Java | 372 lines | 295 code | 65 blank | 12 comment | 50 complexity | ce31981da21a0bc0daf303943383e91d MD5 | raw file
- package com.google.code.facebookapi.apt;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.PrintWriter;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Map;
- import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessor;
- import com.sun.mirror.apt.AnnotationProcessorEnvironment;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationMirror;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.AnnotationValue;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.ClassDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.ConstructorDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.Declaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.MethodDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.Modifier;
- import com.sun.mirror.declaration.ParameterDeclaration;
- import com.sun.mirror.type.ReferenceType;
- import com.sun.mirror.type.TypeMirror;
- import com.sun.mirror.util.SimpleDeclarationVisitor;
- @SuppressWarnings("restriction")
- public class FacebookReturnTypeProcessor5 implements AnnotationProcessor {
- private AnnotationProcessorEnvironment processingEnv;
- public FacebookReturnTypeProcessor5( AnnotationProcessorEnvironment processingEnv ) {
- this.processingEnv = processingEnv;
- }
- public static class CopyConstructorVisitor extends SimpleDeclarationVisitor {
- private String clientType;
- private PrintWriter out;
- public CopyConstructorVisitor( String clientType, PrintWriter out ) {
- this.clientType = clientType;
- this.out = out;
- }
- @Override
- public void visitConstructorDeclaration( ConstructorDeclaration e ) {
- out.print( " " );
- out.print( modifiers( e ) );
- out.print( " " );
- out.print( "Facebook" );
- out.print( clientType );
- out.print( "RestClient" );
- out.print( "( " );
- out.print( parametersIncludingTypes( e ) );
- out.print( " ) " );
- out.print( throwClause( e ) );
- out.println( " {" );
- out.print( " super( " );
- out.print( parametersExcludingTypes( e ) );
- out.println( " );" );
- out.println( " }" );
- out.println();
- }
- }
- private static CharSequence modifiers( ConstructorDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder modifiers = new StringBuilder();
- Collection<Modifier> modifierSet = e.getModifiers();
- boolean isFirstModifier = true;
- for ( Modifier m : modifierSet ) {
- if ( !isFirstModifier ) {
- modifiers.append( " " );
- }
- modifiers.append( m.toString() );
- }
- return modifiers;
- }
- private static CharSequence throwClause( ConstructorDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder throwClause = new StringBuilder();
- Collection<ReferenceType> thrownTypes = e.getThrownTypes();
- boolean isFirstThrows = true;
- for ( TypeMirror t : thrownTypes ) {
- if ( isFirstThrows ) {
- throwClause.append( "throws " );
- } else {
- throwClause.append( ", " );
- }
- throwClause.append( t.toString() );
- }
- return throwClause;
- }
- private static CharSequence throwClause( MethodDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder throwClause = new StringBuilder();
- Collection<ReferenceType> thrownTypes = e.getThrownTypes();
- boolean isFirstThrows = true;
- for ( TypeMirror t : thrownTypes ) {
- if ( isFirstThrows ) {
- throwClause.append( "throws " );
- } else {
- throwClause.append( ", " );
- }
- throwClause.append( t.toString() );
- }
- return throwClause;
- }
- private static CharSequence parametersIncludingTypes( ConstructorDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder methodCode = new StringBuilder();
- boolean isFirstParam = true;
- Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = e.getParameters();
- for ( ParameterDeclaration param : parameters ) {
- if ( !isFirstParam ) {
- methodCode.append( ", " );
- }
- TypeMirror paramType = param.getType();
- methodCode.append( paramType.toString() );
- methodCode.append( " " );
- String paramName = param.toString();
- // For some reason, the name is "int myVar" if it's a primative type
- // Get rid of the "int" bit.
- if ( paramName.contains( " " ) ) {
- paramName = paramName.substring( paramName.indexOf( ' ' ) + 1 );
- }
- methodCode.append( paramName );
- isFirstParam = false;
- }
- return methodCode;
- }
- private static CharSequence parametersIncludingTypes( MethodDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder methodCode = new StringBuilder();
- boolean isFirstParam = true;
- Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = e.getParameters();
- for ( ParameterDeclaration param : parameters ) {
- if ( !isFirstParam ) {
- methodCode.append( ", " );
- }
- TypeMirror paramType = param.getType();
- methodCode.append( paramType.toString() );
- methodCode.append( " " );
- String paramName = param.toString();
- // For some reason, the name is "int myVar" if it's a primative type
- // Get rid of the "int" bit.
- if ( paramName.contains( " " ) ) {
- paramName = paramName.substring( paramName.indexOf( ' ' ) + 1 );
- }
- methodCode.append( paramName );
- isFirstParam = false;
- }
- return methodCode;
- }
- private static CharSequence parametersExcludingTypes( ConstructorDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder paramListCode = new StringBuilder();
- boolean isFirstParam = true;
- Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = e.getParameters();
- for ( ParameterDeclaration param : parameters ) {
- if ( !isFirstParam ) {
- paramListCode.append( ", " );
- }
- String paramName = param.toString();
- // For some reason, the name is "int myVar" if it's a primative type
- // Get rid of the "int" bit.
- if ( paramName.contains( " " ) ) {
- paramName = paramName.substring( paramName.indexOf( ' ' ) + 1 );
- }
- paramListCode.append( paramName );
- isFirstParam = false;
- }
- return paramListCode;
- }
- private static CharSequence parametersExcludingTypes( MethodDeclaration e ) {
- StringBuilder paramListCode = new StringBuilder();
- boolean isFirstParam = true;
- Collection<ParameterDeclaration> parameters = e.getParameters();
- for ( ParameterDeclaration param : parameters ) {
- if ( !isFirstParam ) {
- paramListCode.append( ", " );
- }
- String paramName = param.toString();
- // For some reason, the name is "int myVar" if it's a primative type
- // Get rid of the "int" bit.
- if ( paramName.contains( " " ) ) {
- paramName = paramName.substring( paramName.indexOf( ' ' ) + 1 );
- }
- paramListCode.append( paramName );
- isFirstParam = false;
- }
- return paramListCode;
- }
- public void process() {
- PrintWriter outJAXB = openClassFile( "Jaxb" );
- PrintWriter outJSON = openClassFile( "Json" );
- PrintWriter outXML = openClassFile( "Xml" );
- if ( outJAXB == null && outJSON == null && outXML == null ) {
- return;
- }
- final AnnotationTypeDeclaration annotationType = (AnnotationTypeDeclaration) processingEnv.getTypeDeclaration( "com.google.code.facebookapi.FacebookReturnType" );
- Collection<Declaration> elements = processingEnv.getDeclarationsAnnotatedWith( annotationType );
- AnnotationVisitor visitor = new AnnotationVisitor( outJAXB, outJSON, outXML );
- for ( Declaration element : elements ) {
- element.accept( visitor );
- }
- closeClassFile( outJAXB );
- closeClassFile( outJSON );
- closeClassFile( outXML );
- }
- private PrintWriter openClassFile( String type ) {
- final String codepackage = "com.google.code.facebookapi";
- final String mainClassName = "Facebook" + type + "RestClient";
- final String baseClassName = mainClassName + "Base";
- final String mainClass = codepackage + "." + mainClassName;
- final String baseClass = codepackage + "." + baseClassName;
- try {
- PrintWriter out = processingEnv.getFiler().createSourceFile( mainClass );
- out.println( String.format( "package %s;", codepackage ) );
- out.println();
- if ( type.equals( "Jaxb" ) ) {
- out.println( "@SuppressWarnings(\"unchecked\")" );
- }
- out.println( String.format( "public class %s extends %s {", mainClassName, baseClassName ) );
- out.println();
- CopyConstructorVisitor copyConstructors = new CopyConstructorVisitor( type, out );
- ClassDeclaration clientBase = (ClassDeclaration) processingEnv.getTypeDeclaration( baseClass );
- for ( ConstructorDeclaration cd : clientBase.getConstructors() ) {
- cd.accept( copyConstructors );
- }
- return out;
- }
- catch ( IOException ex ) {
- System.err.println( "Ignoring IOException during: " + type + "; " + ex );
- return null;
- }
- }
- private void closeClassFile( PrintWriter out ) {
- if ( out == null ) {
- return;
- }
- out.println( "}" );
- out.flush();
- out.close();
- }
- public static class AnnotationVisitor extends SimpleDeclarationVisitor {
- private PrintWriter outJAXB;
- private PrintWriter outJSON;
- private PrintWriter outXML;
- public AnnotationVisitor( PrintWriter outJAXB, PrintWriter outJSON, PrintWriter outXML ) {
- this.outJAXB = outJAXB;
- this.outJSON = outJSON;
- this.outXML = outXML;
- }
- /**
- * These two lines are required to ensure that the object tree actually bothers to parse the method parameters. Otherwise they're empty for every method!
- */
- private static void shakeEnclosingElementMethods( MethodDeclaration e ) {
- e.getDeclaringType().getMethods();
- }
- @Override
- public void visitMethodDeclaration( MethodDeclaration e ) {
- shakeEnclosingElementMethods( e );
- // Get JAXB and JSON return types - default to Object
- String jaxbReturnType = "Object";
- String jsonReturnType = "Object";
- String xmlReturnType = "org.w3c.dom.Document";
- Collection<AnnotationMirror> annotations = e.getAnnotationMirrors();
- AnnotationMirror firstAnnotation = annotations.iterator().next();
- Map<AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration,AnnotationValue> annotationParams = firstAnnotation.getElementValues();
- boolean jaxbAlreadySet = false;
- for ( AnnotationTypeElementDeclaration key : annotationParams.keySet() ) {
- String name = key.getSimpleName();
- String val = annotationParams.get( key ).toString();
- if ( name.contentEquals( "JAXBList" ) ) {
- if ( annotationParams.get( key ) != null ) {
- jaxbReturnType = "java.util.List<" + stripDotClass( val ) + ">";
- jaxbAlreadySet = true;
- }
- } else if ( !jaxbAlreadySet && name.contentEquals( "JAXB" ) ) {
- if ( annotationParams.get( key ) != null ) {
- jaxbReturnType = stripDotClass( val );
- }
- } else if ( name.contentEquals( "JSON" ) ) {
- if ( annotationParams.get( key ) != null ) {
- jsonReturnType = stripDotClass( val );
- }
- }
- }
- boolean deprecated = e.getAnnotation( Deprecated.class ) != null;
- String methName = e.getSimpleName();
- String methSig = " public %s %s( %s ) %s {";
- methSig = String.format( methSig, "%RETURNTYPE%", methName, parametersIncludingTypes( e ), throwClause( e ) );
- String methCall = " Object rawResponse = client.%s( %s );";
- methCall = String.format( methCall, methName, parametersExcludingTypes( e ) );
- String methRet = " return (%s)parseCallResult( rawResponse );";
- methRet = String.format( methRet, "%RETURNTYPE%" );
- String methRet2 = " return parseCallResult( %s.class, rawResponse );";
- methRet2 = String.format( methRet2, "%RETURNTYPE%" );
- printMethod( outJAXB, jaxbReturnType, deprecated, methSig, methCall, methRet );
- printMethod( outJSON, jsonReturnType, deprecated, methSig, methCall, methRet2 );
- printMethod( outXML, xmlReturnType, deprecated, methSig, methCall, methRet );
- }
- public static void printMethod( PrintWriter out, String returnType, boolean deprecated, String methSig, String methCall, String methRet ) {
- if ( out == null ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( deprecated ) {
- out.println( " @Deprecated" );
- }
- out.println( methSig.replace( "%RETURNTYPE%", returnType ) );
- out.println( methCall );
- out.println( methRet.replace( "%RETURNTYPE%", returnType ) );
- out.println( " }" );
- out.println();
- }
- public static String stripDotClass( String input ) {
- if ( !input.endsWith( ".class" ) ) {
- return input;
- } else {
- return input.substring( 0, input.length() - 6 );
- }
- }
- }
- }