C# | 284 lines | 264 code | 20 blank | 0 comment | 97 complexity | 1951e5371bc0cbbd56593ac6867a3f2d MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-2-Clause
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Reflection;
- using AdamsLair.PropertyGrid;
- using OpenTK;
- using Duality;
- using Duality.EditorHints;
- using Duality.Components;
- using DualityEditor;
- namespace EditorBase.PropertyEditors
- {
- public class TransformPropertyEditor : ComponentPropertyEditor, IHelpProvider
- {
- private bool showRelative = false;
- private PropertyEditor editorPos = null;
- private PropertyEditor editorVel = null;
- private PropertyEditor editorScale = null;
- private PropertyEditor editorAngle = null;
- private PropertyEditor editorAngleVel = null;
- private PropertyEditor editorShowRelative = null;
- protected override bool IsAutoCreateMember(MemberInfo info)
- {
- return false;
- }
- protected override void BeforeAutoCreateEditors()
- {
- base.BeforeAutoCreateEditors();
- this.editorPos = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor((typeof(Vector3)), this);
- if (this.editorPos != null)
- {
- this.editorPos.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorPos.Getter = this.PosGetter;
- this.editorPos.Setter = this.PosSetter;
- this.editorPos.PropertyName = "Pos";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorPos, new EditorHintMemberAttribute[]
- { new EditorHintDecimalPlacesAttribute(0), new EditorHintIncrementAttribute(1) });
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorPos);
- this.editorPos.EndUpdate();
- }
- this.editorVel = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor(typeof(Vector3), this);
- if (this.editorVel != null)
- {
- this.editorVel.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorVel.Getter = this.VelGetter;
- this.editorVel.PropertyName = "Vel";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorVel);
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorVel);
- this.editorVel.EndUpdate();
- }
- this.editorScale = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor(typeof(Vector3), this);
- if (this.editorScale != null)
- {
- this.editorScale.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorScale.Getter = this.ScaleGetter;
- this.editorScale.Setter = this.ScaleSetter;
- this.editorScale.PropertyName = "Scale";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorScale);
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorScale);
- this.editorScale.EndUpdate();
- }
- this.editorAngle = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor(typeof(float), this);
- if (this.editorAngle != null)
- {
- this.editorAngle.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorAngle.Getter = this.AngleGetter;
- this.editorAngle.Setter = this.AngleSetter;
- this.editorAngle.PropertyName = "Angle";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorAngle, new EditorHintMemberAttribute[]
- { new EditorHintDecimalPlacesAttribute(1), new EditorHintIncrementAttribute(1) });
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorAngle);
- this.editorAngle.EndUpdate();
- }
- this.editorAngleVel = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor(typeof(float), this);
- if (this.editorAngleVel != null)
- {
- this.editorAngleVel.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorAngleVel.Getter = this.AngleVelGetter;
- this.editorAngleVel.PropertyName = "AngleVel";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorAngleVel, new[] { new EditorHintIncrementAttribute(0.1f) });
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorAngleVel);
- this.editorAngleVel.EndUpdate();
- }
- this.AddEditorForProperty(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_DeriveAngle);
- this.AddEditorForProperty(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_IgnoreParent);
- this.editorShowRelative = this.ParentGrid.CreateEditor(typeof(bool), this);
- if (editorShowRelative != null)
- {
- this.editorShowRelative.BeginUpdate();
- this.editorShowRelative.Getter = this.ShowRelativeGetter;
- this.editorShowRelative.Setter = this.ShowRelativeSetter;
- this.editorShowRelative.PropertyName = "[ Relative values ]";
- this.ParentGrid.ConfigureEditor(this.editorShowRelative);
- this.AddPropertyEditor(this.editorShowRelative);
- this.editorShowRelative.EndUpdate();
- }
- }
- protected override bool IsChildValueModified(PropertyEditor childEditor)
- {
- MemberInfo info = childEditor.EditedMember;
- if (childEditor == this.editorPos)
- info = ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativePos;
- else if (childEditor == this.editorVel)
- info = ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeVel;
- else if (childEditor == this.editorScale)
- info = ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeScale;
- else if (childEditor == this.editorAngle)
- info = ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeAngle;
- else if (childEditor == this.editorAngleVel)
- info = ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeAngleVel;
- if (info != null)
- {
- Component[] values = this.GetValue().Cast<Component>().NotNull().ToArray();
- return values.Any(delegate (Component c)
- {
- Duality.Resources.PrefabLink l = c.GameObj.AffectedByPrefabLink;
- return l != null && l.HasChange(c, info as PropertyInfo);
- });
- }
- else
- return base.IsChildValueModified(childEditor);
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> ShowRelativeGetter()
- {
- return new object[] { this.showRelative };
- }
- protected void ShowRelativeSetter(IEnumerable<object> values)
- {
- this.showRelative = values.Cast<bool>().FirstOrDefault();
- this.PerformGetValue();
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> PosGetter()
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.RelativePos : null);
- else
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.Pos : null);
- }
- protected void PosSetter(IEnumerable<object> values)
- {
- IEnumerator<Vector3> valuesEnum = values.Cast<Vector3>().GetEnumerator();
- Transform[] targetArray = this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().ToArray();
- Vector3 curValue = Vector3.Zero;
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- foreach (Transform target in targetArray)
- {
- if (target != null)
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- target.RelativePos = curValue;
- else
- target.Pos = curValue;
- }
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- }
- this.OnPropertySet(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativePos, targetArray);
- this.OnUpdateFromObjects(this.GetValue().ToArray());
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> VelGetter()
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.RelativeVel : null);
- else
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.Vel : null);
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> ScaleGetter()
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.RelativeScale : null);
- else
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)o.Scale : null);
- }
- protected void ScaleSetter(IEnumerable<object> values)
- {
- IEnumerator<Vector3> valuesEnum = values.Cast<Vector3>().GetEnumerator();
- Transform[] targetArray = this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().ToArray();
- Vector3 curValue = Vector3.Zero;
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- foreach (Transform target in targetArray)
- {
- if (target != null)
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- target.RelativeScale = curValue;
- else
- target.Scale = curValue;
- }
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- }
- this.OnPropertySet(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeScale, targetArray);
- this.OnUpdateFromObjects(this.GetValue().ToArray());
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> AngleGetter()
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)MathF.RadToDeg(o.RelativeAngle) : null);
- else
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)MathF.RadToDeg(o.Angle) : null);
- }
- protected void AngleSetter(IEnumerable<object> values)
- {
- IEnumerator<float> valuesEnum = values.Cast<float>().GetEnumerator();
- Transform[] targetArray = this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().ToArray();
- float curValue = 0.0f;
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- foreach (Transform target in targetArray)
- {
- if (target != null)
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- target.RelativeAngle = MathF.DegToRad(curValue);
- else
- target.Angle = MathF.DegToRad(curValue);
- }
- if (valuesEnum.MoveNext()) curValue = valuesEnum.Current;
- }
- this.OnPropertySet(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeAngle, targetArray);
- this.OnUpdateFromObjects(this.GetValue().ToArray());
- }
- protected IEnumerable<object> AngleVelGetter()
- {
- if (this.showRelative)
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)MathF.RadToDeg(o.RelativeAngleVel) : null);
- else
- return this.GetValue().Cast<Transform>().Select(o => o != null ? (object)MathF.RadToDeg(o.AngleVel) : null);
- }
- HelpInfo IHelpProvider.ProvideHoverHelp(System.Drawing.Point localPos, ref bool captured)
- {
- PropertyEditor pickedEditor = this.PickEditorAt(localPos.X, localPos.Y, true);
- if (this.showRelative)
- {
- if (pickedEditor == this.editorPos)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativePos);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorVel)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeVel);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorScale)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeScale);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorAngle)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeAngle);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorAngleVel)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_RelativeAngleVel);
- }
- else
- {
- if (pickedEditor == this.editorPos)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_Pos);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorVel)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_Vel);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorScale)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_Scale);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorAngle)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_Angle);
- else if (pickedEditor == this.editorAngleVel)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(ReflectionInfo.Property_Transform_AngleVel);
- }
- if (pickedEditor == this.editorShowRelative)
- return HelpInfo.FromText("Show relative values?", "If true, the relative Transform values are displayed for editing. This is an editor property that does not affect object behaviour in any way.");
- else if (pickedEditor.EditedMember != null)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(pickedEditor.EditedMember);
- else if (pickedEditor.EditedType != null)
- return HelpInfo.FromMember(pickedEditor.EditedType);
- return null;
- }
- }
- }