C++ | 1109 lines | 791 code | 159 blank | 159 comment | 174 complexity | 8032652fad9d847e7971c33fd65e5157 MD5 | raw file
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- fgconvert (graphic converter for transparent images)
- Copyright (C) 2000 W.Dee <dee@kikyou.info> and contributors
- See details of license at "license.txt"
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- This is very limited loader for PSD (Photoshop native data format).
- This can only load PSD data of RGB, and the layer is 'normal' blend mode
- ('linear dodge' blend mode can also be loaded in additive alpha mode),
- 8bit for each color/alpha component.
- Otherwise the loading will fail.
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #include <vcl.h>
- #pragma hdrstop
- #include "DeePSDUnit.h"
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check for pure virtual functions
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void TestDeePSD(void)
- {
- new TDeePSD();
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // integer types
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- typedef unsigned long tui32;
- typedef long ti32;
- typedef unsigned short tui16;
- typedef short ti16;
- typedef unsigned char tui8;
- typedef char ti8;
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Endian converters
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void SwapBytes32(tui8 * data)
- {
- tui8 tmp;
- tmp = data[3];
- data[3] = data[0];
- data[0] = tmp;
- tmp = data[2];
- data[2] = data[1];
- data[1] = tmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void inline SwapUI32(tui32 & data) { SwapBytes32((tui8*)&data); }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void SwapBytes16(tui8 * data)
- {
- tui8 tmp;
- tmp = data[1];
- data[1] = data[0];
- data[0] = tmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void inline SwapUI16(tui16 & data) { SwapBytes16((tui8*)&data); }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Integer reader
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static tui32 Read32(TStream *in)
- {
- tui32 tmp;
- in->ReadBuffer(&tmp, 4);
- SwapUI32(tmp);
- return tmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static tui16 Read16(TStream *in)
- {
- tui16 tmp;
- in->ReadBuffer(&tmp, 2);
- SwapUI16(tmp);
- return tmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static tui8 Read8(TStream *in)
- {
- tui8 tmp;
- in->ReadBuffer(&tmp, 1);
- return tmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Structure definitions
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- struct TPSDFileHeader
- {
- tui8 Signature[4]; // always "8BPS"
- tui16 Version; // BE; always 1
- tui8 Reserved[6]; // always zero
- tui16 Channels; // BE
- tui32 Rows; // BE
- tui32 Columns; // BE
- tui16 Depth; // BE
- tui16 Mode; // BE
- void ToLittleEndian()
- {
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)&Version);
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)&Channels);
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)&Depth);
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)&Mode);
- SwapBytes32((tui8*)&Rows);
- SwapBytes32((tui8*)&Columns);
- }
- };
- struct TPSDChannelInfo
- {
- ti16 ID;
- tui32 Length;
- };
- struct TPSDLayerRecord
- {
- ti32 Top;
- ti32 Left;
- ti32 Bottom;
- ti32 Right;
- tui16 Channels;
- TPSDChannelInfo ChannelInfo[5];
- tui8 BlendSig[4];
- tui8 BlendMode[4];
- tui8 Opacity;
- tui8 Clipping;
- tui8 Flags;
- tui8 Reserved;
- };
- #pragma pack(pop)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'normal' blend function
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static unsigned char OpacityOnOpacityTable[256*256];
- static unsigned char NegativeMulTable[256*256];
- static bool TableInit = false;
- #define ALPHA_BLEND(s, d, opa) (((d)*(255-(opa)) + (s)*(opa)) * ((1<<20) / 255) >> 20)
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void InitTable()
- {
- if(TableInit) return;
- for(int a = 0; a<256; a++)
- {
- for(int b = 0; b<256; b++)
- {
- float c;
- int ci;
- int addr = b*256+ a;
- if(a)
- {
- float at = a/255.0, bt = b/255.0;
- c = bt / at;
- c /= (1.0 - bt + c);
- ci = (int)(c*255);
- if(ci>=256) ci = 255; /* will not overflow... */
- }
- else
- {
- ci=255;
- }
- OpacityOnOpacityTable[addr]=(unsigned char)ci;
- /* higher byte of the index is source opacity */
- /* lower byte of the index is destination opacity */
- NegativeMulTable[addr] = (unsigned char)
- ( 255 - (255-a)*(255-b)/ 255 );
- }
- }
- TableInit = true;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void NormalBlendFunc(tui32 *dest, tui32 *src, int len)
- {
- InitTable();
- while(len--)
- {
- tui32 s = *src;
- tui32 d = *dest;
- tui32 r;
- int addr = ((s >> 16) & 0xff00) + (d >> 24); // table addr
- r = NegativeMulTable[addr] << 24;
- int sopa = OpacityOnOpacityTable[addr];
- int sv, dv;
- sv = s & 0xff;
- dv = d & 0xff;
- r |= ALPHA_BLEND(sv, dv, sopa);
- sv = (s & 0xff00)>>8;
- dv = (d & 0xff00)>>8;
- r |= (ALPHA_BLEND(sv, dv, sopa) << 8);
- sv = (s & 0xff0000)>>16;
- dv = (d & 0xff0000)>>16;
- r |= (ALPHA_BLEND(sv, dv, sopa) << 16);
- *dest = r;
- src++;
- dest++;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // 'additive' blend function
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static inline int satadd(int a, int b)
- {
- int r = a + b;
- if(r > 255) r = 255;
- r |= -(r > 255);
- return r & 0xff;
- }
- static inline int ratio(int a, int b, int ratio)
- {
- // return (b*ratio + a*(255-ratio)) / 255
- return ((b*ratio + a*(255-ratio)) * ((1<<20) / 255)) >> 20;
- }
- static void AdditiveBlendFunc(tui32 * dest , tui32 * src, int len)
- {
- while(len--)
- {
- tui32 s = *src;
- tui32 d = *dest;
- int opa = s >> 24;
- *dest =
- (ratio((d )&0xff, satadd((d )&0xff, (s )&0xff), opa) )+
- (ratio((d>> 8)&0xff, satadd((d>> 8)&0xff, (s>> 8)&0xff), opa)<< 8)+
- (ratio((d>>16)&0xff, satadd((d>>16)&0xff, (s>>16)&0xff), opa)<<16)+
- (d & 0xff000000) ;
- src++;
- dest++;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void AdditiveCopyFunc(tui32 * dest , tui32 * src, int len)
- {
- while(len--)
- {
- tui32 s = *src;
- tui32 d = *dest;
- int opa = s >> 24;
- *dest = ((((s )&0xff) * opa / 255) ) +
- ((((s>> 8)&0xff) * opa / 255)<<8 ) +
- ((((s>>16)&0xff) * opa / 255)<<16) ;
- src++;
- dest++;
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // copy rectangle
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void CopyBitmapRect(Graphics::TBitmap *dest, int x, int y,
- Graphics::TBitmap *ref, TRect refrect, int mode)
- {
- // Copy bitmap rectangle
- // bound check
- int bmpw, bmph;
- bmpw = ref->Width;
- bmph = ref->Height;
- if(refrect.left < 0)
- x -= refrect.left, refrect.left = 0;
- if(refrect.right > bmpw)
- refrect.right = bmpw;
- if(refrect.left >= refrect.right) return;
- if(refrect.top < 0)
- y -= refrect.top, refrect.top = 0;
- if(refrect.bottom > bmph)
- refrect.bottom = bmph;
- if(refrect.top >= refrect.bottom) return;
- bmpw = dest->Width;
- bmph = dest->Height;
- TRect rect;
- rect.left = x;
- rect.top = y;
- rect.right = rect.left + (refrect.right - refrect.left);
- rect.bottom = rect.top + (refrect.bottom - refrect.top);
- if(rect.left < 0)
- {
- refrect.left += -rect.left;
- rect.left = 0;
- }
- if(rect.right > bmpw)
- {
- refrect.right -= (rect.right - bmpw);
- rect.right = bmpw;
- }
- if(refrect.left >= refrect.right) return; // not drawable
- if(rect.top < 0)
- {
- refrect.top += -rect.top;
- rect.top = 0;
- }
- if(rect.bottom > bmph)
- {
- refrect.bottom -= (rect.bottom - bmph);
- rect.bottom = bmph;
- }
- if(refrect.top >= refrect.bottom) return; // not drawable
- // transfer
- int w = rect.right - rect.left;
- int h = rect.bottom - rect.top;
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y ++)
- {
- tui32 *d = (tui32*)dest->ScanLine[y + rect.top];
- tui32 *s = (tui32*)ref->ScanLine[y + refrect.top];
- if(mode == 0)
- memmove(d+ rect.left, s + refrect.left, w * sizeof(tui32));
- else if(mode == 1)
- NormalBlendFunc(d+ rect.left, s + refrect.left, w);
- else if(mode == 2)
- AdditiveCopyFunc(d + rect.left, s + refrect.left, w);
- else if(mode == 3)
- AdditiveBlendFunc(d + rect.left, s + refrect.left, w);
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Set opacity to image
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void SetBitmapOpacity(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp, int opa)
- {
- // bmp must be a 32bpp bitmap
- int w = bmp->Width;
- int h = bmp->Height;
- opa <<= 20;
- opa /= 255;
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- tui32 *scl = (tui32*)bmp->ScanLine[y];
- for(int x = 0; x< w; x++)
- {
- tui32 d = scl[x];
- int o = d >> 24;
- o *= opa;
- o >>= 20;
- d &= 0xffffff;
- d |= o << 24;
- scl[x] = d;
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- /*
- static void SetBitmapAdditiveOpacity(Graphics::TBitmap *bmp, int opa)
- {
- // bmp must be a 32bpp bitmap
- int w = bmp->Width;
- int h = bmp->Height;
- opa <<= 20;
- opa /= 255;
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- tui32 *scl = (tui32*)bmp->ScanLine[y];
- for(int x = 0; x< w; x++)
- {
- tui32 d = scl[x];
- scl[x] =
- ((((d ) & 0xff) * opa >> 20) )+
- ((((d>> 8) & 0xff) * opa >> 20) << 8)+
- ((((d>>16) & 0xff) * opa >> 20) <<16);
- }
- }
- }
- */
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // ConvertAlphaToAddAlpha
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void ConvertAlphaToAddAlpha(Graphics::TBitmap *in)
- {
- // convert alpha to additive alpha
- int w = in->Width;
- int h = in->Height;
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- DWORD * p = (DWORD *)in->ScanLine[y];
- for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
- {
- DWORD s = p[x];
- int alpha = (s >> 24) & 0xff;
- p[x] = (s & 0xff000000) +
- ((((s ) & 0xff) * alpha / 255) )+
- ((((s>>8 ) & 0xff) * alpha / 255)<<8 )+
- ((((s>>16) & 0xff) * alpha / 255)<<16) ;
- }
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read pixel data
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static Graphics::TBitmap *ReadPixelData30(TStream *Stream,
- int w, int h)
- {
- // read Photoshop 3.0 data
- // channel count must be 3
- Graphics::TBitmap *bmp = new Graphics::TBitmap();
- try
- {
- // set BMP size
- bmp->PixelFormat = pf24bit;
- bmp->Width = w;
- bmp->Height = h;
- // for each channel
- int mode = Read16(Stream);
- if(mode == 0)
- {
- // uncompressed image
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Uncompressed Photoshop 3.0 image is not supported." + AnsiString(mode));
- }
- else if(mode == 1)
- {
- // RLE compressed image
- tui16 * linelen = NULL;
- tui8 * linebuf = NULL;
- try
- {
- int h3 = h * 3;
- linelen = new tui16[h3];
- tui16 * ll = linelen;
- Stream->ReadBuffer(linelen, h3 * sizeof(tui16));
- for(int i = 0; i < h3; i++)
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)(linelen + i));
- for(int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
- {
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- tui8 *scl = (tui8*)bmp->ScanLine[y] + "\x02\x01\x00"[c];
- linebuf = new tui8[*ll];
- Stream->ReadBuffer(linebuf, *ll);
- ll++;
- int x = 0;
- tui8 *lp = linebuf;
- while(x < w)
- {
- int n;
- n = (int)*lp;
- lp++;
- if(n >= 128) n -= 256;
- if(n == -128)
- {
- ;// ?? no operation
- }
- else if(n < 0) // run length
- {
- n = -n + 1;
- tui8 v = *lp;
- lp++;
- while(n--)
- *scl = v, scl += 3, x++;
- }
- else
- {
- // literal copy
- n++;
- while(n--)
- *scl = *(lp++), scl += 3, x++;
- }
- }
- delete [] linebuf;
- linebuf = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- if(linelen) delete [] linelen;
- if(linebuf) delete [] linebuf;
- throw;
- }
- if(linelen) delete [] linelen;
- if(linebuf) delete [] linebuf;
- }
- else
- {
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: The image has "
- "unsupported compression mode : " + AnsiString(mode));
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete bmp;
- throw;
- }
- return bmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static Graphics::TBitmap *ReadPixelData(TStream *Stream, TPSDLayerRecord *lr,
- int laynum)
- {
- int w = lr->Right - lr->Left;
- int h = lr->Bottom - lr->Top;
- if(w < 0) w = -w; // is this needed?
- if(h < 0) h = -h;
- Graphics::TBitmap *bmp = new Graphics::TBitmap();
- try
- {
- // set BMP size
- bmp->PixelFormat = pf32bit;
- bmp->Width = w;
- bmp->Height = h;
- // clear BMP
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- DWORD *scl = (DWORD*)bmp->ScanLine[y];
- for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
- {
- scl[x] = 0xff000000;
- }
- }
- // for each channel
- for(int ch = 0; ch < lr->Channels; ch++)
- {
- int readstart = Stream->Position;
- int mode = Read16(Stream);
- int bitpos;
- bool readskip = false;
- tui32 bitmask;
- switch(lr->ChannelInfo[ch].ID)
- {
- case -2:
- readskip = true; break; // user supplied layer mask
- case -1:
- bitpos = 24; bitmask = 0x00ffffff; break; // alpha
- case 0:
- bitpos = 16; bitmask = 0xff00ffff; break; // R
- case 1:
- bitpos = 8; bitmask = 0xffff00ff; break; // G
- case 2:
- bitpos = 0; bitmask = 0xffffff00; break; // B
- default:
- readskip = true; break; // unknown channel ID
- // throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(laynum) + " has "
- // "unsupported channel ID : " +
- // AnsiString((int)lr->ChannelInfo[ch].ID));
- }
- if(!readskip)
- {
- if(mode == 0)
- {
- // uncompressed image
- tui8 * data = new tui8[w * h];
- try
- {
- Stream->ReadBuffer(data, w * h);
- tui8 *p = data;
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- tui32 * scl = (tui32*)bmp->ScanLine[y];
- for(int x = 0; x < w; x++)
- {
- tui32 d = scl[x];
- d &= bitmask;
- d |= (*p<<bitpos);
- scl[x] = d;
- p++;
- }
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete [] data;
- throw;
- }
- delete [] data;
- }
- else if(mode == 1)
- {
- // RLE compressed image
- tui16 * linelen = NULL;
- tui8 * linebuf = NULL;
- try
- {
- linelen = new tui16[h];
- Stream->ReadBuffer(linelen, h * sizeof(tui16));
- for(int i = 0; i < h; i++)
- SwapBytes16((tui8*)(linelen + i));
- for(int y = 0; y < h; y++)
- {
- tui32 *scl = (tui32*)bmp->ScanLine[y];
- linebuf = new tui8[linelen[y]];
- Stream->ReadBuffer(linebuf, linelen[y]);
- int x = 0;
- tui8 *lp = linebuf;
- while(x < w)
- {
- int n;
- n = (int)*lp;
- lp++;
- if(n >= 128) n -= 256;
- if(n == -128)
- {
- ;// ?? no operation
- }
- else if(n < 0) // run length
- {
- n = -n + 1;
- tui32 v = *lp << bitpos;
- lp++;
- while(n--)
- {
- tui32 d = scl[x];
- d &= bitmask;
- d |= v;
- scl[x] = d;
- x++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // literal copy
- n++;
- while(n--)
- {
- tui32 d = scl[x];
- d &= bitmask;
- d |= (*lp << bitpos);
- lp++;
- scl[x] = d;
- x++;
- }
- }
- }
- delete [] linebuf;
- linebuf = NULL;
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- if(linelen) delete [] linelen;
- if(linebuf) delete [] linebuf;
- throw;
- }
- if(linelen) delete [] linelen;
- if(linebuf) delete [] linebuf;
- }
- else
- {
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(laynum) + " has "
- "unsupported compression mode : " + AnsiString(mode));
- }
- }
- Stream->Position = readstart + lr->ChannelInfo[ch].Length;
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete bmp;
- throw;
- }
- return bmp;
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // TDeePSD
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TDeePSD::TDeePSD(void)
- {
- // constructor
- FLayerMode = "";
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- __fastcall TDeePSD::~TDeePSD(void)
- {
- // desturctor
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TDeePSD::LoadFromStream(Classes::TStream * Stream)
- {
- // LoadFromStream
- // check file header
- TPSDFileHeader header;
- Stream->ReadBuffer(&header, sizeof(header));
- header.ToLittleEndian();
- if(memcmp(&header.Signature, "8BPS", 4))
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: This is not a PSD file.");
- if(header.Version != 1)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Invalid PSD version.");
- // if(header.Channels != 4)
- // throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Unsupported number of channels " +
- // AnsiString((int)header.Channels)+ " (must be 4)");
- if(header.Mode != 3)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Unsupported color mode (must be RGB)");
- if(header.Depth != 8)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Unsupported bits per channel " +
- AnsiString((int)header.Depth) + " (must be 8)");
- // skip Color mode data section
- {
- tui32 size = Read32(Stream);
- Stream->Position += size;
- }
- // skip Image resources section
- {
- tui32 size = Read32(Stream);
- Stream->Position += size;
- }
- // Set size
- PixelFormat = pf32bit;
- Width = header.Columns;
- Height = header.Rows;
- // clear image
- for(int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
- memset(ScanLine[y], 0, Width * sizeof(tui32));
- // read layer info section
- int layinfosize = Read32(Stream); // size of layer info section; discard
- if(layinfosize)
- {
- Read32(Stream); // discard
- int nlayers;
- nlayers = (ti16)Read16(Stream);
- if(nlayers < 0) nlayers = -nlayers;
- TPSDLayerRecord * lr = new TPSDLayerRecord[nlayers];
- try
- {
- for(int lay = 0; lay < nlayers; lay++)
- {
- // for each layers
- TPSDLayerRecord *clr = lr + lay;
- clr->Top = Read32(Stream);
- clr->Left = Read32(Stream);
- clr->Bottom = Read32(Stream);
- clr->Right = Read32(Stream);
- clr->Channels = Read16(Stream);
- if(clr->Channels > 5)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(lay) + " has "
- "unsupported layer channel count " + AnsiString((int)clr->Channels) +
- " (must be smaller than 6)");
- for(int i = 0; i < clr->Channels; i++)
- {
- clr->ChannelInfo[i].ID = Read16(Stream);
- clr->ChannelInfo[i].Length = Read32(Stream);
- }
- Stream->ReadBuffer(clr->BlendSig, 4);
- if(memcmp(clr->BlendSig, "8BIM", 4))
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: This file is corrupted.");
- Stream->ReadBuffer(clr->BlendMode, 4);
- clr->Opacity = Read8(Stream);
- clr->Clipping = Read8(Stream);
- clr->Flags = Read8(Stream);
- Read8(Stream); // filler
- // skip extra bytes
- tui32 extra_bytes = Read32(Stream);
- Stream->Position += extra_bytes;
- }
- // check layer mode structure
- AnsiString org_layer_mode = FLayerMode;
- bool visible_found = false;
- if(FLayerMode == "addalpha")
- {
- // Additive Alpha output mode
- bool additive_found = false;
- for(int lay = 0; lay < nlayers; lay++)
- {
- TPSDLayerRecord *clr = lr + lay;
- if(clr->Opacity != 0 && !(clr->Flags & 2))
- {
- if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "norm", 4))
- {
- // alpha blend mode
- if(additive_found)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(lay) + " is normal blend mode but "
- "cannot load normal blend mode layer over linear dodge blend mode layer");
- }
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "lddg", 4))
- {
- // linear dodge (additive)
- additive_found = true;
- }
- else
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(lay) + " has "
- "unsupported blend mode '" + AnsiString((char*)clr->BlendMode, 4) +
- "' (must be 'norm' [normal] blend or 'lddg' [linear dodge] blend)");
- visible_found = true;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // normal mode
- // we only can pile 'normal' blend mode.
- // other blend modes cannot be piled yet.
- FLayerMode = "";
- for(int lay = 0; lay < nlayers; lay++)
- {
- TPSDLayerRecord *clr = lr + lay;
- if(clr->Opacity != 0 && !(clr->Flags & 2))
- {
- if(FLayerMode != "")
- {
- if(FLayerMode != "alpha" || memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "norm", 4))
- {
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(lay) + " has "
- "blend mode '" + AnsiString((char*)clr->BlendMode, 4) +
- "' but currently this PSD loader cannot pile layers more than one in this mode.");
- }
- }
- if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "norm", 4))
- FLayerMode = "alpha";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "lddg", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psadd";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "lbrn", 4))
- FLayerMode = "pssub";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "mul ", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psmul";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "scrn", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psscreen";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "over", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psoverlay";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "hLit", 4))
- FLayerMode = "pshlight";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "sLit", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psslight";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "div ", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psdodge";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "idiv", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psburn";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "lite", 4))
- FLayerMode = "pslighten";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "dark", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psdarken";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "diff", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psdiff";
- else if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "smud", 4))
- FLayerMode = "psexcl";
- else
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Layer #" + AnsiString(lay) + " has "
- "unsupported blend mode '" + AnsiString((char*)clr->BlendMode, 4) +
- "'");
- visible_found = true;
- }
- }
- if(org_layer_mode != "" && FLayerMode != org_layer_mode)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Unexpected layer mode '" + FLayerMode + "'");
- }
- if(!visible_found)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: This image does not have any visible layer");
- // read each layer image
- bool firstlayer = true;
- bool additive_found = false;
- for(int lay = 0; lay < nlayers; lay++)
- {
- // for each layers again
- // read pixel data
- TPSDLayerRecord *clr = lr + lay;
- Graphics::TBitmap *layerbmp = ReadPixelData(Stream, lr + lay, lay);
- try
- {
- if(clr->Opacity != 0 && !(clr->Flags & 2))
- {
- TRect refrect;
- refrect.left = refrect.top = 0;
- refrect.right = layerbmp->Width;
- refrect.bottom = layerbmp->Height;
- // blend
- if(!memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "norm", 4))
- {
- // normal alpha blend
- if(clr->Opacity != 255) SetBitmapOpacity(layerbmp, clr->Opacity);
- if(firstlayer)
- CopyBitmapRect(this, clr->Left, clr->Top, layerbmp, refrect, 0);
- else
- CopyBitmapRect(this, clr->Left, clr->Top, layerbmp, refrect, 1);
- }
- else if(org_layer_mode == "addalpha" && !memcmp(clr->BlendMode, "lddg", 4))
- {
- // linear dodge (additive) blend
- if(clr->Opacity != 255) SetBitmapOpacity(layerbmp, clr->Opacity);
- if(!additive_found)
- {
- additive_found = true;
- ConvertAlphaToAddAlpha(this);
- }
- if(firstlayer)
- CopyBitmapRect(this, clr->Left, clr->Top, layerbmp, refrect, 2);
- else
- CopyBitmapRect(this, clr->Left, clr->Top, layerbmp, refrect, 3);
- }
- else
- {
- if(clr->Opacity != 255) SetBitmapOpacity(layerbmp, clr->Opacity);
- if(firstlayer)
- CopyBitmapRect(this, clr->Left, clr->Top, layerbmp, refrect, 0);
- }
- firstlayer = false;
- }
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete layerbmp;
- throw;
- }
- delete layerbmp;
- }
- if(org_layer_mode == "addalpha" && !additive_found)
- ConvertAlphaToAddAlpha(this);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete [] lr;
- throw;
- }
- delete [] lr;
- }
- else
- {
- // layer info section is zero
- if(header.Channels != 3)
- throw EDeePSD("TDeePSD: Unsupported number of channels " +
- AnsiString((int)header.Channels)+ " (must be 3)");
- Graphics::TBitmap *layerbmp =
- ReadPixelData30(Stream, header.Columns, header.Rows);
- try
- {
- Assign(layerbmp);
- }
- catch(...)
- {
- delete layerbmp;
- throw;
- }
- delete layerbmp;
- FLayerMode = "alpha"; // always assumes alpha
- }
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void __fastcall TDeePSD::SaveToStream(Classes::TStream * Stream)
- {
- }
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- static void InitTDeePSD()
- {
- TPicture::RegisterFileFormat(
- __classid(TPicture), "psd", "Photoshop image",
- __classid(TDeePSD));
- }
- static void UninitTDeePSD()
- {
- TPicture::UnregisterGraphicClass(__classid(TPicture),__classid(TDeePSD));
- }
- #pragma startup InitTDeePSD
- #pragma exit UninitTDeePSD
- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //#pragma package(smart_init)