Python | 93 lines | 63 code | 19 blank | 11 comment | 13 complexity | 8f6893dd4ee6ad065b8fdf2fe5354515 MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- #
- # Copyright (c) 2016, Neil Booth
- #
- # All rights reserved.
- #
- # See the file "LICENCE" for information about the copyright
- # and warranty status of this software.
- '''Script to send RPC commands to a running ElectrumX server.'''
- import argparse
- import asyncio
- import json
- from functools import partial
- from os import environ
- from lib.jsonrpc import JSONSession, JSONRPCv2
- from server.controller import Controller
- class RPCClient(JSONSession):
- def __init__(self):
- super().__init__(version=JSONRPCv2)
- self.max_send = 0
- self.max_buffer_size = 5*10**6
- async def wait_for_response(self):
- await self.items_event.wait()
- await self.process_pending_items()
- def send_rpc_request(self, method, params):
- handler = partial(self.handle_response, method)
- self.send_request(handler, method, params)
- def handle_response(self, method, result, error):
- if method in ('groups', 'peers', 'sessions') and not error:
- lines_func = getattr(Controller, '{}_text_lines'.format(method))
- for line in lines_func(result):
- print(line)
- elif error:
- print('error: {} (code {:d})'
- .format(error['message'], error['code']))
- else:
- print(json.dumps(result, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
- def rpc_send_and_wait(port, method, params, timeout=15):
- loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
- coro = loop.create_connection(RPCClient, 'localhost', port)
- try:
- transport, rpc_client = loop.run_until_complete(coro)
- rpc_client.send_rpc_request(method, params)
- try:
- coro = rpc_client.wait_for_response()
- loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait_for(coro, timeout))
- except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- print('request timed out after {}s'.format(timeout))
- except OSError:
- print('cannot connect - is ElectrumX catching up, not running, or '
- 'is {:d} the wrong RPC port?'.format(port))
- finally:
- loop.close()
- def main():
- '''Send the RPC command to the server and print the result.'''
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('Send electrumx an RPC command')
- parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', metavar='port_num', type=int,
- help='RPC port number')
- parser.add_argument('command', nargs=1, default=[],
- help='command to send')
- parser.add_argument('param', nargs='*', default=[],
- help='params to send')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- port = args.port
- if port is None:
- port = int(environ.get('RPC_PORT', 8000))
- # Get the RPC request.
- method = args.command[0]
- params = args.param
- if method in ('log', 'disconnect'):
- params = [params]
- rpc_send_and_wait(port, method, params)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()