ActionScript | 661 lines | 441 code | 111 blank | 109 comment | 50 complexity | a1b5750e89af5481fecb19bd806d69f1 MD5 | raw file
- package
- {
- import editor.*;
- import editor.ui.*;
- import flash.display.NativeWindowDisplayState;
- import flash.display.Stage;
- import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
- import flash.events.InvokeEvent;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.filesystem.File;
- import flash.filesystem.FileMode;
- import flash.filesystem.FileStream;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.net.SharedObject;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- import flash.net.navigateToURL;
- import flash.desktop.NativeApplication;
- import flash.display.NativeWindow;
- import flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.net.FileFilter;
- import flash.net.FileReference;
- import flash.system.Capabilities;
- import flash.system.System;
- public class Ogmo extends Sprite
- {
- //Assets
- [Embed(source = '../assets/folder.png')]
- static public const ImgFolder:Class;
- [Embed(source = '../assets/arrow.png')]
- static public const ImgArrow:Class;
- //Consts
- static private const PROJECT_EXT:String = "oep";
- static private const LEVEL_EXT:String = "oel";
- static private const NEW_LEVEL_NAME:String = "NewLevel." + LEVEL_EXT;
- static private const PROJECT_FILTER:Array = [ new FileFilter("Ogmo Editor Project Files", "*." + PROJECT_EXT) ]
- static private const LEVEL_FILTER:Array = [ new FileFilter("Ogmo Editor Level Files", "*." + LEVEL_EXT) ]
- static private const PROJECT_HISTORY_LIMIT:uint = 3;
- static public const STAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH:int = 800;
- static public const STAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT:int = 600;
- /**
- * The singleton instance of the master sprite. Contains the level and project and all the UI
- */
- static public var ogmo:Ogmo;
- /**
- * The currently loaded level
- */
- static public var level:Level;
- /**
- * The currently loaded project
- */
- static public var project:Project;
- /**
- * The container of all the UI windows
- */
- static public var windows:Windows;
- /**
- * The container of the top window menu (File, Edit, etc)
- */
- static public var windowMenu:WindowMenu;
- /**
- * Whether editor UI objects should ignore keystrokes (ex: if a textfield is capturing input)
- */
- static public var missKeys:Boolean;
- /**
- * Whether the editing grid is currently visible
- */
- static public var gridOn:Boolean;
- /**
- * The keycode of the CTRL key (the apple key on macs)
- */
- static public var keycode_ctrl:int;
- /**
- * Whether the user is on a mac
- */
- static public var mac:Boolean;
- /**
- * A temporary file object for use when loading project or level files
- */
- static public var tempFile:File;
- /**
- * Currently displayed message (in a message box in the middle of the window)
- */
- static public var message:Message;
- /**
- * Ogmo Editor version number
- */
- static public var version:String;
- /**
- * Previously-opened projects (so the user can quickly re-open them)
- */
- static public var projectHistory:Array;
- /**
- * A temporary rectangle for use anywhere, to avoid instantiating new rectangles
- */
- static public var rect:Rectangle = new Rectangle;
- /**
- * Another temp rectangle for generic use
- */
- static public var rect2:Rectangle = new Rectangle;
- /**
- * A temporary point for use anywhere, to avoid instantiating new points
- */
- static public var point:Point = new Point;
- public function Ogmo()
- {
- ogmo = this;
- addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
- //Get the version number
- var descriptor:XML = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.applicationDescriptor;
- var ns:Namespace = descriptor.namespaceDeclarations()[0];
- version = descriptor.ns::version;
- //Init keystates
- missKeys = false;
- //If running on a Mac, use Apple key instead of CTRL as modifier key
- if (Capabilities.os.indexOf("Mac") != -1)
- {
- mac = true;
- keycode_ctrl = 15;
- }
- else
- {
- mac = false;
- keycode_ctrl = 17;
- }
- }
- private function init(e:Event):void
- {
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
- //Init some window properties
- stage.frameRate = 60;
- stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
- stage.nativeWindow.width = 816;
- stage.nativeWindow.height = 658;
- stage.nativeWindow.minSize = new Point(816, 658);
- //Init the menu
- windowMenu = new WindowMenu(stage);
- //Load settings
- loadSettings();
- //Init grid stuff
- gridOn = true;
- //Add the splash
- var bg:BG = new BG;
- addChild(bg);
- //init listeners
- stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
- stage.nativeWindow.addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, onExit);
- //Init window title
- setWindowTitle();
- //add the main menu
- initMainMenu();
- //If a file was opened
- NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvokeEvent);
- }
- private function onInvokeEvent(e:InvokeEvent):void
- {
- //Open the selected file (if applicable)
- if (e.currentDirectory != null && e.arguments.length > 0)
- {
- var file:File = e.currentDirectory.resolvePath(e.arguments[ 0 ]);
- if (file.extension == PROJECT_EXT)
- {
- //First close the current project if one is open
- if (level)
- closeProject();
- //Open the specified project
- loadProject(file);
- stage.nativeWindow.notifyUser("Project Opened");
- }
- else if (file.extension == LEVEL_EXT)
- {
- if (level)
- {
- //First close the current level
- closeLevel();
- //Open the specified level
- loadLevel(file);
- stage.nativeWindow.notifyUser("Level Opened");
- }
- else
- showMessage("Cannot open a level when\nno project is open!", 5000);
- }
- else
- {
- //Not sure what it is?
- showMessage("Unrecognized filetype:\n\"" + file.extension + "\"", 5000);
- }
- }
- }
- static public function quit():void
- {
- ogmo.onExit();
- NativeApplication.nativeApplication.exit();
- }
- public function initMainMenu():void
- {
- addChild(new MainMenu);
- addChild(new InfoWindow);
- addChild(new VersionWindow);
- }
- public function destroyMainMenu():void
- {
- for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
- {
- if (getChildAt(i) is MainMenu || getChildAt(i) is InfoWindow || getChildAt(i) is VersionWindow)
- {
- removeChildAt(i);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- private function initWindows():void
- {
- addChild(windows = new Windows);
- }
- static public function setWindowTitle():void
- {
- if (project)
- ogmo.stage.nativeWindow.title = project.name + " - " + level.levelName;
- else
- ogmo.stage.nativeWindow.title = "Ogmo Editor " + version;
- }
- static public function toggleDebugWindow():void
- {
- var d:DebugWindow = getDebugWindow();
- if (d == null)
- ogmo.addChild(new DebugWindow);
- else
- ogmo.removeChild(d);
- windowMenu.refreshState();
- }
- static public function getDebugWindow():DebugWindow
- {
- for (var i:int = 0; i < ogmo.numChildren; i++)
- {
- if (ogmo.getChildAt(i) is DebugWindow)
- return ogmo.getChildAt(i) as DebugWindow;
- }
- return null;
- }
- static public function openProjectDirectory():void
- {
- try
- {
- project.workingDirectory.openWithDefaultApplication();
- }
- catch (e:Error)
- {
- trace(project.workingDirectory.url);
- navigateToURL(new URLRequest(project.workingDirectory.url));
- }
- }
- static public function openWebsite():void
- {
- navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://ogmoeditor.com/"));
- }
- /* =================== MESSAGE SYSTEM =================== */
- static public function showMessage(text:String, time:int = 2000, large:Boolean = false):void
- {
- clearMessage();
- message = new Message(text, time, large);
- ogmo.addChild(message);
- }
- static public function clearMessage():void
- {
- if (message)
- {
- ogmo.removeChild(message);
- message = null;
- }
- }
- /* =================== PROJECT STUFF =================== */
- public function closeProject():void
- {
- project = null;
- closeLevel();
- ogmo.removeChild(windows);
- windows = null;
- System.gc();
- //reset the window title
- setWindowTitle();
- //refresh the window menu
- windowMenu.refreshState();
- //re-add the main menu
- ogmo.initMainMenu();
- }
- public function reloadProject():void
- {
- tempFile = project.file;
- closeProject();
- onLoadProjectSelect();
- }
- public function lookForProject():void
- {
- tempFile = new File;
- tempFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadProjectSelect, false, 0, true);
- tempFile.browseForOpen("Open Project File", PROJECT_FILTER);
- }
- public function loadProject(file:File):void
- {
- tempFile = file;
- onLoadProjectSelect();
- }
- private function onLoadProjectSelect(e:Event = null):void
- {
- //Clear error message if there is one
- clearMessage();
- //Create the project
- project = new Project();
- //Populate it
- if (Capabilities.isDebugger)
- {
- //Don't catch errors if debug build (so you get a stack trace)
- project.constructProject(tempFile);
- }
- else
- {
- //Catch errors if release build
- try
- {
- project.constructProject(tempFile);
- }
- catch (e:Error)
- {
- trace(e.getStackTrace);
- showMessage("Error loading project file:\n" + e.message, -1, true);
- return;
- }
- }
- //remove the main menu
- destroyMainMenu();
- //Init Windows
- initWindows();
- //Add a new level
- newLevel(false);
- //Add to history
- addToProjectHistory(project.file, project.name);
- //Show the message
- showMessage(project.name + "\nloaded!");
- //refresh the window menu
- windowMenu.refreshState();
- //Clean up
- System.gc();
- }
- /* =================== SAVING / LOADING LEVELS =================== */
- public function closeLevel():void
- {
- if (level)
- ogmo.removeChild(level);
- level = null;
- }
- public function newLevel(message:Boolean = true):void
- {
- closeLevel();
- ogmo.addChildAt(level = new Level(NEW_LEVEL_NAME), 1);
- if (message)
- showMessage("New Level");
- System.gc();
- //set the window title
- setWindowTitle();
- //Init the level info window
- windows.windowLevelInfo.populate();
- }
- public function saveLevel():void
- {
- tempFile = new File(Ogmo.project.savingDirectory);
- tempFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSaveLevelSelect, false, 0, true);
- tempFile.save(level.xml, level.levelName);
- }
- private function onSaveLevelSelect(e:Event):void
- {
- level.levelName = tempFile.name;
- level.saved = true;
- showMessage("Saved Level As:\n" + tempFile.name);
- tempFile = null;
- //set the window title
- setWindowTitle();
- }
- public function lookForLevel():void
- {
- tempFile = new File;
- tempFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onLoadLevelSelect, false, 0, true);
- tempFile.addEventListener(Event.CANCEL, onLoadLevelCancel, false, 0, true );
- tempFile.browseForOpen("Open Level File", LEVEL_FILTER);
- }
- public function loadLevel(file:File):void
- {
- tempFile = file;
- onLoadLevelSelect();
- }
- private function onLoadLevelCancel(e:Event = null):void
- {
- tempFile = null;
- }
- private function onLoadLevelSelect(e:Event = null):void
- {
- //Open the stream
- var stream:FileStream = new FileStream;
- stream.open(tempFile, FileMode.READ);
- //Read the level
- var lvl:XML = new XML(stream.readUTFBytes(stream.bytesAvailable));
- stream.close();
- //Error and abort if not a valid level file
- if (lvl.name().localName != "level")
- {
- showMessage("Could not load level file:\nRoot element is not a <level> tag.", -1, true);
- onLoadLevelCancel();
- return;
- }
- //store the old level; close it
- var tempLevel:Level = level;
- closeLevel();
- //Make the new level and add it
- level = new Level(tempFile.name);
- ogmo.addChildAt(level, 1);
- //Populate it
- if (Capabilities.isDebugger)
- {
- //Don't catch errors if debug build
- level.xml = lvl;
- }
- else
- {
- //Catch errors if release build
- try
- {
- level.xml = lvl;
- }
- catch (e:Error)
- {
- showMessage("Could not load level file:\n" + e.message, -1, true);
- onLoadLevelCancel();
- //Go back to the old level
- closeLevel();
- level = tempLevel;
- ogmo.addChildAt(level, 1);
- level.initListeners();
- level.setLayer(level.currentLayerNum);
- return;
- }
- }
- //Show the message
- showMessage("Opened Level:\n" + tempFile.name);
- //set the window title
- setWindowTitle();
- //Init level info window
- windows.windowLevelInfo.populate();
- //Clean up
- tempFile = null;
- System.gc();
- }
- /* =================== SETTINGS =================== */
- private function saveSettings():void
- {
- //Window bounds
- if (stage.nativeWindow.displayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED)
- Settings.settings.window[0].maximized[0] = true;
- else if (stage.nativeWindow.displayState == NativeWindowDisplayState.NORMAL)
- {
- Settings.settings.window[0].x[0] = stage.nativeWindow.x;
- Settings.settings.window[0].y[0] = stage.nativeWindow.y;
- Settings.settings.window[0].width[0] = stage.nativeWindow.width;
- Settings.settings.window[0].height[0] = stage.nativeWindow.height;
- Settings.settings.window[0].maximized[0] = false;
- }
- //Project history
- Settings.settings.projectHistory[0] = <projectHistory />;
- for each (var ob:Object in projectHistory)
- {
- var o:XML = <project />;
- o.@file = ob.file;
- o.@name = ob.name;
- Settings.settings.projectHistory[0].appendChild(o);
- }
- Settings.saveSettings();
- }
- private function loadSettings():void
- {
- Settings.loadSettings();
- //Window bounds
- stage.nativeWindow.x = Settings.settings.window[0].x[0];
- stage.nativeWindow.y = Settings.settings.window[0].y[0];
- if (Settings.settings.window[0].width[0] == "-1")
- stage.nativeWindow.width = STAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
- else
- stage.nativeWindow.width = Settings.settings.window[0].width[0];
- if (Settings.settings.window[0].height[0] == "-1")
- stage.nativeWindow.width = STAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
- else
- stage.nativeWindow.height = Settings.settings.window[0].height[0];
- if (Settings.settings.window[0].maximized[0] == "true")
- stage.nativeWindow.maximize();
- //Project history
- projectHistory = new Array;
- if (Settings.settings.projectHistory[0].project.length())
- {
- for each (var o:XML in Settings.settings.projectHistory[0].project)
- {
- var f:File = new File(o.@file);
- if (!f.exists)
- continue;
- var ob:Object = new Object;
- ob.file = o.@file;
- ob.name = o.@name;
- projectHistory.push(ob);
- }
- }
- }
- static public function addToProjectHistory(file:File, name:String):void
- {
- var i:int;
- for (i = 0; i < projectHistory.length; i++)
- {
- if (projectHistory[ i ].file == file.url)
- {
- projectHistory.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- var a:Array = new Array;
- a[ 0 ] = new Object;
- a[ 0 ].file = file.url;
- a[ 0 ].name = name;
- for (i = 0; i < projectHistory.length && i < PROJECT_HISTORY_LIMIT - 1; i++)
- a[ i + 1 ] = projectHistory[ i ];
- projectHistory = a;
- }
- /* =================== EVENTS =================== */
- private function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent):void
- {
- switch (e.keyCode)
- {
- //ESC
- case (27):
- if (level)
- closeProject();
- else
- quit();
- break;
- }
- }
- public function onExit(e:Event = null):void
- {
- saveSettings();
- }
- }
- }