C++ | 434 lines | 393 code | 11 blank | 30 comment | 0 complexity | e51c2fec13593f4824997aa3df2f79e1 MD5 | raw file
- /*******************************************************************
- * Face Recognition Module
- * face data base
- * /__________faceNum___________\
- * \ /
- * / \ image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * | image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * | image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * | image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * imageLen image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * | image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * | image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * \ / image1 image2 image3 ... imageN
- * The output (similarity, float type) is stored at similarityResultPtr one by one
- * | similarity#1 | similarity#2 | similarity#i | similarity#N |
- * NOTE: similarity result#i is the similarity btw image to be recoginized and i-th train face image
- * Zeng Yinhui, zengyinhui@msn.com
- * <10/21/2009><Zeng Yinhui> Init Version.
- * <10/24/2009><Zeng Yinhui> Updated the similarity definition
- * <11/03/2009><Zeng Yinhui> Updated the interface
- *******************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <iostream>
- #include <limits>
- #include <complex>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <vector>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <fstream>
- #include "Matrix.h"
- #include "EigenvalueVector.h" //header for eigen
- //openCV to pre-process img, such as img resize
- //#define SKIP_INCLUDES
- //#include <afxwin.h>
- //#include "stdafx.h"
- #include "cv.h"
- #include "highgui.h"
- #include "cxcore.h"
- #define PATH_MAX_LEN 200
- using namespace std;
- /*macro definition */
- #define ORIGINAL_IMG_WIDTH 200
- struct similarityMat
- {
- float similarity;
- char *fileName;
- };
- /*global variable definition */
- string gc_imgSearchPattern = "C:\\faceRecognition\\faceSample\\*.jpg";
- string gc_faceSampleRoot = "C:\\faceRecognition\\faceSample\\";
- string gc_eigenVectorFile = "C:\\faceRecognition\\data\\EigenVector.txt";
- string gc_AverageValueFile = "C:\\faceRecognition\\data\\AverageValue.txt";
- string gc_SampleCoefficientFile = "C:\\faceRecognition\\data\\SampleCoefficient.txt";
- string gc_FileNameFile = "C:\\faceRecognition\\data\\FileName.txt";
- char** gc_sampleFileName;//????????
- int gi_sampleCount;
- matrixf* meanVectorPtr;
- matrixf* trainedEigenSpaceMatPtr;
- matrixf* signatureFaceDBPtr;
- /*local function definition */
- bool smallFront (int i,int j) { return (i<j); }
- bool bigFront (int i,int j) { return (i>j); }
- void myLog(char* myLog)
- {
- }
- #define TIMELOG(X) //myLog(X)
- //return sample count
- extern "C" int _declspec(dllexport) FaceTraining(int imgWidth=20, int imgHeight=20, int eigenNum=40)
- {
- //read image samples to get the number and file list.
- WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;
- HANDLE hFind;
- int sampleCount = 0;//?????????
- TIMELOG("enter face training...");
- FILE* fp;
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_FileNameFile.c_str(),"w") != 0)
- {
- throw "File Can't be opened";
- }
- string path;
- hFind = FindFirstFile(gc_imgSearchPattern.c_str(), &FindFileData);
- {
- sampleCount++;
- path = gc_faceSampleRoot + FindFileData.cFileName;
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n", path.c_str());
- }
- while (::FindNextFile(hFind, &FindFileData ))
- {
- path = gc_faceSampleRoot + FindFileData.cFileName;
- fprintf(fp,"%s\n", path.c_str());
- sampleCount++;//?????????????
- }
- FindClose(hFind);
- fclose(fp);
- TIMELOG("load img samples to faceDBPtr...");
- //load img samples to faceDBPtr
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_FileNameFile.c_str(),"r") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- int i=0;
- IplImage *bigImg;
- IplImage *smallImg;
- smallImg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(imgWidth, imgHeight), 8, 1);
- int smallImgLen = imgHeight*imgWidth;
- int height = smallImg->height;
- int width = smallImg->width;
- int step = smallImg->widthStep;
- matrixf faceDBMat(smallImgLen,sampleCount);
- for (i=0;i<sampleCount;i++)
- {
- char sPath[PATH_MAX_LEN];
- fscanf_s(fp,"%s\n",sPath, PATH_MAX_LEN);
- bigImg = cvLoadImage(sPath, 0);
- assert(bigImg != NULL);
- cvResize(bigImg, smallImg, CV_INTER_LINEAR); //resize image to small size
- cvReleaseImage(&bigImg);
- uchar *smallImgData = (uchar*)smallImg->imageData;
- for (int h=0; h<height; h++)
- {
- for (int w=0; w<width; w++)
- {
- faceDBMat(h*step+w,i) = smallImgData[h*step+w];
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- cvReleaseImage(&smallImg);
- TIMELOG("calc eigen vector/value...");
- //calc eigen vector/value
- //calc the mean matrix
- matrixf meanVector(smallImgLen,1); //store mean result
- matrixf oneVector(1,sampleCount);//
- matrixf meanMat(smallImgLen,sampleCount);//every column is same: meanVector
- matrixf faceDBzmMat(smallImgLen,sampleCount);
- oneVector =0*oneVector;
- oneVector -=-1;// oneVector = oneVector + 1;
- MatrixMean(faceDBMat,meanVector,2);//calc mean along with column
- meanMat = meanVector * oneVector;
- meanMat = -meanMat;
- faceDBzmMat = faceDBMat + meanMat; // remove mean
- matrixf faceDBzmMatT(sampleCount,smallImgLen);//transpose matrix
- MatrixTranspose(faceDBzmMat,faceDBzmMatT);
- matrixf eigInMat(sampleCount,sampleCount);
- matrixf eigVectorMat(sampleCount,sampleCount);
- eigInMat = faceDBzmMatT * faceDBzmMat;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////take too much time
- //calc the eigen.
- //diagonal cell in eigInMat is eigValue.
- //eigVectoreMat store the eig vector
- //EigenvalueVectorRealSymmetryJacobiB(eigInMat,eigVectorMat,(float)0.00000000001);
- EigenvalueVectorRealSymmetryJacobi(eigInMat,eigVectorMat,(float)0.00000000001,200); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- matrixf eigVectorFinalMat(smallImgLen,sampleCount); //V=single(vzm)*V;
- eigVectorFinalMat = faceDBzmMat * eigVectorMat;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////too much time here
- float* eigValue = new float[sampleCount];
- for(i=0;i<sampleCount;i++){
- eigValue[i] = eigInMat(i,i);
- }
- vector<float> eigOriginalVector(eigValue,eigValue+sampleCount); //store eigValue into vector in order to be easy to find.
- vector<float> eigSortVector(eigValue,eigValue+sampleCount); //store eigValue into vector in order to be easy to find.
- vector<float>::iterator eigSortIt;
- //sort eigValue by big one in front
- sort(eigSortVector.begin(), eigSortVector.end(),bigFront);
- //pick up the eigNum eigVectors of largest eigvalue
- //store to trainedEigenSpaceMat, eigenNum eigen vectors are picked up.
- //V=V(:,end:-1:end-(N-1));
- matrixf trainedEigenSpaceMat(smallImgLen,eigenNum);
- eigSortIt = eigSortVector.begin();
- int offset=0;
- for(i=0;i<eigenNum;i++){
- offset = find(eigOriginalVector.begin(),eigOriginalVector.end(),*(eigSortVector.begin()+i))-eigOriginalVector.begin();//search n-th biggest eigen value.
- for(int row=0;row<smallImgLen;row++){
- trainedEigenSpaceMat(row,i) = eigVectorFinalMat(row,offset);//pick up the eigen vector with n-th biggest eigen value.
- }
- }
- //calc signature for each face image
- //Each row in signatureFaceDB is the signature for one image.
- matrixf signatureFaceDB(sampleCount,eigenNum);
- signatureFaceDB = faceDBzmMatT * trainedEigenSpaceMat;
- TIMELOG("store eigen vector/value/train image path to file...");
- //store eigen vector/value/train image path to file
- //store mean value, smallImgLen lines
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_AverageValueFile.c_str(),"w") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0;i<smallImgLen;i++)
- {
- fprintf(fp,"%f\n",meanVector(i,0));
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- //store eigen vector, smallImgLen*eigenNum
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_eigenVectorFile.c_str(),"w") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (int row=0;row<smallImgLen;row++)
- {
- for (int col=0;col<eigenNum;col++)
- {
- fprintf(fp,"%12.8f ",trainedEigenSpaceMat(row,col));
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- //store coefficient that sample in eigen vector, smallImgLen*eigenNum
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_SampleCoefficientFile.c_str(),"w") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (int row=0;row<sampleCount;row++)
- {
- for (int col=0;col<eigenNum;col++)
- {
- fprintf(fp,"%12.8f ",signatureFaceDB(row,col));
- }
- fprintf(fp,"\n");
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- TIMELOG("training is done");
- return sampleCount;
- }
- extern "C" bool _declspec(dllexport) InitData( int sampleCount, int imgLen=400, int eigenNum=40)
- {
- meanVectorPtr = new matrixf(imgLen,1); //store mean result
- trainedEigenSpaceMatPtr = new matrixf(imgLen,eigenNum);
- signatureFaceDBPtr = new matrixf (sampleCount,eigenNum);
- FILE* fp;
- int i;
- gc_sampleFileName = new char*[sampleCount];
- gi_sampleCount = sampleCount;
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_FileNameFile.c_str(),"r") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- for (i=0;i<sampleCount;i++)
- {
- gc_sampleFileName[i] = new char[PATH_MAX_LEN];
- fscanf_s(fp,"%s\n",gc_sampleFileName[i], PATH_MAX_LEN);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- //load eigen vector/value/train image path to file
- //load mean value, smallImgLen lines
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_AverageValueFile.c_str(),"r") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0;i<imgLen;i++)
- {
- fscanf_s(fp,"%f\n", &((*meanVectorPtr)(i,0)));
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- //MatrixLinePrint(*meanVectorPtr);
- //load eigen vector, smallImgLen*eigenNum
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_eigenVectorFile.c_str(),"r") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (int row=0;row<imgLen;row++)
- {
- for (int col=0;col<eigenNum;col++)
- {
- fscanf_s(fp,"%f ",&((*trainedEigenSpaceMatPtr)(row,col)));
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- //load coefficient that sample in eigen vector, smallImgLen*eigenNum
- if (fopen_s(&fp, gc_SampleCoefficientFile.c_str(),"r") != 0)
- {
- throw "can't open file";
- }
- else
- {
- for (int row=0;row<sampleCount;row++)
- {
- for (int col=0;col<eigenNum;col++)
- {
- fscanf_s(fp,"%f ",&((*signatureFaceDBPtr)(row,col)));
- }
- //fscanf(fp,"\n");
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- TIMELOG("IniData End");
- //MatrixLinePrint(*signatureFaceDBPtr);
- return true;
- }
- extern "C" void _declspec(dllexport) FaceRecognition(float*currentFace, int sampleCount, similarityMat* similarityPtr, int imgLen, int eigenNum=40)
- {
- TIMELOG("Entry FaceRecognition");
- //fill the image to be recognized into matrix
- matrixf imageMat(currentFace,imgLen, 1);
- //calc signature for image needing to be recognized
- matrixf signatureImage(1,eigenNum);
- matrixf imageZmMat(imgLen, 1);
- matrixf imageZmMatT(1,imgLen);
- imageZmMat = imageMat - (*meanVectorPtr); //col vector of imageLen,p=r-m;
- MatrixTranspose(imageZmMat,imageZmMatT);
- signatureImage = imageZmMatT * (*trainedEigenSpaceMatPtr); //s=single(p)'*V;
- float deltaSum=0.0;
- float myMin=(float)3.40282e+038;//numeric_limits<float>::max();
- float myMax=(float)1.17549e-038;//numeric_limits<float>::min();
- int faceIndex=0;
- //calc the normalized delta btw image and face data base image.
- for(faceIndex=0;faceIndex<sampleCount;faceIndex++){
- //fetch signature of one face, store to signatureTem
- deltaSum = 0.0;
- for(int j=0;j<eigenNum;j++){
- deltaSum += fabs((*signatureFaceDBPtr)(faceIndex,j) - signatureImage(0,j));
- }
- //store sum of absolute of the delta btw signatureImage & signatureFaceDB
- similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity = deltaSum;
- //store max/min
- myMin = Min(myMin,deltaSum);
- myMax = Max(myMax,deltaSum);
- }
- //calc the percents on every trained face image: %=(face[i]-min)/(max-min)
- for(faceIndex=0;faceIndex<sampleCount;faceIndex++)
- {
- if (myMin<150000000)
- {
- similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity = 1 - (similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity-myMin) / (myMax-myMin);
- }
- else
- {
- similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity = 0.0;
- }
- //similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity = 1 - (similarityPtr[faceIndex].similarity-myMin) / (myMax-myMin);
- similarityPtr[faceIndex].fileName = gc_sampleFileName[faceIndex];
- }
- TIMELOG("End FaceRecognition");
- }
- extern "C" void _declspec(dllexport) FreeData()
- {
- for (int i=0;i<gi_sampleCount;i++)
- {
- delete []gc_sampleFileName[i];
- }
- delete []gc_sampleFileName;
- delete meanVectorPtr;
- delete trainedEigenSpaceMatPtr;
- delete signatureFaceDBPtr;
- }
- //end