PageRenderTime 48ms CodeModel.GetById 20ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms


C++ Header | 528 lines | 514 code | 14 blank | 0 comment | 8 complexity | 8ac81976da2d482b0d1c4c2c538c5d6c MD5 | raw file
  1. * Program....: FOXREF.H
  2. * Date.......: February 26, 2002
  3. * Abstract...: Header file for Source Reference application
  4. * Changes....:
  5. #define TAB CHR(9)
  6. * possible actions for starting FoxRef (see foxrefstart.prg)
  7. #define MODE_REFERENCES 0
  8. #define MODE_GOTODEF 1
  9. #define MODE_LOOKUP 2
  10. * this is what ProjectFile property is set to if we're searching folders
  11. * rather than a specific Project
  13. * extension to append to Project Name
  14. * when naming the reference table
  15. * If Project is called VisGift.PJX, then
  16. * reference table is called VisGift_ref.dbf
  17. #define RESULT_EXT "_ref"
  18. * RESULT_EXT is append to this to become global_ref.dbf
  19. #define GLOBAL_TABLE "global"
  20. #define FILE_TABLE "RefFile"
  21. #define DEF_TABLE "RefDef"
  22. #define ADDIN_TABLE "RefAddIn"
  23. * default report filename
  24. #define REPORT_FILE "foxrefresults.frx"
  25. #define FONT_DEFAULT "Tahoma,8,N"
  26. #define TABLEFIND_ALIAS "TableFind"
  27. #define WORD_DELIMITERS " ,.&()=[]'" + ["] + CHR(9)
  28. #define METHOD_DELIMITERS " ,&()=[]'" + ["] + CHR(9)
  29. #define DEFINITION_DELIMITERS " ,()" + CHR(9)
  30. #define MAX_TOKENS 100
  31. * The following are invalid in an alias name so we replace with '_'
  32. #define INVALID_ALIAS_CHARS " .-@#$%^&*()+={}[]:;?/<>,\|~`'" + ["]
  33. * max number of characters a code line can be in
  34. * a grid before we cut it off
  35. #define MAX_LINE_LENGTH 254
  36. * these are the Types defined in RefAddIn Table
  44. * default file types if none specified in history (Common Source)
  45. #define FILETYPES_DEFAULT "*.scx;*.vcx;*.prg;*.frx;*.lbx;*.mnx;*.dbc;*.qpr;*.h"
  46. #define FILETYPES_DEFINITIONS "*.scx;*.vcx;*.prg;*.h;*.dbc;*.frx;*.lbx;*.mpr;*.spr;*.qpr"
  47. * default search engines and their class libraries
  48. #define FILETYPE_CLASS_DEFAULT "RefSearch"
  49. #define FILETYPE_LIBRARY_DEFAULT "FoxRefSearch.prg"
  50. * references into aFileTypes array
  51. #define FILETYPE_EXTENSION 1
  52. #define FILETYPE_ENGINE 2
  53. * for nSearchType parameter in SearchText() method
  54. #define SEARCHTYPE_NORMAL 0
  55. #define SEARCHTYPE_METHOD 1
  56. #define SEARCHTYPE_EXPR 2
  57. #define SEARCHTYPE_TEXT 3
  63. #define SCOPE_PROJECT 'P'
  64. #define SCOPE_FOLDER 'D'
  65. #define SCOPE_FILE 'F'
  66. #define SCOPE_CLASS 'C'
  67. * Resource File ID
  68. #define RESOURCE_ID "FOXREF"
  69. * File Types, as used by FoxRef.FileAction
  72. #define FILEACTION_ERROR 'E'
  74. #define FILEACTION_STOP 'S'
  75. * Reference types as used by *_ref.reftype
  76. #define REFTYPE_INIT 'I'
  77. #define REFTYPE_SEARCH 'S'
  78. #define REFTYPE_RESULT 'R'
  79. #define REFTYPE_NOMATCH 'N'
  80. #define REFTYPE_ERROR 'E'
  81. #define REFTYPE_LOG 'L'
  82. #define REFTYPE_INACTIVE 'X'
  83. * Where we found the results - used by *_ref.findtype
  84. #define FINDTYPE_CODE 'C'
  85. #define FINDTYPE_TEXT 'T'
  86. #define FINDTYPE_NAME 'N'
  87. #define FINDTYPE_EXPR 'E'
  90. #define FINDTYPE_WINDOW 'W'
  91. #define FINDTYPE_OTHER 'X'
  92. * Definition Types used in RefDef.dbf
  93. #define DEFTYPE_NONE ' '
  94. #define DEFTYPE_PARAMETER 'P'
  95. #define DEFTYPE_LOCAL 'L'
  96. #define DEFTYPE_PRIVATE 'V'
  97. #define DEFTYPE_PUBLIC 'G'
  98. #define DEFTYPE_PROCEDURE 'F'
  99. #define DEFTYPE_CLASS 'C'
  100. #define DEFTYPE_DEFINE '#'
  101. #define DEFTYPE_PROPERTY '='
  102. #define DEFTYPE_INCLUDEFILE 'I'
  104. #define LOG_PREFIX "*** "
  105. * -- The following are used in evaluating report files (frx)
  106. * Report FRX objtypes
  107. #define RPTTYPE_HEADER 1
  108. #define RPTTYPE_DBF 2
  109. #define RPTTYPE_INDEX 3
  110. #define RPTTYPE_RELATION 4
  111. #define RPTTYPE_LABEL 5
  112. #define RPTTYPE_LINE 6
  113. #define RPTTYPE_BOX 7
  114. #define RPTTYPE_GET 8
  115. #define RPTTYPE_BAND 9
  116. #define RPTTYPE_GROUP 10
  117. #define RPTTYPE_PICTURE 17
  118. #define RPTTYPE_VAR 18
  119. #define RPTTYPE_FONT 23
  120. #define RPTTYPE_DATAENV 25
  121. #define RPTTYPE_DERECORD 26
  122. * Report FRX band objcodes (objtype=9)
  123. #define RPTCODE_TITLE 0
  124. #define RPTCODE_PGHEAD 1
  125. #define RPTCODE_COLHEAD 2
  126. #define RPTCODE_GRPHEAD 3
  127. #define RPTCODE_DETAIL 4
  128. #define RPTCODE_GRPFOOT 5
  129. #define RPTCODE_COLFOOT 6
  130. #define RPTCODE_PGFOOT 7
  131. #define RPTCODE_SUMMARY 8
  132. #define MATCH_ANY '?'
  133. #define MATCH_MORE '*'
  134. #define EXPORTTYPE_DBF "DBF"
  135. #define EXPORTTYPE_TXT "TXT"
  136. #define EXPORTTYPE_HTML "HTML"
  137. #define EXPORTTYPE_XML "XML"
  138. #define EXPORTTYPE_XLS "XLS"
  140. * default extension for backups
  141. #define BACKUP_EXTENSION "bak"
  142. * used by the ShellTo method
  143. #define SW_HIDE 0
  144. #define SW_SHOWNORMAL 1
  145. #define SW_NORMAL 1
  146. #define SW_SHOWMINIMIZED 2
  147. #define SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 3
  148. #define SW_MAXIMIZE 3
  149. #define SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE 4
  150. #define SW_SHOW 5
  151. #define SW_MINIMIZE 6
  152. #define SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE 7
  153. #define SW_SHOWNA 8
  154. #define SW_RESTORE 9
  155. #define SW_SHOWDEFAULT 10
  156. #define SW_FORCEMINIMIZE 11
  157. #define SW_MAX 11
  158. #define SE_ERR_NOASSOC 31
  159. #define HELPTOPIC_GENERAL "Code References Window"
  160. #define HELPTOPIC_REGEXPR "Regular Expressions and Operators"
  162. * Name of this application -- used in the caption of MessageBox() functions
  163. #define APPNAME_LOC "Code References"
  164. * Used by Progress form
  165. #define PROGRESS_SEARCHING_LOC "Searching"
  166. #define PROGRESS_REFRESHING_LOC "Refreshing"
  167. #define PROGRESS_DEFINITIONS_LOC "Collecting Definitions - "
  168. #define SEARCH_CANCEL_LOC "Are you sure you want to cancel the search?"
  169. #define CANCEL_LOC "Cancel"
  170. #define ERROR_LOC "ERROR"
  171. * these are used in the Left Hand Pane of the results window (don't localize #SYMBOL#)
  172. #define ALLRESULTS_LOC "All Results"
  173. #define REPLACELOG_LOC "Replace Log: #SYMBOL#"
  174. #define ALLLOGS_LOC "Replacement Logs"
  175. #define EMPTYTEXT_LOC "(nothing)"
  176. #define SCOPE_PROJECT_LOC "Project"
  177. #define SCOPE_FOLDER_LOC "Folder"
  178. #define SCOPE_FILE_LOC "Current File"
  179. #define SCOPE_CLASS_LOC "Current Class"
  180. * Search Comments and non comments (0), Exclude Comments (1), or Comments Only (2)
  181. #define COMMENTS_INCLUDE 0
  182. #define COMMENTS_EXCLUDE 1
  183. #define COMMENTS_ONLY 2
  184. * used on the toolbar buttons
  185. #define TOOLBAR_FIND_LOC "Find"
  186. #define TOOLBAR_REFRESH_LOC "Refresh"
  187. #define TOOLBAR_OPTIONS_LOC "Options"
  188. #define TOOLBAR_REPLACE_LOC "Replace"
  189. #define SLOW_WARNING_LOC "The search string you specified could result in abnormally long search times and" + CHR(10) + "consume large amounts of disk space."
  190. #define WILDCARD_WARNING_LOC "You cannot specify a search pattern consisting only of wildcards."
  191. #define CONTINUE_LOC "Would you like to continue?"
  192. * Results Window caption
  193. #define RESULTSTITLE_LOC "Code References"
  194. #define FOLDERNOEXIST_LOC "The specified folder does not exist."
  195. #define NAME_LOC "Name"
  196. #define EXPRESSION_LOC "Expression"
  197. #define COMMENT_LOC "Comment"
  198. #define PEMNAME_LOC "Property/Method Name"
  199. * Descriptions of what we might find in a report
  200. #define OBJECTTYPE_HEADER_LOC "Header"
  201. #define OBJECTTYPE_DBF_LOC "DBF"
  202. #define OBJECTTYPE_INDEX_LOC "Index"
  203. #define OBJECTTYPE_RELATION_LOC "Relation"
  204. #define OBJECTTYPE_LABEL_LOC "Label"
  205. #define OBJECTTYPE_LINE_LOC "Line"
  206. #define OBJECTTYPE_BOX_LOC "Box"
  207. #define OBJECTTYPE_GET_LOC "Get"
  208. #define OBJECTTYPE_TITLE_LOC "Title"
  209. #define OBJECTTYPE_PGHEAD_LOC "Page Header"
  210. #define OBJECTTYPE_COLHEAD_LOC "Column Header"
  211. #define OBJECTTYPE_GRPHEAD_LOC "Group Header"
  212. #define OBJECTTYPE_DETAIL_LOC "Detail Band"
  213. #define OBJECTTYPE_GRPFOOT_LOC "Group Footer"
  214. #define OBJECTTYPE_COLFOOT_LOC "Column Footer"
  215. #define OBJECTTYPE_PGFOOT_LOC "Page Footer"
  216. #define OBJECTTYPE_SUMMARY_LOC "Summary"
  217. #define OBJECTTYPE_BAND_LOC "Band"
  218. #define OBJECTTYPE_GROUP_LOC "Group"
  219. #define OBJECTTYPE_PICTURE_LOC "Picture"
  220. #define OBJECTTYPE_VAR_LOC "Variable"
  221. #define OBJECTTYPE_FONT_LOC "Font"
  222. #define OBJECTTYPE_DATAENV_LOC "Data Environment"
  223. #define OBJECTTYPE_DERECORD_LOC "Data Environment Record"
  224. #define OBJECTTYPE_UNKNOWN_LOC "Unknown"
  225. #define FRX_ONENTRYEXPR_LOC "On Entry Expression"
  226. #define FRX_ONEXITEXPR_LOC "On Exit Expression"
  227. #define FRX_PRINTONLYWHEN_LOC "Print Only When Expression"
  228. #define FRX_VARSTORE_LOC "Value to Store"
  229. #define FRX_VARINITIAL_LOC "Initial Value"
  230. * Descriptions of what we might find in a table (dbf)
  231. #define DBF_FIELDNAME_LOC "Field Name"
  232. #define DBF_FIELDVALIDATIONEXPR_LOC "Field Validation Expression"
  233. #define DBF_FIELDVALIDATIONTEXT_LOC "Field Validation Text"
  234. #define DBF_DEFAULTVALUE_LOC "Default Value"
  235. #define DBF_TABLEVALIDATIONEXPR_LOC "Record Validation Rule"
  236. #define DBF_TABLEVALIDATIONTEXT_LOC "Record Validation Text"
  237. #define DBF_TABLELONGNAME_LOC "Long Table Name"
  238. #define DBF_INSERTTRIGGER_LOC "Insert Trigger Expression"
  239. #define DBF_UPDATETRIGGER_LOC "Update Trigger Expression"
  240. #define DBF_DELETETRIGGER_LOC "Delete Trigger Expression"
  241. #define DBF_TAGNAME_LOC "Index Tag Name"
  242. #define DBF_TAGEXPR_LOC "Index Tag Expression"
  243. #define DBF_TAGFILTER_LOC "Index Tag Filter"
  244. * Descriptions of what we might find in a database (dbc)
  245. #define DBC_STOREDPROCEDURE_LOC "Stored Procedure"
  246. #define DBC_COMMENT_LOC "Database Comment"
  247. #define DBC_VIEWNAME_LOC "View Name"
  248. #define DBC_VIEWSQL_LOC "View SQL Code"
  249. #define DBC_VIEWCOMMENT_LOC "View Comment"
  250. #define DBC_VIEWPARAMETERS_LOC "View Parameters"
  251. #define DBC_VIEWCONNECTNAME_LOC "Connection Name"
  252. #define DBC_VIEWRULEEXPR_LOC "View Rule Expression"
  253. #define DBC_VIEWRULETEXT_LOC "View Rule Text"
  254. #define DBC_CONNECTNAME_LOC "Connection Name"
  255. #define DBC_CONNECTSTRING_LOC "Connection String"
  256. #define DBC_CONNECTCOMMENT_LOC "Connection Comment"
  257. #define DBC_CONNECTDATABASE_LOC "Connection Database"
  258. #define DBC_CONNECTDATASOURCE_LOC "Connection Data Source"
  259. #define DBC_CONNECTUSERID_LOC "Connection User ID"
  260. #define DBC_CONNECTPASSWORD_LOC "Connection Password"
  261. * Descriptions of what we might find in a menu (mnx)
  262. #define MNX_NAME_LOC "Name"
  263. #define MNX_PROMPT_LOC "Prompt"
  264. #define MNX_COMMAND_LOC "Command"
  265. #define MNX_MESSAGE_LOC "Message"
  266. #define MNX_PROCEDURE_LOC "Procedure"
  267. #define MNX_SETUP_LOC "Setup"
  268. #define MNX_CLEANUP_LOC "Cleanup"
  269. #define MNX_SKIPFOR_LOC "Skip For"
  270. #define MNX_RESOURCE_LOC "Resource"
  271. #define MNX_COMMENT_LOC "Comment"
  272. * Grid headers on the results form
  273. #define GRID_FILENAME_LOC "File name"
  274. #define GRID_CLASSMETHOD_LOC "Class.Method, Line"
  275. #define GRID_CODE_LOC "Code"
  276. #define REPLACE_LOC "Replace"
  277. #define REPLACE_NOCHECKS_LOC "You must first select items in which you want to perform replacements."
  278. #define REPLACE_REFRESH_LOC "Do you want to refresh the results?"
  279. #define REPLACE_NOTSUPPORTED1_LOC "Some of the replacements selected are not supported by Code References" + CHR(10) + "(data structure changes, property names & values)."
  280. #define REPLACE_NOTSUPPORTED2_LOC "The activity log which follows the code replacement operation" + CHR(10) + "includes instructions on making these changes."
  283. #define REPLACE_READONLY_LOC "The file is read-only."
  284. * when user selects "Go To Definition" and no definition exists, display this message
  285. #define NODEFINITION_LOC "Definition not found for the following:"
  286. #define GOTODEFINITION_LOC "Go To Definition"
  287. * Descriptions of the Export Types
  288. #define EXPORT_DBF_LOC "Visual FoxPro Table (DBF)"
  289. #define EXPORT_TXT_LOC "Comma Delimited Text (TXT)"
  290. #define EXPORT_HTML_LOC "HyperText Markup Language (HTML)"
  291. #define EXPORT_XML_LOC "Extensible Markup Language (XML)"
  292. #define EXPORT_XLS_LOC "Microsoft Excel"
  293. #define EXPORT_CLIPBOARD_LOC "Clipboard"
  294. * valid values for XMLExportType
  295. #define XMLFORMAT_ELEMENTS 1
  297. * used by FileMatch method in FoxRefEngine
  298. #define FILEMATCH_ANY '?'
  299. #define FILEMATCH_MORE '*'
  300. * What to display if there are no matching records
  301. * when printing results report
  302. #define PRINT_NOTHING_LOC "There are no results to report on."
  303. * What we display in the Search Comments combo box on the Find dialog
  304. #define COMMENTS_INCLUDE_LOC "Include Comments"
  305. #define COMMENTS_EXCLUDE_LOC "Ignore Comments"
  306. #define COMMENTS_ONLY_LOC "Comments Only"
  307. #define CRITERIA_MATCHCASE_LOC "Match Case"
  308. #define CRITERIA_WHOLEWORDS_LOC "Whole Words Only"
  309. #define CRITERIA_FORMPROPERTIES_LOC "Search Property Names/Values"
  310. #define CRITERIA_PROJECTHOMEDIR_LOC "Project Home Directory Only"
  311. #define CRITERIA_SUBFOLDERS_LOC "Search Subfolders"
  312. #define CRITERIA_WILDCARDS_LOC "Use Regular Expressions"
  313. * used in FoxRefResults as titles for our criteria and filetypes
  314. #define SEARCHOPTIONS_LOC "Options"
  315. #define FOLDER_LOC "Folder"
  316. #define PROJECT_LOC "Project"
  317. #define ERRORHEADER_LOC "Warnings/Errors:"
  318. #define SUMMARY_NOMATCHES_LOC "No matches found"
  319. #define REPLACEMENTTEXT_LOC "Replacement Text"
  320. #define DATETIME_LOC "Date/Time"
  321. * don't localize <MATCHCNT>, <FILECNT>, or <FILENAME> -- they are placeholders!
  322. #define SUMMARY1_LOC "<MATCHCNT> matches found in <FILECNT> files"
  323. #define SUMMARY2_LOC "<MATCHCNT> match found in <FILECNT> files"
  324. #define SUMMARY3_LOC "<MATCHCNT> matches found in <FILECNT> file"
  325. #define SUMMARY4_LOC "<MATCHCNT> match found in <FILECNT> file"
  326. #define SUMMARY5_LOC "<MATCHCNT> match found in <FILENAME>"
  327. #define SUMMARY6_LOC "<MATCHCNT> matches found in <FILENAME>"
  328. * errors that could occur when creating or opening *_Ref table
  329. #define ERROR_BADREFTABLE_LOC "The Reference Table found to use is owned by another application:"
  330. #define ERROR_CREATEREFTABLE_LOC "The Reference Table could not be created"
  331. #define ERROR_OPENREFTABLE_LOC "The Reference Table could not be opened"
  332. #define ERROR_BADDEFTABLE_LOC "The Definition Table found to use is owned by another application:"
  333. #define ERROR_CREATEDEFTABLE_LOC "The Definition Table could not be created:"
  334. #define ERROR_OPENDEFTABLE_LOC "The Definition Table could not be opened:"
  335. #define ERROR_BADFILETABLE_LOC "The File Table found to use is owned by another application:"
  336. #define ERROR_CREATEFILETABLE_LOC "The File Table could not be created:"
  337. #define ERROR_OPENFILETABLE_LOC "The File Table could not be opened:"
  338. #define ERROR_REPLACE_LOC "Error encountered during replacement"
  339. #define ERROR_NOBACKUP_LOC "Backup could not be created so replacement not performed"
  340. #define ERROR_FILENOTFOUND_LOC "File not found"
  341. #define ERROR_FILEMODIFIED_LOC "Unable to update because file has been modified"
  342. #define ERROR_WRITE_LOC "Error encountered saving file (may be read-only)"
  343. #define ERROR_NOENGINE_LOC "Search/replace engine not defined for this file type"
  344. #define ERROR_PATTERN_LOC "The search engine does not support the specified pattern."
  345. #define ERROR_SEARCHENGINE_LOC "An error occurred performing the search." + CHR(10) + "The search pattern may be invalid."
  346. * errors that can occur
  347. #define ERROR_OPENFILE_LOC "Unable to open file (file may be in use)"
  348. #define ERROR_NOTFORM_LOC "Not a form or class library file"
  349. #define ERROR_NOTMENU_LOC "Not a menu file"
  350. #define ERROR_NOTREPORT_LOC "Not a report or label file"
  351. #define ERROR_EXCLUSIVE_LOC "Unable to open tables exclusive for Cleanup."
  352. #define ERROR_FOXTOOLS_LOC "Unable to locate FOXTOOLS.FLL library."
  353. * confirmation when Cleanup button is pressed on Options dialog
  354. #define CLEANUP_CONFIRM_LOC "Are you sure you want to remove all unused file references" + CHR(10) + "and definitions from the Code References tables?"
  355. * used in FoxRefPrint when error encountered
  356. #define ERROR_PRINT_LOC "Error encountered running report."
  357. * when "Clear All Results" is selected, confirm with this prompt
  358. #define CLEARALL_LOC "Are you sure you want to clear all result sets and replacement logs?"
  359. #define CLEARALL_CAPTION_LOC "Clear All"
  360. #define CLEARALLRESULTS_LOC "Are you sure you want to clear all result sets?"
  361. #define CLEARALLRESULTS_CAPTION_LOC "Clear All Results"
  362. * used in FoxRefReplaceConfirm.scx to show what we're replacing
  363. #define REPLACECONFIRM_REPLACE_LOC "Replace:"
  364. #define REPLACECONFIRM_WITH_LOC "with:"
  365. #define BACKUP_PREFIX_LOC "Backup of"
  366. * right-click menu options from FoxRefResults.scx -> ShowRightClickMenu()
  367. #define MENU_DESCRIPTIONS_LOC "\<Display Descriptions"
  368. #define MENU_ALWAYSONTOP_LOC "\<Always on Top"
  369. #define MENU_OPENPROJECT_LOC "\<Open Project"
  370. #define MENU_SEARCH_LOC "\<Search"
  371. #define MENU_GLOBALREPLACE_LOC "\<Replace"
  372. #define MENU_REFRESH_LOC "Re\<fresh"
  373. #define MENU_PRINT_LOC "\<Print"
  374. #define MENU_EXPORT_LOC "\<Export"
  375. #define MENU_OPTIONS_LOC "Opt\<ions"
  376. #define MENU_COPY_LOC "\<Copy"
  377. #define MENU_CLEAR_LOC "Clea\<r Result"
  378. #define MENU_CLEARALL_LOC "Clear \<All Results"
  379. #define MENU_OPEN_LOC "\<Open"
  380. #define MENU_GOTODEFINITION_LOC "\<View Definition"
  381. #define MENU_SELECTALL_LOC "Select \<All"
  382. #define MENU_DESELECTALLWIN_LOC "Clear All \<Displayed Selections"
  383. #define MENU_DESELECTALL_LOC "C\<lear All Selections"
  384. #define MENU_SORT_LOC "Sor\<t by"
  385. #define MENUSORT_FILENAME_LOC "File \<Name"
  386. #define MENUSORT_CHECKED_LOC "\<Selected"
  387. #define MENUSORT_CLASSMETHOD_LOC "\<Class.Method"
  388. #define MENUSORT_METHOD_LOC "\<Method"
  389. #define MENUSORT_FILETYPE_LOC "File \<Type"
  390. #define MENUSORT_LOCATION_LOC "\<Location"
  391. #define MENU_EXPANDALL_LOC "\<Expand All"
  392. #define MENU_COLLAPSEALL_LOC "C\<ollapse All"
  393. #define MENU_SORTMOSTRECENT_LOC "Sort by Most Recent First"
  394. * used in place of Filename during Goto Definition when
  395. * the definitions actually came from the open window
  396. #define OPENWINDOW_LOC "Open Window"
  397. #define FILEEXISTS_LOC "#FILENAME# already exists." + CHR(10) + "Do you want to replace it?"
  398. #define FILE_INVALID_LOC "The file name specified is invalid."
  399. #define SAVEAS_LOC "Save As"
  400. #define FILETYPE_ALL_LOC "All Files (*.*)"
  401. #define FILETYPE_COMMON_LOC "Common (*.scx;*.vcx;*.prg;*.frx;*.lbx;*.mnx;*.dbc;*.qpr;*.h)"
  402. #define FILETYPE_SOURCE_LOC "All Source (*.scx;*.vcx;*.prg;*.frx;*.lbx;*.mnx;*.dbc;*.dbf;*.cdx;*.qpr;*.h)"
  403. #define FILETYPE_FORMSCLASSES_LOC "Forms and Classes (*.scx;*.vcx;*.prg)"
  404. #define FILETYPE_REPORTS_LOC "Reports and Labels (*.frx;*.lbx)"
  405. #define FILETYPE_MENUS_LOC "Menus (*.mnx)"
  406. #define FILETYPE_PROGRAMS_LOC "Programs (*.prg;*.h;*.qpr;*.mpr)"
  407. #define FILETYPE_DATA_LOC "Data (*.dbc;*.dbf;*.cdx)"
  408. #define FILETYPE_TEXT_LOC "Text (*.txt;*.xml;*.xsl;*.htm;*.html;*.log;*.asp;*.aspx)"
  409. * used in the Regular Expression help menu on the Search dialog
  410. #define REGEXPR_SINGLECHAR_LOC ". Any single character"
  411. #define REGEXPR_ZEROORMORE_LOC "* Zero or more"
  412. #define REGEXPR_ONEORMORE_LOC "+ One or more"
  413. #define REGEXPR_BEGINNINGOFLINE_LOC "^ Beginning of line"
  414. #define REGEXPR_ENDOFLINE_LOC "$ End of line"
  415. #define REGEXPR_ANYONECHAR_LOC "[] Any one character in the set"
  416. #define REGEXPR_NOTANYONECHAR_LOC "[^] Any one character not in the set"
  417. #define REGEXPR_OR_LOC "| OR"
  418. #define REGEXPR_ESCAPE_LOC "\\ Escape Special Character"
  419. #define REGEXPR_HELP_LOC "Help on Regular Expressions"
  420. * Used in FoxRefOptions dialog
  421. #define FOXREFDIRECTORY_NOEXIST_LOC "The specified folder for code references tables does not exist." + CHR(10) + CHR(10) + "Are you sure this is correct?"
  422. #define WSH_REQUIRED_LOC "The Windows Script Host must be installed for regular expression searches."
  423. #define NODE_LOADING_LOC "(loading...)"
  424. #define CLASS_HEADER_LOC "Class"