PageRenderTime 48ms CodeModel.GetById 16ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

JavaServer Pages | 186 lines | 157 code | 18 blank | 11 comment | 18 complexity | 2f47fb1b81a4fc7dca406a1cd588ba42 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
  1. <%@ page import="com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor" %>
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  7. <% ComponentAccessor.getWebResourceManager().requireResource("jira.webresources:jira-global"); %>
  8. <html>
  9. <head>
  10. <%-- TODO: SEAN raised for the poor security check here --%>
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  16. <title><ww:text name="'common.words.error'"/></title>
  17. <meta name="decorator" content="message" />
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  19. </head>
  20. <body>
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  33. <ww:text name="'attachscreenshot.description.line2'"/>
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  45. <li id="comment-group-name-<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>"><ww:text name="./name" /></li>
  46. </ww:iterator>
  47. <ww:iterator value="/roleLevels" status="'paramStatus'">
  48. <li id="comment-role-<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>"><ww:text name="./name" /></li>
  49. </ww:iterator>
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  61. var parameters = {
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  63. post:"AttachScreenshot.jspa?secureToken=<ww:property value="/newUserToken"/>",
  64. issue:<ww:property value="id" />,
  65. screenshotname:"<ww:property value="nextScreenshotName"/>",
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  67. useragent: jQuery("#user-agent").text(),
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  69. '<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>': jQuery("#comment-group-name-<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>").text().replace(/"/g, '&quot;'),
  70. </ww:iterator>
  71. <ww:iterator value="/roleLevels" status="'paramStatus'">
  72. 'comment.role.<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>':"<ww:text name="./id/toString()" />|" + jQuery("#comment-role-<ww:property value="@paramStatus/index"/>").text().replace(/"/g, '&quot;'),
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  83. 'projectroles.text':"<ww:property value="/encode(/text('common.words.project.roles'))" />",
  84. 'groups.text':"<ww:property value="/encode(/text('common.words.groups'))" />",
  85. 'security.text':"<ww:property value="/encode(/text(''))" />"
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  87. // will be set when we call, so we can use it here to detect if it's a popup or
  88. //if the user opened the screenshot applet in a new tab (JRADEV-3511,JRADEV-3512)
  89. var isPopup = ( === "screenshot");
  90. var returnUrl = "<ww:property value="returnUrl" />";
  91. var issueKey = "<ww:property value="key" />";
  92. var issueId = "<ww:property value="id" />";
  93. // JRA-27514 When the applet calls getAppletContext().showDocument() on Windows OS,
  94. // window.opener changes to be the popup window
  95. var realOpener = window.opener;
  96. function submit() {
  97. if (isPopup) {
  98. if (realOpener && !realOpener.closed) {
  99. if (realOpener.JIRA && realOpener.JIRA.Issues && realOpener.JIRA.Issues.Api && realOpener.JIRA.Issues.Api.updateIssue) {
  100. realOpener.JIRA.Issues.Api.updateIssue({ key: issueKey, id: issueId }, 'thanks_issue_attached');
  101. } else {
  102., '_top');
  103. }
  104. }
  105. window.close();
  106. } else {
  107. window.location = returnUrl;
  108. }
  109. }
  110. function cancel() {
  111. if (isPopup) {
  112. window.close();
  113. } else {
  114. window.location = returnUrl;
  115. }
  116. }
  117. function isMetroStyle() {
  118. var result;
  119. try {
  120. new ActiveXObject("htmlfile");
  121. result = true;
  122. } catch (e) {
  123. result = false;
  124. }
  125. return !result;
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  129. //Not IE10, or IE10 in desktop mode
  130. deployJava.runApplet(attributes, parameters, version);
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  134. if (!pageAlreadyRefreshed) {
  135. //IE10 does not ask the user to switch to desktop mode when opening a new window.
  136. //This redirect is a workaround for it until Microsoft fixes the real bug
  137. //
  138. //Without the timeout,the user don't get the switch-to-desktop message. Odd.
  139. var glue ="&":"?";
  140. setTimeout(function() {
  141. document.location.assign(document.location.href + glue + "redirect=1");
  142. },0)
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  144. //Do nothing, the user is being asked to switch to desktop mode
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  157. <h1><ww:text name="'common.words.error'"/></h1>
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  162. <p><ww:text name="'admin.errors.issues.current.issue.null'"/></p>
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  167. </body>
  168. </html>