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  7. <p><span class="title1">libtcod</span><span class="title2">documentation</span></p>
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  10. you are here: <a onclick="link('../index2.html')">Index</a> &gt; <a onclick="link('list.html')">6. All purposes container</a><br>
  11. <a class="prev" onclick="link('image.html')">5. Image toolkit</a> | <a class="next" onclick="link('random.html')">7. Pseudorandom number generator</a>
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  15. <h1>6. All purposes container</h1>
  16. <div id="toc"><ul><li><a onclick="link('list_create.html')">6.1. Creating a list</a></li>
  17. <li><a onclick="link('list_array.html')">6.2. Basic array operations</a></li>
  18. <li><a onclick="link('list_list.html')">6.3. Basic list operations</a></li>
  19. <li><a onclick="link('list_stack.html')">6.4. Basic stack operations</a></li>
  20. <li><a onclick="link('list_iterator.html')">6.5. Iterators</a></li>
  21. </ul></div>
  22. <p>This is a fast, lightweight and generic container, that provides array, list and stack paradigms.<br />Note that this module has no python wrapper. Use python built-in containers instead.<br /> </p>
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  25. <p>libtcod 1.5.1, &copy; 2008, 2009, 2010 Jice & Mingos<br>
  26. This file has been generated by doctcod.</p>
  27. <p><table width='100%'><tr><td><a href="">libtcod website</a></td>
  28. <td><a href="">libtcod on Roguecentral forums</a></td>
  29. <td><a href="">libtcod HOWTO video tutorials</a></td></tr></table></p>
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