfView = MAXIMUM_FOV;
- minimumPan = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- maximumPan = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- minimumTilt = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
- maximumTilt = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
- tierThreshold = 1.0;
- }
- /**
- * Pan angle.
- * @default 0
- */
- public function get pan():Number { return _pan; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set pan(value:Number):void {
- //clamp values to -180 to 180. camera controller can do further clamping if desired.
- if (value == _pan || isNaN(value)) return;
- if (value <= -180) value = (((value + 180) % 360) + 180);
- if (value > 180) value = (((value + 180) % 360) - 180);
- if (value < _minimumPan) value = _minimumPan;
- if (value > _maximumPan) value = _maximumPan;
- _pan = value;
- invalidTransform = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- }
- /**
- * Tilt angle.
- * @default 0
- */
- public function get tilt():Number { return _tilt; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set tilt(value:Number):void {
- //clamp values to -180 to 180. camera controller can do further clamping if desired.
- if (value == _tilt || isNaN(value) ) return;
- if (value <= -180) value = (((value + 180) % 360) + 180);
- if (value > 180) value = (((value + 180) % 360) - 180);
- if (value < _minimumTilt) value = _minimumTilt;
- if (value > _maximumTilt) value = _maximumTilt;
- _tilt = value;
- invalidTransform = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- }
- /**
- * Field of view.
- * @default 90
- */
- public function get fieldOfView():Number { return _fieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set fieldOfView(value:Number):void{
- if (value == _fieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- if (value < _minimumFieldOfView) value = _minimumFieldOfView;
- if (value > _maximumFieldOfView) value = _maximumFieldOfView;
- if (_fieldOfView == value) return;
- _fieldOfView = value;
- adjustLimits();
- invalidPerspective = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- }
- /**
- * Width of rendered panorama.
- * @default 500
- */
- public function get boundsWidth():Number { return _boundsWidth;}
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set boundsWidth(value:Number):void{
- if ( _boundsWidth == value || isNaN(value) ) return;
- _boundsWidth = value;
- updateMinimumFieldOfView();
- invalidPerspective = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- adjustLimits();
- dispatchEvent(new ViewEvent(ViewEvent.BOUNDS_CHANGED));
- }
- /**
- * Height of rendered panorama.
- * @default 375
- */
- public function get boundsHeight():Number { return _boundsHeight;}
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set boundsHeight(value:Number):void{
- if ( _boundsHeight == value || isNaN(value) ) return;
- _boundsHeight = value;
- invalidPerspective = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- adjustLimits();
- dispatchEvent(new ViewEvent(ViewEvent.BOUNDS_CHANGED));
- }
- /**
- * Tier Threshold. Specifies multiplier on pixels per degree which is used in the rendering cycle to
- * determine which tier of tiles to display/load. Can be used to blur or sharpen the
- * rendering by forcing use of higher or lower resolution tiles. E.g a value of 1.5 will blur the panorama.
- * @default 1
- */
- public function get tierThreshold():Number { return _tierThreshold; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set tierThreshold(value:Number):void{
- if ( _tierThreshold == value || isNaN(value) ) return;
- _tierThreshold = value;
- invalidPerspective = invalid = true;
- }
- private function updateMinimumFieldOfView():void {
- //if ( _tile != null && (_tile.tilePyramid != null && (!isNaN(_tile.tilePyramid.width))) ) // COREMOD
- //minimumFieldOfView = (_boundsWidth / _tile.tilePyramid.width) * 90; // TODO: check why i had to comment this out
- }
- /**
- * Path. Depending on the type of panorama images (tiled, QTVR, etc) the path will differ.
- * Note that this property changes asynchronously. In other words, after you set it,
- * accessing the value will return the previous value until the new panorama has loaded
- * sufficiently to display.
- * DeepZoom Style cubic: front face xml descriptor file
- * Zoomify cubic: front face xml descriptor file
- * cubic: front face image file
- * QTVR: .mov file
- * @default null
- */
- public function get path():String { return _path;}
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set path(value:String):void{
- // if (_path == value && value != null) return;
- if (value == null) { //delete current tile.
- _tile = null;
- _path = null;
- invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- dispatchEvent(new ViewEvent(ViewEvent.NULL_PATH));
- return;
- }
- //var panoramaImageType:String = guessPanoramaImageType(value);
- //if ( panoramaImageType == null )
- //throw new Error("Given path: " + value + " can not be resolved to one of the types in PanoramaImageType by com.panosalado.controller.guessPanoramaImageType()");
- var qtc:QuadTreeCube = new QuadTreeCube(value);
- if (qtc.ready) commitPath( new ReadyEvent(ReadyEvent.READY,qtc.tilePyramid) );
- else qtc.addEventListener(ReadyEvent.READY, commitPath); //NB: do NOT use a weak event listener; tile will be gc'ed.
- /*NB: path is NOT committed yet, since it could result in unrenderable data if QuadTreeCube
- has to load a descriptor file before it can initialize. path will be committed in commitPath
- called synchronously if quadtree cube shows ready flag after instantiation or asynchronously
- if not ready (loading descriptor).
- */
- }
- /**
- * this is called when the QuadTreeCube, TilePyramid and root tile bitmaps are ready.
- * @private
- */
- protected function commitPath(e:ReadyEvent,updateFOV:Boolean=true):void {
- var tile:QuadTreeCube = e.target as QuadTreeCube;
- var path:String = e.tilePyramid.path;
- tile.removeEventListener(ReadyEvent.READY, commitPath); //NB: strongly referenced; must remove
- //push current values to secondary
- secondaryViewData._path = _path;
- secondaryViewData._tile = _tile;
- secondaryViewData.invalidTransform = secondaryViewData.invalidPerspective = secondaryViewData.invalid = true;
- //set current with new values
- _path = path
- _tile = tile;
- if (updateFOV) updateMinimumFieldOfView();
- invalidTransform = invalidPerspective = invalid = true;
- if (stage) stage.invalidate();
- //default behavior is to immediately dispose of the secondary panorama.
- //So any transition class needs to listen for the PATH event and call preventDefault()
- //on the event object in the listener handler function
- var event:Event = new ViewEvent(ViewEvent.PATH, null, true); //NB: 3rd arg is cancelable, must be true. transitions call preventDefault().
- var success:Boolean = dispatchEvent(event);
- dispatchEvent( new Event(Event.COMPLETE));
- if (!success && (event.isDefaultPrevented())) return;
- secondaryViewData.path = null;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * The root tile in the tile linked list data structure. Read-only. It is dependent on the path.
- */
- public function get tile():Tile { return _tile; }
- /**
- * minimumFieldOfView
- * @default 0.1
- */
- public function get minimumFieldOfView():Number { return _minimumFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set minimumFieldOfView(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _minimumFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- if (value < MINIMUM_FOV) value = MINIMUM_FOV;
- if (value > MAXIMUM_FOV) value = MAXIMUM_FOV;
- _minimumFieldOfView = value;
- if (_fieldOfView < value) fieldOfView = value; //check against current fieldOfView and use setter
- }
- /**
- * maximumFieldOfView
- * @default 179.9
- */
- public function get maximumFieldOfView():Number { return _maximumFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumFieldOfView(value:Number):void{
- if (value == _maximumFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- if (value < MINIMUM_FOV) value = MINIMUM_FOV;
- if (value > MAXIMUM_FOV) value = MAXIMUM_FOV;
- _maximumFieldOfView = value;
- if (_fieldOfView > value) fieldOfView = value; //check against current fieldOfView and use setter
- }
- /**
- * minimumPan
- * @default Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
- */
- public function get minimumPan():Number { return _minimumPan; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set minimumPan(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _minimumPan || isNaN(value)) return;
- _minimumPan = value;
- if (_pan < value) pan = value;
- }
- /**
- * maximumPan
- * @default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
- */
- public function get maximumPan():Number { return _maximumPan; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumPan(value:Number):void {
- if (_maximumPan == value || isNaN(value)) return;
- _maximumPan = value;
- if (_pan > value) pan = value;
- }
- /**
- * minimumTilt
- * @default Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
- */
- public function get minimumTilt():Number { return _minimumTilt; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set minimumTilt(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _minimumTilt || isNaN(value)) return;
- _minimumTilt = value;
- if (_tilt < value) tilt = value;
- }
- /**
- * maximumTilt
- * @default Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY
- */
- public function get maximumTilt():Number { return _maximumTilt; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumTilt(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _maximumTilt || isNaN(value)) return;
- _maximumTilt = value;
- if (_tilt > value) tilt = value;
- }
- /**
- * minimumHorizontalFieldOfView
- * @default NaN
- */
- public function get minimumHorizontalFieldOfView():Number { return _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set minimumHorizontalFieldOfView(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView = value;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * maximumHorizontalFieldOfView
- * @default NaN
- */
- public function get maximumHorizontalFieldOfView():Number { return _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumHorizontalFieldOfView(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView = value;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * minimumVerticalFieldOfView
- * @default NaN
- */
- public function get minimumVerticalFieldOfView():Number { return _minimumVerticalFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set minimumVerticalFieldOfView(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _minimumVerticalFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- _minimumVerticalFieldOfView = value;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * maximumVerticalFieldOfView
- * @default NaN
- */
- public function get maximumVerticalFieldOfView():Number { return _maximumVerticalFieldOfView; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumVerticalFieldOfView(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _maximumVerticalFieldOfView || isNaN(value)) return;
- _maximumVerticalFieldOfView = value;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * maximumPixelZoom
- * @default 1.0
- */
- public function get maximumPixelZoom():Number { return _maximumPixelZoom; }
- /**
- * @private
- */
- public function set maximumPixelZoom(value:Number):void {
- if (value == _maximumPixelZoom || isNaN(value)) return;
- _maximumPixelZoom = value;
- adjustLimits();
- }
- /**
- * Clones the properties of this view data object into another. If into arg is not null it will
- * clone into that ViewData object, otherwise it will clone into a new ViewData
- * @param into ViewData to clone into (optional, will create new if null)
- * @returns ViewData
- */
- public function clone(into:ViewData = null):ViewData {
- var ret:ViewData = (into == null) ? new ViewData() : into;
- ret.secondaryViewData = secondaryViewData;
- ret._pan = _pan;
- ret._tilt = _tilt;
- ret._fieldOfView = _fieldOfView;
- ret._boundsWidth = _boundsWidth;
- ret._boundsHeight = _boundsHeight;
- ret._tierThreshold = _tierThreshold;
- ret._path = _path;
- ret._tile = _tile;
- ret._minimumFieldOfView = _minimumFieldOfView;
- ret._minimumFieldOfViewDefault = _minimumFieldOfView
- ret._maximumFieldOfView = _maximumFieldOfView;
- ret._maximumFieldOfViewDefault = _maximumFieldOfView;
- ret._minimumPan = _minimumPan;
- ret._maximumPan = _maximumPan;
- ret._minimumTilt = _minimumTilt;
- ret._maximumTilt = _maximumTilt;
- ret._minimumVerticalFieldOfView = _minimumVerticalFieldOfView;
- ret._maximumVerticalFieldOfView = _maximumVerticalFieldOfView;
- ret._minimumHorizontalFieldOfView = _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView;
- ret._maximumHorizontalFieldOfView = _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView;
- ret._maximumPixelZoom = _maximumPixelZoom;
- ret.invalidTransform = invalidTransform;
- ret.invalidPerspective = invalidPerspective;
- ret.invalid = invalid;
- return ret;
- }
- private var __toRadians:Number = Math.PI / 180;
- private var __toDegrees:Number = 180 / Math.PI;
- /**
- * Sets minimumTilt, maximumTilt and maximumFieldOfView
- * according to minimumVerticalFieldOfView and maximumVerticalFieldOfView
- * needs to be called whenever panorama is loaded
- */
- private function adjustLimits():void {
- if (isNaN(_boundsWidth) || isNaN(_boundsHeight) || isNaN(_fieldOfView)) return;
- var maximumFieldOfViewVerticalTmp:Number;
- if (!isNaN(_minimumVerticalFieldOfView) && !isNaN(_maximumVerticalFieldOfView) &&
- (_maximumVerticalFieldOfView - _minimumVerticalFieldOfView) < 180) {
- maximumFieldOfViewVerticalTmp = __toDegrees * 2 *
- Math.atan((_boundsWidth/_boundsHeight) *
- Math.tan(__toRadians * 0.5 *
- (_maximumVerticalFieldOfView - _minimumVerticalFieldOfView)));
- if (isNaN(_maximumFieldOfViewDefault) || maximumFieldOfViewVerticalTmp < _maximumFieldOfViewDefault) {
- maximumFieldOfView = maximumFieldOfViewVerticalTmp;
- }else {
- maximumFieldOfView = _maximumFieldOfViewDefault;
- }
- }
- var maximumFieldOfViewHorizontalTmp:Number;
- if (!isNaN(_minimumHorizontalFieldOfView) && !isNaN(_maximumHorizontalFieldOfView) &&
- (_maximumHorizontalFieldOfView - _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView) < 180) {
- maximumFieldOfViewHorizontalTmp = __toDegrees * 2 *
- Math.atan((_boundsHeight/_boundsWidth) *
- Math.tan(__toRadians * 0.5 *
- (_maximumHorizontalFieldOfView - _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView)));
- if (isNaN(_maximumFieldOfViewDefault) || maximumFieldOfViewHorizontalTmp < _maximumFieldOfViewDefault) {
- maximumFieldOfView = maximumFieldOfViewHorizontalTmp;
- }else {
- maximumFieldOfView = _maximumFieldOfViewDefault;
- }
- }
- var cameraVFOV:Number = __toDegrees * 2 *
- Math.atan((_boundsHeight/_boundsWidth) *
- Math.tan(__toRadians * 0.5 *
- _fieldOfView));
- if (!isNaN(_minimumVerticalFieldOfView)) minimumTilt = _minimumVerticalFieldOfView + cameraVFOV / 2;
- if (!isNaN(_maximumVerticalFieldOfView)) maximumTilt = _maximumVerticalFieldOfView - cameraVFOV / 2;
- if (!isNaN(_minimumHorizontalFieldOfView)) minimumPan = _minimumHorizontalFieldOfView + _fieldOfView / 2;
- if (!isNaN(_maximumHorizontalFieldOfView)) maximumPan = _maximumHorizontalFieldOfView - _fieldOfView / 2;
- if (!isNaN(_maximumPixelZoom) && tile != null && tile.tilePyramid != null){
- var boundsDiagonal:Number = Math.sqrt( _boundsWidth * _boundsWidth + _boundsHeight * _boundsHeight);
- var minimumFieldOfViewTmp:Number = Math.atan(boundsWidth * 0.5 / (boundsDiagonal * 0.5 /
- Math.tan(boundsDiagonal / (0.0175 * tile.tilePyramid.width * 0.5 * _maximumPixelZoom)
- * 0.5 * __toRadians))) * 2 * __toDegrees; // 0.0175 = tg(1)
- if (!isNaN(_minimumFieldOfViewDefault) && minimumFieldOfViewTmp > 0){
- if (minimumFieldOfViewTmp < _minimumFieldOfViewDefault) {
- minimumFieldOfView = minimumFieldOfViewTmp;
- }else {
- minimumFieldOfView = _minimumFieldOfViewDefault;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }