Python | 1133 lines | 1098 code | 18 blank | 17 comment | 8 complexity | 1230046406650d952a9b585fdb1593f0 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- import hashlib
- import logging
- import re
- import sre_constants
- import sys
- from warnings import warn
- from django.conf import settings
- from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend
- from django.contrib.auth.models import User
- from django.contrib.auth import get_backends
- from django.contrib.auth import hashers
- from django.utils import six
- from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
- from djblets.db.query import get_object_or_none
- from djblets.siteconfig.models import SiteConfiguration
- try:
- from ldap.filter import filter_format
- except ImportError:
- pass
- from djblets.registries.registry import (ALREADY_REGISTERED, LOAD_ENTRY_POINT,
- from reviewboard.accounts.forms.auth import (ActiveDirectorySettingsForm,
- LDAPSettingsForm,
- NISSettingsForm,
- StandardAuthSettingsForm,
- X509SettingsForm,
- HTTPBasicSettingsForm)
- from reviewboard.accounts.models import LocalSiteProfile
- from reviewboard.site.models import LocalSite
- from reviewboard.registries.registry import EntryPointRegistry
- _enabled_auth_backends = []
- _auth_backend_setting = None
- INVALID_USERNAME_CHAR_REGEX = re.compile(r'[^\w.@+-]')
- class AuthBackend(object):
- """The base class for Review Board authentication backends."""
- backend_id = None
- name = None
- settings_form = None
- supports_anonymous_user = True
- supports_object_permissions = True
- supports_registration = False
- supports_change_name = False
- supports_change_email = False
- supports_change_password = False
- login_instructions = None
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def get_user(self, user_id):
- """Get an existing user, or None if it does not exist."""
- return get_object_or_none(User, pk=user_id)
- def update_password(self, user, password):
- """Update the user's password on the backend.
- Authentication backends can override this to update the password
- on the backend. This will only be called if
- :py:attr:`supports_change_password` is ``True``.
- By default, this will raise NotImplementedError.
- """
- raise NotImplementedError
- def update_name(self, user):
- """Update the user's name on the backend.
- The first name and last name will already be stored in the provided
- ``user`` object.
- Authentication backends can override this to update the name
- on the backend based on the values in ``user``. This will only be
- called if :py:attr:`supports_change_name` is ``True``.
- By default, this will do nothing.
- """
- pass
- def update_email(self, user):
- """Update the user's e-mail address on the backend.
- The e-mail address will already be stored in the provided
- ``user`` object.
- Authentication backends can override this to update the e-mail
- address on the backend based on the values in ``user``. This will only
- be called if :py:attr:`supports_change_email` is ``True``.
- By default, this will do nothing.
- """
- pass
- def query_users(self, query, request):
- """Search for users on the back end.
- This call is executed when the User List web API resource is called,
- before the database is queried.
- Authentication backends can override this to perform an external
- query. Results should be written to the database as standard
- Review Board users, which will be matched and returned by the web API
- call.
- The ``query`` parameter contains the value of the ``q`` search
- parameter of the web API call (e.g. /users/?q=foo), if any.
- Errors can be passed up to the web API layer by raising a
- reviewboard.accounts.errors.UserQueryError exception.
- By default, this will do nothing.
- """
- pass
- def search_users(self, query, request):
- """Custom user-database search.
- This call is executed when the User List web API resource is called
- and the ``q`` search parameter is provided, indicating a search
- query.
- It must return either a django.db.models.Q object or None. All
- enabled backends are called until a Q object is returned. If one
- isn't returned, a default search is executed.
- """
- return None
- class StandardAuthBackend(AuthBackend, ModelBackend):
- """Authenticate users against the local database.
- This will authenticate a user against their entry in the database, if
- the user has a local password stored. This is the default form of
- authentication in Review Board.
- This backend also handles permission checking for users on LocalSites.
- In Django, this is the responsibility of at least one auth backend in
- the list of configured backends.
- Regardless of the specific type of authentication chosen for the
- installation, StandardAuthBackend will always be provided in the list
- of configured backends. Because of this, it will always be able to
- handle authentication against locally added users and handle
- LocalSite-based permissions for all configurations.
- """
- backend_id = 'builtin'
- name = _('Standard Registration')
- settings_form = StandardAuthSettingsForm
- supports_registration = True
- supports_change_name = True
- supports_change_email = True
- supports_change_password = True
- 'hostingsvcs.change_hostingserviceaccount',
- 'hostingsvcs.create_hostingserviceaccount',
- 'reviews.add_group',
- 'reviews.can_change_status',
- 'reviews.can_edit_reviewrequest',
- 'reviews.can_submit_as_another_user',
- 'reviews.change_default_reviewer',
- 'reviews.change_group',
- 'reviews.delete_file',
- 'reviews.delete_screenshot',
- 'scmtools.add_repository',
- 'scmtools.change_repository',
- ]
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- return ModelBackend.authenticate(self, username, password)
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- return get_object_or_none(User, username=username)
- def update_password(self, user, password):
- """Update the given user's password."""
- user.password = hashers.make_password(password)
- def get_all_permissions(self, user, obj=None):
- """Get a list of all permissions for a user.
- If a LocalSite instance is passed as ``obj``, then the permissions
- returned will be those that the user has on that LocalSite. Otherwise,
- they will be their global permissions.
- It is not legal to pass any other object.
- """
- if obj is not None and not isinstance(obj, LocalSite):
- logging.error('Unexpected object %r passed to '
- 'StandardAuthBackend.get_all_permissions. '
- 'Returning an empty list.',
- obj)
- if settings.DEBUG:
- raise ValueError('Unexpected object %r' % obj)
- return set()
- if user.is_anonymous():
- return set()
- # First, get the list of all global permissions.
- #
- # Django's ModelBackend doesn't support passing an object, and will
- # return an empty set, so don't pass an object for this attempt.
- permissions = \
- super(StandardAuthBackend, self).get_all_permissions(user)
- if obj is not None:
- # We know now that this is a LocalSite, due to the assertion
- # above.
- if not hasattr(user, '_local_site_perm_cache'):
- user._local_site_perm_cache = {}
- if obj.pk not in user._local_site_perm_cache:
- perm_cache = set()
- try:
- site_profile = user.get_site_profile(obj)
- site_perms = site_profile.permissions or {}
- if site_perms:
- perm_cache = set([
- key
- for key, value in six.iteritems(site_perms)
- if value
- ])
- except LocalSiteProfile.DoesNotExist:
- pass
- user._local_site_perm_cache[obj.pk] = perm_cache
- permissions = permissions.copy()
- permissions.update(user._local_site_perm_cache[obj.pk])
- return permissions
- def has_perm(self, user, perm, obj=None):
- """Get whether or not a user has the given permission.
- If a LocalSite instance is passed as ``obj``, then the permissions
- checked will be those that the user has on that LocalSite. Otherwise,
- they will be their global permissions.
- It is not legal to pass any other object.
- """
- if obj is not None and not isinstance(obj, LocalSite):
- logging.error('Unexpected object %r passed to has_perm. '
- 'Returning False.', obj)
- if settings.DEBUG:
- raise ValueError('Unexpected object %r' % obj)
- return False
- if not user.is_active:
- return False
- if obj is not None:
- if not hasattr(user, '_local_site_admin_for'):
- user._local_site_admin_for = {}
- if obj.pk not in user._local_site_admin_for:
- user._local_site_admin_for[obj.pk] = obj.is_mutable_by(user)
- if user._local_site_admin_for[obj.pk]:
- return perm in self._VALID_LOCAL_SITE_PERMISSIONS
- return super(StandardAuthBackend, self).has_perm(user, perm, obj)
- class HTTPDigestBackend(AuthBackend):
- """Authenticate against a user in a digest password file."""
- backend_id = 'digest'
- name = _('HTTP Digest Authentication')
- settings_form = HTTPBasicSettingsForm
- login_instructions = \
- _('Use your standard username and password.')
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- username = username.strip()
- digest_text = '%s:%s:%s' % (username, settings.DIGEST_REALM, password)
- digest_password = hashlib.md5(digest_text).hexdigest()
- try:
- with open(settings.DIGEST_FILE_LOCATION, 'r') as passwd_file:
- for line_no, line in enumerate(passwd_file):
- try:
- user, realm, passwd = line.strip().split(':')
- if user == username and passwd == digest_password:
- return self.get_or_create_user(username, None)
- else:
- continue
- except ValueError as e:
- logging.error('Error parsing HTTP Digest password '
- 'file at line %d: %s',
- line_no, e, exc_info=True)
- break
- except IOError as e:
- logging.error('Could not open the HTTP Digest password file: %s',
- e, exc_info=True)
- return None
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- try:
- user = User.objects.get(username=username)
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- user = User(username=username, password='')
- user.is_staff = False
- user.is_superuser = False
- user.set_unusable_password()
- user.save()
- return user
- class NISBackend(AuthBackend):
- """Authenticate against a user on an NIS server."""
- backend_id = 'nis'
- name = _('NIS')
- settings_form = NISSettingsForm
- login_instructions = \
- _('Use your standard NIS username and password.')
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- import crypt
- import nis
- username = username.strip()
- try:
- passwd = nis.match(username, 'passwd').split(':')
- original_crypted = passwd[1]
- new_crypted = crypt.crypt(password, original_crypted)
- if original_crypted == new_crypted:
- return self.get_or_create_user(username, None, passwd)
- except nis.error:
- # FIXME I'm not sure under what situations this would fail (maybe
- # if their NIS server is down), but it'd be nice to inform the
- # user.
- pass
- return None
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request, passwd=None):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- import nis
- username = username.strip()
- try:
- user = User.objects.get(username=username)
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- try:
- if not passwd:
- passwd = nis.match(username, 'passwd').split(':')
- names = passwd[4].split(',')[0].split(' ', 1)
- first_name = names[0]
- last_name = None
- if len(names) > 1:
- last_name = names[1]
- email = '%s@%s' % (username, settings.NIS_EMAIL_DOMAIN)
- user = User(username=username,
- password='',
- first_name=first_name,
- last_name=last_name or '',
- email=email)
- user.is_staff = False
- user.is_superuser = False
- user.set_unusable_password()
- user.save()
- except nis.error:
- pass
- return user
- class LDAPBackend(AuthBackend):
- """Authenticate against a user on an LDAP server."""
- backend_id = 'ldap'
- name = _('LDAP')
- settings_form = LDAPSettingsForm
- login_instructions = \
- _('Use your standard LDAP username and password.')
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- username = username.strip()
- uidfilter = "(%(userattr)s=%(username)s)" % {
- 'userattr': settings.LDAP_UID,
- 'username': username
- }
- # If the UID mask has been explicitly set, override
- # the standard search filter
- if settings.LDAP_UID_MASK:
- uidfilter = settings.LDAP_UID_MASK % username
- if len(password) == 0:
- # Don't try to bind using an empty password; the server will
- # return success, which doesn't mean we have authenticated.
- # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-5.1.2
- # http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513#section-6.3.1
- logging.warning("Empty password for: %s", username)
- return None
- if isinstance(username, six.text_type):
- username_bytes = username.encode('utf-8')
- else:
- username_bytes = username
- if isinstance(password, six.text_type):
- password = password.encode('utf-8')
- try:
- import ldap
- ldapo = ldap.initialize(settings.LDAP_URI)
- ldapo.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
- ldapo.set_option(ldap.OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)
- if settings.LDAP_TLS:
- ldapo.start_tls_s()
- if settings.LDAP_ANON_BIND_UID:
- # Log in as the service account before searching.
- ldapo.simple_bind_s(settings.LDAP_ANON_BIND_UID,
- else:
- # Bind anonymously to the server
- ldapo.simple_bind_s()
- # Search for the user with the given base DN and uid. If the user
- # is found, a fully qualified DN is returned. Authentication is
- # then done with bind using this fully qualified DN.
- search = ldapo.search_s(settings.LDAP_BASE_DN,
- uidfilter)
- if not search:
- # No such user, return early, no need for bind attempts
- logging.warning("LDAP error: The specified object does "
- "not exist in the Directory: %s",
- username)
- return None
- else:
- userdn = search[0][0]
- # Now that we have the user, attempt to bind to verify
- # authentication
- logging.debug("Attempting to authenticate as %s"
- % userdn.decode('utf-8'))
- ldapo.bind_s(userdn, password)
- return self.get_or_create_user(username_bytes, None, ldapo, userdn)
- except ImportError:
- pass
- logging.warning("LDAP error: The specified object does not exist "
- "in the Directory or provided invalid "
- "credentials: %s",
- username)
- except ldap.LDAPError as e:
- logging.warning("LDAP error: %s", e)
- except:
- # Fallback exception catch because
- # django.contrib.auth.authenticate() (our caller) catches only
- # TypeErrors
- logging.warning("An error while LDAP-authenticating: %r" %
- sys.exc_info()[1])
- return None
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request, ldapo, userdn):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- username = re.sub(INVALID_USERNAME_CHAR_REGEX, '', username).lower()
- try:
- user = User.objects.get(username=username)
- return user
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- try:
- import ldap
- # Perform a BASE search since we already know the DN of
- # the user
- search_result = ldapo.search_s(userdn,
- ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
- user_info = search_result[0][1]
- given_name_attr = getattr(
- settings, 'LDAP_GIVEN_NAME_ATTRIBUTE', 'givenName')
- first_name = user_info.get(given_name_attr, [username])[0]
- surname_attr = getattr(
- settings, 'LDAP_SURNAME_ATTRIBUTE', 'sn')
- last_name = user_info.get(surname_attr, [''])[0]
- # If a single ldap attribute is used to hold the full name of
- # a user, split it into two parts. Where to split was a coin
- # toss and I went with a left split for the first name and
- # dumped the remainder into the last name field. The system
- # admin can handle the corner cases.
- try:
- full_name = \
- user_info[settings.LDAP_FULL_NAME_ATTRIBUTE][0]
- full_name = full_name.decode('utf-8')
- first_name, last_name = full_name.split(' ', 1)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- if settings.LDAP_EMAIL_DOMAIN:
- email = '%s@%s' % (username, settings.LDAP_EMAIL_DOMAIN)
- elif settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE:
- try:
- email = user_info[settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE][0]
- except KeyError:
- logging.error('LDAP: could not get e-mail address for '
- 'user %s using attribute %s',
- username, settings.LDAP_EMAIL_ATTRIBUTE)
- email = ''
- else:
- logging.warning(
- 'LDAP: e-mail for user %s is not specified',
- username)
- email = ''
- user = User(username=username,
- password='',
- first_name=first_name,
- last_name=last_name,
- email=email)
- user.is_staff = False
- user.is_superuser = False
- user.set_unusable_password()
- user.save()
- return user
- except ImportError:
- pass
- # FIXME I'd really like to warn the user that their
- # ANON_BIND_UID and ANON_BIND_PASSWD are wrong, but I don't
- # know how
- pass
- except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT as e:
- logging.warning("LDAP error: %s settings.LDAP_BASE_DN: %s "
- "User DN: %s",
- e, settings.LDAP_BASE_DN, userdn,
- exc_info=1)
- except ldap.LDAPError as e:
- logging.warning("LDAP error: %s", e, exc_info=1)
- return None
- class ActiveDirectoryBackend(AuthBackend):
- """Authenticate a user against an Active Directory server."""
- backend_id = 'ad'
- name = _('Active Directory')
- settings_form = ActiveDirectorySettingsForm
- login_instructions = \
- _('Use your standard Active Directory username and password.')
- def get_domain_name(self):
- """Return the current AD domain name."""
- return six.text_type(settings.AD_DOMAIN_NAME)
- def get_ldap_search_root(self, userdomain=None):
- """Return the search root(s) for users in the LDAP server."""
- if getattr(settings, "AD_SEARCH_ROOT", None):
- root = [settings.AD_SEARCH_ROOT]
- else:
- if userdomain is None:
- userdomain = self.get_domain_name()
- root = ['dc=%s' % x for x in userdomain.split('.')]
- if settings.AD_OU_NAME:
- root = ['ou=%s' % settings.AD_OU_NAME] + root
- return ','.join(root)
- def search_ad(self, con, filterstr, userdomain=None):
- """Run a search on the given LDAP server."""
- import ldap
- search_root = self.get_ldap_search_root(userdomain)
- logging.debug('Search root ' + search_root)
- return con.search_s(search_root, scope=ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
- filterstr=filterstr)
- def find_domain_controllers_from_dns(self, userdomain=None):
- """Find and return the active domain controllers using DNS."""
- import DNS
- DNS.Base.DiscoverNameServers()
- q = '_ldap._tcp.%s' % (userdomain or self.get_domain_name())
- req = DNS.Base.DnsRequest(q, qtype=DNS.Type.SRV).req()
- return [x['data'][-2:] for x in req.answers]
- def can_recurse(self, depth):
- """Return whether the given recursion depth is too big."""
- return (settings.AD_RECURSION_DEPTH == -1 or
- depth <= settings.AD_RECURSION_DEPTH)
- def get_member_of(self, con, search_results, seen=None, depth=0):
- """Get the LDAP groups for the given users.
- This iterates over the users specified in ``search_results`` and
- returns a set of groups of which those users are members.
- """
- depth += 1
- if seen is None:
- seen = set()
- for name, data in search_results:
- if name is None:
- continue
- member_of = data.get('memberOf', [])
- new_groups = [x.split(b',')[0].split(b'=')[1] for x in member_of]
- old_seen = seen.copy()
- seen.update(new_groups)
- # collect groups recursively
- if self.can_recurse(depth):
- for group in new_groups:
- if group in old_seen:
- continue
- # Search for groups with the specified CN. Use the CN
- # rather than The sAMAccountName so that behavior is
- # correct when the values differ (e.g. if a
- # "pre-Windows 2000" group name is set in AD)
- group_data = self.search_ad(
- con,
- filter_format('(&(objectClass=group)(cn=%s))',
- (group,)))
- seen.update(self.get_member_of(con, group_data,
- seen=seen, depth=depth))
- else:
- logging.warning('ActiveDirectory recursive group check '
- 'reached maximum recursion depth.')
- return seen
- def get_ldap_connections(self, userdomain=None):
- """Get a set of connections to LDAP servers.
- This returns an iterable of connections to the LDAP servers specified
- """
- import ldap
- if settings.AD_FIND_DC_FROM_DNS:
- dcs = self.find_domain_controllers_from_dns(userdomain)
- else:
- dcs = []
- for dc_entry in settings.AD_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER.split():
- if ':' in dc_entry:
- host, port = dc_entry.split(':')
- else:
- host = dc_entry
- port = '389'
- dcs.append([port, host])
- for dc in dcs:
- port, host = dc
- ldap_uri = 'ldap://%s:%s' % (host, port)
- con = ldap.initialize(ldap_uri)
- if settings.AD_USE_TLS:
- try:
- con.start_tls_s()
- except ldap.UNAVAILABLE:
- logging.warning('Active Directory: Domain controller '
- '%s:%d for domain %s unavailable',
- host, int(port), userdomain)
- continue
- except ldap.CONNECT_ERROR:
- logging.warning("Active Directory: Could not connect "
- "to domain controller %s:%d for domain "
- "%s, possibly the certificate wasn't "
- "verifiable",
- host, int(port), userdomain)
- continue
- con.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
- yield con
- def authenticate(self, username, password):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will authenticate the username and return the appropriate User
- object, or None.
- """
- import ldap
- username = username.strip()
- user_subdomain = ''
- if '@' in username:
- username, user_subdomain = username.split('@', 1)
- elif '\\' in username:
- user_subdomain, username = username.split('\\', 1)
- userdomain = self.get_domain_name()
- if user_subdomain:
- userdomain = "%s.%s" % (user_subdomain, userdomain)
- connections = self.get_ldap_connections(userdomain)
- required_group = settings.AD_GROUP_NAME
- if isinstance(required_group, six.text_type):
- required_group = required_group.encode('utf-8')
- if isinstance(username, six.text_type):
- username_bytes = username.encode('utf-8')
- else:
- username_bytes = username
- if isinstance(user_subdomain, six.text_type):
- user_subdomain = user_subdomain.encode('utf-8')
- if isinstance(password, six.text_type):
- password = password.encode('utf-8')
- for con in connections:
- try:
- bind_username = b'%s@%s' % (username_bytes, userdomain)
- logging.debug("User %s is trying to log in via AD",
- bind_username.decode('utf-8'))
- con.simple_bind_s(bind_username, password)
- user_data = self.search_ad(
- con,
- filter_format('(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))',
- (username_bytes,)),
- userdomain)
- if not user_data:
- return None
- if required_group:
- try:
- group_names = self.get_member_of(con, user_data)
- except Exception as e:
- logging.error("Active Directory error: failed getting"
- "groups for user '%s': %s",
- username, e, exc_info=1)
- return None
- if required_group not in group_names:
- logging.warning("Active Directory: User %s is not in "
- "required group %s",
- username, required_group)
- return None
- return self.get_or_create_user(username, None, user_data)
- except ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
- logging.warning('Active Directory: Domain controller is down')
- continue
- logging.warning('Active Directory: Failed login for user %s',
- username)
- return None
- logging.error('Active Directory error: Could not contact any domain '
- 'controller servers')
- return None
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request, ad_user_data):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- username = re.sub(INVALID_USERNAME_CHAR_REGEX, '', username).lower()
- try:
- user = User.objects.get(username=username)
- return user
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- try:
- user_info = ad_user_data[0][1]
- first_name = user_info.get('givenName', [username])[0]
- last_name = user_info.get('sn', [""])[0]
- email = user_info.get(
- 'mail',
- ['%s@%s' % (username, settings.AD_DOMAIN_NAME)])[0]
- user = User(username=username,
- password='',
- first_name=first_name,
- last_name=last_name,
- email=email)
- user.is_staff = False
- user.is_superuser = False
- user.set_unusable_password()
- user.save()
- return user
- except:
- return None
- class X509Backend(AuthBackend):
- """Authenticate a user from a X.509 client certificate.
- The certificate is passed in by the browser. This backend relies on the
- X509AuthMiddleware to extract a username field from the client certificate.
- """
- backend_id = 'x509'
- name = _('X.509 Public Key')
- settings_form = X509SettingsForm
- supports_change_password = True
- def authenticate(self, x509_field=""):
- """Authenticate the user.
- This will extract the username from the provided certificate and return
- the appropriate User object.
- """
- username = self.clean_username(x509_field)
- return self.get_or_create_user(username, None)
- def clean_username(self, username):
- """Validate the 'username' field.
- This checks to make sure that the contents of the username field are
- valid for X509 authentication.
- """
- username = username.strip()
- if settings.X509_USERNAME_REGEX:
- try:
- m = re.match(settings.X509_USERNAME_REGEX, username)
- if m:
- username = m.group(1)
- else:
- logging.warning("X509Backend: username '%s' didn't match "
- "regex.", username)
- except sre_constants.error as e:
- logging.error("X509Backend: Invalid regex specified: %s",
- e, exc_info=1)
- return username
- def get_or_create_user(self, username, request):
- """Get an existing user, or create one if it does not exist."""
- user = None
- username = username.strip()
- try:
- user = User.objects.get(username=username)
- except User.DoesNotExist:
- # TODO Add the ability to get the first and last names in a
- # configurable manner; not all X.509 certificates will have
- # the same format.
- if getattr(settings, 'X509_AUTOCREATE_USERS', False):
- user = User(username=username, password='')
- user.is_staff = False
- user.is_superuser = False
- user.set_unusable_password()
- user.save()
- return user
- def get_enabled_auth_backends():
- """Get all authentication backends being used by Review Board.
- The returned list contains every authentication backend that Review Board
- will try, in order.
- """
- global _enabled_auth_backends
- global _auth_backend_setting
- if (not _enabled_auth_backends or
- _auth_backend_setting != settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS):
- _enabled_auth_backends = []
- for backend in get_backends():
- if not isinstance(backend, AuthBackend):
- warn('Authentication backends should inherit from '
- 'reviewboard.accounts.backends.AuthBackend. Please '
- 'update %s.' % backend.__class__)
- for field, default in (('name', None),
- ('supports_registration', False),
- ('supports_change_name', False),
- ('supports_change_email', False),
- ('supports_change_password', False)):
- if not hasattr(backend, field):
- warn("Authentication backends should define a '%s' "
- "attribute. Please define it in %s or inherit "
- "from AuthBackend." % (field, backend.__class__))
- setattr(backend, field, False)
- _enabled_auth_backends.append(backend)
- _auth_backend_setting = settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
- return _enabled_auth_backends
- def set_enabled_auth_backend(backend_id):
- """Set the authentication backend to be used."""
- siteconfig = SiteConfiguration.objects.get_current()
- siteconfig.set('auth_backend', backend_id)
- class AuthBackendRegistry(EntryPointRegistry):
- """A registry for managing authentication backends."""
- entry_point = 'reviewboard.auth.backends'
- lookup_attrs = ('backend_id',)
- errors = {
- '"%(item)r" is already a registered authentication backend.'
- ),
- 'Error loading authentication backend %(entry_point)s: %(error)s'
- ),
- 'No authentication backend registered with %(attr_name)s = '
- '%(attr_value)s.'
- ),
- '"%(item)r is not a registered authentication backend.'
- ),
- }
- def process_value_from_entry_point(self, entry_point):
- """Load the class from the entry point.
- If the class lacks a ``backend_id``, it will be set as the entry
- point's name.
- Args:
- entry_point (pkg_resources.EntryPoint):
- The entry point.
- Returns:
- type:
- The :py:class:`AuthBackend` subclass.
- """
- cls = entry_point.load()
- if not cls.backend_id:
- logging.warning('The authentication backend %r did not provide '
- 'a backend_id attribute. Setting it to the '
- 'entry point name ("%s")',
- cls, entry_point.name)
- cls.backend_id = entry_point.name
- return cls
- def get_defaults(self):
- """Yield the authentication backends.
- This will make sure the StandardAuthBackend is always registered.
- Yields:
- type:
- The :py:class:`~reviewboard.accounts.backends.AuthBackend`
- subclasses.
- """
- yield StandardAuthBackend
- for value in super(AuthBackendRegistry, self).get_defaults():
- yield value
- def unregister(self, backend_class):
- """Unregister the requested authentication backend.
- Args:
- backend_class (type):
- The class of the backend to unregister.
- Raises:
- djblets.registries.errors.ItemLookupError:
- Raised when the class cannot be found.
- """
- self.populate()
- try:
- super(AuthBackendRegistry, self).unregister(backend_class)
- except self.lookup_error_class as e:
- logging.error('Failed to unregister unknown authentication '
- 'backend "%s".',
- backend_class.backend_id)
- raise e
- def get_auth_backend(self, auth_backend_id):
- """Return the requested authentication backend, if it exists.
- Args:
- auth_backend_id (unicode):
- The unique ID of the :py:class:`AuthBackend` class.
- Returns:
- type:
- The :py:class:`AuthBackend` subclass, or ``None`` if it is not
- registered.
- """
- return self.get('auth_backend_id', auth_backend_id)
- auth_backends = AuthBackendRegistry()
- def get_registered_auth_backends():
- """Yield all registered Review Board authentication backends.
- This will return all backends provided both by Review Board and by
- third parties that have properly registered with the
- "reviewboard.auth_backends" entry point.
- Yields:
- type:
- The :py:class:`~reviewboard.accounts.backends.AuthBackend`
- subclasses.
- .. deprecated:: 3.0
- Iterate over :py:data:`~reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends` instead.
- """
- warn('reviewboard.accounts.get_registered_auth_backends is deprecated. '
- 'Iterate over reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends instead.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- for backend in auth_backends:
- yield backend
- def get_registered_auth_backend(backend_id):
- """Return the authentication backends with the specified ID.
- If the authentication backend could not be found, this will return None.
- .. deprecated:: 3.0
- Use the :py:func:`~AuthBackendRegistry.get_auth_backend` method of
- :py:data:`~reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends` instead.
- """
- warn('reviewboard.accounts.get_registered_auth_backend is deprecated. Use'
- 'reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends.register instead.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- return auth_backends.get('backend_id', backend_id)
- def register_auth_backend(backend_cls):
- """Register an authentication backend.
- This backend will appear in the list of available backends.
- The backend class must have a backend_id attribute set, and can only
- be registered once. A KeyError will be thrown if attempting to register
- a second time.
- .. deprecated:: 3.0
- Use the :py:func:`~AuthBackendRegistry.register` method of
- :py:data:`~reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends` instead.
- """
- warn('reviewboard.accounts.register_auth_backend is deprecated. Use'
- 'reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends.register instead.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- auth_backends.register(backend_cls)
- def unregister_auth_backend(backend_cls):
- """Unregister a previously registered authentication backend.
- .. deprecated:: 3.0
- Use the :py:func:`~AuthBackendRegistry.unregister` method of
- :py:data:`~reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends` instead.
- """
- warn('reviewboard.accounts.unregister_auth_backend is deprecated. Use '
- 'reviewboard.accounts.auth_backends.unregister instead.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- auth_backends.unregister(backend_cls)