C++ | 560 lines | 490 code | 44 blank | 26 comment | 48 complexity | 0715280b42aa05e0ce272f0842604030 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, BSD-3-Clause
- // **********************************************************************
- //
- // Copyright (c) 2003-2011 ZeroC, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //
- // This copy of Ice is licensed to you under the terms described in the
- // ICE_LICENSE file included in this distribution.
- //
- // **********************************************************************
- #include <Util.h>
- #include <Ice/LocalException.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- using namespace std;
- using namespace IceRuby;
- extern "C"
- IceRuby_stringVersion(int /*argc*/, VALUE* /*argv*/, VALUE /*self*/)
- {
- {
- string s = ICE_STRING_VERSION;
- return createString(s);
- }
- return Qnil;
- }
- extern "C"
- IceRuby_intVersion(int /*argc*/, VALUE* /*argv*/, VALUE /*self*/)
- {
- {
- }
- return Qnil;
- }
- void
- IceRuby::initUtil(VALUE iceModule)
- {
- rb_define_module_function(iceModule, "stringVersion", CAST_METHOD(IceRuby_stringVersion), -1);
- rb_define_module_function(iceModule, "intVersion", CAST_METHOD(IceRuby_intVersion), -1);
- }
- IceRuby::RubyException::RubyException()
- {
- ex = rb_gv_get("$!");
- }
- IceRuby::RubyException::RubyException(VALUE exv) :
- ex(exv)
- {
- }
- IceRuby::RubyException::RubyException(VALUE exClass, const char* fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list args;
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- va_start(args, fmt);
- vsnprintf(buf, BUFSIZ, fmt, args);
- buf[BUFSIZ - 1] = '\0';
- va_end(args);
- ex = callRuby(rb_exc_new2, exClass, buf);
- }
- ostream&
- IceRuby::RubyException::operator<<(ostream& ostr) const
- {
- volatile VALUE cls = rb_class_path(CLASS_OF(ex));
- volatile VALUE msg = rb_obj_as_string(ex);
- ostr << RSTRING_PTR(cls) << ": " << RSTRING_PTR(msg);
- return ostr;
- }
- bool
- IceRuby::isString(VALUE val)
- {
- return TYPE(val) == T_STRING || callRuby(rb_respond_to, val, rb_intern("to_str")) != 0;
- }
- bool
- IceRuby::isArray(VALUE val)
- {
- return TYPE(val) == T_ARRAY || callRuby(rb_respond_to, val, rb_intern("to_arr")) != 0;
- }
- bool
- IceRuby::isHash(VALUE val)
- {
- return TYPE(val) == T_HASH || callRuby(rb_respond_to, val, rb_intern("to_hash")) != 0;
- }
- string
- IceRuby::getString(VALUE val)
- {
- volatile VALUE result = callRuby(rb_string_value, &val);
- return string(RSTRING_PTR(result), RSTRING_LEN(result));
- }
- IceRuby::createString(const string& str)
- {
- return callRuby(rb_str_new, str.c_str(), static_cast<long>(str.size()));
- }
- long
- IceRuby::getInteger(VALUE val)
- {
- if(!FIXNUM_P(val) && TYPE(val) != T_BIGNUM)
- {
- val = callRuby(rb_Integer, val);
- }
- if(FIXNUM_P(val))
- {
- return FIX2LONG(val);
- }
- else if(TYPE(val) == T_BIGNUM)
- {
- Ice::Long l = getLong(val);
- if(l >= static_cast<Ice::Long>(INT_MIN) && l <= static_cast<Ice::Long>(INT_MAX))
- {
- return static_cast<long>(l);
- }
- }
- throw RubyException(rb_eTypeError, "unable to convert value to an integer");
- }
- #define BIGUP(x) ((BDIGIT_DBL)(x) << BITSPERDIG)
- Ice::Long
- IceRuby::getLong(VALUE val)
- {
- //
- // The rb_num2ll function raises exceptions, but we can't call it using callProtected
- // because its return type is long long and not VALUE.
- //
- volatile VALUE v = callRuby(rb_Integer, val);
- if(NIL_P(v))
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eTypeError, "unable to convert value to a long");
- }
- if(FIXNUM_P(v))
- {
- return FIX2LONG(v);
- }
- else
- {
- assert(TYPE(v) == T_BIGNUM);
- long len = RBIGNUM_LEN(v);
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eRangeError, "bignum too big to convert into long");
- }
- BDIGIT_DBL num = 0;
- while(len--)
- {
- num = BIGUP(num);
- num += ds[len];
- }
- Ice::Long l = static_cast<Ice::Long>(num);
- if(l < 0 && (RBIGNUM_SIGN(v) || l != LLONG_MIN))
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eRangeError, "bignum too big to convert into long");
- }
- if (!RBIGNUM_SIGN(v))
- {
- return -l;
- }
- return l;
- }
- }
- bool
- IceRuby::arrayToStringSeq(VALUE val, vector<string>& seq)
- {
- volatile VALUE arr = callRuby(rb_check_array_type, val);
- if(NIL_P(arr))
- {
- return false;
- }
- for(long i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(arr); ++i)
- {
- string s = getString(RARRAY_PTR(arr)[i]);
- seq.push_back(getString(RARRAY_PTR(arr)[i]));
- }
- return true;
- }
- IceRuby::stringSeqToArray(const vector<string>& seq)
- {
- volatile VALUE result = createArray(seq.size());
- long i = 0;
- if(seq.size() > 0)
- {
- for(vector<string>::const_iterator p = seq.begin(); p != seq.end(); ++p, ++i)
- {
- RARRAY_PTR(result)[i] = createString(*p);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- namespace
- {
- struct HashToContextIterator : public IceRuby::HashIterator
- {
- HashToContextIterator(Ice::Context& c) : ctx(c)
- {
- }
- virtual void element(VALUE key, VALUE value)
- {
- string kstr = IceRuby::getString(key);
- string vstr = IceRuby::getString(value);
- ctx[kstr] = vstr;
- }
- Ice::Context& ctx;
- };
- }
- bool
- IceRuby::hashToContext(VALUE val, Ice::Context& ctx)
- {
- if(TYPE(val) != T_HASH)
- {
- val = callRuby(rb_convert_type, val, T_HASH, "Hash", "to_hash");
- if(NIL_P(val))
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- HashToContextIterator iter(ctx);
- hashIterate(val, iter);
- return true;
- }
- IceRuby::contextToHash(const Ice::Context& ctx)
- {
- volatile VALUE result = callRuby(rb_hash_new);
- for(Ice::Context::const_iterator p = ctx.begin(); p != ctx.end(); ++p)
- {
- volatile VALUE key = callRuby(rb_str_new, p->first.c_str(), static_cast<long>(p->first.size()));
- volatile VALUE value = callRuby(rb_str_new, p->second.c_str(), static_cast<long>(p->second.size()));
- callRuby(rb_hash_aset, result, key, value);
- }
- return result;
- }
- extern "C"
- IceRuby_Util_hash_foreach_callback(VALUE val, VALUE arg)
- {
- VALUE key = rb_ary_entry(val, 0);
- VALUE value = rb_ary_entry(val, 1);
- //
- // We can't allow any C++ exceptions to propagate out of this function.
- //
- {
- IceRuby::HashIterator* iter = reinterpret_cast<IceRuby::HashIterator*>(arg);
- iter->element(key, value);
- }
- return val;
- }
- extern "C"
- {
- }
- void
- IceRuby::hashIterate(VALUE h, HashIterator& iter)
- {
- assert(TYPE(h) == T_HASH);
- callRuby(rb_iterate, rb_each, h,
- reinterpret_cast<ICE_RUBY_HASH_FOREACH_CALLBACK>(IceRuby_Util_hash_foreach_callback),
- reinterpret_cast<VALUE>(&iter));
- }
- Ice::Identity
- IceRuby::getIdentity(VALUE v)
- {
- volatile VALUE cls = callRuby(rb_path2class, "Ice::Identity");
- assert(!NIL_P(cls));
- if(callRuby(rb_obj_is_kind_of, v, cls) == Qfalse)
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eTypeError, "value is not an Ice::Identity");
- }
- volatile VALUE name = callRuby(rb_iv_get, v, "@name");
- volatile VALUE category = callRuby(rb_iv_get, v, "@category");
- if(!NIL_P(category) && !isString(category))
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eTypeError, "identity category must be a string");
- }
- if(NIL_P(name) || !isString(name))
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eTypeError, "identity name must be a string");
- }
- Ice::Identity result;
- result.name = getString(name);
- if(!NIL_P(category))
- {
- result.category = getString(category);
- }
- return result;
- }
- IceRuby::createIdentity(const Ice::Identity& id)
- {
- volatile VALUE cls = callRuby(rb_path2class, "Ice::Identity");
- assert(!NIL_P(cls));
- volatile VALUE result = callRuby(rb_class_new_instance, 0, reinterpret_cast<VALUE*>(0), cls);
- volatile VALUE name = callRuby(rb_str_new, id.name.c_str(), static_cast<long>(id.name.size()));
- volatile VALUE category = callRuby(rb_str_new, id.category.c_str(), static_cast<long>(id.category.size()));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, result, "@name", name);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, result, "@category", category);
- return result;
- }
- IceRuby::callProtected(RubyFunction func, VALUE arg)
- {
- int error = 0;
- volatile VALUE result = rb_protect(func, arg, &error);
- if(error)
- {
- throw RubyException();
- }
- return result;
- }
- static void
- setExceptionMembers(const Ice::LocalException& ex, VALUE p)
- {
- //
- // Transfer data members from Ice exception to Ruby exception.
- //
- try
- {
- ex.ice_throw();
- }
- catch(const Ice::InitializationException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::PluginInitializationException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::AlreadyRegisteredException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = createString(e.kindOfObject);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@kindOfObject", v);
- v = createString(e.id);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@id", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::NotRegisteredException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = createString(e.kindOfObject);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@kindOfObject", v);
- v = createString(e.id);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@id", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::TwowayOnlyException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.operation);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@operation", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::UnknownException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.unknown);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@unknown", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::ObjectAdapterDeactivatedException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.name);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@name", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::ObjectAdapterIdInUseException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.id);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@id", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::NoEndpointException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.proxy);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@proxy", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::EndpointParseException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.str);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@str", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::IdentityParseException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.str);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@str", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::ProxyParseException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.str);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@str", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::IllegalIdentityException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = IceRuby::createIdentity(e.id);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@id", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::RequestFailedException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = IceRuby::createIdentity(e.id);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@id", v);
- v = createString(e.facet);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@facet", v);
- v = createString(e.operation);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@operation", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::FileException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = INT2FIX(e.error);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@error", v);
- v = createString(e.path);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@path", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::SyscallException& e) // This must appear after all subclasses of SyscallException.
- {
- volatile VALUE v = INT2FIX(e.error);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@error", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::DNSException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = INT2FIX(e.error);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@error", v);
- v = createString(e.host);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@host", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::UnsupportedProtocolException& e)
- {
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@badMajor", INT2FIX(e.badMajor));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@badMinor", INT2FIX(e.badMinor));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@major", INT2FIX(e.major));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@minor", INT2FIX(e.minor));
- }
- catch(const Ice::UnsupportedEncodingException& e)
- {
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@badMajor", INT2FIX(e.badMajor));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@badMinor", INT2FIX(e.badMinor));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@major", INT2FIX(e.major));
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@minor", INT2FIX(e.minor));
- }
- catch(const Ice::NoObjectFactoryException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- v = createString(e.type);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@type", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::UnexpectedObjectException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v;
- v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- v = createString(e.type);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@type", v);
- v = createString(e.expectedType);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@expectedType", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::ProtocolException& e) // This must appear after all subclasses of ProtocolException.
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::FeatureNotSupportedException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.unsupportedFeature);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@unsupportedFeature", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::SecurityException& e)
- {
- volatile VALUE v = createString(e.reason);
- callRuby(rb_iv_set, p, "@reason", v);
- }
- catch(const Ice::LocalException&)
- {
- //
- // Nothing to do.
- //
- }
- }
- IceRuby::createArrayHelper(long sz)
- {
- VALUE arr = callRuby(rb_ary_new2, sz);
- if(sz > 0)
- {
- callRubyVoid(rb_ary_store, arr, sz - 1, Qnil);
- }
- return arr;
- }
- IceRuby::convertLocalException(const Ice::LocalException& ex)
- {
- //
- // We cannot throw a C++ exception or raise a Ruby exception. If an error
- // occurs while we are converting the exception, we do our best to return
- // an appropriate Ruby exception.
- //
- try
- {
- string name = ex.ice_name();
- volatile VALUE cls = callRuby(rb_path2class, name.c_str());
- if(NIL_P(cls))
- {
- throw RubyException(rb_eRuntimeError, "exception class `%s' not found", name.c_str());
- }
- volatile VALUE result = callRuby(rb_class_new_instance, 0, reinterpret_cast<VALUE*>(0), cls);
- setExceptionMembers(ex, result);
- return result;
- }
- catch(const RubyException& e)
- {
- return e.ex;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- string msg = "failure occurred while converting exception " + ex.ice_name();
- return rb_exc_new2(rb_eRuntimeError, msg.c_str());
- }
- }