ActionScript | 943 lines | 424 code | 204 blank | 315 comment | 34 complexity | 3126e205b02ecfd4b4c9cbc9456e4dac MD5 | raw file
- /*
- The MIT License
- Copyright (c) 2010 Mike Chambers
- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- */
- package com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine
- {
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.events.FireEvent;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.events.GameEvent;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.events.GameObjectEvent;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.BasicEnemy;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.ChaserEnemy;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.Enemy;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.Explosion;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.Missile;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.Ship;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.engine.gameobjects.UFOEnemy;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.ui.GameController;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.ui.ScoreBar;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.ui.WaveCompletedView;
- import com.mikechambers.pewpew.ui.events.ScreenControlEvent;
- import com.mikechambers.sgf.events.TickEvent;
- import com.mikechambers.sgf.time.TickManager;
- import com.mikechambers.sgf.utils.DisplayObjectUtil;
- import com.mikechambers.sgf.pools.GameObjectPool;
- import com.mikechambers.sgf.gameobjects.GameObject;
- import flash.display.BitmapData;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.TimerEvent;
- import flash.geom.Point;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.system.System;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import flash.utils.Timer;
- //class that handles game play logic, and manages all
- //game play items
- public class GameArea extends Sprite
- {
- //default starting number of lives
- private static const DEFAULT_LIVES:uint = 2;
- //default number of starting enemies per level
- private static const DEFAULT_NUMBER_ENEMIES:uint = 10;
- //interval in seconds to do special game checks
- private static const GAME_CHECK_INTERVAL:Number = 7;
- //instantiated within FLA
- public var scoreBar:ScoreBar;
- //player controlled ship
- private var ship:Ship;
- //game play bounds
- private var bounds:Rectangle;
- //current score
- private var score:uint;
- //current number of lives
- private var lives:int;
- //current level / wave
- private var wave:uint = 1;
- //vector of all active enemies
- private var enemies:Vector.<Enemy>;
- //vector of all active ship missiles
- private var missiles:Vector.<Missile>;
- //view displayed when a wave / level is completed
- private var waveCompletedView:WaveCompletedView;
- //tickManager instance to manage game play time
- private var tickManager:TickManager;
- //current tick count
- private var tickCount:uint = 0;
- //game controller / thumb paddle
- public var gameController:GameController;
- //object pool for game
- //todo: change this to use pool from SGF
- private var gameObjectPool:GameObjectPool;
- //Whether there is already a UFOEnemy in the game area
- private var ufoOnStage:Boolean = false;
- /*************** initialization *************/
- //constructor for instance
- public function GameArea()
- {
- //initialize the enemies vector
- enemies = new Vector.<Enemy>();
- //initialize the missiles vector
- missiles = new Vector.<Missile>();
- //listen for when the instance is added to the stage
- addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onStageAdded, false, 0,
- true);
- //disable all mouse events since we dont need them here
- //this is done for performance reasons
- mouseEnabled = false;
- mouseChildren = false;
- }
- /************** Flash engine Events **************/
- //called when instance is added to stage
- private function onStageAdded(e:Event):void
- {
- //dont need to listen for this anymore
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onStageAdded);
- //get an instance of the game object pool
- gameObjectPool = GameObjectPool.getInstance();
- //set the game area bounds
- bounds = new Rectangle(0,scoreBar.height, stage.stageWidth,
- stage.stageHeight - scoreBar.height);
- //position the game controller / thumb paddle
- gameController.x = bounds.width - (gameController.width / 2);
- gameController.y = bounds.height - (gameController.height / 2);
- //listen for when the instance is removed from the stage
- addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onStageRemoved, false,
- 0, true);
- }
- //called when the instance is removed from the stage
- private function onStageRemoved(e:Event):void
- {
- //remove listener, since we are already removed
- removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onStageRemoved);
- //stop listening to the tickManager events
- tickManager.removeEventListener(TickEvent.TICK, onTick);
- }
- /************ controll APIS ****************/
- //starts the game
- public function start():void
- {
- //check if we have an instance of tickManager
- if(!tickManager)
- {
- //if not, create one and start it
- tickManager = TickManager.getInstance();
- //todo: look into why start is called inside the if statement
- tickManager.start();
- }
- //reset level
- reset();
- //initialize player ship
- initShip();
- //add enemies
- addEnemies();
- }
- //reset game state
- private function reset():void
- {
- //todo: need to be more consitent on how we listen for events / weak
- //listen for the onTick event from TickManager
- tickManager.addEventListener(TickEvent.TICK, onTick, false, 0, true);
- //reset tickCount
- tickCount = 0;
- //remove all existing enemies
- removeAllEnemies();
- //remove all existing missiles
- removeAllMissiles();
- //result current lives
- lives = DEFAULT_LIVES;
- //result score
- score = 0;
- //reset wave / level
- wave = 1;
- //todo: move this to a setter so we can set it in one place
- //update scorebar view
- scoreBar.score = score;
- scoreBar.lives = lives;
- scoreBar.wave = wave;
- }
- //removes all of the enemies from the game play area
- private function removeAllEnemies():void
- {
- var len:int = enemies.length;
- for(var i:int = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- //note that removeEnemy does a slice to remove the specified
- //enemy.
- //for removing all enemies, we could refactor to just set enemies.length = 0
- //but would have to include code from removeEnemy
- //given the fact that we never have more that 12 or so enemies at once,
- //we are fine as is. However, if we added tons of enemies, it might be something
- //worth considering
- removeEnemy(enemies[i]);
- }
- }
- //removes all missiles from the gameplay area
- private function removeAllMissiles():void
- {
- var len:int = missiles.length;
- for(var i:int = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- //see comment above in removeAllEnemies, for possible
- //optimization
- removeMissile(missiles[i]);
- }
- }
- //resets all enemies and removes them from the game area
- private function resetEnemies():void
- {
- for each(var e:Enemy in enemies)
- {
- gameObjectPool.returnGameObject(e);
- }
- }
- //reinitializes all enemies
- private function restartEnemies():void
- {
- //make sure there are not any stray missiles that could
- //collide when the enemy spawns
- removeAllMissiles();
- for each(var e:Enemy in enemies)
- {
- //reinitialize
- e.target = ship;
- e.initialize(bounds, ship, wave);
- //add to stage
- addGameObject(e);
- }
- }
- //initializes players ship
- private function initShip():void
- {
- //get a ship instance from the object pool
- ship = Ship(gameObjectPool.getGameObject(Ship));
- //reinitialize it
- ship.initialize(bounds, null, 1);
- //set the controller for the ship
- ship.gameController = gameController;
- //listen for when the ship fires
- ship.addEventListener(FireEvent.FIRE, onShipFire, false, 0, true);
- //add ship to stage
- addGameObject(ship);
- //position on stage
- ship.x = bounds.width / 2;
- ship.y = bounds.height / 2;
- }
- //add an initialize a new wave of enemies
- private function addEnemies():void
- {
- //make sure there are no stray missiles
- removeAllMissiles();
- var enemy:Enemy;
- //todo: should refactor to add ALL enemies (basic and advanced)
- //at same time.
- //loop through and create the enemies
- for(var i:int = 0; i < DEFAULT_NUMBER_ENEMIES; i++)
- {
- //get enemy instance from object pool
- enemy = BasicEnemy(gameObjectPool.getGameObject(BasicEnemy));
- //initialize
- enemy.initialize(bounds, null, 1 + (wave/5));
- //listen for when it gets destroyed
- enemy.addEventListener(GameObjectEvent.DESTROYED, onEnemyDestroyed,
- false, 0, true);
- //add object to stage
- addGameObject(enemy);
- //added to enemies vector
- enemies.push(enemy);
- }
- //check if we are at wave 4 or higher
- if(wave > 3)
- {
- var len:int = 1;
- // some logic to add more advanced enemies at high levels
- if(wave >= 9)
- {
- //wave 9 or higher, add 3
- len = 3;
- }
- else if(wave > 6)
- {
- //wave 7 or higher, add 2
- len = 2;
- }
- //otherwise add 1
- while(len-- != 0)
- {
- //add chaser enemies
- enemy = ChaserEnemy(gameObjectPool.getGameObject(ChaserEnemy));
- //initialize
- enemy.initialize(bounds, ship, wave);
- //listen for when it gets destroyed
- enemy.addEventListener(GameObjectEvent.DESTROYED, onEnemyDestroyed,
- false, 0, true);
- //add object to stage
- addGameObject(enemy);
- //added to enemies vector
- enemies.push(enemy);
- }
- }
- }
- /********** game events *************/
- //tick event, called on each game time interval
- private function onTick(e:TickEvent):void
- {
- //stop propogation of event for performance reasons
- e.stopPropagation();
- //check and see if there are any game object collisions
- checkCollisions();
- //update overall tick count
- tickCount++;
- //check if tick count is evenly divided by FPS (one second)
- if(!(tickCount % TickManager.FPS_RATE))
- {
- //see if it is time to do a game check to potentially
- //change game state
- //GAME_CHECK_INTERVAL is in seconds
- if(!(tickCount % GAME_CHECK_INTERVAL * TickManager.FPS_RATE))
- {
- gameCheck();
- }
- }
- }
- //called when it is time to potentially change the game state during
- //a game
- private function gameCheck():void
- {
- //if we are on wave one, do nothing
- if(wave < 2)
- {
- return;
- }
- //randomly dont do anyting (odds depend on the current wave)
- if((Math.random() * 100) + wave < 50)
- {
- return;
- }
- //check to see if a UFOEnemy is already on stage
- if(!ufoOnStage)
- {
- //get an instance of the UFOEnemy
- var enemy:UFOEnemy = UFOEnemy(gameObjectPool.getGameObject(UFOEnemy));
- //todo: we could move code below into its own function. This is done in a couple
- //of different places
- //initialize it
- enemy.initialize(bounds, ship, 1 + (wave/5));
- //list for destroyed event
- enemy.addEventListener(GameObjectEvent.DESTROYED, onEnemyDestroyed,
- false, 0, true);
- //listen for REMOVE event (when it goes off stage)
- enemy.addEventListener(GameObjectEvent.REMOVE, onRemoveItem, false,
- 0, true);
- //set that there is a UFOEnemy on stage
- ufoOnStage = true;
- //add to stage
- addGameObject(enemy);
- //add to enemies vector
- enemies.push(enemy);
- }
- }
- //adds a game object to the stage (if it is not already on the stage)
- private function addGameObject(go:GameObject, setToBottom:Boolean = false):void
- {
- //check and see if it is already on the display list
- if(!contains(go))
- {
- //if not, add it
- addChild(go);
- //check if we want to set the item to the bottom of the z order
- if(setToBottom)
- {
- //if so, set it
- setChildIndex(go, 0);
- }
- }
- //tell the game object to start
- go.start();
- }
- /********* game engine APIs **********/
- //creates and positions an explosion object
- private function createExplosion(px:Number, py:Number):void
- {
- //get an explosion instance
- var exp:Explosion = Explosion(gameObjectPool.getGameObject(Explosion));
- //initialize it
- exp.initialize(bounds);
- //set position
- exp.x = px;
- exp.y = py;
- //listen for its complete event
- exp.addEventListener(GameEvent.EXPLOSION_COMPLETE,
- onExplosionComplete,
- false, 0, true);
- //add to game area
- addGameObject(exp);
- }
- //check collisions between game objects
- //specifically, missiles and enemies
- //and enemies and the player's ship
- private function checkCollisions():void
- {
- /*
- Note, collision detection has been one of the areas
- where there has been extesnive optimizations and refactoring
- for performance reasons.
- The current version does a simple cirlce bounds test, which offers
- a good balance between performance, and visual accuracy.
- You can see a summary of various collision detection methods (most
- tried here at one point or another) at:
- http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/2009/06/26/relative-performance-for-collision-detection-techniques-in-actionscript-3/
- The most accurate detection used was doing pixel perfect collision detection:
- http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/2009/06/24/using-bitmapdata-hittest-for-collision-detection/
- http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/2009/06/25/strategies-for-optimizing-collision-detection-with-bitmapdata-hittest/
- however, this was removed to improve performance on iphone.
- I had also implimented pixel perfect collision detection with a grid based
- system for pairing down the tests that needed to be run. Again, this didnt perform great
- on iphone.
- http://www.mikechambers.com/blog/tag/as3dtc1/
- However, the current android based devices seem to run AIR / Flash content
- very well, and it may be possible to reimpliment pixel perfect collision detection with
- a grid based checkl.
- */
- //frameCount++;
- //check 1 out of every 3 frames
- //this is done for performance reasons.
- //can adjust depending on platform, and its performance
- //profile that the game is running on
- if((tickCount % 3) != 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- //if for some reason there is no ship, then dont do anything
- if(!ship)
- {
- return;
- }
- //get the bounds for the ship.
- var shipBounds:Rectangle = ship.getBounds(this);
- //loop through all of the enemies and check for collisions with missiles
- //and ships
- for each(var enemy:Enemy in enemies)
- {
- //get the bounds of the current enemy
- var enemyBounds:Rectangle = enemy.getBounds(this);
- //loop through all of the missiles
- for each(var missile:Missile in missiles)
- {
- //do a simple circle hit test check between thie missile and enemy bounds
- if(DisplayObjectUtil.hitTestCircle(enemyBounds,missile.getBounds(this)))
- {
- //if they hit, remove the missile
- removeMissile(missile);
- // do damage to the enemy. This hit API is here so an enemy could have
- //different levels of hits points or conditions for being destroyed.
- //right now, all enemies will be killed by a single shot, and will be removed
- //from the stage immediately
- enemy.hit(missile.damage);
- //if there are no more enemies, then stop looping
- if(enemies.length == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //todo: might be an issue here where an enemy could be destroyed by a missile above (and
- //removed) but it would still be checked for collision against the ship here.
- //check and see if an enemy is colliding with the player's ship
- if(DisplayObjectUtil.hitTestCircle(shipBounds,enemyBounds))
- {
- //if so, destroy the ship
- destroyShip();
- //remove the enemy
- removeEnemy(enemy);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- //called when a wave / level is completed
- private function waveCompleted():void
- {
- //there is a pause in the action, so lets call the
- //garbage collector.
- //probably not really necessary anymore
- System.gc();
- //create a new instance of the WaveCompletedView. We are not caching it
- //since it content changes everytime (level #)
- waveCompletedView = new WaveCompletedView();
- //listen for then the wave view is done being display
- waveCompletedView.addEventListener(GameEvent.WAVE_VIEW_COMPLETE,
- onWaveViewCompleted,
- false, 0, true);
- //add the view to the game area
- addChild(waveCompletedView);
- //tell the view what wave was just completed
- waveCompletedView.display(wave);
- //position it in the center of the stage.
- waveCompletedView.x = bounds.width / 2 -
- (waveCompletedView.width / 2);
- waveCompletedView.y = bounds.height / 2 - waveCompletedView.height;
- //reset tickCount
- tickCount = 0;
- }
- //todo: use a third party libary for this event chaining
- //timer used to track time after a ship it hit
- private var deathPauseTimer:Timer;
- //called when the player's ship should be destroyed
- //i.e. when it is hit by an enemy
- private function destroyShip():void
- {
- //get the ships bounds
- var b:Rectangle = ship.getBounds(this);
- //create an explosion in the position that the ship was
- createExplosion(b.x + (b.width *.5),
- b.y + (b.height * .5));
- //remove the fire event listener from the ship
- ship.removeEventListener(FireEvent.FIRE, onShipFire);
- //return the ship to the object pool
- gameObjectPool.returnGameObject(ship);
- ship = null;
- //decrement the number of player / ship lives
- lives--;
- //null out the target for all of the enemies
- for each(var enm:Enemy in enemies)
- {
- enm.target = null;
- }
- //check and see if there are no more lives
- if(lives < 0)
- {
- //if not, call GC
- System.gc();
- //dispatch a game over event
- var e:ScreenControlEvent =
- new ScreenControlEvent(ScreenControlEvent.GAME_OVER);
- dispatchEvent(e);
- }
- else
- {
- //update scoreboard with new number of lives
- scoreBar.lives = lives;
- //if there are not more enemies (last one hit the ship)
- if(enemies.length < 1)
- {
- //complete the wave
- waveCompleted();
- return;
- }
- //start the death pause timer
- deathPauseTimer = new Timer(2000);
- deathPauseTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
- onDeathPauseTimer,
- false, 0, true);
- deathPauseTimer.start();
- //stop listening for tick events
- tickManager.removeEventListener(TickEvent.TICK, onTick);
- }
- }
- //removes the specified enemy from the game area
- private function removeEnemy(s:GameObject):void
- {
- //remove event listeners
- s.removeEventListener(GameObjectEvent.DESTROYED, onEnemyDestroyed);
- s.removeEventListener(GameObjectEvent.REMOVE, onRemoveItem);
- //return the enemy to the object pool
- gameObjectPool.returnGameObject(s);
- //if the enemy is a UFOEnemy
- if(s is UFOEnemy)
- {
- //set that there are not UFOEnemies on stage
- ufoOnStage = false;
- }
- //find the index of the enemies in the enemies vector
- var index:int = enemies.indexOf(s);
- //remove it
- enemies.splice(index, 1);
- //check to see if there are anymore enemies
- if(enemies.length < 1 && lives > -1)
- {
- waveCompleted();
- }
- }
- //removes the specified missile from the game area
- private function removeMissile(missile:Missile):void
- {
- //return the missile to the object pool
- gameObjectPool.returnGameObject(missile);
- //remove the listeners from the missile
- missile.removeEventListener(GameObjectEvent.REMOVE_MISSILE, onRemoveMissile);
- //find the index of the missile in the missiles vector
- var index:int = missiles.indexOf(missile);
- //remove the missile
- missiles.splice(index, 1);
- }
- /*********** game engine events ***********/
- //called when an explosion has completed its anaimation
- private function onExplosionComplete(e:GameEvent):void
- {
- //stop the event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //get a reference to the explosion
- var explosion:Explosion = Explosion(e.target);
- //remove the event listeners
- explosion.removeEventListener(GameEvent.EXPLOSION_COMPLETE,
- onExplosionComplete);
- //return the explosion to the object pool
- gameObjectPool.returnGameObject(explosion);
- }
- //called when the wave view is done being displayed
- private function onWaveViewCompleted(e:GameEvent):void
- {
- //stop the event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //remove the wave completed view from the display list
- removeChild(waveCompletedView);
- //stop listening for the event
- waveCompletedView.removeEventListener(GameEvent.WAVE_VIEW_COMPLETE,
- onWaveViewCompleted);
- //clear the reference
- waveCompletedView = null;
- //if there are no ships
- if(!ship)
- {
- //initialize a new ship
- initShip();
- }
- //increment the wave / level counter
- wave++;
- //update scorebar
- scoreBar.wave = wave;
- //add the enemies
- addEnemies();
- //listen for tick events
- tickManager.addEventListener(TickEvent.TICK, onTick, false, 0, true);
- }
- //called when the time interval after a ship is destroyed is up
- private function onDeathPauseTimer(e:TimerEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //reset all of the enemies
- resetEnemies();
- //initialize a new ship
- initShip();
- //stop the timer
- deathPauseTimer.stop();
- //remove listener
- deathPauseTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
- onDeathPauseTimer);
- //add a new listener
- deathPauseTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
- onSpawnShipTimer, false,
- 0, true);
- //set the intervale to 2 seconds
- deathPauseTimer.delay = 2000;
- //start the timer again. This gives the player 2 seconds to react to the
- //ship respawning before the enemies reappear
- deathPauseTimer.start();
- }
- //called after a ship has been destroyed and respawned
- private function onSpawnShipTimer(e:TimerEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //todo: should we reuse this?
- //stop timer
- deathPauseTimer.stop();
- //remove listener
- deathPauseTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,
- onSpawnShipTimer);
- //clear reference to timer
- deathPauseTimer = null;
- //restart all of the enemies
- restartEnemies();
- //reset tick count
- tickCount = 0;
- //start listening for tick events
- tickManager.addEventListener(TickEvent.TICK, onTick, false, 0, true);
- }
- //called when an enemy is destroyed
- private function onEnemyDestroyed(e:GameObjectEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //get a reference to the enemy being destroyed
- var enemy:Enemy = Enemy(e.target);
- //get the enemy bounds
- var b:Rectangle = enemy.getBounds(this);
- //create an explosion in the place of the enemy
- createExplosion(b.x + (b.width * .5), b.y + (b.height * .5));
- //update the score value
- score += enemy.pointValue;
- //update the score display
- scoreBar.score = score;
- //remove the enemy
- removeEnemy(enemy);
- }
- //called when a ship fires a missles
- private function onShipFire(e:FireEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //get a reference to the missile
- var m:Missile = e.projectile;
- //position it
- m.x = ship.x;
- m.y = ship.y;
- //listen for then the missile needs to be removed (i.e. goes off stage)
- m.addEventListener(GameObjectEvent.REMOVE_MISSILE, onRemoveMissile, false, 0, true);
- //add the missile to the game area
- addGameObject(m, true);
- //add the missile to the vector of all missiles
- missiles.push(m);
- }
- //called when a missile should be removed (probably because it went off
- //of the game area).
- private function onRemoveMissile(e:GameObjectEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //remove the missile
- removeMissile(Missile(e.target));
- }
- //called when an item needs to be removed from the game area
- private function onRemoveItem(e:GameObjectEvent):void
- {
- //stop event propagation for performance reasons
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- //remove the item from the game area
- removeEnemy(GameObject(e.target));
- }
- }
- }