C++ | 843 lines | 682 code | 94 blank | 67 comment | 135 complexity | 2f89fe14b50059a1b82240c80d00afc2 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-3.0, MIT, LGPL-2.0
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- TVP2 ( T Visual Presenter 2 ) A script authoring tool
- Copyright (C) 2000 W.Dee <dee@kikyou.info> and contributors
- See details of license at "license.txt"
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Log Viewer Control
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include "tjsCommHead.h"
- #include <Clipbrd.hpp>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "WideNativeFuncs.h"
- #include "MsgIntf.h"
- #include "TLogViewer.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void TVPCopyToClipboard(const ttstr & unicode)
- {
- TClipboard *cb = Clipboard();
- cb->Open();
- HGLOBAL ansihandle = NULL;
- HGLOBAL unicodehandle = NULL;
- try
- {
- // store ANSI string
- AnsiString ansistr = unicode.AsAnsiString();
- ansihandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE,
- ansistr.Length() + 1);
- if(!ansihandle) throw Exception("copying to clipboard failed.");
- char *mem = (char*)GlobalLock(ansihandle);
- if(mem) strcpy(mem, ansistr.c_str());
- GlobalUnlock(ansihandle);
- cb->SetAsHandle(CF_TEXT, (int)ansihandle);
- ansihandle = NULL;
- // store UNICODE string
- unicodehandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_MOVEABLE,
- (unicode.GetLen() + 1) * sizeof(tjs_char));
- if(!unicodehandle) throw Exception("copying to clipboard failed.");
- tjs_char *unimem = (tjs_char*)GlobalLock(unicodehandle);
- if(unimem) TJS_strcpy(unimem, unicode.c_str());
- GlobalUnlock(unicodehandle);
- cb->SetAsHandle(CF_UNICODETEXT, (int)unicodehandle);
- unicodehandle = NULL;
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- if(ansihandle) GlobalFree(ansihandle);
- if(unicodehandle) GlobalFree(unicodehandle);
- cb->Close();
- throw;
- }
- cb->Close();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TLogViewer::TLogViewer(TWinControl *owner) : TCustomControl(Owner)
- {
- Brush->Style = bsClear;
- Color = clBlack;
- Cursor = crIBeam;
- FDataLength = 0;
- FFirstLine = 0;
- FMargin = 3;
- FLastClickedDataPos = 0;
- FSelStart = 0;
- FSelLength = 0;
- ScrollTimer = NULL;
- CharWidthMap = NULL;
- FMouseSelecting = false;
- FDoubleClickSelecting = false;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TLogViewer::~TLogViewer()
- {
- if(CharWidthMap) delete [] CharWidthMap;
- if(ScrollTimer) delete ScrollTimer;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::CreateParams(TCreateParams ¶ms)
- {
- // create window parameters
- inherited::CreateParams(params);
- params.Style |= WS_VSCROLL;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::Paint()
- {
- int start = Canvas->ClipRect.top / FLineHeight;
- int end = Canvas->ClipRect.bottom / FLineHeight;
- Brush->Style = bsSolid;
- Canvas->Brush->Color = clBlack;
- int sellim = FSelStart + FSelLength;
- for(int y = start; y <= end; y++)
- {
- int ys = y * FLineHeight;
- Canvas->Brush->Color = clBlack;
- Canvas->FillRect(TRect(0, ys, ClientWidth, ys + FLineHeight) );
- if((unsigned int)(FFirstLine + y) < FDisplayLineData.size())
- {
- const TDisplayLineData &data = FDisplayLineData[FFirstLine + y];
- Canvas->Brush->Color = clBlack;
- Canvas->Font->Color = clWhite;
- const tjs_char *data_start = FData.c_str() + data.Start;
- tjs_int data_len = data.Length;
- bool allocated = false;
- for(tjs_int i = 0; i < data_len; i++)
- {
- if(data_start[i] == TJS_W('\t'))
- {
- // includes tab
- const tjs_char *data_start_org = data_start;
- data_start = new tjs_char[data_len];
- allocated = true;
- memcpy(const_cast<tjs_char*>(data_start),
- data_start_org, sizeof(tjs_char)*data_len);
- for(; i < data_len; i++)
- {
- if(data_start[i] == TJS_W('\t'))
- const_cast<tjs_char*>(data_start)[i] = TJS_W(' ');
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if(procTextOutW)
- {
- procTextOutW(Canvas->Handle, FMargin, ys + 1,
- data_start, data_len);
- }
- else
- {
- char *buf2 = new char[data_len * 3 + 1];
- const tjs_char *p = data_start;
- char *pp = buf2;
- for(int i = 0; i < data_len; i++)
- {
- TJS_wctomb(pp, 0);
- int narrowlen = TJS_wctomb(pp, p[i]);
- if(narrowlen != -1) pp += narrowlen;
- }
- *pp = 0;
- TextOut(Canvas->Handle, FMargin, ys + 1,
- buf2, pp - buf2);
- delete [] buf2;
- }
- if(allocated) delete [] data_start;
- if(FSelLength > 0)
- {
- int ss = data.Start < FSelStart ? FSelStart : data.Start;
- int dl = data.Start + data.Length;
- int se = dl < sellim ? dl : sellim;
- if(ss < se)
- {
- // invert selection
- RECT r;
- r.left = GetTextWidth(FData.c_str() + data.Start,
- ss - data.Start) + FMargin;
- r.right = GetTextWidth(FData.c_str() + data.Start,
- se - data.Start) + FMargin;
- r.top = ys;
- r.bottom = ys + FLineHeight;
- InvertRect(Canvas->Handle, &r);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Brush->Style = bsClear;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::InvalidateRange(int start, int len)
- {
- if(len <= 0) return;
- int st = DataPosToLine(start) - FFirstLine;
- int ed = DataPosToLine(start + len) - FFirstLine;
- if(st < 0) st = 0;
- if(ed >= FViewLines) ed = FViewLines;
- if(ed >= st)
- {
- RECT r;
- r.left = 0;
- r.top = st * FLineHeight;
- r.right = ClientWidth;
- r.bottom = (ed+1) * FLineHeight;
- ::InvalidateRect(Handle, &r, FALSE);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::CreateCharWidthMap()
- {
- // create table for character size
- if(CharWidthMap) return;
- CharWidthMap = new tjs_uint16[65536];
- CharWidthMap[0] = 0;
- for(tjs_int i = 1; i < 65536; i++) CharWidthMap[i] = 0xffff;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int __fastcall TLogViewer::GetTextWidth(const tjs_char *txt, int len)
- {
- CreateCharWidthMap();
- int w = 0;
- while(len--)
- {
- if(CharWidthMap[*txt] == 0xffff)
- {
- if(!procGetTextExtentPoint32W)
- {
- char narrow[10 + 1];
- TJS_wctomb(narrow, 0);
- tjs_char wc = *txt;
- if(wc == TJS_W('\t')) wc = TJS_W(' ');
- int narrowlen = TJS_wctomb(narrow, wc);
- if(narrowlen == -1)
- {
- CharWidthMap[*txt] = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- SIZE s;
- GetTextExtentPoint32A(Canvas->Handle, narrow, narrowlen, &s);
- CharWidthMap[*txt] = s.cx;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tjs_char wc = *txt;
- if(wc == TJS_W('\t')) wc = TJS_W(' ');
- SIZE s;
- procGetTextExtentPoint32W(Canvas->Handle, &wc, 1, &s);
- CharWidthMap[*txt] = s.cx;
- }
- }
- w += CharWidthMap[*txt];
- txt++;
- }
- return w;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::InternalLayout(int start)
- {
- int line = start ? DataPosToLine(start) : 0;
- int clientsize = ClientWidth - FMargin * 2;
- const tjs_char *p = FData.c_str();
- if(!p) return;
- const tjs_char *org_p = p;
- if(line > 0) p += FDisplayLineData[line].Start;
- FDisplayLineData.resize(line);
- const tjs_char *p_start = p;
- while(*p)
- {
- int w = 0;
- while(*p)
- {
- if(*p == '\n' || *p == '\r')
- {
- FDisplayLineData.push_back(
- TDisplayLineData(p_start - org_p, p - p_start));
- if(*p == '\r')
- {
- p++;
- if(*p == '\n') p++;
- }
- else
- {
- p++;
- }
- p_start = p;
- break;
- }
- w += GetTextWidth(p, 1);
- if(w >= clientsize)
- {
- if(p == p_start) p++;
- FDisplayLineData.push_back(
- TDisplayLineData(p_start - org_p, p - p_start));
- p_start = p;
- break;
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- if(p - p_start)
- {
- FDisplayLineData.push_back(
- TDisplayLineData(p_start - org_p, p - p_start));
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::RedoLayout()
- {
- // layout all lines
- InternalLayout(0);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::SetFont(TFont * font)
- {
- Canvas->Font->Assign(font);
- delete [] CharWidthMap;
- CharWidthMap = NULL;
- Resize();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::SetText(const ttstr & str)
- {
- // set text
- bool showinglast = IsShowingLast();
- FData = str;
- FDataLength = str.GetLen();
- RedoLayout();
- SetScrollRange();
- if(showinglast) ShowLast();
- Invalidate();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::Append(const ttstr & str, bool appendcr)
- {
- // append to log
- bool showinglast = IsShowingLast();
- int last = FDataLength;
- int strlen = str.GetLen();
- if(appendcr) strlen++;
- FData += str;
- if(appendcr) FData += TJS_W('\n');
- FDataLength += strlen;
- InternalLayout(last);
- SetScrollRange();
- if(showinglast) ShowLast();
- InvalidateRange(last, strlen);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::Trim(int maxlen, int trimlen)
- {
- if(FDataLength < maxlen) return;
- if(FDataLength < trimlen) return;
- int surplus = FDataLength - trimlen;
- int tofirstline = DataPosToLine(surplus);
- if(tofirstline == 0) return;
- int ofs = FDisplayLineData[tofirstline].Start;
- int lim = FDisplayLineData.size() - tofirstline;
- for(int i = 0; i < lim; i++)
- {
- FDisplayLineData[i] = FDisplayLineData[i + tofirstline];
- FDisplayLineData[i].Start -= ofs;
- }
- FDisplayLineData.resize(lim);
- FData = ttstr(FData.c_str() + ofs);
- FDataLength -= ofs;
- FSelStart -= ofs;
- if(FSelStart < 0)
- {
- FSelLength += FSelStart;
- FSelStart = 0;
- if(FSelLength < 0) FSelLength = 0;
- }
- FLastClickedDataPos -= ofs;
- if(FLastClickedDataPos < 0) FLastClickedDataPos = 0;
- FLastDblClickedLineStart -= ofs;
- if(FLastDblClickedLineStart < 0)
- {
- FLastDblClickedLineLength += FLastDblClickedLineStart;
- FLastDblClickedLineStart = 0;
- if(FLastDblClickedLineLength < 0) FLastDblClickedLineLength = 0;
- }
- ScrollBy(-tofirstline);
- SetScrollRange();
- Invalidate();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int __fastcall TLogViewer::ClickPosToDataPos(int x, int y)
- {
- // compute data pos from clicked client position
- y /= FLineHeight;
- y += FFirstLine;
- x -= FMargin;
- if(y < 0) return 0;
- if((unsigned int)y >= FDisplayLineData.size()) return FDataLength;
- const TDisplayLineData &data = FDisplayLineData[y];
- const tjs_char * str = FData.c_str() + data.Start;
- int w = 0;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
- {
- int cw = GetTextWidth(str + i, 1);
- w += cw;
- if(w > x)
- {
- w -= cw;
- if(x - w > (cw>>1)) i++;
- break;
- }
- }
- int result = i + data.Start;
- if(result < 0) result = 0;
- if(result > FDataLength) result = FDataLength;
- return result;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int __fastcall TLogViewer::DataPosToLine(int pos)
- {
- // convert data position to display line number
- int linecount = FDisplayLineData.size();
- if(!linecount) return 0;
- if(pos < 0) pos = 0;
- if(pos >= FDataLength) return linecount - 1;
- // do binary search
- int s = 0, e = linecount;
- while(true)
- {
- if(s == e) return s;
- int m = (s + e) /2;
- const TDisplayLineData &mdata = FDisplayLineData[m];
- int lim;
- if(m == linecount - 1)
- lim = FDataLength;
- else
- lim = FDisplayLineData[m+1].Start;
- if(pos >= mdata.Start && pos < lim) return m;
- if(mdata.Start < pos)
- s = m;
- else
- e = m;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::DataPosToLogicalLine(int pos, int &start, int &len)
- {
- // convert data position to logical line
- // search backward
- const tjs_char * data = FData.c_str();
- int p = pos;
- p--;
- while(p >= 0)
- {
- if(data[p] == '\n') break;
- p--;
- }
- p++;
- start = p;
- // search forward
- p = pos;
- while(p < FDataLength)
- {
- if(data[p] == '\n') break;
- p++;
- }
- if(p < FDataLength && data[p] == '\n') p++;
- len = p - start;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::SetSelection(int start, int len)
- {
- if(FSelLength > 0)
- {
- if(len > 0)
- {
- int s, e;
- if(FSelStart > start)
- s = start, e = FSelStart;
- else
- s = FSelStart, e = start;
- InvalidateRange(s, e - s);
- if(FSelStart + FSelLength > start + len)
- s = start + len, e = FSelStart + FSelLength;
- else
- s = FSelStart + FSelLength, e = start + len;
- InvalidateRange(s, e - s);
- }
- else
- {
- InvalidateRange(FSelStart, FSelLength);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(len > 0)
- {
- InvalidateRange(start, len);
- }
- }
- FSelStart = start;
- FSelLength = len;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::StartSelect()
- {
- TPoint pt = GetMousePos();
- FLastClickedDataPos = ClickPosToDataPos(pt.x, pt.y);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::UpdateMouseSelect()
- {
- TPoint pt = GetMousePos();
- int s, e;
- int pos = ClickPosToDataPos(pt.x, pt.y);
- if(FDoubleClickSelecting)
- {
- int st, len;
- DataPosToLogicalLine(pos, st, len);
- if(st < FLastDblClickedLineStart)
- s = st, e = FLastDblClickedLineStart + FLastDblClickedLineLength;
- else
- s = FLastDblClickedLineStart, e = st + len;
- }
- else
- {
- if(pos < FLastClickedDataPos)
- s = pos, e = FLastClickedDataPos;
- else
- s = FLastClickedDataPos, e = pos;
- }
- SetSelection(s, e - s);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::SelectAll()
- {
- SetSelection(0, FDataLength);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::CopyToClipboard()
- {
- TVPCopyToClipboard(ttstr(FData.c_str() + FSelStart, FSelLength));
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::DblClick()
- {
- TPoint pt = GetMousePos();
- int pos = ClickPosToDataPos(pt.x, pt.y);
- int start, len;
- DataPosToLogicalLine(pos, start, len);
- SetSelection(start, len);
- FLastDblClickedLineStart = start;
- FLastDblClickedLineLength = len;
- FDoubleClickSelecting = true;
- inherited::DblClick();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::MouseDown(TMouseButton button, TShiftState shift,
- int x, int y)
- {
- if(button == mbLeft)
- {
- if(shift.Contains(ssShift))
- {
- UpdateMouseSelect();
- }
- else
- {
- StartScrollTimer();
- StartSelect();
- FMouseSelecting = true;
- }
- }
- inherited::MouseDown(button, shift, x, y);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::MouseUp(TMouseButton button, TShiftState shift,
- int x, int y)
- {
- if(button == mbLeft)
- {
- if(FMouseSelecting && !FDoubleClickSelecting) UpdateMouseSelect();
- FMouseSelecting = false;
- FDoubleClickSelecting = false;
- EndScrollTimer();
- }
- inherited::MouseUp(button, shift, x, y);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::MouseMove(TShiftState shift, int x, int y)
- {
- if(FMouseSelecting)
- {
- UpdateMouseSelect();
- ScrollTimerHandler(this);
- }
- inherited::MouseMove(shift, x, y);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- TPoint __fastcall TLogViewer::GetMousePos()
- {
- POINT p;
- ::GetCursorPos(&p);
- return ScreenToClient(TPoint(p));
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::Resize(void)
- {
- bool showinglast = IsShowingLast();
- RecalcMetrics();
- RedoLayout();
- SetScrollRange();
- if(showinglast) ShowLast();
- inherited::Resize();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::RecalcMetrics()
- {
- FLineHeight = Canvas->TextHeight("|") + 2;
- FViewLines = Height / FLineHeight;
- if(FViewLines * FLineHeight < Height) FViewLines ++;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::WMVScroll(TWMVScroll &msg)
- {
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
- GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si);
- if(msg.ScrollCode == SB_THUMBTRACK)
- {
- si.nPos = si.nTrackPos;
- }
- else if(msg.ScrollCode == SB_LINELEFT)
- {
- si.nPos --;
- if(si.nPos<0) si.nPos=0;
- }
- else if(msg.ScrollCode == SB_LINERIGHT)
- {
- si.nPos ++;
- if(si.nPos >= si.nMax) si.nPos = si.nMax - 1;
- }
- else if(msg.ScrollCode == SB_PAGELEFT)
- {
- si.nPos = si.nPos - si.nPage;
- if(si.nPos<0) si.nPos=0;
- }
- else if(msg.ScrollCode == SB_PAGERIGHT)
- {
- si.nPos = si.nPos + si.nPage;
- if(si.nPos >=si.nMax) si.nPos = si.nMax - 1;
- }
- ScrollTo(si.nPos);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::ScrollTo(int pos)
- {
- int org = FFirstLine;
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.nPos = pos;
- si.fMask = SIF_POS;
- SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si, true);
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.fMask = SIF_POS;
- GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si);
- FFirstLine = si.nPos;
- RECT r;
- r.left = 0;
- r.top = 0;
- r.right = ClientWidth;
- r.bottom = ClientHeight;
- ScrollWindowEx(Handle, 0, (org -si.nPos) * FLineHeight,
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::ScrollBy(int lines)
- {
- ScrollTo(FFirstLine + lines);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::SetScrollRange()
- {
- // set scroll range
- // enable scroll bar and set scroll range
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.nMin = 0;
- si.nMax = FDisplayLineData.size() + 1;
- si.nPage = FViewLines;
- si.nPos = 0;
- SetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si, TRUE);
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.fMask = SIF_POS;
- GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si);
- FFirstLine = si.nPos;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- bool __fastcall TLogViewer::IsShowingLast()
- {
- if(FDisplayLineData.size() <= (unsigned int)FViewLines) return true;
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
- GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si);
- return (unsigned int)si.nPos >= (si.nMax - si.nPage - 1);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::ShowLast()
- {
- ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
- si.cbSize = sizeof(si);
- si.fMask = SIF_ALL;
- GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_VERT, &si);
- ScrollTo(si.nMax - 1);
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::StartScrollTimer()
- {
- if(!ScrollTimer)
- {
- ScrollTimer = new TTimer(this);
- ScrollTimer->OnTimer = ScrollTimerHandler;
- ScrollTimer->Interval = 100;
- ScrollTimer->Enabled = true;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::EndScrollTimer()
- {
- if(ScrollTimer) delete ScrollTimer, ScrollTimer = NULL;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TLogViewer::ScrollTimerHandler(TObject *Sender)
- {
- POINT p;
- ::GetCursorPos(&p);
- TPoint pt;
- pt.x = 0;
- pt.y = 0;
- pt = ClientToScreen(pt);
- int m = 0;
- if(p.y < pt.y)
- {
- m = (pt.y - p.y) / FLineHeight;
- m++;
- if(m > 10) m = 10;
- m = -m;
- }
- else if(p.y > pt.y + ClientHeight)
- {
- m = (p.y - (pt.y + ClientHeight)) / FLineHeight;
- m++;
- if(m > 10) m = 10;
- }
- if(m)
- {
- ScrollBy(m);
- UpdateMouseSelect();
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma package(smart_init)