ActionScript | 429 lines | 339 code | 71 blank | 19 comment | 54 complexity | 6dc18fca3a7fe7f1a7e45f09919d16dc MD5 | raw file
- package editor
- {
- import editor.ui.*;
- import editor.definitions.*;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- public class GameObject extends Sprite
- {
- private var _selected:Boolean;
- private var draw:Sprite;
- private var layer:ObjectLayer;
- private var holder:Sprite;
- private var bg:Sprite;
- public var selBox:SelBox;
- public var grabbed:Point;
- public var resizing:Boolean;
- public var definition:ObjectDefinition;
- public var objWidth:int;
- public var objHeight:int;
- public var values:Vector.<Value>;
- public var nodes:Sprite;
- public var lines:Sprite;
- public function GameObject( layer:ObjectLayer, objDef:ObjectDefinition = null )
- {
- this.layer = layer;
- grabbed = null;
- _selected = false;
- //The colored background drawn behind selected objects
- bg = new Sprite;
- addChild( bg );
- //Holds the actual drawn object image, rotates
- holder = new Sprite;
- addChild( holder );
- //The actual drawn object image
- draw = new Sprite;
- holder.addChild( draw );
- //The colored hollow rectangle around each object
- selBox = new SelBox( 8, 8, 1, SelBox.OBJECT_NOTSELECTED );
- addChild( selBox );
- addChild( nodes = new Sprite );
- addChild( lines = new Sprite );
- if (objDef)
- init( objDef );
- }
- private function init( objDef:ObjectDefinition ):void
- {
- definition = objDef;
- setSize( objDef.width, objDef.height );
- draw.x = -definition.originX;
- draw.y = -definition.originY;
- bg.x = -definition.originX;
- bg.y = -definition.originY;
- selBox.x = -definition.originX;
- selBox.y = -definition.originY;
- //Get values
- if (objDef.values)
- {
- values = new Vector.<Value>;
- for each ( var vd:ValueDefinition in objDef.values )
- values.push( vd.getValue() );
- }
- //Enforce object limits
- if (definition.limit > 0)
- {
- var amount:int = layer.getAmountType( definition.name );
- if (amount >= definition.limit)
- layer.removeType( definition.name, amount + 1 - definition.limit );
- }
- }
- private function drawBG():void
- {
- bg.graphics.clear();
- bg.graphics.beginFill( 0xFFFFFF, 0.2 );
- bg.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, objWidth, objHeight );
- bg.graphics.endFill();
- }
- private function clearBG():void
- {
- bg.graphics.clear();
- }
- public function move( h:int, v:int ):void
- {
- var oldX:int = x;
- var oldY:int = y;
- x = Math.max( 0, Math.min( x + h, Ogmo.level.levelWidth - objWidth + definition.originX ) );
- y = Math.max( 0, Math.min( y + v, Ogmo.level.levelHeight - objHeight + definition.originY ) );
- }
- public function setSize( width:int, height:int ):void
- {
- width = Math.max( definition.width, width );
- width = Math.min( Ogmo.level.levelWidth - x, width );
- if (!definition.resizableX)
- width = definition.width;
- height = Math.max( definition.height, height );
- height = Math.min( Ogmo.level.levelHeight - y, height );
- if (!definition.resizableY)
- height = definition.height;
- objWidth = width;
- objHeight = height;
- draw.graphics.clear();
- draw.graphics.beginBitmapFill( definition.bitmapData );
- if (definition.tile)
- {
- draw.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, objWidth, objHeight );
- }
- else
- {
- draw.graphics.drawRect( 0, 0, definition.imgWidth, definition.imgHeight );
- draw.scaleX = objWidth / definition.imgWidth;
- draw.scaleY = objHeight / definition.imgHeight;
- }
- draw.graphics.endFill();
- selBox.setSize( objWidth, objHeight );
- drawBG();
- refreshNodes();
- }
- public function setAngle( to:Number ):void
- {
- if (definition.rotatable)
- {
- var go:Number = Math.round( to / definition.rotationPrecision ) * definition.rotationPrecision;
- angle = go;
- angle = angle % 360;
- }
- }
- public function rotate( dir:int = 1 ):void
- {
- if (definition.rotatable)
- angle = (angle + 360 + (definition.rotationPrecision * dir)) % 360;
- }
- public function collidesWithPoint( x:int, y:int ):Boolean
- {
- return (rect.contains( x, y ));
- }
- public function collidesWithObject( other:GameObject ):Boolean
- {
- return (rect.intersects( other.rect ));
- }
- public function collidesWithRectangle( other:Rectangle ):Boolean
- {
- return (rect.intersects( other ));
- }
- /* ========================== NODES ========================== */
- public function addNode( node:Node ):void
- {
- nodes.addChild( node );
- node.x -= x;
- node.y -= y;
- refreshLines();
- }
- public function removeNode( node:Node ):void
- {
- nodes.removeChild( node );
- refreshLines();
- }
- public function removeAllNodes():void
- {
- while (nodes.numChildren > 0)
- nodes.removeChildAt( 0 );
- refreshLines();
- }
- public function removeFirstNode( times:uint = 1 ):void
- {
- for ( var i:int = 0; i < times; i++ )
- nodes.removeChildAt( 0 );
- refreshLines();
- }
- public function getAmountOfNodes():uint
- {
- return nodes.numChildren;
- }
- public function hasNodeAt( x:int, y:int ):Boolean
- {
- for ( var i:int = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- if (nodes.getChildAt( i ).x == x - this.x && nodes.getChildAt( i ).y == y - this.y)
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public function removeNodeAt( x:int, y:int ):void
- {
- for ( var i:int = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- if (nodes.getChildAt( i ).x == x - this.x && nodes.getChildAt( i ).y == y - this.y)
- {
- nodes.removeChildAt( i );
- refreshLines();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- private function refreshNodes():void
- {
- for ( var i:int = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- (nodes.getChildAt( i ) as Node).updateImage();
- }
- refreshLines();
- }
- private function refreshLines():void
- {
- if (definition.nodesDefinition == null || definition.nodesDefinition.lineMode == NodesDefinition.NONE)
- return;
- lines.graphics.clear();
- var color:uint = definition.nodesDefinition.color;
- var n:Node;
- var i:int;
- lines.graphics.lineStyle( 1, color );
- if (definition.nodesDefinition.lineMode == NodesDefinition.PATH || definition.nodesDefinition.lineMode == NodesDefinition.CIRCUIT)
- {
- lines.graphics.moveTo( 0, 0 );
- for ( i = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- n = nodes.getChildAt( i ) as Node;
- lines.graphics.lineTo( n.x, n.y );
- }
- if (nodes.numChildren > 0 && definition.nodesDefinition.lineMode == NodesDefinition.CIRCUIT)
- lines.graphics.lineTo( 0, 0 );
- }
- else if (definition.nodesDefinition.lineMode == NodesDefinition.FAN)
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- n = nodes.getChildAt( i ) as Node;
- lines.graphics.moveTo( 0, 0 );
- lines.graphics.lineTo( n.x, n.y );
- }
- }
- }
- /* ========================== GETS/SETS ========================== */
- public function deepCopy():GameObject
- {
- var o:GameObject = new GameObject( layer, definition );
- o.x = x;
- o.y = y;
- o.setAngle( angle );
- o.setSize( objWidth, objHeight );
- var i:int;
- //Copy the values
- if (values)
- {
- for ( i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
- o.values[ i ].value = values[ i ].value;
- }
- //Copy the nodes
- for ( i = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- o.addNode( new Node( o, nodes.getChildAt( i ).x, nodes.getChildAt( i ).y ) );
- }
- return o;
- }
- public function get angle():Number
- {
- return holder.rotation;
- }
- public function set angle( to:Number ):void
- {
- holder.rotation = to;
- }
- public function set selected( to:Boolean ):void
- {
- _selected = to;
- if (to)
- {
- nodes.alpha = 1;
- lines.alpha = 1;
- selBox.setColor( SelBox.OBJECT_SELECTED );
- drawBG();
- }
- else
- {
- nodes.alpha = 0.4;
- lines.alpha = 0.4;
- selBox.setColor( SelBox.OBJECT_NOTSELECTED );
- clearBG();
- }
- }
- public function get selected():Boolean
- {
- return _selected;
- }
- public function get xml():XML
- {
- var xml:XML = <object/>;
- //basics
- xml.setName( definition.name );
- xml.@x = x;
- xml.@y = y;
- //Size if resizable
- if (definition.resizableX)
- xml.@width = objWidth;
- if (definition.resizableY)
- xml.@height = objHeight;
- //Angle if rotatable
- if (definition.rotatable)
- {
- if (definition.exportRadians)
- xml.@angle = Utils.degToRad( angle );
- else
- xml.@angle = angle;
- }
- //values
- Reader.writeValues( xml, values );
- //nodes
- for ( var i:int = 0; i < nodes.numChildren; i++ )
- {
- var node:XML = (nodes.getChildAt( i ) as Node).xml;
- xml.appendChild( node );
- }
- return xml;
- }
- public function set xml( to:XML ):void
- {
- var o:ObjectDefinition = Ogmo.project.getObjectDefinitionByName( to.name().localName );
- if (o)
- init( o );
- else
- throw new Error( "Object not defined: \"" + to.name().localName + "\"" );
- x = (int)(to.@x);
- y = (int)(to.@y);
- //Set the size
- var w:int, h:int;
- if (definition.resizableX)
- w = to.@width;
- else
- w = definition.width;
- if (definition.resizableY)
- h = to.@height;
- else
- h = definition.height;
- setSize( w, h );
- //Angle if rotatable
- if (definition.rotatable)
- {
- if (definition.exportRadians)
- angle = Utils.radToDeg( Number( to.@angle ) );
- else
- angle = Number( to.@angle );
- }
- //set the values
- Reader.readValues( to, values );
- //create the nodes
- for each ( var n:XML in to.node )
- addNode( new Node( this, n.@x, n.@y ) );
- }
- public function get rect():Rectangle
- {
- return new Rectangle( x - definition.originX, y - definition.originY, objWidth, objHeight );
- }
- }
- }