ActionScript | 305 lines | 242 code | 55 blank | 8 comment | 8 complexity | 360d2de43b37ac5b86704618f81a36b2 MD5 | raw file
- package editor.ui
- {
- import editor.*;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- public class Window extends Sprite
- {
- private var _bodyWidth:int;
- private var _bodyHeight:int;
- private var dragging:Boolean;
- private var moveX:Number;
- private var moveY:Number;
- private var _active:Boolean;
- private var minimized:Boolean;
- protected var oldWidth:uint;
- protected var oldHeight:uint;
- //Contained stuff
- private var bg:Sprite;
- private var bar:Sprite;
- private var border:Sprite;
- private var _title:TextField;
- public var ui:Sprite;
- //Constants
- static public const BAR_HEIGHT:int = 24;
- static private const BORDER:uint = 2;
- static private const C_BG:uint = 0x666666;
- static private const C_BAR:uint = 0xBB8888;
- static private const C_BARHOLD:uint = 0xFF6666;
- static private const C_BORDER:uint = 0x000000;
- static private const C_BARM:uint = 0x774444;
- static private const C_BARMHOLD:uint = 0xBB2222;
- static private const C_TITLE:uint = 0xFFFFFF;
- public function Window( bodyWidth:int, bodyHeight:int, titleText:String )
- {
- _bodyWidth = bodyWidth;
- _bodyHeight = bodyHeight;
- addChild( bg = new Sprite );
- addChild( bar = new Sprite );
- addChild( border = new Sprite );
- bar.doubleClickEnabled = true;
- hitArea = new Sprite;
- hitArea.width = _bodyWidth;
- hitArea.height = _bodyHeight;
- drawBG();
- drawBar();
- drawBorder();
- _title = new TextField();
- _title.mouseEnabled = false;
- _title.selectable = false;
- _title.text = titleText;
- _title.y = (-BAR_HEIGHT / 2) - (_title.textHeight / 2) + (Ogmo.mac?2:-2);
- _title.textColor = C_TITLE;
- _title.width = _bodyWidth;
- _title.height = BAR_HEIGHT;
- _title.x = 10;
- addChild( _title );
- addChild( ui = new Sprite );
- alpha = 0.8;
- dragging = false;
- minimized = false;
- _active = false;
- addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
- }
- private function init( e:Event ):void
- {
- removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
- addEventListener( Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, destroy );
- stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp );
- stage.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove );
- bar.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown );
- bar.addEventListener( MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onDoubleClick );
- addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickAnywhere );
- oldWidth = stage.stageWidth;
- oldHeight = stage.stageHeight;
- enforceBounds();
- }
- private function destroy( e:Event ):void
- {
- removeEventListener( Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, destroy );
- stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp );
- stage.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove );
- bar.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown );
- bar.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, onDoubleClick );
- removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClickAnywhere );
- }
- private function drawBG():void
- {
- bg.graphics.clear();
- bg.graphics.beginFill( C_BG );
- if (minimized)
- bg.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, BAR_HEIGHT );
- else
- bg.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, _bodyHeight + BAR_HEIGHT );
- bg.graphics.endFill();
- }
- private function drawBar():void
- {
- bar.graphics.clear();
- if (minimized)
- bar.graphics.beginFill( C_BARM );
- else
- bar.graphics.beginFill( C_BAR );
- bar.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, BAR_HEIGHT );
- bar.graphics.endFill();
- }
- private function drawBarHold():void
- {
- bar.graphics.clear();
- if (minimized)
- bar.graphics.beginFill( C_BARMHOLD );
- else
- bar.graphics.beginFill( C_BARHOLD );
- bar.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, BAR_HEIGHT );
- bar.graphics.endFill();
- }
- private function drawBorder():void
- {
- border.graphics.clear();
- border.graphics.beginFill( C_BORDER );
- if (minimized)
- {
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER, BORDER, BAR_HEIGHT - BORDER*2 );
- border.graphics.drawRect( _bodyWidth - BORDER, -BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER, BORDER, BAR_HEIGHT - BORDER*2 );
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, BORDER );
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BORDER, _bodyWidth, BORDER );
- }
- else
- {
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER, BORDER, _bodyHeight + BAR_HEIGHT - BORDER*2 );
- border.graphics.drawRect( _bodyWidth - BORDER, -BAR_HEIGHT + BORDER, BORDER, _bodyHeight + BAR_HEIGHT - BORDER*2 );
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, -BAR_HEIGHT, _bodyWidth, BORDER );
- border.graphics.drawRect( 0, _bodyHeight - BORDER, _bodyWidth, BORDER );
- }
- border.graphics.endFill();
- }
- public function enforceBounds():void
- {
- //Calculate the distance to the edge
- var edgeX:int = (stage.stageWidth - Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH) / 2;
- var edgeY:int = (stage.stageHeight - Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT) / 2;
- //Stick to edges
- stickToEdges( oldWidth, oldHeight );
- //Actually enforce the bounds
- x = Utils.within( -edgeX, x, Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH + edgeX - _bodyWidth );
- y = Utils.within( -edgeY + BAR_HEIGHT, y, Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT + edgeY );
- }
- public function stickToEdges( oldWidth:int, oldHeight:int ):void
- {
- if (x + (_bodyWidth/2) < Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_WIDTH / 2)
- x -= (stage.stageWidth - oldWidth) / 2;
- else
- x += (stage.stageWidth - oldWidth) / 2;
- if (y + (_bodyHeight/2) < Ogmo.STAGE_DEFAULT_HEIGHT / 2)
- y -= (stage.stageHeight - oldHeight) / 2;
- else
- y += (stage.stageHeight - oldHeight) / 2;
- //update
- this.oldWidth = stage.stageWidth;
- this.oldHeight = stage.stageHeight;
- }
- public function emptyUI():void
- {
- while (ui.numChildren > 0)
- ui.removeChildAt(0);
- }
- /* ========================== GETS/SETS ========================== */
- public function set title( to:String ):void
- {
- _title.text = to;
- _title.y = (-BAR_HEIGHT / 2) - (_title.textHeight / 2) - 2;
- }
- public function get title():String
- {
- return _title.text;
- }
- public function set active( to:Boolean ):void
- {
- _active = to;
- visible = to;
- mouseEnabled = to;
- }
- public function get active():Boolean
- {
- return _active;
- }
- public function set bodyWidth( to:int ):void
- {
- _bodyWidth = to;
- hitArea.width = _bodyWidth;
- drawBG();
- drawBar();
- drawBorder();
- _title.x = (_bodyWidth / 2) - (_title.textWidth / 2) - 3;
- }
- public function get bodyWidth():int
- {
- return _bodyWidth;
- }
- public function set bodyHeight( to:int ):void
- {
- _bodyHeight = to;
- hitArea.height = _bodyHeight;
- drawBG();
- drawBar();
- drawBorder();
- }
- public function get bodyHeight():int
- {
- return _bodyHeight;
- }
- /* ========================== EVENTS ========================== */
- private function onMouseDown( e:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- dragging = true;
- moveX = e.localX;
- moveY = e.localY;
- drawBarHold();
- }
- private function onMouseMove( e:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- if (dragging)
- {
- x = e.stageX - moveX;
- y = e.stageY - moveY;
- enforceBounds();
- }
- }
- private function onMouseUp( e:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- dragging = false;
- drawBar();
- }
- private function onDoubleClick( e:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- minimized = !minimized;
- ui.visible = !minimized;
- ui.mouseChildren = !minimized;
- ui.mouseEnabled = !minimized;
- drawBG();
- drawBar();
- drawBorder();
- }
- private function onClickAnywhere( e:MouseEvent ):void
- {
- parent.setChildIndex( this, parent.numChildren - 1 );
- }
- }
- }