C# | 274 lines | 257 code | 16 blank | 1 comment | 45 complexity | 15eabb4bddbc7c8e5cc1124d06fb5372 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0
- using System;
- using System.Reflection;
- using System.Collections;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Security.Cryptography;
- using System.IO;
- namespace Niecza {
- public abstract class CallReceiver : MarshalByRefObject, IDictionary {
- public bool IsFixedSize { get { return false; } }
- public bool IsReadOnly { get { return false; } }
- public bool IsSynchronized { get { return false; } }
- public int Count { get { return 0; } }
- public object SyncRoot { get { return null; } }
- public ICollection Keys { get { return null; } }
- public ICollection Values { get { return null; } }
- public void Add(object a, object b) { }
- public void Clear() { }
- public IDictionaryEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return null; }
- IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return null; }
- public bool Contains(object a) { return false; }
- public void CopyTo(Array a, int offs) { }
- public void Remove(object a) { }
- public abstract object this[object i] { get; set; }
- }
- public class UpcallReceiver : CallReceiver {
- public override object this[object i] {
- set { }
- get {
- object[] ia = (object[]) i;
- Variable[] va = new Variable[ia.Length];
- for (int ix = 0; ix < ia.Length; ix++)
- va[ix] = Downcaller.DCResult(ia[ix]);
- try {
- Variable vr = Kernel.RunInferior(
- Downcaller.upcall_cb.Fetch().Invoke(
- Kernel.GetInferiorRoot(), va, null));
- return Downcaller.DCArg(vr);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- return new Exception(ex.ToString());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public class Downcaller {
- internal static Variable upcall_cb;
- static Variable TrueV, FalseV;
- static IDictionary responder;
- static P6any UnitP, StaticSubP, TypeP, ParamP, ValueP;
- static STable StrMO, NumMO, ListMO, AnyMO, BoolMO;
- static string obj_dir;
- // Better, but still fudgy. Relies too much on path structure.
- public static void InitSlave(Variable cb, P6any cmd_obj_dir, Variable unit,
- Variable staticSub, Variable type, Variable param, Variable value,
- Variable str, Variable num, Variable @true, Variable @false,
- Variable list, Variable any, Variable @bool) {
- if (responder != null) return;
- UnitP = unit.Fetch();
- StaticSubP = staticSub.Fetch();
- TypeP = type.Fetch();
- ParamP = param.Fetch();
- ValueP = value.Fetch();
- StrMO = str.Fetch().mo;
- NumMO = num.Fetch().mo;
- TrueV = @true;
- FalseV = @false;
- ListMO = list.Fetch().mo;
- AnyMO = any.Fetch().mo;
- BoolMO = @bool.Fetch().mo;
- obj_dir = Path.GetFullPath(cmd_obj_dir.IsDefined() ?
- cmd_obj_dir.mo.mro_raw_Str.Get(cmd_obj_dir) :
- Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData),
- "NieczaModuleCache"));
- Directory.CreateDirectory(obj_dir); // like mkdir -p
- if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(obj_dir, "Run.Kernel.dll"))) {
- File.Copy(
- Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Run.Kernel.dll"),
- Path.Combine(obj_dir, "Run.Kernel.dll")
- );
- }
- var down_asm = Assembly.LoadFrom(Path.Combine(obj_dir, "Run.Kernel.dll"));
- upcall_cb = cb;
- responder = (IDictionary) down_asm.CreateInstance("Niecza.CLRBackend.DowncallReceiver");
- }
- public static void InitCompartment(Variable c) {
- RawDowncall("set_binding", DCArg(c), obj_dir, new UpcallReceiver());
- }
- public static object RawDowncall(params object[] args) {
- return responder[args];
- }
- internal static object DCArg(Variable v) {
- P6any o = v.Fetch();
- if (o is BoxObject<object>)
- return Kernel.UnboxAny<object>(o);
- else if (o.IsDefined()) {
- if (o.Isa(StrMO))
- return (string) o.mo.mro_raw_Str.Get(v);
- else if (o.Isa(BoolMO))
- return (bool) o.mo.mro_raw_Bool.Get(v);
- else if (o.Isa(NumMO)) {
- double d = Kernel.UnboxAny<double>(o);
- if ((d % 1) == 0 && d <= int.MaxValue && d >= int.MinValue)
- return (object)(int)d;
- return (object)d;
- } else if (o.Isa(ListMO)) {
- VarDeque it = o.mo.mro_raw_iterator.Get(v);
- var lo = new List<object>();
- while (Kernel.IterHasFlat(it, true))
- lo.Add(DCArg(it.Shift()));
- return lo.ToArray();
- } else
- return (int) o.mo.mro_raw_Numeric.Get(v);
- } else
- return null;
- }
- public static Variable DownCall(Variable list) {
- List<object> lo = new List<object>();
- VarDeque it = Builtins.start_iter(list);
- while (Kernel.IterHasFlat(it, true))
- lo.Add(DCArg(it.Shift()));
- return DCResult(RawDowncall(lo.ToArray()));
- }
- internal static Variable DCResult(object r) {
- if (r == null) return AnyMO.typeObj;
- else if (r is string) return Kernel.BoxAnyMO((string)r, StrMO);
- else if (r is int) return Builtins.MakeInt((int)r);
- else if (r is bool) return ((bool)r) ? TrueV : FalseV;
- else if (r is Exception) throw new NieczaException(((Exception)r).Message);
- else if (r is object[]) {
- object[] ra = (object[])r;
- Variable[] ba = new Variable[ra.Length];
- for (int i = 0; i < ba.Length; i++) ba[i] = DCResult(ra[i]);
- return Builtins.MakeParcel(ba);
- }
- else {
- string t = (string)RawDowncall("gettype", r);
- P6any pr = (t == "type") ? TypeP :
- (t == "sub") ? StaticSubP :
- (t == "param") ? ParamP :
- (t == "value") ? ValueP :
- (t == "unit") ? UnitP : AnyMO.typeObj;
- return Kernel.BoxAnyMO(r, pr.mo);
- }
- }
- static void SerializeNam(Variable v, StringBuilder sb,
- List<object> refs) {
- P6any o = v.Fetch();
- if (o is BoxObject<int>) { /* includes bool */
- sb.Append(Kernel.UnboxAny<int>(o));
- } else if (o is BoxObject<double>) {
- sb.Append(Utils.N2S(Kernel.UnboxAny<double>(o)));
- } else if (o is BoxObject<string>) {
- string s = Kernel.UnboxAny<string>(o);
- sb.Append('"');
- foreach (char c in s) {
- if (c >= ' ' && c <= '~' && c != '\\' && c != '"')
- sb.Append(c);
- else {
- sb.Append("\\u");
- sb.AppendFormat("{0:X4}", (int)c);
- }
- }
- sb.Append('"');
- } else if (!o.IsDefined()) {
- sb.Append("null");
- } else if (o.Isa(ListMO)) {
- VarDeque d = o.mo.mro_raw_iterator.Get(v);
- bool comma = false;
- sb.Append('[');
- while (Kernel.IterHasFlat(d, true)) {
- if (comma) sb.Append(',');
- SerializeNam(d.Shift(), sb, refs);
- comma = true;
- }
- sb.Append(']');
- } else if (o is BoxObject<object>) {
- sb.Append('!');
- sb.Append(refs.Count);
- refs.Add(Kernel.UnboxAny<object>(o));
- } else {
- throw new NieczaException("weird object in sub_finish " + o.mo.name);
- }
- }
- public static Variable Finish(Variable si, Variable nam) {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- List<object> refs = new List<object>();
- SerializeNam(nam, sb, refs);
- object[] args = new object[refs.Count + 3];
- args[0] = "sub_finish";
- args[1] = Kernel.UnboxAny<object>(si.Fetch());
- args[2] = sb.ToString();
- refs.CopyTo(args, 3);
- return DCResult(RawDowncall(args));
- }
- public static string DoHash(string input) {
- HashAlgorithm sha = SHA256.Create();
- byte[] ibytes = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(input);
- byte[] hash = sha.ComputeHash(ibytes);
- char[] buf = new char[hash.Length * 2];
- for (int i = 0; i < hash.Length; i++) {
- buf[i*2] = "0123456789abcdef"[hash[i] >> 4];
- buf[i*2+1] = "0123456789abcdef"[hash[i] & 15];
- }
- return new string(buf);
- }
- public static string ExecName() {
- return Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location;
- }
- static Dictionary<P6any,Dictionary<P6any,Variable>> role_cache =
- new Dictionary<P6any,Dictionary<P6any,Variable>>();
- public static Variable CachedBut(P6any but, Variable v1, Variable v2) {
- P6any a1 = v1.Fetch();
- P6any a2 = v2.Fetch();
- Dictionary<P6any,Variable> subcache;
- if (!role_cache.TryGetValue(a1, out subcache))
- role_cache[a1] = subcache = new Dictionary<P6any,Variable>();
- Variable var;
- if (subcache.TryGetValue(a2, out var))
- return var;
- // Mega-Hack - stop lots of internal data from being retained by
- // CALLER pointers
- Kernel.SetTopFrame(null);
- var = Kernel.RunInferior(but.Invoke(Kernel.GetInferiorRoot(),
- new [] { v1, v2 }, null));
- return subcache[a2] = var;
- }
- public static Variable PruneMatch(Variable vr) {
- Cursor c = (Cursor)vr.Fetch();
- // remove as much as possible - don't call this if you still need
- // the match!
- if (c.feedback != null) {
- c.feedback.CommitRule();
- c.feedback.bt = null;
- c.feedback.st = new State();
- c.feedback.ast = null;
- }
- for (CapInfo it = c.captures; it != null; it = it.prev) {
- if (it.cap != null && it.cap.Fetch() is Cursor)
- PruneMatch(it.cap);
- }
- c.captures = null;
- c.feedback = null;
- c.ast = null;
- c.xact = null;
- c.nstate = null;
- return vr;
- }
- }
- }