C++ | 312 lines | 207 code | 44 blank | 61 comment | 36 complexity | 9db8c711ffd38528871097de99c53957 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, CC-BY-SA-3.0, LGPL-3.0
- // Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- // You may obtain a copy of the License at
- //
- // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- //
- // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- // limitations under the License.
- #include "pagespeed/rules/avoid_landing_page_redirects.h"
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <map>
- #include <set>
- #include <string>
- #include <vector>
- #include "base/logging.h"
- #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/formatter.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/pagespeed_input.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/resource.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/resource_cache_computer.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/resource_util.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/result_provider.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/rule_input.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/string_util.h"
- #include "pagespeed/core/uri_util.h"
- #include "pagespeed/l10n/l10n.h"
- #include "pagespeed/proto/pagespeed_output.pb.h"
- namespace {
- const char* kRuleName = "AvoidLandingPageRedirects";
- const char* kLoginSubstring = "login";
- const int64 kMillisInADay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
- const int64 kMillisInAWeek = kMillisInADay * 7;
- const pagespeed::RedirectionDetails* GetDetails(
- const pagespeed::Result& result) {
- const pagespeed::ResultDetails& details = result.details();
- if (!details.HasExtension(
- pagespeed::RedirectionDetails::message_set_extension)) {
- LOG(DFATAL) << "RedirectionDetails missing.";
- return NULL;
- }
- return &details.GetExtension(
- pagespeed::RedirectionDetails::message_set_extension);
- }
- bool SortRuleResultsByRedirection(const pagespeed::Result* lhs,
- const pagespeed::Result* rhs) {
- const pagespeed::RedirectionDetails* lhs_details = GetDetails(*lhs);
- const pagespeed::RedirectionDetails* rhs_details = GetDetails(*rhs);
- return lhs_details->chain_index() < rhs_details->chain_index();
- }
- // Return the host:port pair from a GURL as a string. If the port is not
- // explicitly given, infer it from the URL scheme.
- std::string GetHostAndPort(const GURL& gurl) {
- std::string host = gurl.host();
- std::string port = gurl.port();
- if (port.empty()) {
- port = (gurl.scheme() == "https" ? "443" : "80");
- }
- return host + ":" + port;
- }
- } // namespace
- namespace pagespeed {
- namespace rules {
- AvoidLandingPageRedirects::AvoidLandingPageRedirects()
- : Rule(InputCapabilities()) {
- }
- const char* AvoidLandingPageRedirects::name() const {
- return kRuleName;
- }
- UserFacingString AvoidLandingPageRedirects::header() const {
- // TRANSLATOR: The name of a Page Speed rule that tells users to avoid
- // redirects at the landing page. The landing page is the root
- // HTML document that was requested the user in the browser's address bar.
- // This is displayed in a list of rule names that Page Speed generates.
- return _("Avoid landing page redirects");
- }
- bool AvoidLandingPageRedirects::AppendResults(
- const RuleInput& rule_input, ResultProvider* provider) {
- const PagespeedInput& input = rule_input.pagespeed_input();
- const Resource* primary_resource =
- input.GetResourceCollection().GetPrimaryResourceOrNull();
- if (primary_resource == NULL) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find primary resource.";
- return false;
- }
- const RedirectRegistry::RedirectChain* chain =
- input.GetResourceCollection()
- .GetRedirectRegistry()->GetRedirectChainOrNull(primary_resource);
- // When there is one redirect, the chain size is 2, as it includes both the
- // initial url and the final url.
- if (chain == NULL || chain->empty() ||
- (!input.GetInitialResourceIsCanonical() && chain->size() <= 2)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (resource_util::IsErrorResourceStatusCode(
- chain->back()->GetResponseStatusCode())) {
- // If the user was redirected to an error page, it should not be a
- // bad redirect.
- return true;
- }
- // Keep track of which hostnames we've had to do DNS lookups for so far
- // (starting with the original request URL for the page).
- std::set<std::string> hosts_used;
- const GURL request_gurl(chain->front()->GetRequestUrl());
- if (!request_gurl.HostIsIPAddress()) {
- hosts_used.insert(request_gurl.host());
- }
- // Keep track of which host:port combinations we've had to open a TCP
- // connection to (starting with the original request URL for the page).
- std::set<std::string> tcp_connections_used;
- tcp_connections_used.insert(GetHostAndPort(request_gurl));
- // All redirections should be avoided for landing page. We flag both temporary
- // and permanent redirections.
- for (int idx = 0, size = chain->size(); idx < size; ++idx) {
- const Resource* resource = chain->at(idx);
- if (resource->GetResourceType() != REDIRECT) {
- // The last resource in each chain is the final resource, which
- // should not be considered here.
- continue;
- }
- // We want to record the redirect and its destination so we can present that
- // information in the UI.
- if (idx == size - 1) {
- continue; // This is the last redirection.
- }
- const std::string& url = resource->GetRequestUrl();
- GURL gurl(url);
- const std::string& next_url = chain->at(idx+1)->GetRequestUrl();
- GURL next_gurl(next_url);
- // We'll have to do a new DNS lookup for the destination of this redirect
- // if next_url is not an IP address and hasn't already been looked up.
- const std::string next_host = next_gurl.host();
- const bool needed_extra_dns =
- (!next_gurl.HostIsIPAddress() && hosts_used.count(next_host) == 0);
- if (needed_extra_dns) {
- hosts_used.insert(next_host);
- }
- // We'll have to open a new TCP connection for the destination of this
- // redirect if we don't already have one open. In addition, we may have to
- // do an SSL/TLS handshake first.
- const std::string next_host_port = GetHostAndPort(next_gurl);
- const bool needed_extra_tcp_handshake =
- (tcp_connections_used.count(next_host_port) == 0);
- if (needed_extra_tcp_handshake) {
- tcp_connections_used.insert(next_host_port);
- }
- const bool needed_extra_ssl_handshake =
- (needed_extra_tcp_handshake && next_gurl.SchemeIsSecure());
- Result* result = provider->NewResult();
- result->add_resource_urls(url);
- result->add_resource_urls(next_url);
- // We don't penalize people for the first url when we allow a single redirect.
- if (idx != 0 || input.GetInitialResourceIsCanonical()) {
- Savings* savings = result->mutable_savings();
- savings->set_requests_saved(1);
- // TODO(mdsteele): If needed_extra_dns is true, maybe we should also do
- // savings->set_dns_requests_saved(1), but only if we won't be using that
- // host anyway for other resources.
- // TODO(mdsteele): If needed_extra_tcp_handshake is true, maybe we should
- // also do savings->set_connections_saved(1), but only if we won't be
- // using that connection anyway for other resources.
- savings->set_render_blocking_round_trips_saved(
- 1 + (needed_extra_dns ? 1 : 0) + (needed_extra_tcp_handshake ? 1 : 0) +
- (needed_extra_ssl_handshake ? 1 : 0));
- }
- ResultDetails* details = result->mutable_details();
- RedirectionDetails* redirection_details =
- details->MutableExtension(
- RedirectionDetails::message_set_extension);
- bool permanent_redirection = (resource->GetResponseStatusCode() == 301);
- bool cacheable = permanent_redirection;
- int64 freshness_lifetime_millis = 0;
- ResourceCacheComputer comp(resource);
- if (comp.GetFreshnessLifetimeMillis(&freshness_lifetime_millis)) {
- cacheable = freshness_lifetime_millis >= kMillisInAWeek;
- redirection_details->set_freshness_lifetime_millis(
- freshness_lifetime_millis);
- LOG(INFO) << "freshness_lifetime_millis: " << freshness_lifetime_millis;
- // An explicit cache freshness life time is specified, the redirection is
- // not permanent by any way.
- redirection_details->set_is_permanent(false);
- } else {
- redirection_details->set_is_permanent(permanent_redirection);
- }
- redirection_details->set_is_cacheable(cacheable);
- bool same_host = (gurl.host() == next_gurl.host());
- redirection_details->set_is_same_host(same_host);
- const std::string login(kLoginSubstring);
- std::string::const_iterator login_it =
- std::search(next_url.begin(), next_url.end(),
- login.begin(), login.end(),
- string_util::CaseInsensitiveCompareASCII());
- bool is_login = (login_it != next_url.end());
- redirection_details->set_is_likely_login(is_login);
- bool is_callback = (next_gurl.query().find(url) != std::string::npos);
- redirection_details->set_is_likely_callback(is_callback);
- redirection_details->set_chain_index(idx);
- redirection_details->set_chain_length(size);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void AvoidLandingPageRedirects::FormatResults(
- const ResultVector& results, RuleFormatter* formatter) {
- if (results.empty()) {
- // TRANSLATOR: A summary to give a general overview of this Page
- // Speed rule.
- formatter->SetSummaryLine(
- _("Your page has no redirects. Learn more about %(BEGIN_LINK)savoiding "
- "landing page redirects%(END_LINK)s."),
- HyperlinkArgument(
- "LINK",
- "https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/"
- "AvoidRedirects"));
- return;
- }
- // TRANSLATOR: A summary to give a general overview of this Page
- // Speed rule.
- formatter->SetSummaryLine(
- _("Your page has %(NUM_REDIRECTS)s redirects. "
- "Redirects introduce additional delays before "
- "the page can be loaded."),
- IntArgument("NUM_REDIRECTS", results.size()));
- UrlBlockFormatter* body = formatter->AddUrlBlock(
- // TRANSLATOR: Header at the top of a list of URLs that Page
- // Speed detected as a chain of HTTP redirections. It tells the
- // user to fix the problem by removing the URLs that redirect to
- // others. The text between BEGIN_LINK and END_LINK will be
- // displayed as a clickable link in the browser, which takes the
- // user to a document providing additional information.
- _("%(BEGIN_LINK)sAvoid landing page redirects%(END_LINK)s for the "
- "following chain of redirected URLs."),
- HyperlinkArgument(
- "LINK",
- "https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/AvoidRedirects"));
- // Add the very first url onto the front of the list. Then loop over
- // everything, adding on the second url from each result.
- body->AddUrlResult(
- not_localized("%(FIRST_URL)s"),
- UrlArgument("FIRST_URL", (*results.begin())->resource_urls(0)));
- for (ResultVector::const_iterator iter = results.begin(),
- end = results.end();
- iter != end;
- ++iter) {
- const Result& result = **iter;
- if (result.resource_urls_size() != 2) {
- LOG(DFATAL) << "Unexpected number of resource URLs. Expected 2, Got "
- << result.resource_urls_size() << ".";
- continue;
- }
- body->AddUrlResult(
- not_localized("%(REDIRECTED_URL)s"),
- UrlArgument("REDIRECTED_URL", result.resource_urls(1)));
- }
- }
- void AvoidLandingPageRedirects::SortResultsInPresentationOrder(
- ResultVector* rule_results) const {
- // Sort the results in request order so that the user can easily see the
- // redirection chain.
- std::stable_sort(rule_results->begin(),
- rule_results->end(),
- SortRuleResultsByRedirection);
- }
- } // namespace rules
- } // namespace pagespeed