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- # ArcusNode
- #### A RTMFP Rendevouz Server For Peer Assisted Networking With Adobe Flash on NodeJS
- ArcusNode aims to assist P2P networking with ease of extendability due to Javascript glue with NodeJS.
- ArcusNode is a standalone RTMFP implementation.
- We want to thank [Cumulus](http://github.com/OpenRTMFP/Cumulus), a standalone C++ implementation of the _RTMFP Protocol_ and much more.
- Author: arcusdev [arcus.node@gmail.com]
- License: [GPL](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/)
- ## Issues
- If you have an **issue** with ArcusNode, please use the Github issue tracker!
- ## Status
- ArcusNode is still under heavy development and much work remains to be done.
- It covers the following features already:
- * P2P Rendezvouz service
- * NetGroups
- * Remote Methods / Commands
- * Authentication
- * Plugins
- ## Build & Installation
- ArcusNode runs on Node v0.5.5 and higher. To use ArcusNode as a service, get it from [github](http://github.com/OpenRTMFP/ArcusNode) and run:
- <pre>
- $> node-waf configure build
- $> node service.js
- </pre>
- You then should see something like:
- <pre>
- Starting up ArcusNode RTMFP Service.
- Copyright (C) 2011 OpenRTMFP
- This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
- This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
- (For usage help type "node service.js -h")
- ArcusNode RTMFP Service running at
- </pre>
- 1935 is the default port for RTMFP communication and you should now be able to connect to the server, create groups and get peers connected.
- #### Cygwin
- If you run into problems building node on Cygwin, checkout _https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Building-node.js-on-Cygwin-(Windows)_.
- If you consider using rebase, use both _./rebaseall_ and _./perlrebase_.
- ## Usage
- ### Basic
- As you can see in the service.js, it is very easy to use ArcusNode in your own project.
- <pre>
- var ArcusNode = require('./lib/arcus_node.js');
- var arcusService = new ArcusNode();
- arcusService.run();
- </pre>
- ### Customization
- ArcusNode uses a mixture of Events and registered command callbacks. Events behave like known Node core events.
- Commands are called by a connected client through its NetConnection#call and can be registered on ArcusNode.
- Commands on the server behave almost exactly the same as described in the Flash Documentation,
- except that ArcusNode command callbacks always get the NetConnection which called the command as first argument, then the arguments from the Client.
- ### Events
- At this moment, ArcusNode emits the following events:
- * start
- * stop
- * handshake
- * connect
- * disconnect
- * command
- ArcusNode uses the Node [EventEmitter](http://nodejs.org/docs/v0.5.3/api/events.html#events.EventEmitter) API
- Example for a connect event listener:
- <pre>
- var ArcusNode = require('./lib/arcus_node.js');
- var arcusService = new ArcusNode();
- arcusService.on('connect', function(nc, obj){
- console.log('Received a connection request for Connection ' + nc.id + ' with the properties', obj);
- });
- arcusService.run();
- </pre>
- ### Commands
- [todo]
- Example for a command Client side:
- <pre>
- var responder:Responder = new Responder(function(response) {
- trace(response.what); //-> 'ArcusNode rocks!'
- });
- connection.call('sayWhat', responder, { name: 'ArcusNode' });
- </pre>
- Example for a command Server side:
- <pre>
- arcusService.onCommand('sayWhat', function(nc, obj){
- return { what: obj.name + ' rocks!' };
- });
- </pre>
- ### ArcusNode Settings
- The ArcusNode constructor takes a settings object with the following attributes:
- <pre>
- .port
- Type: Integer
- Default: 1935
- The port that ArcusNode will listen for UDP connections.
- .address
- Type: String
- Default: ''
- ArcusNode can be run on a specific interface if wanted.
- .logLevel
- Type: String
- Default: 'warn'
- Can be one of ['fatal', 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug'].
- .logFile:
- Type: String, path
- Default: ''
- If a path for a log file is specified, all logging will be written to that file.
- .manageInterval
- Type: Integer, seconds
- default: 60
- The interval for the management cycle to do cleanup
- .connectionTimeout
- Type: Integer, milliseconds
- Default: 120000
- The timeout for a NetConnection. The connections is dropped after the NetConnection was unused for that amount of time.
- .groupTimeout
- Type: Integer, milliseconds
- Default: 360000
- The timeout for a NetGroup. The group is dropped afer there was no interaction for that amount of time.
- .serverKeepalive
- Type: Integer, milliseconds
- Default: 60000
- The timeout before the server sends a keepalive command to the client.
- Should be less then connectionTimeout.
- .clientKeepalive
- Type: Integer, milliseconds
- Default: 60000
- Will tell the client in what interval it should send keepalive messages
- .maxKeepalives
- Type: Integer
- Default: 3
- How often to max keepalive the connection before dropping it.
- </pre>
- ## Roadmap
- To reach version 0.1:
- * Add testing scripts and a Flash testing project
- * Complete AMF reading/writing (70%)
- ## Development
- If you have ideas, suggestions, bugfixes or just want to yell a little at the author,
- feel free to contact arcus.node@gmail.com
- © Copyright 2011 OpenRTMFP