Python | 1953 lines | 1813 code | 59 blank | 81 comment | 22 complexity | a016d731b5095668938beef3a1d56a0b MD5 | raw file
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- import os
- import re
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.db import models
- from django.db.models import Q
- from django.utils import timezone
- from django.utils.html import escape
- from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
- from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
- from djblets.util.db import ConcurrencyManager
- from djblets.util.fields import (CounterField, JSONField,
- ModificationTimestampField)
- from djblets.util.misc import get_object_or_none
- from djblets.util.templatetags.djblets_images import crop_image, thumbnail
- from reviewboard.changedescs.models import ChangeDescription
- from reviewboard.diffviewer.models import DiffSet, DiffSetHistory, FileDiff
- from reviewboard.attachments.models import FileAttachment
- from reviewboard.reviews.errors import PermissionError
- from reviewboard.reviews.managers import (DefaultReviewerManager,
- ReviewGroupManager,
- ReviewRequestManager,
- ReviewManager)
- from reviewboard.reviews.signals import (review_request_published,
- review_request_reopened,
- review_request_closed,
- reply_published, review_published)
- from reviewboard.scmtools.errors import InvalidChangeNumberError
- from reviewboard.scmtools.models import Repository
- from reviewboard.site.models import LocalSite
- from reviewboard.site.urlresolvers import local_site_reverse
- class Group(models.Model):
- """
- A group of reviewers identified by a name. This is usually used to
- separate teams at a company or components of a project.
- Each group can have an e-mail address associated with it, sending
- all review requests and replies to that address. If that e-mail address is
- blank, e-mails are sent individually to each member of that group.
- """
- name = models.SlugField(_("name"), max_length=64, blank=False)
- display_name = models.CharField(_("display name"), max_length=64)
- mailing_list = models.EmailField(
- _("mailing list"),
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("The mailing list review requests and discussions "
- "are sent to."))
- users = models.ManyToManyField(User, blank=True,
- related_name="review_groups",
- verbose_name=_("users"))
- local_site = models.ForeignKey(LocalSite, blank=True, null=True)
- incoming_request_count = CounterField(
- _('incoming review request count'),
- initializer=lambda g: ReviewRequest.objects.to_group(
- g, local_site=g.local_site).count())
- invite_only = models.BooleanField(_('invite only'), default=False)
- visible = models.BooleanField(default=True)
- objects = ReviewGroupManager()
- def is_accessible_by(self, user):
- "Returns true if the user can access this group."""
- if self.local_site and not self.local_site.is_accessible_by(user):
- return False
- return (not self.invite_only or
- user.is_superuser or
- (user.is_authenticated() and
- self.users.filter(pk=user.pk).count() > 0))
- def is_mutable_by(self, user):
- """
- Returns whether or not the user can modify or delete the group.
- The group is mutable by the user if they are an administrator with
- proper permissions, or the group is part of a LocalSite and the user is
- in the admin list.
- """
- return (user.has_perm('reviews.change_group') or
- (self.local_site and self.local_site.is_mutable_by(user)))
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.name
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- if self.local_site_id:
- local_site_name = self.local_site.name
- else:
- local_site_name = None
- return local_site_reverse('group', local_site_name=local_site_name,
- kwargs={'name': self.name})
- class Meta:
- unique_together = (('name', 'local_site'),)
- verbose_name = _("review group")
- ordering = ['name']
- class DefaultReviewer(models.Model):
- """
- A default reviewer entry automatically adds default reviewers to a
- review request when the diff modifies a file matching the ``file_regex``
- pattern specified.
- This is useful when different groups own different parts of a codebase.
- Adding DefaultReviewer entries ensures that the right people will always
- see the review request and discussions.
- A ``file_regex`` of ``".*"`` will add the specified reviewers by
- default for every review request.
- Note that this is keyed off the same LocalSite as its "repository" member.
- """
- name = models.CharField(_("name"), max_length=64)
- file_regex = models.CharField(
- _("file regex"),
- max_length=256,
- help_text=_("File paths are matched against this regular expression "
- "to determine if these reviewers should be added."))
- repository = models.ManyToManyField(Repository, blank=True)
- groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group, verbose_name=_("default groups"),
- blank=True)
- people = models.ManyToManyField(User, verbose_name=_("default people"),
- related_name="default_review_paths",
- blank=True)
- local_site = models.ForeignKey(LocalSite, blank=True, null=True,
- related_name='default_reviewers')
- objects = DefaultReviewerManager()
- def is_accessible_by(self, user):
- "Returns whether the user can access this default reviewer."""
- if self.local_site and not self.local_site.is_accessible_by(user):
- return False
- return True
- def is_mutable_by(self, user):
- """Returns whether the user can modify or delete this default reviewer.
- Only those with the default_reviewer.change_group permission (such as
- administrators) can modify or delete default reviewers not bound
- to a LocalSite.
- LocalSite administrators can modify or delete them on their LocalSites.
- """
- return (user.has_perm('reviews.change_default_reviewer') or
- (self.local_site and self.local_site.is_mutable_by(user)))
- def __unicode__(self):
- return self.name
- class Screenshot(models.Model):
- """
- A screenshot associated with a review request.
- Like diffs, a screenshot can have comments associated with it.
- These comments are of type :model:`reviews.ScreenshotComment`.
- """
- caption = models.CharField(_("caption"), max_length=256, blank=True)
- draft_caption = models.CharField(_("draft caption"),
- max_length=256, blank=True)
- image = models.ImageField(_("image"),
- upload_to=os.path.join('uploaded', 'images',
- '%Y', '%m', '%d'))
- def get_comments(self):
- """Returns all the comments made on this screenshot."""
- if not hasattr(self, '_comments'):
- self._comments = list(self.comments.all())
- return self._comments
- def get_thumbnail_url(self):
- """
- Returns the URL for the thumbnail, creating it if necessary.
- """
- return thumbnail(self.image)
- def thumb(self):
- """
- Creates a thumbnail of this screenshot and returns the HTML
- output embedding the thumbnail.
- """
- url = self.get_thumbnail_url()
- return mark_safe('<img src="%s" data-at2x="%s" alt="%s" />' %
- (url, thumbnail(self.image, '800x200'),
- self.caption))
- thumb.allow_tags = True
- def __unicode__(self):
- return u"%s (%s)" % (self.caption, self.image)
- def get_review_request(self):
- if hasattr(self, '_review_request'):
- return self._review_request
- try:
- return self.review_request.all()[0]
- except IndexError:
- try:
- return self.inactive_review_request.all()[0]
- except IndexError:
- # Maybe it's on a draft.
- try:
- draft = self.drafts.get()
- except ReviewRequestDraft.DoesNotExist:
- draft = self.inactive_drafts.get()
- return draft.review_request
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- review_request = self.get_review_request()
- if review_request.local_site:
- local_site_name = review_request.local_site.name
- else:
- local_site_name = None
- return local_site_reverse(
- 'screenshot',
- local_site_name=local_site_name,
- kwargs={
- 'review_request_id': review_request.display_id,
- 'screenshot_id': self.pk,
- })
- def save(self, **kwargs):
- super(Screenshot, self).save()
- try:
- draft = self.drafts.get()
- draft.timestamp = timezone.now()
- draft.save()
- except ReviewRequestDraft.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- class BaseReviewRequestDetails(models.Model):
- """Base information for a review request and draft.
- ReviewRequest and ReviewRequestDraft share a lot of fields and
- methods. This class provides those fields and methods for those
- classes.
- """
- summary = models.CharField(_("summary"), max_length=MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH)
- description = models.TextField(_("description"), blank=True)
- testing_done = models.TextField(_("testing done"), blank=True)
- bugs_closed = models.CharField(_("bugs"), max_length=300, blank=True)
- branch = models.CharField(_("branch"), max_length=300, blank=True)
- rich_text = models.BooleanField(_("rich text"), default=True)
- def _get_review_request(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_bug_list(self):
- """
- Returns a sorted list of bugs associated with this review request.
- """
- if self.bugs_closed == "":
- return []
- bugs = re.split(r"[, ]+", self.bugs_closed)
- # First try a numeric sort, to show the best results for the majority
- # case of bug trackers with numeric IDs. If that fails, sort
- # alphabetically.
- try:
- bugs.sort(key=int)
- except ValueError:
- bugs.sort()
- return bugs
- def get_screenshots(self):
- """Returns the list of all screenshots on a review request.
- This includes all current screenshots, but not previous ones.
- By accessing screenshots through this method, future review request
- lookups from the screenshots will be avoided.
- """
- review_request = self._get_review_request()
- for screenshot in self.screenshots.all():
- screenshot._review_request = review_request
- yield screenshot
- def get_inactive_screenshots(self):
- """Returns the list of all inactive screenshots on a review request.
- This only includes screenshots that were previously visible but
- have since been removed.
- By accessing screenshots through this method, future review request
- lookups from the screenshots will be avoided.
- """
- review_request = self._get_review_request()
- for screenshot in self.inactive_screenshots.all():
- screenshot._review_request = review_request
- yield screenshot
- def get_file_attachments(self):
- """Returns the list of all file attachments on a review request.
- This includes all current file attachments, but not previous ones.
- By accessing file attachments through this method, future review
- request lookups from the file attachments will be avoided.
- """
- review_request = self._get_review_request()
- for file_attachment in self.file_attachments.all():
- file_attachment._review_request = review_request
- yield file_attachment
- def get_inactive_file_attachments(self):
- """Returns all inactive file attachments on a review request.
- This only includes file attachments that were previously visible
- but have since been removed.
- By accessing file attachments through this method, future review
- request lookups from the file attachments will be avoided.
- """
- review_request = self._get_review_request()
- for file_attachment in self.inactive_file_attachments.all():
- file_attachment._review_request = review_request
- yield file_attachment
- def add_default_reviewers(self):
- """Add default reviewers based on the diffset.
- This method goes through the DefaultReviewer objects in the database
- and adds any missing reviewers based on regular expression comparisons
- with the set of files in the diff.
- """
- diffset = self.get_latest_diffset()
- if not diffset:
- return
- people = set()
- groups = set()
- # TODO: This is kind of inefficient, and could maybe be optimized in
- # some fancy way. Certainly the most superficial optimization that
- # could be made would be to cache the compiled regexes somewhere.
- files = diffset.files.all()
- reviewers = DefaultReviewer.objects.for_repository(self.repository,
- self.local_site)
- for default in reviewers:
- try:
- regex = re.compile(default.file_regex)
- except:
- continue
- for filediff in files:
- if regex.match(filediff.source_file or filediff.dest_file):
- for person in default.people.all():
- people.add(person)
- for group in default.groups.all():
- groups.add(group)
- break
- existing_people = self.target_people.all()
- for person in people:
- if person not in existing_people:
- self.target_people.add(person)
- existing_groups = self.target_groups.all()
- for group in groups:
- if group not in existing_groups:
- self.target_groups.add(group)
- def update_from_commit_id(self, commit_id):
- """Updates the data from a server-side changeset.
- If the commit ID refers to a pending changeset on an SCM which stores
- such things server-side (like perforce), the details like the summary
- and description will be updated with the latest information.
- If the change number is the commit ID of a change which exists on the
- server, the summary and description will be set from the commit's
- message, and the diff will be fetched from the SCM."""
- scmtool = self.repository.get_scmtool()
- changeset = None
- if scmtool.supports_pending_changesets:
- changeset = scmtool.get_changeset(commit_id, allow_empty=True)
- if changeset and changeset.pending:
- self.update_from_pending_change(commit_id, changeset)
- elif self.repository.supports_post_commit:
- self.update_from_committed_change(commit_id)
- else:
- if changeset:
- raise InvalidChangeNumberError()
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def update_from_pending_change(self, commit_id, changeset):
- """Updates the data from a server-side pending changeset.
- This will fetch the metadata from the server and update the fields on
- the review request."""
- if not changeset:
- raise InvalidChangeNumberError()
- # If the SCM supports changesets, they should always include a number,
- # summary and description, parsed from the changeset description. Some
- # specialized systems may support the other fields, but we don't want
- # to clobber the user-entered values if they don't.
- if hasattr(self, 'changenum'):
- self.update_commit_id(commit_id)
- self.summary = changeset.summary
- self.description = changeset.description
- if changeset.testing_done:
- self.testing_done = changeset.testing_done
- if changeset.branch:
- self.branch = changeset.branch
- if changeset.bugs_closed:
- self.bugs_closed = ','.join(changeset.bugs_closed)
- def update_from_committed_change(self, commit_id):
- """Updates from a committed change present on the server.
- Fetches the commit message and diff from the repository and sets the
- relevant fields.
- """
- commit = self.repository.get_change(commit_id)
- summary, message = commit.split_message()
- if hasattr(self, 'commit_id'):
- self.commit = commit_id
- self.summary = summary.strip()
- self.description = message.strip()
- DiffSet.objects.create_from_data(
- repository=self.repository,
- diff_file_name='diff',
- diff_file_contents=commit.diff,
- parent_diff_file_name=None,
- parent_diff_file_contents=None,
- diffset_history=self.diffset_history,
- basedir='/',
- request=None)
- def save(self, **kwargs):
- self.bugs_closed = self.bugs_closed.strip()
- self.summary = self._truncate(self.summary, self.MAX_SUMMARY_LENGTH)
- super(BaseReviewRequestDetails, self).save(**kwargs)
- def _truncate(self, string, num):
- if len(string) > num:
- string = string[0:num]
- i = string.rfind('.')
- if i != -1:
- string = string[0:i + 1]
- return string
- def __unicode__(self):
- if self.summary:
- return self.summary
- else:
- return unicode(_('(no summary)'))
- class Meta:
- abstract = True
- class ReviewRequest(BaseReviewRequestDetails):
- """
- A review request.
- This is one of the primary models in Review Board. Most everything
- is associated with a review request.
- The ReviewRequest model contains detailed information on a review
- request. Some fields are user-modifiable, while some are used for
- internal state.
- """
- (PENDING_REVIEW, _('Pending Review')),
- (SUBMITTED, _('Submitted')),
- (DISCARDED, _('Discarded')),
- )
- submitter = models.ForeignKey(User, verbose_name=_("submitter"),
- related_name="review_requests")
- time_added = models.DateTimeField(_("time added"), default=timezone.now)
- last_updated = ModificationTimestampField(_("last updated"))
- status = models.CharField(_("status"), max_length=1, choices=STATUSES,
- db_index=True)
- public = models.BooleanField(_("public"), default=False)
- changenum = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("change number"), blank=True,
- null=True, db_index=True)
- commit_id = models.CharField(_('commit ID'), max_length=64, blank=True,
- null=True, db_index=True)
- repository = models.ForeignKey(Repository,
- related_name="review_requests",
- verbose_name=_("repository"),
- null=True,
- blank=True)
- email_message_id = models.CharField(_("e-mail message ID"), max_length=255,
- blank=True, null=True)
- time_emailed = models.DateTimeField(_("time e-mailed"), null=True,
- default=None, blank=True)
- diffset_history = models.ForeignKey(DiffSetHistory,
- related_name="review_request",
- verbose_name=_('diff set history'),
- blank=True)
- target_groups = models.ManyToManyField(
- Group,
- related_name="review_requests",
- verbose_name=_("target groups"),
- blank=True)
- target_people = models.ManyToManyField(
- User,
- verbose_name=_("target people"),
- related_name="directed_review_requests",
- blank=True)
- screenshots = models.ManyToManyField(
- Screenshot,
- related_name="review_request",
- verbose_name=_("screenshots"),
- blank=True)
- inactive_screenshots = models.ManyToManyField(
- Screenshot,
- verbose_name=_("inactive screenshots"),
- help_text=_("A list of screenshots that used to be but are no "
- "longer associated with this review request."),
- related_name="inactive_review_request",
- blank=True)
- file_attachments = models.ManyToManyField(
- FileAttachment,
- related_name="review_request",
- verbose_name=_("file attachments"),
- blank=True)
- inactive_file_attachments = models.ManyToManyField(
- FileAttachment,
- verbose_name=_("inactive file attachments"),
- help_text=_("A list of file attachments that used to be but are no "
- "longer associated with this review request."),
- related_name="inactive_review_request",
- blank=True)
- changedescs = models.ManyToManyField(
- ChangeDescription,
- verbose_name=_("change descriptions"),
- related_name="review_request",
- blank=True)
- depends_on = models.ManyToManyField('ReviewRequest',
- blank=True, null=True,
- verbose_name=_('Dependencies'),
- related_name='blocks')
- # Review-related information
- # The timestamp representing the last public activity of a review.
- # This includes publishing reviews and manipulating issues.
- last_review_activity_timestamp = models.DateTimeField(
- _("last review activity timestamp"),
- db_column='last_review_timestamp',
- null=True,
- default=None,
- blank=True)
- shipit_count = CounterField(_("ship-it count"), default=0)
- local_site = models.ForeignKey(LocalSite, blank=True, null=True)
- local_id = models.IntegerField('site-local ID', blank=True, null=True)
- # Set this up with the ReviewRequestManager
- objects = ReviewRequestManager()
- def get_commit(self):
- if self.commit_id is not None:
- return self.commit_id
- elif self.changenum is not None:
- self.commit_id = str(self.changenum)
- # Update the state in the database, but don't save this
- # model, or we can end up with some state (if we haven't
- # properly loaded everything yet). This affects docs.db
- # generation, and may cause problems in the wild.
- ReviewRequest.objects.filter(pk=self.pk).update(
- commit_id=str(self.changenum))
- return self.commit_id
- return None
- def set_commit(self, commit_id):
- try:
- self.changenum = int(commit_id)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- pass
- self.commit_id = commit_id
- commit = property(get_commit, set_commit)
- def get_participants(self):
- """
- Returns a list of all people who have been involved in discussing
- this review request.
- """
- # See the comment in Review.get_participants for this list
- # comprehension.
- return [u for review in self.reviews.all()
- for u in review.participants]
- participants = property(get_participants)
- def get_new_reviews(self, user):
- """
- Returns any new reviews since the user last viewed the review request.
- """
- if user.is_authenticated():
- # If this ReviewRequest was queried using with_counts=True,
- # then we should know the new review count and can use this to
- # decide whether we have anything at all to show.
- if hasattr(self, "new_review_count") and self.new_review_count > 0:
- query = self.visits.filter(user=user)
- try:
- visit = query[0]
- return self.reviews.filter(
- public=True,
- timestamp__gt=visit.timestamp).exclude(user=user)
- except IndexError:
- # This visit doesn't exist, so bail.
- pass
- return self.reviews.get_empty_query_set()
- def get_display_id(self):
- """Gets the ID which should be exposed to the user."""
- if self.local_site_id:
- return self.local_id
- else:
- return self.id
- display_id = property(get_display_id)
- def get_public_reviews(self):
- """
- Returns all public top-level reviews for this review request.
- """
- return self.reviews.filter(public=True, base_reply_to__isnull=True)
- def is_accessible_by(self, user, local_site=None):
- """Returns whether or not the user can read this review request.
- This performs several checks to ensure that the user has access.
- This user has access if:
- * The review request is public or the user can modify it (either
- by being an owner or having special permissions).
- * The repository is public or the user has access to it (either by
- being explicitly on the allowed users list, or by being a member
- of a review group on that list).
- * The user is listed as a requested reviewer or the user has access
- to one or more groups listed as requested reviewers (either by
- being a member of an invite-only group, or the group being public).
- """
- # Users always have access to their own review requests.
- if self.submitter == user:
- return True
- if not self.public and not self.is_mutable_by(user):
- return False
- if self.repository and not self.repository.is_accessible_by(user):
- return False
- if local_site and not local_site.is_accessible_by(user):
- return False
- if (user.is_authenticated() and
- self.target_people.filter(pk=user.pk).count() > 0):
- return True
- groups = list(self.target_groups.all())
- if not groups:
- return True
- # We specifically iterate over these instead of making it part
- # of the query in order to keep the logic in Group, and to allow
- # for future expansion (extensions, more advanced policy)
- #
- # We're looking for at least one group that the user has access
- # to. If they can access any of the groups, then they have access
- # to the review request.
- for group in groups:
- if group.is_accessible_by(user):
- return True
- return False
- def is_mutable_by(self, user):
- "Returns true if the user can modify this review request"
- return (self.submitter == user or
- user.has_perm('reviews.can_edit_reviewrequest'))
- def get_draft(self, user=None):
- """
- Returns the draft of the review request. If a user is specified,
- than the draft will be returned only if owned by the user. Otherwise,
- None will be returned.
- """
- if not user:
- return get_object_or_none(self.draft)
- elif user.is_authenticated():
- return get_object_or_none(self.draft,
- review_request__submitter=user)
- return None
- def get_pending_review(self, user):
- """
- Returns the pending review owned by the specified user, if any.
- This will return an actual review, not a reply to a review.
- """
- return Review.objects.get_pending_review(self, user)
- def get_last_activity(self, diffsets=None, reviews=None):
- """Returns the last public activity information on the review request.
- This will return the last object updated, along with the timestamp
- of that object. It can be used to judge whether something on a
- review request has been made public more recently.
- """
- timestamp = self.last_updated
- updated_object = self
- # Check if the diff was updated along with this.
- if not diffsets and self.repository_id:
- latest_diffset = self.get_latest_diffset()
- diffsets = []
- if latest_diffset:
- diffsets.append(latest_diffset)
- if diffsets:
- for diffset in diffsets:
- if diffset.timestamp >= timestamp:
- timestamp = diffset.timestamp
- updated_object = diffset
- # Check for the latest review or reply.
- if not reviews:
- try:
- reviews = [self.reviews.filter(public=True).latest()]
- except Review.DoesNotExist:
- reviews = []
- for review in reviews:
- if review.public and review.timestamp >= timestamp:
- timestamp = review.timestamp
- updated_object = review
- return timestamp, updated_object
- def changeset_is_pending(self):
- """
- Returns True if the current changeset associated with this review
- request is pending under SCM.
- """
- changeset = None
- commit_id = self.commit
- if (self.repository.get_scmtool().supports_pending_changesets and
- commit_id is not None):
- changeset = self.repository.get_scmtool().get_changeset(
- commit_id, allow_empty=True)
- return changeset and changeset.pending
- def get_absolute_url(self):
- if self.local_site:
- local_site_name = self.local_site.name
- else:
- local_site_name = None
- return local_site_reverse(
- 'review-request-detail',
- local_site_name=local_site_name,
- kwargs={'review_request_id': self.display_id})
- def get_diffsets(self):
- """Returns a list of all diffsets on this review request."""
- if not self.repository_id:
- return []
- if not hasattr(self, '_diffsets'):
- self._diffsets = list(DiffSet.objects.filter(
- history__pk=self.diffset_history_id))
- return self._diffsets
- def get_latest_diffset(self):
- """Returns the latest diffset for this review request."""
- try:
- return DiffSet.objects.filter(
- history=self.diffset_history_id).latest()
- except DiffSet.DoesNotExist:
- return None
- def save(self, update_counts=False, **kwargs):
- if update_counts or self.id is None:
- self._update_counts()
- if self.status != self.PENDING_REVIEW:
- # If this is not a pending review request now, delete any
- # and all ReviewRequestVisit objects.
- self.visits.all().delete()
- super(ReviewRequest, self).save(**kwargs)
- def delete(self, **kwargs):
- from reviewboard.accounts.models import Profile, LocalSiteProfile
- profile, profile_is_new = \
- Profile.objects.get_or_create(user=self.submitter)
- if profile_is_new:
- profile.save()
- local_site = self.local_site
- site_profile, site_profile_is_new = \
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.get_or_create(user=self.submitter,
- profile=profile,
- local_site=local_site)
- site_profile.decrement_total_outgoing_request_count()
- if self.status == self.PENDING_REVIEW:
- site_profile.decrement_pending_outgoing_request_count()
- if self.public:
- people = self.target_people.all()
- groups = self.target_groups.all()
- Group.incoming_request_count.decrement(groups)
- LocalSiteProfile.direct_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(user__in=people,
- local_site=local_site))
- LocalSiteProfile.total_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- Q(local_site=local_site) &
- Q(Q(user__review_groups__in=groups) |
- Q(user__in=people))))
- LocalSiteProfile.starred_public_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- profile__starred_review_requests=self,
- local_site=local_site))
- super(ReviewRequest, self).delete(**kwargs)
- def can_publish(self):
- return not self.public or get_object_or_none(self.draft) is not None
- def close(self, type, user=None, description=None):
- """
- Closes the review request. The type must be one of
- """
- if (user and not self.is_mutable_by(user) and
- not user.has_perm("reviews.can_change_status")):
- raise PermissionError
- if type not in [self.SUBMITTED, self.DISCARDED]:
- raise AttributeError("%s is not a valid close type" % type)
- if self.status != type:
- changedesc = ChangeDescription(public=True, text=description or "")
- changedesc.record_field_change('status', self.status, type)
- changedesc.save()
- self.changedescs.add(changedesc)
- self.status = type
- self.save(update_counts=True)
- review_request_closed.send(sender=self.__class__, user=user,
- review_request=self,
- type=type)
- else:
- # Update submission description.
- changedesc = self.changedescs.filter(public=True).latest()
- changedesc.timestamp = timezone.now()
- changedesc.text = description or ""
- changedesc.save()
- # Needed to renew last-update.
- self.save()
- try:
- draft = self.draft.get()
- except ReviewRequestDraft.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- else:
- draft.delete()
- def reopen(self, user=None):
- """
- Reopens the review request for review.
- """
- if (user and not self.is_mutable_by(user) and
- not user.has_perm("reviews.can_change_status")):
- raise PermissionError
- if self.status != self.PENDING_REVIEW:
- changedesc = ChangeDescription()
- changedesc.record_field_change('status', self.status,
- if self.status == self.DISCARDED:
- # A draft is needed if reopening a discarded review request.
- self.public = False
- changedesc.save()
- draft = ReviewRequestDraft.create(self)
- draft.changedesc = changedesc
- draft.save()
- else:
- changedesc.public = True
- changedesc.save()
- self.changedescs.add(changedesc)
- self.status = self.PENDING_REVIEW
- self.save(update_counts=True)
- review_request_reopened.send(sender=self.__class__, user=user,
- review_request=self)
- def update_commit_id(self, commit_id, user=None):
- if (user and not self.is_mutable_by(user)):
- raise PermissionError
- self.commit = commit_id
- def publish(self, user):
- """
- Save the current draft attached to this review request. Send out the
- associated email. Returns the review request that was saved.
- """
- from reviewboard.accounts.models import LocalSiteProfile
- if not self.is_mutable_by(user):
- raise PermissionError
- # Decrement the counts on everything. we lose them.
- # We'll increment the resulting set during ReviewRequest.save.
- # This should be done before the draft is published.
- # Once the draft is published, the target people
- # and groups will be updated with new values.
- # Decrement should not happen while publishing
- # a new request or a discarded request
- if self.public:
- Group.incoming_request_count.decrement(self.target_groups.all())
- LocalSiteProfile.direct_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- user__in=self.target_people.all(),
- local_site=self.local_site))
- LocalSiteProfile.total_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- Q(local_site=self.local_site) &
- Q(Q(user__review_groups__in=self.target_groups.all()) |
- Q(user__in=self.target_people.all()))))
- LocalSiteProfile.starred_public_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- profile__starred_review_requests=self,
- local_site=self.local_site))
- draft = get_object_or_none(self.draft)
- if draft is not None:
- # This will in turn save the review request, so we'll be done.
- changes = draft.publish(self, send_notification=False)
- draft.delete()
- else:
- changes = None
- if not self.public and self.changedescs.count() == 0:
- # This is a brand new review request that we're publishing
- # for the first time. Set the creation timestamp to now.
- self.time_added = timezone.now()
- self.public = True
- self.save(update_counts=True)
- review_request_published.send(sender=self.__class__, user=user,
- review_request=self,
- changedesc=changes)
- def _update_counts(self):
- from reviewboard.accounts.models import Profile, LocalSiteProfile
- profile, profile_is_new = \
- Profile.objects.get_or_create(user=self.submitter)
- if profile_is_new:
- profile.save()
- local_site = self.local_site
- site_profile, site_profile_is_new = \
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.get_or_create(
- user=self.submitter,
- profile=profile,
- local_site=local_site)
- if site_profile_is_new:
- site_profile.save()
- if self.id is None:
- # This hasn't been created yet. Bump up the outgoing request
- # count for the user.
- site_profile.increment_total_outgoing_request_count()
- old_status = None
- old_public = False
- else:
- # We need to see if the status has changed, so that means
- # finding out what's in the database.
- r = ReviewRequest.objects.get(pk=self.id)
- old_status = r.status
- old_public = r.public
- if self.status == self.PENDING_REVIEW:
- if old_status != self.status:
- site_profile.increment_pending_outgoing_request_count()
- if self.public and self.id is not None:
- groups = self.target_groups.all()
- people = self.target_people.all()
- Group.incoming_request_count.increment(groups)
- LocalSiteProfile.direct_incoming_request_count.increment(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(user__in=people,
- local_site=local_site))
- LocalSiteProfile.total_incoming_request_count.increment(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- Q(local_site=local_site) &
- Q(Q(user__review_groups__in=groups) |
- Q(user__in=people))))
- LocalSiteProfile.starred_public_request_count.increment(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- profile__starred_review_requests=self,
- local_site=local_site))
- else:
- if old_status != self.status:
- site_profile.decrement_pending_outgoing_request_count()
- if old_public:
- groups = self.target_groups.all()
- people = self.target_people.all()
- Group.incoming_request_count.decrement(groups)
- LocalSiteProfile.direct_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(user__in=people,
- local_site=local_site))
- LocalSiteProfile.total_incoming_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- Q(local_site=local_site) &
- Q(Q(user__review_groups__in=groups) |
- Q(user__in=people))))
- LocalSiteProfile.starred_public_request_count.decrement(
- LocalSiteProfile.objects.filter(
- profile__starred_review_requests=self,
- local_site=local_site))
- def _get_review_request(self):
- """Returns this review request.
- This is an interface needed by ReviewRequestDetails.
- """
- return self
- class Meta:
- ordering = ['-last_updated', 'submitter', 'summary']
- unique_together = (('commit_id', 'repository'),
- ('changenum', 'repository'),
- ('local_site', 'local_id'))
- permissions = (
- ("can_change_status", "Can change status"),
- ("can_submit_as_another_user", "Can submit as another user"),
- ("can_edit_reviewrequest", "Can edit review request"),
- )
- class ReviewRequestDraft(BaseReviewRequestDetails):
- """
- A draft of a review request.
- When a review request is being modified, a special draft copy of it is
- created containing all the details of the review request. This copy can
- be modified and eventually saved or discarded. When saved, the new
- details are copied back over to the originating ReviewRequest.
- """
- review_request = models.ForeignKey(ReviewRequest,
- related_name="draft",
- verbose_name=_("review request"),
- unique=True)
- last_updated = ModificationTimestampField(_("last updated"))
- diffset = models.ForeignKey(DiffSet, verbose_name=_('diff set'),
- blank=True, null=True,
- related_name='review_request_draft')
- changedesc = models.ForeignKey(ChangeDescription,
- verbose_name=_('change description'),
- blank=True, null=True)
- target_groups = models.ManyToManyField(Group,
- related_name="drafts",
- verbose_name=_("target groups"),
- blank=True)
- target_people = models.ManyToManyField(User,
- verbose_name=_("target people"),
- related_name="directed_drafts",
- blank=True)
- screenshots = models.ManyToManyField(Screenshot,
- related_name="drafts",
- verbose_name=_("screenshots"),
- blank=True)
- inactive_screenshots = models.ManyToManyField(
- Screenshot,
- verbose_name=_("inactive screenshots"),
- related_name="inactive_drafts",
- blank=True)
- file_attachments = models.ManyToManyField(
- FileAttachment,
- related_name="drafts",
- verbose_name=_("file attachments"),
- blank=True)
- inactive_file_attachments = models.ManyToManyField(
- FileAttachment,
- verbose_name=_("inactive files"),
- related_name="inactive_drafts",
- blank=True)
- submitter = property(lambda self: self.review_request.submitter)
- repository = property(lambda self: self.review_request.repository)
- local_site = property(lambda self: self.review_request.local_site)
- depends_on = models.ManyToManyField('ReviewRequest',
- blank=True, null=True,
- verbose_name=_('Dependencies'),
- related_name='draft_blocks')
- # Set this up with a ConcurrencyManager to help prevent race conditions.
- objects = ConcurrencyManager()
- def get_latest_diffset(self):
- """Returns the diffset for this draft."""
- return self.diffset
- def is_accessible_by(self, user):
- """Returns whether or not the user can access this draft."""
- return self.is_mutable_by(user)
- def is_mutable_by(self, user):
- """Returns whether or not the user can modify this draft."""
- return self.review_request.is_mutable_by(user)
- @staticmethod
- def create(review_request):
- """
- Creates a draft based on a review request.
- This will copy over all the details of the review request that
- we care about. If a draft already exists for the review request,
- the draft will be returned.
- """
- draft, draft_is_new = \
- ReviewRequestDraft.objects.get_or_create(
- review_request=review_request,
- defaults={
- 'summary': review_request.summary,
- 'description': review_request.description,
- 'testing_done': review_request.testing_done,
- 'bugs_closed': review_request.bugs_closed,
- 'branch': review_request.branch,
- })
- if draft.changedesc is None and review_request.public:
- changedesc = ChangeDescription()
- changedesc.save()
- draft.changedesc = changedesc
- if draft_is_new:
- map(draft.target_groups.add, review_request.target_groups.all())
- map(draft.target_people.add, review_request.target_people.all())
- for screenshot in review_request.screenshots.all():
- screenshot.draft_caption = screenshot.caption
- screenshot.save()
- draft.screenshots.add(screenshot)
- for screenshot in review_request.inactive_screenshots.all():
- screenshot.draft_caption = screenshot.caption
- screenshot.save()
- draft.inactive_screenshots.add(screenshot)
- for attachment in review_request.file_attachments.all():
- attachment.draft_caption = attachment.caption
- attachment.save()
- draft.file_attachments.add(attachment)
- for attachment in review_request.inactive_file_attachments.all():
- attachment.draft_caption = attachment.caption
- attachment.save()
- draft.inactive_file_attachments.add(attachment)
- draft.save()
- return draft
- def publish(self, review_request=None, user=None,
- send_notification=True):
- """
- Publishes this draft. Uses the draft's assocated ReviewRequest
- object if one isn't passed in.
- This updates and returns the draft's ChangeDescription, which
- contains the changed fields. This is used by the e-mail template
- to tell people what's new and interesting.
- The keys that may be saved in 'fields_changed' in the
- ChangeDescription are:
- * 'summary'
- * 'description'
- * 'testing_done'
- * 'bugs_closed'
- * 'depends_on'
- * 'branch'
- * 'target_groups'
- * 'target_people'
- * 'screenshots'
- * 'screenshot_captions'
- * 'diff'
- Each field in 'fields_changed' represents a changed field. This will
- save fields in the standard formats as defined by the
- 'ChangeDescription' documentation, with the exception of the
- 'screenshot_captions' and 'diff' fields.
- For the 'screenshot_captions' field, the value will be a dictionary
- of screenshot ID/dict pairs with the following fields:
- * 'old': The old value of the field
- * 'new': The new value of the field
- For the 'diff' field, there is only ever an 'added' field, containing
- the ID of the new diffset.
- The 'send_notification' parameter is intended for internal use only,
- and is there to prevent duplicate notifications when being called by
- ReviewRequest.publish.
- """
- if not review_request:
- review_request = self.review_request
- if not user:
- user = review_request.submitter
- if not self.changedesc and review_request.public:
- self.changedesc = ChangeDescription()
- def update_field(a, b, name, record_changes=True):
- # Apparently django models don't have __getattr__ or __setattr__,
- # so we have to update __dict__ directly. Sigh.
- value = b.__dict__[name]
- old_value = a.__dict__[name]
- if old_v…
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