ActionScript | 968 lines | 563 code | 140 blank | 265 comment | 46 complexity | c5ccd2e4f1081209eb7363f7c4a90678 MD5 | raw file
- package
- {
- import flash.display.CapsStyle;
- import flash.display.DisplayObject;
- import flash.display.GraphicsPath;
- import flash.display.GraphicsSolidFill;
- import flash.display.GraphicsStroke;
- import flash.display.IGraphicsData;
- import flash.display.JointStyle;
- import flash.display.LineScaleMode;
- import flash.display.Sprite;
- import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent;
- import flash.events.Event;
- import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
- import flash.events.MouseEvent;
- import flash.events.TextEvent;
- import flash.geom.Rectangle;
- import flash.net.FileFilter;
- import flash.net.FileReference;
- import flash.net.navigateToURL;
- import flash.net.URLRequest;
- import flash.text.Font;
- import flash.text.TextField;
- import flash.text.TextFieldType;
- import flash.text.TextFormat;
- import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;
- import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
- import flash.ui.Keyboard;
- import flash.ui.Mouse;
- import flash.ui.MouseCursor;
- import flash.utils.ByteArray;
- import flash.utils.Dictionary;
- import flash.utils.Endian;
- import ui.TinyButton;
- import ui.TinyCheckbox;
- import ui.TinySlider;
- /**
- * SfxrApp
- *
- * Copyright 2010 Thomas Vian
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * @author Thomas Vian
- */
- [SWF(width='640', height='500', backgroundColor='#C0B090', frameRate='25')]
- public class SfxrApp extends Sprite
- {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Properties
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Embed(source = "assets/amiga4ever.ttf", fontName = "Amiga4Ever", mimeType = "application/x-font", embedAsCFF = "false")]
- private var Amiga4Ever:Class; // Pixel font, original was in a tga file
- [Embed(source = "assets/as3sfxr.png")]
- private var As3sfxrLogo:Class; // as3sfxr logo, for the top right
- [Embed(source = "assets/sfbtom.png")]
- private var SfbtomLogo:Class; // SFBTOM logo, for the bottom left corner
- private var _synth:SfxrSynth; // Synthesizer instance
- private var _sampleRate:uint = 44100; // Sample rate to export .wav at
- private var _bitDepth:uint = 16; // Bit depth to export .wav at
- private var _playOnChange:Boolean = true; // If the sound should be played after releasing a slider or changing type
- private var _mutePlayOnChange:Boolean; // If the change playing should be muted because of non-user changes
- private var _propLookup:Dictionary; // Look up for property names using a slider key
- private var _sliderLookup:Object; // Look up for sliders using a property name key
- private var _waveformLookup:Array; // Look up for waveform buttons
- private var _squareLookup:Array; // Look up for sliders controlling a square wave property
- private var _back:TinyButton; // Button to skip back a sound
- private var _forward:TinyButton; // Button to skip forward a sound
- private var _history:Vector.<SfxrParams>; // List of generated settings
- private var _historyPos:int; // Current history position
- private var _copyPaste:TextField; // Input TextField for the settings
- private var _fileRef:FileReference; // File reference for loading in sfs file
- private var _logoRect:Rectangle; // Click rectangle for SFB website link
- private var _sfxrRect:Rectangle; // Click rectangle for LD website link
- private var _volumeRect:Rectangle; // Click rectangle for resetting volume
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Constructor
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Waits until on the stage before init
- */
- public function SfxrApp()
- {
- if (stage) init();
- else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Init Method
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Initialises the synthesizer and draws the interface
- * @param e Added to stage event
- */
- private function init(e:Event = null):void
- {
- removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
- _synth = new SfxrSynth();
- _synth.params.randomize();
- _propLookup = new Dictionary();
- _sliderLookup = {};
- _waveformLookup = [];
- _squareLookup = [];
- _history = new Vector.<SfxrParams>();
- _history.push(_synth.params);
- drawGraphics();
- drawButtons();
- drawSliders();
- drawCopyPaste();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Button Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Adds the buttons to the stage
- */
- private function drawButtons():void
- {
- // Generator
- addButton("PICKUP/COIN", clickPickupCoin, 4, 32);
- addButton("LASER/SHOOT", clickLaserShoot, 4, 62);
- addButton("EXPLOSION", clickExplosion, 4, 92);
- addButton("POWERUP", clickPowerup, 4, 122);
- addButton("HIT/HURT", clickHitHurt, 4, 152);
- addButton("JUMP", clickJump, 4, 182);
- addButton("BLIP/SELECT", clickBlipSelect, 4, 212);
- addButton("MUTATE", clickMutate, 4, 339);
- addButton("RANDOMIZE", clickRandomize, 4, 369, 2);
- // History
- _back = addButton("BACK", clickBack, 4, 399);
- _forward = addButton("FORWARD", clickForward, 4, 429);
- _back.enabled = false;
- _forward.enabled = false;
- // Waveform
- addButton("SQUAREWAVE", clickSquarewave, 130, 28, 1, true);
- addButton("SAWTOOTH", clickSawtooth, 250, 28, 1, true);
- addButton("SINEWAVE", clickSinewave, 370, 28, 1, true);
- addButton("NOISE", clickNoise, 490, 28, 1, true);
- // Play / save / export
- addButton("PLAY SOUND", clickPlaySound, 490, 271);
- addButton("LOAD SOUND", clickLoadSound, 490, 321);
- addButton("SAVE SOUND", clickSaveSound, 490, 351);
- addButton("EXPORT .WAV", clickExportWav, 490, 401, 3);
- addButton("44100 HZ", clickSampleRate, 490, 431);
- addButton("16-BIT", clickBitDepth, 490, 461);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a single button
- * @param label Text to display on the button
- * @param onClick Callback function called when the button is clicked
- * @param x X position of the button
- * @param y Y position of the button
- * @param border Thickness of the border in pixels
- * @param selectable If the button is selectable
- * @param selected If the button starts as selected
- */
- private function addButton(label:String, onClick:Function, x:Number, y:Number, border:Number = 1, selectable:Boolean = false):TinyButton
- {
- var button:TinyButton = new TinyButton(onClick, label, border, selectable);
- button.x = x;
- button.y = y;
- addChild(button);
- if(selectable) _waveformLookup.push(button);
- return button;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the buttons to reflect the synthesizer
- */
- private function updateButtons():void
- {
- _mutePlayOnChange = true;
- selectedSwitch(_waveformLookup[_synth.params.waveType]);
- _mutePlayOnChange = false;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Generator Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a pickup/coin sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickPickupCoin(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generatePickupCoin();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a laser/shoot sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickLaserShoot(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generateLaserShoot();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate an explosion sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickExplosion(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generateExplosion();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a powerup sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickPowerup(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generatePowerup();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a hit/hurt sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickHitHurt(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generateHitHurt();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a jump sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickJump(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generateJump();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to generate a blip/select sound and previews it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickBlipSelect(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.generateBlipSelect();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to mutate the sound and preview it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickMutate(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.mutate();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the synthesizer to randomize the sound and preview it
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickRandomize(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- addToHistory();
- _synth.params.randomize();
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // History Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * When the back button is clicked, moves back through the history
- * @param button TinyButton clicked
- */
- private function clickBack(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _historyPos--;
- if(_historyPos == 0) _back.enabled = false;
- if(_historyPos < _history.length - 1) _forward.enabled = true;
- _synth.stop();
- _synth.params = _history[_historyPos];
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * When the forward button is clicked, moves forward through the history
- * @param button TinyButton clicked
- */
- private function clickForward(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _historyPos++;
- if(_historyPos > 0) _back.enabled = true;
- if(_historyPos == _history.length - 1) _forward.enabled = false;
- _synth.stop();
- _synth.params = _history[_historyPos];
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Adds a new sound effect to the history.
- * Called just before a new sound effect is generated.
- */
- private function addToHistory():void
- {
- _historyPos++;
- _synth.params = _synth.params.clone();
- _history = _history.slice(0, _historyPos);
- _history.push(_synth.params);
- _back.enabled = true;
- _forward.enabled = false;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Waveform Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Selects the squarewave waveform type
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickSquarewave(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _synth.params.waveType = 0;
- selectedSwitch(button);
- updateCopyPaste();
- if (_playOnChange && !_mutePlayOnChange) _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Selects the sawtooth waveform type
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickSawtooth(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _synth.params.waveType = 1;
- selectedSwitch(button);
- updateCopyPaste();
- if (_playOnChange && !_mutePlayOnChange) _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Selects the sinewave waveform type
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickSinewave(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _synth.params.waveType = 2;
- selectedSwitch(button);
- updateCopyPaste();
- if (_playOnChange && !_mutePlayOnChange) _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Selects the noise waveform type
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickNoise(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _synth.params.waveType = 3;
- selectedSwitch(button);
- updateCopyPaste();
- if (_playOnChange && !_mutePlayOnChange) _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Unselects all the waveform buttons and selects the one passed in
- * @param select Selects this button
- */
- private function selectedSwitch(select:TinyButton):void
- {
- for(var i:uint = 0, l:uint = _waveformLookup.length; i < l; i++)
- {
- if(_waveformLookup[i] != select) _waveformLookup[i].selected = false;
- }
- if(!select.selected) select.selected = true;
- for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- _squareLookup[i].dimLabel = _synth.params.waveType != 0;
- }
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Play/Save/Export Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Previews the sound
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickPlaySound(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Opens a browse window to load a sound setting file
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickLoadSound(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- _fileRef = new FileReference();
- _fileRef.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectSettings);
- _fileRef.browse([new FileFilter("SFX Sample Files (*.sfs)", "*.sfs")]);
- }
- /**
- * When the user selects a file, begins loading it
- * @param e Select event
- */
- private function onSelectSettings(e:Event):void
- {
- _fileRef.cancel();
- _fileRef.removeEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelectSettings);
- _fileRef.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadSettings);
- _fileRef.load();
- }
- /**
- * Once loaded, passes the file to the synthesizer to parse
- * @param e Complete event
- */
- private function onLoadSettings(e:Event):void
- {
- _fileRef.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoadSettings);
- addToHistory();
- setSettingsFile(_fileRef.data);
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- updateCopyPaste();
- _fileRef = null;
- }
- /**
- * Saves out a sound settings file
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickSaveSound(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- var file:ByteArray = getSettingsFile();
- new FileReference().save(file, "sfx.sfs");
- }
- /**
- * Exports the sound as a .wav file
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickExportWav(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- var file:ByteArray = _synth.getWavFile(_sampleRate, _bitDepth);
- new FileReference().save(file, "sfx.wav");
- }
- /**
- * Switches the sample rate between 44100Hz and 22050Hz
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickSampleRate(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- if(_sampleRate == 44100) _sampleRate = 22050;
- else _sampleRate = 44100;
- button.label = _sampleRate + " HZ";
- }
- /**
- * Switches the bit depth between 16-bit and 8-bit
- * @param button Button pressed
- */
- private function clickBitDepth(button:TinyButton):void
- {
- if(_bitDepth == 16) _bitDepth = 8;
- else _bitDepth = 16;
- button.label = _bitDepth + "-BIT";
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Settings File Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Writes the current parameters to a ByteArray and returns it
- * Compatible with the original Sfxr files
- * @return ByteArray of settings data
- */
- public function getSettingsFile():ByteArray
- {
- var file:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
- file.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- file.writeInt(102);
- file.writeInt(_synth.params.waveType);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.masterVolume);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.startFrequency);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.minFrequency);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.slide);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.deltaSlide);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.squareDuty);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.dutySweep);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.vibratoDepth);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.vibratoSpeed);
- file.writeFloat(0);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.attackTime);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.sustainTime);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.decayTime);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.sustainPunch);
- file.writeBoolean(false);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.lpFilterResonance);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.lpFilterCutoff);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.lpFilterCutoffSweep);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.hpFilterCutoff);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.hpFilterCutoffSweep);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.phaserOffset);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.phaserSweep);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.repeatSpeed);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.changeSpeed);
- file.writeFloat(_synth.params.changeAmount);
- return file;
- }
- /**
- * Reads parameters from a ByteArray file
- * Compatible with the original Sfxr files
- * @param file ByteArray of settings data
- */
- public function setSettingsFile(file:ByteArray):void
- {
- file.position = 0;
- file.endian = Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
- var version:int = file.readInt();
- if(version != 100 && version != 101 && version != 102) return;
- _synth.params.waveType = file.readInt();
- _synth.params.masterVolume = (version == 102) ? file.readFloat() : 0.5;
- _synth.params.startFrequency = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.minFrequency = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.slide = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.deltaSlide = (version >= 101) ? file.readFloat() : 0.0;
- _synth.params.squareDuty = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.dutySweep = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.vibratoDepth = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.vibratoSpeed = file.readFloat();
- var unusedVibratoDelay:Number = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.attackTime = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.sustainTime = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.decayTime = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.sustainPunch = file.readFloat();
- var unusedFilterOn:Boolean = file.readBoolean();
- _synth.params.lpFilterResonance = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.lpFilterCutoff = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.lpFilterCutoffSweep = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.hpFilterCutoff = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.hpFilterCutoffSweep = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.phaserOffset = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.phaserSweep = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.repeatSpeed = file.readFloat();
- _synth.params.changeSpeed = (version >= 101) ? file.readFloat() : 0.0;
- _synth.params.changeAmount = (version >= 101) ? file.readFloat() : 0.0;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Slider Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Adds the sliders to the stage, plus single checkbox
- */
- private function drawSliders():void
- {
- addSlider("ATTACK TIME", "attackTime", 350, 70);
- addSlider("SUSTAIN TIME", "sustainTime", 350, 88);
- addSlider("SUSTAIN PUNCH", "sustainPunch", 350, 106);
- addSlider("DECAY TIME", "decayTime", 350, 124);
- addSlider("START FREQUENCY", "startFrequency", 350, 142).defaultValue = 0.5;
- addSlider("MIN FREQUENCY", "minFrequency", 350, 160);
- addSlider("SLIDE", "slide", 350, 178, true);
- addSlider("DELTA SLIDE", "deltaSlide", 350, 196, true);
- addSlider("VIBRATO DEPTH", "vibratoDepth", 350, 214);
- addSlider("VIBRATO SPEED", "vibratoSpeed", 350, 232);
- addSlider("CHANGE AMOUNT", "changeAmount", 350, 250, true);
- addSlider("CHANGE SPEED", "changeSpeed", 350, 268);
- addSlider("SQUARE DUTY", "squareDuty", 350, 286, false, true);
- addSlider("DUTY SWEEP", "dutySweep", 350, 304, true, true);
- addSlider("REPEAT SPEED", "repeatSpeed", 350, 322);
- addSlider("PHASER OFFSET", "phaserOffset", 350, 340, true);
- addSlider("PHASER SWEEP", "phaserSweep", 350, 358, true);
- addSlider("LP FILTER CUTOFF", "lpFilterCutoff", 350, 376).defaultValue = 1.0;
- addSlider("LP FILTER CUTOFF SWEEP", "lpFilterCutoffSweep", 350, 394, true);
- addSlider("LP FILTER RESONANCE", "lpFilterResonance", 350, 412);
- addSlider("HP FILTER CUTOFF", "hpFilterCutoff", 350, 430);
- addSlider("HP FILTER CUTOFF SWEEP", "hpFilterCutoffSweep", 350, 448, true);
- addSlider("", "masterVolume", 492, 251);
- var checkbox:TinyCheckbox = new TinyCheckbox(onCheckboxChange, "PLAY ON CHANGE");
- checkbox.x = 350;
- checkbox.y = 466;
- addChild(checkbox);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a single slider
- * @param label Text label to display next to the slider
- * @param property Property name to link with the slider
- * @param x X position of slider
- * @param y Y Position of slider
- * @param plusMinus If the slider ranges from -1 to 1 (true) or 0 to 1 (false)
- * @param square If the slider is linked to the square duty properties
- */
- private function addSlider(label:String, property:String, x:Number, y:Number, plusMinus:Boolean = false, square:Boolean = false):TinySlider
- {
- var slider:TinySlider = new TinySlider(onSliderChange, label, plusMinus);
- slider.x = x;
- slider.y = y;
- addChild(slider);
- _propLookup[slider] = property;
- _sliderLookup[property] = slider;
- if (square) _squareLookup.push(slider);
- return slider;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the property on the synthesizer to the slider's value
- * @param slider
- */
- private function onSliderChange(slider:TinySlider):void
- {
- _synth.params[_propLookup[slider]] = slider.value;
- updateCopyPaste();
- if (_playOnChange && !_mutePlayOnChange) _synth.play();
- }
- /**
- * Updates the sliders to reflect the synthesizer
- */
- private function updateSliders():void
- {
- _mutePlayOnChange = true;
- for(var prop:String in _sliderLookup)
- {
- _sliderLookup[prop].value = _synth.params[prop];
- }
- _mutePlayOnChange = false;
- }
- /**
- * Changes if the sound should play on params change
- * @param checkbox Checbox clicked
- */
- private function onCheckboxChange(checkbox:TinyCheckbox):void
- {
- _playOnChange = checkbox.value;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Copy Paste Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Adds a TextField over the whole app.
- * Allows for right-click copy/paste, as well as ctrl-c/ctrl-v
- */
- private function drawCopyPaste():void
- {
- _copyPaste = new TextField();
- _copyPaste.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, updateFromCopyPaste);
- _copyPaste.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, updateCopyPaste);
- _copyPaste.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, updateCopyPaste);
- _copyPaste.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Amiga4Ever", 8, 0);
- _copyPaste.wordWrap = false;
- _copyPaste.multiline = false;
- _copyPaste.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
- _copyPaste.embedFonts = true;
- _copyPaste.width = 640;
- _copyPaste.height = 580;
- _copyPaste.x = 0;
- _copyPaste.y = -20;
- addChild(_copyPaste);
- _copyPaste.contextMenu = new ContextMenu();
- _copyPaste.contextMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, updateCopyPaste);
- Mouse.cursor = MouseCursor.ARROW;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the contents of the textfield to a representation of the settings
- * @param e Optional event
- */
- private function updateCopyPaste(e:Event = null):void
- {
- _copyPaste.text = _synth.params.getSettingsString();
- _copyPaste.setSelection(0, _copyPaste.text.length);
- stage.focus = _copyPaste;
- }
- /**
- * When the textfield is pasted into, and the new info parses, updates the settings
- * @param e Text input event
- */
- private function updateFromCopyPaste(e:TextEvent):void
- {
- if (e.text.split(",").length == 24) addToHistory();
- if (!_synth.params.setSettingsString(e.text))
- {
- _copyPaste.setSelection(0, _copyPaste.text.length);
- stage.focus = _copyPaste;
- _copyPaste.text = _synth.params.getSettingsString();
- }
- _copyPaste.setSelection(0, _copyPaste.text.length);
- stage.focus = _copyPaste;
- updateSliders();
- updateButtons();
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Graphics Methods
- //
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Draws the extra labels, frames and lines to the stage
- */
- private function drawGraphics():void
- {
- var lines:Vector.<IGraphicsData> = new Vector.<IGraphicsData>();
- lines.push(new GraphicsStroke(2, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.NONE, JointStyle.MITER, 3, new GraphicsSolidFill(0)));
- lines.push(new GraphicsPath(Vector.<int>([1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,2]),
- Vector.<Number>([ 114,0, 114,500,
- 160,66, 460,66,
- 160,138, 460,138,
- 160,246, 460,246,
- 160,282, 460,282,
- 160,318, 460,318,
- 160,336, 460,336,
- 160,372, 460,372,
- 160, 462, 460, 462,
- 160, 480, 460, 480,
- 590,255, 618,255, 618,411, 590,411])));
- lines.push(new GraphicsStroke(1, false, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.NONE, JointStyle.MITER, 3, new GraphicsSolidFill(0)));
- lines.push(new GraphicsPath(Vector.<int>([1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2]),
- Vector.<Number>([ 160, 65, 160, 481,
- 460, 65, 460, 481])));
- graphics.drawGraphicsData(lines);
- graphics.lineStyle(2, 0xFF0000, 1, true, LineScaleMode.NORMAL, CapsStyle.SQUARE, JointStyle.MITER);
- graphics.drawRect(549.5, 250.5, 43, 10);
- addLabel("CLICK ON LABELS", 484, 118, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("TO RESET SLIDERS", 480, 132, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("COPY/PASTE SETTINGS", 470, 158, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("TO SHARE SOUNDS", 484, 172, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("BASED ON SFXR BY", 480, 198, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("TOMAS PETTERSSON", 480, 212, 0x877569, 500);
- addLabel("VOLUME", 516, 235, 0);
- addLabel("GENERATOR", 6, 8, 0x504030);
- addLabel("MANUAL SETTINGS", 122, 8, 0x504030);
- var as3sfxrLogo:DisplayObject = new As3sfxrLogo();
- as3sfxrLogo.x = 476;
- as3sfxrLogo.y = 62;
- addChild(as3sfxrLogo);
- var sfbtomLogo:DisplayObject = new SfbtomLogo();
- sfbtomLogo.x = 4;
- sfbtomLogo.y = 459;
- addChild(sfbtomLogo);
- _logoRect = sfbtomLogo.getBounds(stage);
- _sfxrRect = new Rectangle(480, 195, 100, 30);
- _volumeRect = new Rectangle(516, 235, 200, 15);
- stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onClick);
- }
- /**
- * Handles clicking either
- * @param e Click event
- */
- private function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void
- {
- if (_logoRect.contains(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY)) navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://twitter.com/SFBTom"));
- if (_sfxrRect.contains(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY)) navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.drpetter.se/project_sfxr.html"));
- if (_volumeRect.contains(stage.mouseX, stage.mouseY)) _sliderLookup["masterVolume"].value = 0.5;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a label
- * @param label Text to display
- * @param x X position of the label
- * @param y Y position of the label
- * @param colour Colour of the text
- */
- private function addLabel(label:String, x:Number, y:Number, colour:uint, width:Number = 200):void
- {
- var txt:TextField = new TextField();
- txt.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("Amiga4Ever", 8, colour);
- txt.selectable = false;
- txt.embedFonts = true;
- txt.text = label;
- txt.width = width;
- txt.height = 15;
- txt.x = x;
- txt.y = y;
- addChild(txt);
- }
- }
- }