PHP | 296 lines | 97 code | 52 blank | 147 comment | 3 complexity | 04be0e0aad37a6e852f9824fbf659fa5 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0
- <?php
- /**
- *
- * SWX Identi.ca API by Folkert Hielema
- *
- * You can call this API using SWX, Amfphp, JSON and XML-RPC.
- *
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- * @copyright 2008 Folkert Hielema All Rights Reserved.
- * @link http://tjunar.com
- * @link http://swxformat.org
- * @link mailto://nederflash@gmail.com
- *
- **/
- // Require base service class
- require_once("../BaseService.php");
- /**
- * SWX Identi.ca API by Folkert Hielema. You can call this API using SWX, Amfphp, JSON and XML-RPC.
- **/
- class Identica extends BaseService
- {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Official Identi.ca API methods: These implement a spinoff from the official twitter API.
- // See http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/web/api-documentation
- // for the full official documentation.
- //
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Status methods.
- //
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses from non-protected users who have set a custom user icon. Does not require authentication.
- * @return Array of statuses.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function publicTimeline()
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/public_timeline.json';
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'GET');
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user and that user's friends. It's also possible to request another user's friends_timeline via the id parameter.
- *
- * @param Your username.
- * @param Your password.
- * @param (optional) ID or screen name of the user for whom to return the friends_timeline.
- * @param (optional) The number of the page you want
- *
- * @return Array of statuses.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function friendsTimeline($user, $pass, $id = NULL, $count = 50, $page = 0)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/friends_timeline.json';
- $vars = array('id' => $id, 'count' => $count, 'page' => $page);
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $vars, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user. It's also possible to request another user's timeline via the id parameter below.
- *
- *
- * @return 20 most recent statuses.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function userTimeline($user, $pass, $id = NULL, $count = 50)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/user_timeline.json';
- $vars = array('id' => $id, 'count' => $count);
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $vars, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below. The status's author will be returned inline.
- *
- * @param The numerical ID of the status you're trying to retrieve.
- *
- * @return A single status.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function show($id)
- {
- $url = "identi.ca/api/statuses/show/$id.json";
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'GET');
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Posts a identi.ca update.
- *
- * @param (str) update message
- * @param (str) Your user name
- * @param (str) Your password
- * @param (optional, str) Source string. If enabled by Twitter, this will appear in the "from" section of the update.
- *
- * @return (array) Success/failure message.
- *
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function update($update, $user, $pass, $source = NULL, $reply_id = NULL)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/update.json';
- $args = array('status' => $update, 'in_reply_to_status_id' => $reply_id);
- if ($source != NULL)
- {
- $args['source'] = $source;
- }
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $args, 'POST', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the 20 most recent replies (status updates prefixed with @username posted by users who are friends with the user being replied to) to the authenticating user. Replies are only available to the authenticating user; you can not request a list of replies to another user whether public or protected.
- *
- * @param (str) Your user name
- * @param (str) Your password
- * @param (optional, int) Page number
- *
- * @return 20 most recent replies
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function replies($user, $pass, $page = NULL)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/replies.json';
- $args = array('page' => $page);
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $args, 'POST', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- //
- // User methods.
- //
- /**
- * Gets friends for the passed user.
- *
- * @param (str) Username.
- * @param (str) Password.
- * @param (optional) The ID or screen name of a user
- *
- * @return (array) List of friends.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function friends($user, $pass, $id = NULL, $page = 1)
- {
- if($id !== NULL)
- $url = "identi.ca/api/statuses/friends/$id.json";
- else
- $url = "identi.ca/api/statuses/friends/$user.json";
- $vars = array('page' => $page);
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $vars, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Gets followers for authenticated user.
- *
- * @param (str) Your username.
- * @param (str) Your password.
- *
- * @return (array) List of followers.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function followers($user, $pass)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/statuses/followers.json';
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- //
- // Friendship methods.
- //
- /**
- * Befriends the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Returns the befriended user in the requested format when successful. Returns a string describing the failure condition when unsuccessful.
- *
- * @param (str) The ID or screen name of the user to befriend.
- * @param (str) Your username
- * @param (str) Your password
- *
- * @return Befriended user or error string.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function friendshipCreate($id, $user, $pass)
- {
- $url = "identi.ca/api/friendships/create/$id.json";
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'POST', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Discontinues friendship with the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user. Returns the un-friended user in the requested format when successful. Returns a string describing the failure condition when unsuccessful.
- *
- * @param (str) The ID or screen name of the user with whom to discontinue friendship.
- * @param (str) Your username
- * @param (str) Your password
- *
- * @return Un-friended user or error string.
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function friendshipDestroy($id, $user, $pass)
- {
- $url = "identi.ca/api/friendships/destroy/$id.json";
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'POST', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- /**
- * Test if a friendShip exists between two users
- *
- * @param (str) Your username
- * @param (str) Your password
- * @param (str) The ID or screen_name of the first user to test friendship for
- * @param (str) The ID or screen_name of the second user to test friendship for
- * @author Folkert Hielema
- **/
- function friendshipExists($user, $pass, $user_a, $user_b)
- {
- $url = "identi.ca/api/friendships/exists.json";
- $args = array('user_a'=>$user_a, 'user_b'=>$user_b);
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, $args, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- //
- // Account methods.
- //
- /**
- * Returns an HTTP 200 OK response code and a format-specific response if authentication was successful. Use this method to test if supplied user credentials are valid with minimal overhead.
- *
- * @return authorized = "true" on success. null on failure.
- * @author Folkert Hielema for Identi.ca/Aral Balkan for Twitter API
- **/
- function verifyCredentials($user, $pass)
- {
- $url = 'identi.ca/api/account/verify_credentials.json';
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'GET', $user, $pass);
- return $response;
- }
- // Help methods
- /**
- * Returns the string "ok" in requested format with a 200 OK HTTP status code
- */
- function test()
- {
- $url = "identi.ca/api/help/test.json";
- $response = $this->_jsonCall($url, NULL, 'GET');
- return $response;
- }
- }
- ?>