PHP | 566 lines | 544 code | 14 blank | 8 comment | 21 complexity | c918b96838ed0a581f4ae10dd93b23b4 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- <?
- class CSearchLanguage
- {
- var $_abc = array();
- var $_lang_id;
- var $_lang_bigramm_cache;
- var $_trigrams = array();
- var $_has_bigramm_info = null;
- var $_bigrams = null;
- function __construct($lang_id)
- {
- $this->_lang_id = $lang_id;
- }
- //Function loads language class
- static function GetLanguage($sLang)
- {
- static $arLanguages = array();
- if(!isset($arLanguages[$sLang]))
- {
- $obLanguage = null;
- $class_name = strtolower("CSearchLanguage".$sLang);
- if(!class_exists($class_name))
- {
- //First try to load customized class
- $strDirName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/".$sLang."/search";
- $strFileName = $strDirName."/language.php";
- if(file_exists($strFileName))
- $obLanguage = @include($strFileName);
- if(!is_object($obLanguage))
- {
- if(!class_exists($class_name))
- {
- //Then module class
- $strDirName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/search/tools/".$sLang;
- $strFileName = $strDirName."/language.php";
- if(file_exists($strFileName))
- @include($strFileName);
- if(!class_exists($class_name))
- {
- $class_name = "CSearchLanguage";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!is_object($obLanguage))
- $obLanguage = new $class_name($sLang);
- $obLanguage->LoadTrigrams($strDirName);
- $arStemInfo = stemming_init($sLang);
- if(is_array($arStemInfo))
- $obLanguage->_abc = array_flip($obLanguage->StrToArray($arStemInfo["abc"]));
- $obLanguage->_has_bigramm_info = is_callable(array($obLanguage, "getbigrammletterfreq"));
- $arLanguages[$sLang] = $obLanguage;
- }
- return $arLanguages[$sLang];
- }
- //Reads file with trigrams (combinations not allowed in the words)
- function LoadTrigrams($dir_name)
- {
- if(empty($this->_trigrams))
- {
- $file_name = $dir_name."/trigram";
- if(file_exists($file_name) && is_file($file_name))
- {
- $cache_id = filemtime($file_name).",".$file_name;
- $obCache = new CPHPCache;
- if($obCache->StartDataCache(360000, $cache_id, "search"))
- {
- $text = file_get_contents($file_name);
- $ar = explode("\n", $text);
- foreach($ar as $trigramm)
- {
- if(strlen($trigramm) == 3)
- {
- $strScanCodesTmp = $this->ConvertToScancode($trigramm, false, true);
- if(strlen($strScanCodesTmp) == 3)
- {
- $this->_trigrams[$strScanCodesTmp] = true;
- }
- }
- }
- $obCache->EndDataCache($this->_trigrams);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->_trigrams = $obCache->GetVars();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function HasTrigrams()
- {
- return !empty($this->_trigrams);
- }
- //Check phrase against trigrams
- function CheckTrigrams($arScanCodes)
- {
- $result = 0;
- $check = "";
- $len = 0;
- foreach($arScanCodes as $i => $code)
- {
- if($code === false) //new word starts here
- {
- $check = "";
- $len = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- //running window of 3 bytes
- if($len < 3)
- {
- $check .= chr($code+1);
- $len++;
- }
- else
- {
- $check = $check[1].$check[2].chr($code+1);
- $len = 3;
- }
- }
- if($len >= 3)
- {
- if(isset($this->_trigrams[$check]))
- $result++;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- //This function returns positions of the letters
- //on the keyboard. This one is default English layout
- function GetKeyboardLayout()
- {
- return array(
- "lo" => "` - ".
- "qwertyuiop[]".
- "asdfghjkl;'".
- "zxcvbnm,. ",
- "hi" => "~ ".
- "ZXCVBNM<> "
- );
- }
- function ConvertFromScancode($arScancode)
- {
- $result = "";
- $keyboard = $this->GetKeyboardLayout();
- foreach($arScancode as $code)
- $result .= substr($keyboard["lo"], $code, 1);
- return $result;
- }
- function StrToArray($str)
- {
- if(defined("BX_UTF"))
- {
- $result = array();
- $len = strlen($str);
- for($i = 0;$i < $len; $i++)
- $result[] = substr($str, $i, 1);
- return $result;
- }
- else
- {
- return str_split($str);
- }
- }
- //This function converts text between layouts
- static function ConvertKeyboardLayout($text, $from, $to)
- {
- static $keyboards = array();
- $combo = $from."|".$to;
- if(!isset($keyboards[$combo]))
- {
- //Fill local cache
- if(!array_key_exists($from, $keyboards))
- {
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($from);
- $keyboard = $ob->GetKeyboardLayout();
- if(is_array($keyboard))
- $keyboards[$from] = array_merge($ob->StrToArray($keyboard["lo"]), $ob->StrToArray($keyboard["hi"]));
- else
- $keyboards[$from] = null;
- }
- if(!array_key_exists($to, $keyboards))
- {
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($to);
- $keyboard = $ob->GetKeyboardLayout();
- if(is_array($keyboard))
- $keyboards[$to] = array_merge($ob->StrToArray($keyboard["lo"]), $ob->StrToArray($keyboard["hi"]));
- else
- $keyboards[$to] = null;
- }
- //when both layouts defined
- if(isset($keyboards[$from]) && isset($keyboards[$to]))
- {
- $keyboards[$combo] = array();
- foreach($keyboards[$from] as $i => $ch)
- if($ch != false)
- $keyboards[$combo][$ch] = $keyboards[$to][$i];
- }
- }
- if(isset($keyboards[$combo]))
- return strtr($text, $keyboards[$combo]);
- else
- return $text;
- }
- //This function converts text into array of character positions
- //on the keyboard. Not defined chars turns into "false" value.
- function ConvertToScancode($text, $strict=false, $binary=false)
- {
- static $cache = array();
- if(!isset($cache[$this->_lang_id]))
- {
- $cache[$this->_lang_id] = array();
- $keyboard = $this->GetKeyboardLayout();
- foreach($this->StrToArray($keyboard["lo"]) as $pos => $ch)
- $cache[$this->_lang_id][$ch] = $pos;
- foreach($this->StrToArray($keyboard["hi"]) as $pos => $ch)
- $cache[$this->_lang_id][$ch] = $pos;
- }
- $scancodes = &$cache[$this->_lang_id];
- if($binary)
- {
- $result = "";
- foreach($this->StrToArray($text) as $ch)
- {
- if(
- isset($scancodes[$ch])
- && !($ch === " ")
- && !($strict && !isset($this->_abc[$ch]))
- )
- $result .= chr($scancodes[$ch]+1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $result = array();
- foreach($this->StrToArray($text) as $ch)
- {
- if($ch === " ")
- $result[] = false;
- elseif($strict && !isset($this->_abc[$ch]))
- $result[] = false;
- elseif(isset($scancodes[$ch]))
- $result[] = $scancodes[$ch];
- else
- $result[] = false;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function PreGuessLanguage($text, $lang=false)
- {
- //Indicates that there is no own guess
- return false;
- //In subclasses you should return array("from" => lang, "to" => lang) to translate
- //or return true when no translation nedded
- //or parent::GuessLanguage for futher processing
- }
- public static function GuessLanguage($text, $lang=false)
- {
- if(strlen($text) <= 0)
- return false;
- static $cache = array();
- if(empty($cache))
- {
- $cache[] = "en";//English is always in mind and on the first place
- $rsLanguages = CLanguage::GetList(($b=""), ($o=""));
- while($arLanguage = $rsLanguages->Fetch())
- if($arLanguage["LID"] != "en")
- $cache[] = $arLanguage["LID"];
- }
- if(is_array($lang))
- $arLanguages = $lang;
- else
- $arLanguages = $cache;
- if(count($arLanguages) < 2)
- return false;
- $languages_from = array();
- $max_len = 0;
- //Give customized languages a chance to guess
- foreach($arLanguages as $lang)
- {
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($lang);
- $res = $ob->PreGuessLanguage($text, $lang);
- if(is_array($res))
- return $res;
- elseif($res === true)
- return false;
- }
- //First try to detect language which
- //was used to type the phrase
- foreach($arLanguages as $lang)
- {
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($lang);
- $arScanCodesTmp1 = $ob->ConvertToScancode($text, true);
- $arScanCodesTmp2_cnt = count(array_filter($arScanCodesTmp1));
- //It will be one with most converted chars
- if($arScanCodesTmp2_cnt > $max_len)
- {
- $max_len = $arScanCodesTmp2_cnt;
- $languages_from = array($lang => $arScanCodesTmp1);
- }
- elseif($arScanCodesTmp2_cnt == $max_len)
- {
- $languages_from[$lang] = $arScanCodesTmp1;
- }
- }
- if($max_len < 2)
- return false;
- if(count($languages_from) <= 0)
- return false;
- //If more than one language is detected as input
- //try to get one with best trigram info
- $arDetectionFrom = array();
- $i = 0;
- foreach($languages_from as $lang => $arScanCodes)
- {
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang] = array();
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($lang);
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang][] = $ob->HasTrigrams();
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang][] = $ob->CheckTrigrams($arScanCodes);
- //Calculate how far sequence of scan codes
- //is from language model
- //$deviation = $ob->GetDeviation($arScanCodes);
- //$arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $deviation[1];
- //$arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = intval($deviation[0]*100);
- //Delay till compare
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang][] = $ob;
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang][] = $arScanCodes;
- $arDetectionFrom[$lang][] = $i;
- $i++;
- }
- uasort($arDetectionFrom, array("CSearchLanguage", "cmp"));
- //Now try the best to detect the language
- $arDetection = array();
- $i = 0;
- foreach($arDetectionFrom as $lang_from => $arTemp)
- {
- $arScanCodes = $languages_from[$lang_from];
- foreach($arLanguages as $lang)
- {
- $lang_from_to = $lang_from."=>".$lang;
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to] = array();
- $ob = CSearchLanguage::GetLanguage($lang);
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $ob->HasBigrammInfo();
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $ob->CheckTrigrams($arScanCodes);
- //Calculate how far sequence of scan codes
- //is from language model
- //$deviation = $ob->GetDeviation($arScanCodes);
- //$arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $deviation[1];
- //$arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = intval($deviation[0]*100);
- //Delay till compare
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $ob;
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $arScanCodes;
- $alt_text = CSearchLanguage::ConvertKeyboardLayout($text, $lang_from, $lang);
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $alt_text !== $text;
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $i;
- $arDetection[$lang_from_to][] = $lang_from_to;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- uasort($arDetection, array("CSearchLanguage", "cmp"));
- $language_from_to = key($arDetection);
- list($language_from, $language_to) = explode("=>", $language_from_to);
- $alt_text = CSearchLanguage::ConvertKeyboardLayout($text, $language_from, $language_to);
- if($alt_text === $text)
- return false;
- return array("from" => $language_from, "to" => $language_to);
- }
- //Compare to results of text analysis
- static function cmp($a, $b)
- {
- if($a[0] && !$b[0]) //On first place we check if model supports bigrams check
- return -1;
- elseif($b[0] && !$a[0])
- return 1;
- else
- {
- $c = count($a);
- for($i = 1; $i < $c; $i++)
- {
- if($i == 2)
- {
- //Delayed deviation calculation
- if(is_object($a[2]))
- {
- $deviation = $a[2]->GetDeviation($a[3]);
- $a[2] = $deviation[1];
- if(count($a[3]) > 3)
- $a[3] = intval($deviation[0]*100);
- else
- $a[3] = 100;
- }
- if(is_object($b[2]))
- {
- $deviation = $b[2]->GetDeviation($b[3]);
- $b[2] = $deviation[1];
- if(count($b[3]) > 3)
- $b[3] = intval($deviation[0]*100);
- else
- $b[3] = 100;
- }
- }
- if($a[$i] < $b[$i])
- return -1;
- elseif($a[$i] > $b[$i])
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;//never happens
- }
- }
- //Function returns distance of the text (sequence of scan codes)
- //from language model
- function GetDeviation($arScanCodes)
- {
- //This is language model
- $lang_bigrams = $this->GetBigrammScancodeFreq();
- $lang_count = $lang_bigrams["count"];
- unset($lang_bigrams["count"]);
- //This is text model
- $text_bigrams = $this->ConvertToBigramms($arScanCodes);
- $count = $text_bigrams["count"];
- unset($text_bigrams["count"]);
- $deviation = 0;
- $zeroes = 0;
- foreach($text_bigrams as $key => $value)
- {
- if(!isset($lang_bigrams[$key]))
- {
- $zeroes++;
- $deviation += $value/$count;
- }
- else
- {
- //echo $this->ConvertFromScancode(explode(" ", $key)),"=",$lang_bigrams[$key]/$lang_count,"<br>";
- $deviation += abs($value/$count - $lang_bigrams[$key]/$lang_count);
- }
- }
- return array($deviation, $zeroes);
- }
- //Function returns bigramms of the text (array of scancodes)
- //For example "FAT RAT" will be
- //array("FA", "AT", "RA", "AT")
- //This is model of the text
- function ConvertToBigramms($arScancodes)
- {
- $result = array();
- $len = count($arScancodes)-1;
- for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
- {
- $code1 = $arScancodes[$i];
- $code2 = $arScancodes[$i+1];
- if($code1 !== false && $code2 !== false)
- {
- $result["count"]++;
- $result[$code1." ".$code2]++;
- }
- }
- return $result;
- }
- function HasBigrammInfo()
- {
- return $this->_has_bigramm_info;
- }
- //Function returns model of the language
- function GetBigrammScancodeFreq()
- {
- if(!$this->HasBigrammInfo())
- return array("count"=>1);
- if(!isset($this->_lang_bigramm_cache))
- {
- $bigramms = $this->GetBigrammLetterFreq();
- $keyboard = $this->GetKeyboardLayout();
- $keyboard_lo = $keyboard["lo"];
- $keyboard_hi = $keyboard["hi"];
- $result = array();
- foreach($bigramms as $letter1 => $row)
- {
- $p1 = strpos($keyboard_lo, $letter1);
- if($p1 === false)
- $p1 = strpos($keyboard_hi, $letter1);
- $i = 0;
- foreach($bigramms as $letter2 => $tmp)
- {
- $p2 = strpos($keyboard_lo, $letter2);
- if($p2 === false)
- $p2 = strpos($keyboard_hi, $letter2);
- $weight = $row[$i];
- $result["count"] += $weight;
- $result[$p1." ".$p2] = $weight;
- $i++;
- }
- }
- $this->_lang_bigramm_cache = $result;
- }
- return $this->_lang_bigramm_cache;
- }
- }
- ?>